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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, it's clear they preferred going this route instead:


edelgard von hresvelg and hubert von vestra (fire emblem and 2 more) drawn by meziosaur

  .....Kinda like it to be honest.

Obviously for a different thing (If Hubert the familiar didn't give that away), but that's neat.

7 minutes ago, Benice said:

The weird thing about Lucina wearing boots is that she doesn't have any feet

You've clearly never worn peg boots before.

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Gonna steal the harddrive that contains the Xenoblade 3 OST.

Wonder if this is the theme for Elite Monsters. I mean Fogbeasts also had their own battle theme aaaaaaand Elite Monsters is definitely just the Fogbeast concept but one they can use without having to justify it narratively huh.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I finished best JRPG, Exit Fate.


"Your honor, i failed, therefore i am simply misunderstood".

49 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

lategame XC2 spoilers

49 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And thinking on it. Did the game actually show what Nia looked like before she munched? I forget. Did she really have Gormotti animal ears before her fateful snacking?

I believe so. Tho why Nia can assume a human form (presumably it's what her sister looked like even if they used a generic NPC model) is not really explained. 

I do think there should've been a bit more established rules to successful Flesh Eaters. It amplifies their power beyond limits obviously but form changes too and jn both cases, said forms are vastly different. Tho i guess in Jin's case, his edgy Flesh Eater form was probably seen as enough distinction over his regular form to not need a subtle hair color change.


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52 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I object to this accusation. We're not insane, the world is insane and we're just trying to cling to some shred of sanity!

Hear, hear!

52 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or, maybe we are and I'm spouting a tired cliche that took off no later than the second or third decade of the 1900s.😄

No, no, you're right. It's everyone else that's wrong. We're okay.

52 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Love is either: strange b/c hormones and the most base of animal instincts override our sophisticated "civilized" modern brains, which are perhaps blind to thinking about the reality. Or, in some saintly cases, we are truly selfless, whose hearts are strong enough to love the "ugly".

Still, you're making me think of trying to find a way to make the ancient-yet-long-popular humoral concept of health modern and sexy. I'm a phlegmmmy boy looking to get balanced with some yellow bile! *Checks Wikipedia for what each humor represents* ...What do you mean "melancholy" literally means "black bile"? Okay, "melan" I knew meant "dark", but the word I've oft used to describe myself is nonetheless surprisingly... simplistically biological with a hint of the grotesque. Or perhaps it should be unsurprising given how long the health doctrine associated with Galen endured.


Maybe bile is sexy after all and I'm just weird.

51 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

What's wrong with them? Alot of characters wear long boots, Chrom does as well, which im assuming is why Lucina does. 

Or do you mean something else?

Yeah, of course, there's nothing wrong with long boots. Her boots specifically just look a bit weird to me, is all. If you look at her artwork, it kinda seems like she's wearing oversized shoes on top of her boots lol. Or maybe it's just me. Either way, it's just a pet peeve of mine, that's all. I didn't mean it as a serious critique or anything.

34 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I mean, I'd have paid for that armour as DLC, IS missing a beat here

You, yeah. Maybe me, if I somehow let myself be convinced to pick up the game. But the target demographic? Nuh-uh.

29 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, it's clear they preferred going this route instead:


edelgard von hresvelg and hubert von vestra (fire emblem and 2 more) drawn by meziosaur


It's not even that far off lol. In fact, what the heck, this one actually gave her a better face. She looks all sorts of wrong in the official artwork.

And here I thought they couldn't get me to pass on this game any harder than I already did when I first heard of its existence.

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This tiny bit of Lucina talk reminds me of the realization I had that she is a bit of a nerd. I mean she decided that cosplaying as her favorite historical figure is a good disguise; and even makes it known that she likes Owain's over the top language in their support...

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This scene was neat.

And hey, this is the same episode that has a Muslim character studying to be both a doctor and a master of the mystic arts (show is Young Justice btw).

This is why the Percy Jackson series is based too.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, of course, there's nothing wrong with long boots. Her boots specifically just look a bit weird to me, is all. If you look at her artwork, it kinda seems like she's wearing oversized shoes on top of her boots lol. Or maybe it's just me. Either way, it's just a pet peeve of mine, that's all. I didn't mean it as a serious critique or anything.

Ah, I guess thats fair. 

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3 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

This tiny bit of Lucina talk reminds me of the realization I had that she is a bit of a nerd. I mean she decided that cosplaying as her favorite historical figure is a good disguise; and even makes it known that she likes Owain's over the top language in their support...

I never paid enough attention to Lucina to notice this (I never recruited Owain for one). But, I kinda like this. Not as vocal and dramatic as a chuunibyou, but still quietly into the pizazz, even if they don't themselves act it out.

I'm being reminded of Ryusei and Ryoto (the latter when I think about it being possibly the second SRW character I'm attracted to) . Both are video gamers and mecha fans, but you wouldn't realize it with Ryoto unless he told you, whereas its blazingly transparent with Ryusei.

You need the chuuni for the... "chuuni-adjacent?" to be appreciable perhaps. The wild and open allows the "tame with a little flame within", to gain value as something between "normal" people and the chunni.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On that logic, Owain would've been the hardcore nerd donning the OG Marth garb if he could. Toga and sandals.

Oh Owain is a huge nerd, the dude is practically LARPing as his edgy OC the whole way through both the games he is in. He breaks character in a couple of his supports, but otherwise...

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54 minutes ago, Armagon said:


This scene was neat.

And hey, this is the same episode that has a Muslim character studying to be both a doctor and a master of the mystic arts (show is Young Justice btw).

This is why the Percy Jackson series is based too.

Who's the man on the right?

And who's being described in the second sentence?

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The way he looks, I'm gonna make a stab in the dark and say he's related to Zatanna in some way. It's mostly the suit and gloves. Either he's a socialite... or a stage magician.

I did saw Young Justice, once... years ago, so I don't remember much.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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22 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Who's the man on the right?

Zatara, Doctor Fate's recent host in the show. 

23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And who's being described in the second sentence?

Khalid, the current host of Doctor Fate in the show (although the latest development has Fate alternating host bodies between Khalid, Zatara, Zatanna and one other girl i forget the name of).

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The way he looks, I'm gonna make a stab in the dark and say he's related to Zatanna in some way. It's mostly the suit and gloves. Either he's a socialite... or a stage magician.

Correct, he's Zatanna's father.

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6 hours ago, Dayni said:

IS be cowards.

Wow, somewhat realistic armor for a Fire Emblem character? And for a woman no less? Someone stab me...seriously.

Edited by GuardianSing
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Well, I may finally have another job. Unlike previous ones, this is an Spanish-English interpreter job. Well, it's actually Legal Assistant in an immigration firm, but the job is more about being an interpreter. For the most part.

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23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Zatara, Doctor Fate's recent host in the show. 

Alright, though Doctor Fate's starting to sound like a parasite here.

26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Khalid, the current host of Doctor Fate in the show (although the latest development has Fate alternating host bodies between Khalid, Zatara, Zatanna and one other girl i forget the name of).

Doctor Fate has controlled these people?

Or am I thinking it's more malicious than it is?

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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, I may finally have another job. Unlike previous ones, this is an Spanish-English interpreter job. Well, it's actually Legal Assistant in an immigration firm, but the job is more about being an interpreter. For the most part.

That sounds like it could be a pretty nice job. Hope it turns out well.

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Alright, though Doctor Fate's starting to sound like a parasite here.

I mean......kinda right.

Doctor Fate is a member of the Justice League but the thing with Doctor Fate is that he's one of the Lords of Order, beings that have existed since the big bang. Fate, also known as Nabu, cannot exist in the mortal plane without a host so whoever puts on the helmet becomes Doctor Fate and surrenders their body to Nabu. Anyone can put on the helmet, though Nabu will usually let them go if their magical power isn't strong enough. When it is strong enough, he has to be persuaded to let them go. Like within the context of the show for example, Zatanna once put on the helmet to help solve a crisis but Nabu wouldn't let her go. Because she was only 14 at the time, Zatara offered his body instead, arguing that he's a better host because he was at his prime. Nabu agreed and Zatara became Doctor Fate for 10 years, only allowing him to meet his daughter for an hour once a year until a new agreement was made in the current season.

So basically, Doctor Fate's hosts have no agency of their own but they are still conscious and can converse with Nabu, because even a Lord of Order sometimes requires a human perspective.

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I'm also glad to have known, having to do their medical exam, that I went down 3Kg's from the last time I had my weight checked several months ago.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That sounds like it could be a pretty nice job. Hope it turns out well.

Thanks. I hope so too.

Although, I won't actually go for a couple weeks as they're currently changing to another building. But I'll get a call once I can start to go.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Man, Myrmidon Eugene has got to be the saddest Unique Monster in the entire series. Dude is found in a very narrow walkway so it's so easy to just cheese and knock him off. And this time was funny because his Blade somehow fell off so he literally could not attack. I bullied this poor man.



22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, I may finally have another job. Unlike previous ones, this is an Spanish-English interpreter job. Well, it's actually Legal Assistant in an immigration firm, but the job is more about being an interpreter. For the most part.

Hope it goes well for you man.

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In Tactical Scalenes news:


Aesfrost has invaded after getting the McGuffin that was in the mine. Naturally we get into the invasion super quick through the power of secret tunnel.

I got a mage who can learn all magic and a guy who adds TP to allies. One sounds more broken, but the other one will actually allow me to do broken moves.

14 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, I may finally have another job. Unlike previous ones, this is an Spanish-English interpreter job. Well, it's actually Legal Assistant in an immigration firm, but the job is more about being an interpreter. For the most part.

Hopefully this works well for you.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I mean......kinda right.

Doctor Fate is a member of the Justice League but the thing with Doctor Fate is that he's one of the Lords of Order, beings that have existed since the big bang. Fate, also known as Nabu, cannot exist in the mortal plane without a host so whoever puts on the helmet becomes Doctor Fate and surrenders their body to Nabu. Anyone can put on the helmet, though Nabu will usually let them go if their magical power isn't strong enough. When it is strong enough, he has to be persuaded to let them go. Like within the context of the show for example, Zatanna once put on the helmet to help solve a crisis but Nabu wouldn't let her go. Because she was only 14 at the time, Zatara offered his body instead, arguing that he's a better host because he was at his prime. Nabu agreed and Zatara became Doctor Fate for 10 years, only allowing him to meet his daughter for an hour once a year until a new agreement was made in the current season.

So basically, Doctor Fate's hosts have no agency of their own but they are still conscious and can converse with Nabu, because even a Lord of Order sometimes requires a human perspective.

So Nabu is a possessor. One whose job obsession is near Batman like. (Wonder who was possessed during the DCAU)

Even if they have a degree of consciousness, imagine how you'd feel to be possessed by one who proceeded to kill thousands as part of a plan to take over the world. I know, not how Nabu is being treated.

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52 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, I may finally have another job. Unlike previous ones, this is an Spanish-English interpreter job. Well, it's actually Legal Assistant in an immigration firm, but the job is more about being an interpreter. For the most part.

Hey, nice! Hope it works out well for ya.

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