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11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, you're not missing out on much of anything imo with SDatBoL.

Is that Seigfried and Raijinto?

Clearly dual weilding is the next step in Fire Emblem

It's Missiletainn and a Killing Edge I believe. But I agree, imagine dual wielding in FE? I'm surprised it took this long. Would be so cool!!

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Just a general chat thread. Welcome!

Lol thank you xD

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, at this point I figure you've realized I'm more of a gameplay than story guy when it comes to this wonderful, wonderful series called Fire Emblem. As such, PoR having a good story is a point that amounts to nothing if it isn't accompanied by robust gameplay. And that is where PoR falls flat on its face - It's the most boring FE, which for me is a bigger problem than being the worst FE. I consider Awakening to be the worst FE in every single relevant aspect (except map design, Gaiden beats it there), but I had fun powering through half of it in a single afternoon and being astonished at how utterly incompetent at everything it was.

PoR is an exercise in boredom. It is the easiest game in the series, beating Sacred Stones (not by much admittedly, but I believe it beats it), everyone becomes overpowered really easily and BEXP doesn't help, and it is also one of the slowest games in the series, with sluggish animations even with the "animations off" option and a focus on enemy phase with enemy density that is way too high for their extremely shitty quality.

Combined, these flaws made me feel like I was sitting in the classroom, desperately daydreaming and staring at different points of the wall in an attempt to make the minutes while away faster. And I didn't drop the game too quickly - I made it all the way to chapter 21. But while it was never good, there came a point (if I had to pinpoint an exact time, I'd say it was around the time Tanith and her hilariously broken "reinforce" ability joined) where every single chapter consisted of watching the game play itself reeeeeeally slowly over the course of 45 minutes per map. I couldn't do it anymore. I would've rather play anything than subject myself to one more second of that dreadful game.

So, I didn't. I quit, put it at the bottom of the list, and never looked back. I may be way more vocal about my hatred for Three Houses, or how hilariously bad I find Awakening's gameplay and Fates's story, but there are things I genuinely appreciate about all of those. Path of Radiance? Yeah, it has Titania. That's pretty much the only good thing I can come up with. Everything else is terrible, and not even in a fun or endearing way.

Fair. I rate it above, uh, Sacred Stones, Birthright, and Revelation because of the quality of the writing, but I do think it's pretty zzz to play.

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8 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

imagine dual wielding in FE? I'm surprised it took this long. Would be so cool!!

Dual wielding would be pretty cool in FE, I agree. Not sure how it'd be executed in the gameplay, but it'd be nice if they tried it.

4 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Fair. I rate it above, uh, Sacred Stones, Birthright, and Revelation because of the quality of the writing, but I do think it's pretty zzz to play.

Yeah, unfortunately, for me the story in FE games is a point to appreciate when the gameplay is good. If the gameplay is not good, that's it, the FE is bad, nothing else can compensate for it.

Heck I don't even think it's that good. Probably above average for FE, but certainly not God's gift to mankind as some Tellius fans pretend. But I digress. I haven't even seen all of it, after all.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait I just realized ChoZenOne has PoR listed as his favorite FE and one of the first posts to be made after his arrival is a hate piece on it. Oof... talk about bad timing.

It's okay 😂 No worries, I didn't even notice. And tbh I know all FE games have flaws. So it doesn't really bother me. I kinda like how so many different fans like different games as their favorite and dislike the popular ones. It shows there's a FE game for everyone 😃

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1 minute ago, TheChoZenOne said:

It's okay 😂 No worries, I didn't even notice. And tbh I know all FE games have flaws. So it doesn't really bother me. I kinda like how so many different fans like different games as their favorite and dislike the popular ones. It shows there's a FE game for everyone 😃

That's the correct way to go about it, yeah. Out of curiousity, what FEs have you played?

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21 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Is that Seigfried and Raijinto?

I can't believe I spent a solid minute wondering to myself "Why do they think he looks like Siegfried? He has brown hair. Also, the sword is called Raikiri, the superior lightning sword.". The I realized that you weren't actually talking about the guy from Last Promise. 

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Path of Radiance? Yeah, it has Titania. That's pretty much the only good thing I can come up with. Everything else is terrible, and not even in a fun or endearing way.

Personally, I've never enjoyed the broken prepromotes like Titania or Seth. To me, they're like those "you win" mechanics in some Nintendo games, like that invincible tanuki suit. I feel mocked. My definition of PoR fun is using Brom and Rolf. And then you cry when you remember that no one except Ike or royals can harm Ashnard...thanks game. Now that's my big problem with PoR. Is it a minor issue? To some, yes. To me, it's a major offense to my playthroughs. I just wanna see Brom OHKO the final boss : (

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's lovable and huggable. Use him.

That's the best way you could've praised Wrys, even as a unit. Then again, I don't know if I would hug him after seeing his berserk cipher card...ah I'll be fine.

29 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Just a general chat thread. Welcome!

I've read a lot here since I joined, but I'm often afraid to post, since it often seems like it's mostly the same few people having this grand adventure. Can't butt in like an unwanted NPC forcig an annoying side quest. But it seems some more people have been posting here, so maybe I can try to not get slain for xp here.

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32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hoo, boy... Well, good luck, then. From what I've heard of the hack, you'll need it.

I've played it enough times, I have an idea of what's what at this point. RNG screwage can make the game unwinnable though. And it happens more often than not.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the correct way to go about it, yeah. Out of curiousity, what FEs have you played?

I have played all the Western releases with the exception of Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon DS. I have played Book 1 of FE3 and yeah, that's about it 🙂 I would like to play every game eventually. Waiting for a potential remake before going for some of the Japan only releases so I can just play the remake instead for whichever one is next. So just doing some runs on my channel in the mean time. Been super into Three Houses lately and preparing for my first Iron Man on Maddening in a few days. Haha. It's been fun. I always been a casual FE player but recently I have learned a lot after streaming it and getting feedback from everyone here and has definitely made me a better player 😁

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Played some Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 with my friend. We are beginning to question where we went wrong to have ended up in this situation. In my case, the mistake was spending money on this game and not refunding it alongside the first one. In his case, it was pushing me to select legend difficulty.

We beat the final level of episode 1 and the first one of episode 2. Iga is a really funny guy, stealing the best character and giving bosses bullshit final attacks after they die. Then the game glitched out, and we both died but the game refused to reset the level. I couldn't go into the menu, and alt+F4 isn't powerful enough to vanquish it - instead, it opens a menu asking if you really want to quit... Except it cannot be clicked, it cannot be tabbed and it's on "no" by default, so I had to go to the task manager and force it shut.

What a great game this is.

If this is like Rondo of Blood, these final attacks shouldn't be able to kill you. They are basically just there to ruin a perfect bonus. It's weird.

Anyway, can't comment on the 2nd one, but the 1st one was pretty good. Other then the party system being kind of messy. They should have just shared the same lifebar.

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5 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

since it often seems like it's mostly the same few people having this grand adventure. Can't butt in like an unwanted NPC forcig an annoying side quest. But it seems some more people have been posting here, so maybe I can try to not get slain for xp here.

And what's an adventure without new companions joining us? 😉


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10 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I've read a lot here since I joined, but I'm often afraid to post, since it often seems like it's mostly the same few people having this grand adventure. Can't butt in like an unwanted NPC forcig an annoying side quest. But it seems some more people have been posting here, so maybe I can try to not get slain for xp here.

Tbf, I just randomly showed up here as well. I haven’t been here since the start or anything like that, and I don’t think a good chunk of the regulars were either. But I like new people, the more the merrier! A grand adventure shouldn’t be the same people forever, that’s boring. FE games frequently manage to give you new characters even at the very end.

Have you been enjoying any games lately?

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10 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I've read a lot here since I joined, but I'm often afraid to post, since it often seems like it's mostly the same few people having this grand adventure. Can't butt in like an unwanted NPC forcig an annoying side quest. But it seems some more people have been posting here, so maybe I can try to not get slain for xp here.

I mean, I wasn't here from the start either, just kinda slid in.

9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Anyway, can't comment on the 2nd one, but the 1st one was pretty good. Other then the party system being kind of messy. They should have just shared the same lifebar.

Do you find the lifebars messy to keep track as switching between the characters confuses things at times? Or am I wrong with that guess?

I haven't mentioned I have 1 before now, but I've never gotten all that far into it and I kinda stink. The portrait boss just confuses me as well.

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Just now, Dayni said:

Do you find the lifebars messy to keep track as switching between the characters confuses things at times? Or am I wrong with that guess?

I haven't mentioned I have 1 before now, but I've never gotten all that far into it and I kinda stink. The portrait boss just confuses me as well.

More then that, honestly.
Thing is, the game will send you to the last checkpoint if any character dies. And the dead character will stay dead.

This gets really stupid in boss fights. If you didn't win with all four guys, you probably won't be able to do it with 3 either. Then you need to get yourself killed 3 more times before you can take another proper shot at it.

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20 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

To me as well tbh

Glad we are on agreement.

19 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I can't believe I spent a solid minute wondering to myself "Why do they think he looks like Siegfried? He has brown hair. Also, the sword is called Raikiri, the superior lightning sword.". The I realized that you weren't actually talking about the guy from Last Promise. 




19 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Personally, I've never enjoyed the broken prepromotes like Titania or Seth. To me, they're like those "you win" mechanics in some Nintendo games, like that invincible tanuki suit. I feel mocked. My definition of PoR fun is using Brom and Rolf. And then you cry when you remember that no one except Ike or royals can harm Ashnard...thanks game. Now that's my big problem with PoR. Is it a minor issue? To some, yes. To me, it's a major offense to my playthroughs. I just wanna see Brom OHKO the final boss : (

Oh, don't get me wrong, I hate her as a unit. But her design is top notch and she's a good character. Honestly, that kinda makes me hate her more. I can easily bench Seth because he's a wooden plank with broken stats nailed on it. Titania is so badass I want to use her even though she breaks her games in half.

Oh, well. I will consider Brom and Rolf in the unlikely event I ever play the game again. And yeah, I feel you on that final boss issue. Tauroneo's convo with him is so godly, but he's physically incapable of making good on his word. Shameful.

19 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

That's the best way you could've praised Wrys, even as a unit.

Of course. Wrys is awesome. Nobody has ever regretted taking him with them.

19 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Then again, I don't know if I would hug him after seeing his berserk cipher card...ah I'll be fine.

One of these days I gotta hand him an axe and make him the next Yubello...

19 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I've read a lot here since I joined, but I'm often afraid to post, since it often seems like it's mostly the same few people having this grand adventure. Can't butt in like an unwanted NPC forcig an annoying side quest. But it seems some more people have been posting here, so maybe I can try to not get slain for xp here.

The more the merrier, I say! It's a public thread, we wouldn't be in a public thread if we didn't want newcomers. I need more people to aggressively push into playing games I like. I myself basically spawned in one day when someone was asking for advice while playing Berwick Saga.

So yeah, if there are any more shy lurkers reading this (yes, I'm talking to you - you specifically, no hiding now), speak up now or forever hold your peace. Or, y'know, speak up later. Works too.

22 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

If this is like Rondo of Blood, these final attacks shouldn't be able to kill you. They are basically just there to ruin a perfect bonus. It's weird.


Oh they can kill you. I can more than attest to that.

22 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Anyway, can't comment on the 2nd one, but the 1st one was pretty good. Other then the party system being kind of messy. They should have just shared the same lifebar.

2nd one is basically just the 1st one but bigger. More characters, more levels, more difficulty.

20 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

I approve of the Ophelia. My beloved, Ophelia Dusk 🥰

Ophelia is certainly a person that is quite successful at the act of existing! Yeah...!

9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

More then that, honestly.
Thing is, the game will send you to the last checkpoint if any character dies. And the dead character will stay dead.

This gets really stupid in boss fights. If you didn't win with all four guys, you probably won't be able to do it with 3 either. Then you need to get yourself killed 3 more times before you can take another proper shot at it.

I think the sequel fixes this with the different difficulty settings. I say I think because I've only played coop on the hardest difficulty, but we are allowed to respawn as long as we have characters left and one of us is still alive.

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Thing is, the game will send you to the last checkpoint if any character dies. And the dead character will stay dead.

Oh yeah, that too.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

This gets really stupid in boss fights. If you didn't win with all four guys, you probably won't be able to do it with 3 either. Then you need to get yourself killed 3 more times before you can take another proper shot at it.

That's if you were switching constantly. I tended not to.

Like I said, kinda crummy at it and I don't think it being the 3DS version's an excuse.

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4 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

Ophelia is also successful at being cute and a chosen one 👀

Yes. Let's go with that.

9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I probably would have picked it up already, but I didn't see any of the characters having a whip.

Well, I can recommend it. I'm liking it way more than the first one.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Have you been enjoying any games lately?

I mean, I mostly just play Fire Emblem lol. Been considering finishing up some of the Ace Attorney games I've yet to beat over the winter. Also been playing Fallout 4, but I'm not sure how much of it I'm enjoying. Gotta love game crashes. The main game I'm enjoying rn is a New Mystery maniac ironman I'm doing in my spare time. I'm on chapter 11, and I've only lost units I'm not using...except for Draug. That man was so stat blessed, then a ridersbane got him on the one chapter I reclassed him to cav. I was quite sad. Otherwise, I'm doing pretty well in it. Giving all my xp to my man Warren.

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One of these days I gotta hand him an axe and make him the next Yubello...

I feel the same way. My brother actually beat me to it, but it was on Hard, so maybe I can one-up him  in the future. 

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, don't get me wrong, I hate her as a unit. But her design is top notch and she's a good character. Honestly, that kinda makes me hate her more. I can easily bench Seth because he's a wooden plank with broken stats nailed on it. Titania is so badass I want to use her even though she breaks her games in half.

The classic A support with Ike and Titania you get only by bringing her to nearly every chapter in the entire game. I thought she'd get weaker by then as a Jagen. She freaking capped 3 stats. She really is a cool character. Why couldn't they just balance her?

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need more people to aggressively push into playing games I like. I myself basically spawned in one day when someone was asking for advice while playing Berwick Saga.

That's fair. 

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People are saying Godzilla can't be in MultiVersus because he's too big. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

As for Trails, maybe I'll look into Trails into Reverie when it releases outside Japan in 50 years. I mean, it should have basically every character up to that point so it would make sense as an introduction to the series, right? Right. Maybe I'll look into Trails in the Sky if it's ever on sale.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The other day I remembered Terraria exists. Today I have decided to play it again.

I did two runs previously. In my first, I built a really simple wooden house in the plains. In my second, I tried building a cathedral in a snow biome. It was shaping up to look really awesome, but I ended up giving up. To this time, I'll go for a less ambitious project: I will live in an inverted pyramid floating over a natural oasis. If anyone's interested, I'll post some pics when it starts getting somewhere. Right now I'm still in the "oh God I underestimated how much sand I'm going to need for this" phase.

My most recent (and only) playthrough is up to the Dungeon; though technically my friend did most of the work in defeating Plantera, so I'd rather do that on my own before moving on. That isn't to say that I haven't done anything on my own, I have a few valuable items like a cell phone, a golden fishing rod, and a Godly Keyblade... er, Keybrand, which must be the reason why Sora in in Smash Bros.

5 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Been considering finishing up some of the Ace Attorney games I've yet to beat over the winter.

What games haven't you played? I've finished every English released Ace Attorney game, which isn't something I can say for any other series. I never played Investigations 2 but I watched an online playthrough for that.

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4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

What games haven't you played? I've finished every English released Ace Attorney game, which isn't something I can say for any other series. I never played Investigations 2 but I watched an online playthrough for that.

I haven't beaten the Great Ace Attorney games and Spirit of Justice. Investigations 2 is my favorite one. I own both SoJ and  the GAA collection. I just need to dedicate time to play them, which I haven't done since I haven't been in the mood for visual novel type games for a while.

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Well, time to expand my SRPG playlist @Sooks @Saint Rubenio. If it sucks, i will cancel Ruben's life subscription as punishment.

Rugga better start counting his days.

5 hours ago, Shrimp γ said:



4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Iga is a really funny guy, stealing the best character and giving bosses bullshit final attacks after they die.

Bro the suicide attacks are super telegraphed. If you're dying to them, you're just bad lol.

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

Like, I have fun playing it but then find myself with zero motivation to continue.

Literally what happened to me with both versions of Final Fantasy 7. I getcha man.

3 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

Ruben, am curious: why is PoR on the bottom of your list?

Because he has bad opinions.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

People are saying Godzilla can't be in MultiVersus because he's too big. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

It really would be up to Toho.

Now Kong on the other hand, has a much higher chance.

Edited by Armagon
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