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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Don't get me wrong though, I still wholeheartedly recommend this game, even if I criticize it for this one minor character being a caricature of rather questionable nature. I just needed to get that out of my chest. It caught me off guard and soured my mood a bit, not gonna lie.

Game's still great, though. I mean, there's only so much you can do to get me to stop liking a game after handing me a cat, a dog and a human. And, y'know, managing to be a JRPG that is enjoyable for me to play. I still can hardly believe that. Even as good as it looked initially, I expected it to be like Treasure of the Rudras, where I'd play for like an hour, enjoy the gimmick and then get completely tired of the JRPGness. But it's not just the quirks - the design of the combat itself is challenging and requires thought and strategy to prevail. It is not just good in spite of being a JRPG, it is a good JRPG. That's an important distinction, and for it, it deserves all my respect. Unfortunate character aside.

Besides, caricature or not, all I see is a woman that could, and would, kick my ass. So uh, you know. If you don't acknowledge the existence of this line, you get a prize!

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If you don't acknowledge the existence of this line, you get a prize!

Well I'm not getting a prize.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You did not post bonk.png, though... What to make of that, hm?

I was joking about acknowledging the sentence I quoted.

And we all know that adding physical pains to the mental ones wouldn''t help matters.

Edited by Dayni
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, well, as it turns out, it wasn't all women that I needed to recruit this gal. It was all men.


I'm a bit concerned what the intent behind this character was.

...Oh my God, her weapon is called independence. What? In 2008? You serious...?

Oh hey, it's New Mystery of the Emblem Cecil. Minus the negative defense base, I hope.

Come to think of it, the "all men party" thing reminds me of Shar-Teel in Baldur's Gate. Despite her being a man hater, you can't actually recruit her with an all-female party since you need a male party member to beat her in a duel.
I... don't think that made a lot of sense.

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32 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I was joking about acknowledging the sentence I quoted.

Well, come to think of it, you only acknowledged the part about not acknowleding the sentence, not the sentence itself. Which technically, means you did not acknowledge the sentence.

Congratulations. You get a prize: This image of Lichtenheim judging you for your mistakes in life.



And we all know that adding physical pains to the mental ones wouldn''t help matters.


27 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Oh hey, it's New Mystery of the Emblem Cecil. Minus the negative defense base, I hope.

She's the tankiest person in the team. Also the strongest.

...You know, maybe she's not so bad.


Come to think of it, the "all men party" thing reminds me of Shar-Teel in Baldur's Gate. Despite her being a man hater, you can't actually recruit her with an all-female party since you need a male party member to beat her in a duel.
I... don't think that made a lot of sense.

In Petra's case, she joined us so she could teach us how it's done, not because a man beat her up. And she does, because she's amazing.

Well. Many thanks! Really. That actually makes me feel better. She's not that bad after all.

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Shar-Teel is Chaotic Evil too.

Which is unfortunate for her since Evil characters are very hard to keep in Baldur's Gate. Just like how good party members might leave the party if it's reputation gets low, evil characters will leave if a party's reputation gets too high.
Besides it being a very... mathematical way of looking at morality, the game is not designed in a way where being evil can be considered a proper playstyle.
Making dialog choices that lower your reputation rarely gains you anything. And once your reputation gets too low, super powerful soldiers and pre-buffed mages will endlessly spawn in every town to kick your ass.

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28 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Come to think of it, the "all men party" thing reminds me of Shar-Teel in Baldur's Gate. Despite her being a man hater, you can't actually recruit her with an all-female party since you need a male party member to beat her in a duel.
I... don't think that made a lot of sense.

Shar-Teel: "I'm so confident that women are better than men that I'll bet two nickels against fighting for whatever your cause is on a duel."
Man In Your Party: *punch*
Shar-Teel: "Well... shit."

BG1 characters tend to be "one trope plus implied depth", but Shar-Teel really isn't the most interesting nor the most entertaining of the bunch. "Man-hating feminist strawwoman" isn't particularly fun. Too bad, too, because she's the best backstabber NPC you can get if you dualclass her into Thief.

3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Which is unfortunate for her since Evil characters are very hard to keep in Baldur's Gate. Just like how good party members might leave the party if it's reputation gets low, evil characters will leave if a party's reputation gets too high.

Step one: Just play as the most polite, lawful goodie-goodie you could imagine.
Step two: Occasionally stab a random passerby, preferably one with a lot of money, to reduce you reputation.

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1 minute ago, ping said:

Step one: Just play as the most polite, lawful goodie-goodie you could imagine.
Step two: Occasionally stab a random passerby, preferably one with a lot of money, to reduce you reputation.

Besides this being just plain silly, murdering a nameless NPC in a town will also turn every other NPCs hostile as well. So this approach breaks all kinds of things.

Only way I know to get a hostile NPC to talk with you again is a Charm Person spell. But those are temporary. They just turn hostile again after a while.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Who even is Wade anyway

Just in case:

Roe vs Wade was a legal court case in the US over a woman (Roe) who wanted to have an abortion (Wade was the district attorney in opposition). The Supreme Court of the time ruled in her favor, stating that a woman's right to abortion was protected by the wording of the Constitution's Fourteen Amendment, thus granting a federal protection that the state legislatures couldn't overrule.

But now, 49 years later, the Supreme Court is going to overturn said decision, thus bringing back the abortion topic back to the states' decision, and some are already poised to ban it once Roe vs Wade is gone.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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That's hardly a fair comparison considering that Gunvolt starts you equipped with an ability that makes it impossible for you to die altogether.

But either way, there is a Cyber Elf that makes spikes non-lethal. Can be set as a satellite elf too.

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Yesterday was rather uneventful for me. As this topic was slow anyhow, I didn't much to respond to until nightfall, by which point I was feeling sleepy unusually early and couldn't. 25 turns of Mario Party 8 were fun, came down to the bonus stars and final coin counts to determine the winner. 


17 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Civ 5 I see. I need to get the game on sale at some point. I like VI on the Switch, but yeah, this franchise is better with a mouse. That and Civ V in itself seems good.

17 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

But yes but that's the fun thing about civ mods, they're almost never well balanced and it creates some really chaotic games.

Reminds me there is one mod civ that, had I any skills at making them -I don't- that I would. Maybe two actually.


16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Y'know, the ones that aren't suffering from a massive population decline problem because the big shots only care about Madrid and two other provinces here and there.

So, same problem as the late 16th century? I have old notes that Castile went into population stagnation by 1580, and was at 4 million by 1631, which was a decline of 1 million compared to 40 years earlier. Can't be the same causes tho'.


14 hours ago, Dayni said:

get laid(?)

Pfft at the Shroedinger's intimacy.

So you're saying as soon as I actually observe my sexuality, my gayness will die of toxic gas and I'll cease horny-joking here?😛

Then again, doesn't the same thing usually happen when straight people wed? The death of the 'drive I mean.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

Raging within also isn't the greatest solution, as it has potential for making for your mental state into a mush and for something so serious that's just not going to solve anything.

I need to find someone professional with whom I can.:

  1. Try getting that personal answer I've long desired, so I don't have to implicitly end the phrase "my sexuality" with that "(?)" every time.
  2. Work out a strong, comprehensive multi-part argument in favor of at least the possibility I'm gay. Which I would then need to be able to deliver eloquently in spoken language. Because, as strong as my writing abilities are, who would read a three-page essay word-for-word as intended? Direct confrontation in oratory is more effective and unavoidable.
    1. -Provided I don't come to the "I'm asexual" conclusion at the end of step 1. If that happens, the need for a stratagem as masterful as Red Cliffs goes down the drain.

I'm in need of a "tactician" more than I've ever needed one in Fire Emblem.

It'd probably have to be a psychologist, talked to over the course of weeks, maybe months. But, I'm growing impatient, so *takes a deep breath and exhales* I've decided I'm going to consult an anonymous hotline today. Not a last resort one, my sense of self-worth has never ever plummeted to that dangerous and tragic low. It won't replace a psychologist, but it'll suffice for cooling my heels for time being. Just talking about it right now is giving me the nerves actually. But yesterday and the day before, I was counting down the hours, knowing today would be the right time to do it. I could never have imagined doing this even a week ago, but I want to exhale somewhere where I stand a chance of getting the answers I seek. I've made my doubts and desires an internal monologue for so long. Since last week when I was kept up at night by the thought "I'm almost 30 and have never been in a relationship!", I've wanted to vent to someone, and now, with the unexpected debacle, I want to move past the internalization that has failed to resolve anything even more.

14 hours ago, Dayni said:

A funny note, do you ever get a "I can't have a conversation when you can hear me through the wall?". If so, maybe try to avoid mentioning too much, because they can get a mite defensive on you eavesdropping when all you're doing is being in an adjacent room. From experience.

My house isn't that big, I'm not that noisy, and I've got the good hearing in the family.

So yes, phoned-in and in-person alike, I tend to listen on conversations throughout the house, without intending to. And yes, people complain about it.😆 The few times I don't want to listen and head into my bedroom door shut, I still can't help but hear some of it on the other side. I don't exactly enjoy my super sense.😄

Though again, I bite my tongue and didn't say anything this time. Me then walking into the kitchen and accidentally loudly knocking a plastic bowel over thankfully might've distracted them from assuming anything of me. Klutzes can't possibly be suspicious you know.😅


3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

ngl if this was a SRPG i would've tried it already xD


This popped into my skull. An old Rare N64 3rd person shooter called Jet Force Gemini, two girls and one dog are the playable heroes.

You're also bringing Persona 3 to mind, I think it has a playable dog which means Persona has one thing worth saving from total annihilation?. And the pre-Berseria part of the Tales franchise which clicks for you not whatsoever.

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A crypto argument erupted in the Rogue Legacy 2 discord. Some guy saying that the game would be great for NFTs with the heir system, which is... utterly depressing to think about. They got into an argument with everyone else, trying to convince them that every game will be on level 2 ethereum NFTs (whatever that means) in six months and saying that the game is "probably dead for a reason when everyone in the official dev discord shits on anyone's ideas", even though the game is currently at its high point with 17k players.

None of that is the point, though. The point is that one of the devs joined the fray and stated, for the record, that they have "absolutely no interest" in NFTs. The reason I'm saying this is that Rogue Legacy 2's devs are awesome and they deserve all the shilling in the world. So I'm shilling them.

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just in case:

Roe vs Wade was a legal court case over a woman (Roe) who wanted to have an abortion (Wade was the district attorney in opposition). The Supreme Court of the time ruled in her favor, stating that a woman's right to abortion was protected by the wording of the Constitution's Fourteen Amendment, thus granting a federal protection that the state legislatures couldn't overrule.

But now, 49 years later, the Supreme Court is going to overturn said decision, thus bringing back the abortion topic back to the states' decision, and some are already poised to ban it once Roe vs Wade is gone.

Yeah, I know what the thing is about. And now it's being overturned. Nice. I mean, rich people have no problem, they can just travel somewhere else and have the abortion. But I guess poor women who are raped (or heck, no need to get dramatic, condoms can break) will have to resort to gut-charging table corners now. Gotta love the US.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So, same problem as the late 16th century? I have old notes that Castile went into population stagnation by 1580, and was at 4 million by 1631, which was a decline of 1 million compared to 40 years earlier. Can't be the same causes tho'.

Half of Spain is old people. In a few decades this country is going to see a massive decline in population if things don't change. And why would they? Young people can't get jobs, and when they do get them, they're horrible jobs with shit pay. It's no wonder most young people flee.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I know what the thing is about. And now it's being overturned. Nice. I mean, rich people have no problem, they can just travel somewhere else and have the abortion. But I guess poor women who are raped (or heck, no need to get dramatic, condoms can break) will have to resort to gut-charging table corners now. Gotta love the US.

Like to over here. Recently we've been going in the opposite direction, with a country-wide decriminalization happening back in September. Well, people cross the border to get cheaper medicine and stuff, so why not border-crossing for abortions too. It's going to get interesting in Texas, who have a law to fine anyone who even tangentially helps the woman get an abortion. Let's see them fining the border crossing staff, pft...

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Besides this being just plain silly, murdering a nameless NPC in a town will also turn every other NPCs hostile as well. So this approach breaks all kinds of things.

Only way I know to get a hostile NPC to talk with you again is a Charm Person spell. But those are temporary. They just turn hostile again after a while.

Only if they see you murder them *taps head*. It actually works, you can for example just stab Algernon in his room to get his cloak, or even the guy paying bounties in Nashkel in the middle of the road, as long as the patroling soldiers aren't in visual range.

It's still really stupid and it's more immersive (and fun, probably) to just install a mod to remove reputation checks, but in vanilla, this is unfortunately the most rewarding way to accomodate evil party members. Help the old lady over the street because she gives you 500 XP and some money as a reward, then stab her because that also increased your reputation and Viconia can't be havin' with that.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Half of Spain is old people. In a few decades this country is going to see a massive decline in population if things don't change. And why would they? Young people can't get jobs, and when they do get them, they're horrible jobs with shit pay. It's no wonder most young people flee.

Or opt to skip the marriage and or children.

It's the modern era in a nutshell. While population growth in parts of the world mean we could hit 10 billion, the Earth might not reach 11 billion anytime soon. The costs of a modern life are too high, and jobs don't pay enough to cover the investment that takes ~25 years to start paying dividends called "children". Japan is at the forefront of the decline, much of Europe the same. Even China is taking measures to try averting a long-term aging demographic-workforce crisis.

People living wretched lives bore many children for millennia, assuring population growth. What has changed, is that most modern babies survive to adulthood, reducing the need to churn out a lot of buns in the oven with the realistic expectation that some of them will die. Likewise, our peasant-unskilled laborer ancestors had no education, while modern society demands it for a living wage and at the same time charges a kidney and a lung for the quality education needed for that living wage. Premodern farming was such that anyone who could walk could help out, you didn't have child labor laws nor need a degree to make a youngling useful. -Not like government even paid lip service to the idea of a prosperous everybody-is-middle-class society for millennia either, hierarchy was both real and the unapologetically stated in the law.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Oh god, this dude.

I hate that guy's move where he just turns into flames and flails all over the place. No idea how to dodge that one.

He is probably my least favorite boss in the game.

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Something that confuses me about Pirate Warriors is that they removed Sanji's cigarettes, but kept Smoker's. Or Tashigi's, in her Shambles costume, as the case may be.

I mean, Sanji is not a minor, isn't he? Most certainly wouldn't pin him as any younger then Tashigi.

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2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Something that confuses me about Pirate Warriors is that they removed Sanji's cigarettes, but kept Smoker's. Or Tashigi's, in her Shambles costume, as the case may be.

I mean, Sanji is not a minor, isn't he? Most certainly wouldn't pin him as any younger then Tashigi.

If it's pre timeskip Sanji, then he's 19. So under the age limit in Japan of 20, yes.

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Although in the anime he was always allowed to smoke, while Shikamaru over at Naruto was not.

Guess it's one of these cases where for one medium the rule is 18 years and for the other it's 20 years.

And Tashigi is apparently 21, which would explain why she gets away with it in the game.

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