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30 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Dont speak too soon, if 40 siege tomes per map are your thing, then yeah. Xd

Oh nvm.

This is why people who think Kaga design is good should not be allowed to make fan hacks


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3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Bright x Family (spoilers for... Trails from Zero to be safe, or Trails to Azure?)

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Well it is an anime game. Some teachers are known to act like that.

Also happy birdday.



Thank you!!💕

Yeah, you’re right… *sigh* can women be valued for personality? But lots of people like it, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Oh well…

2 hours ago, Armagon said:


It seems i have missed a birthday in the thread. Happy birthday @Elina!


Thank you very much!!!💖💖💖

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32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh you've played 13 Sentinels too? Based.

That makes four people in this thread, including myself.

Also tbh, 13 Sentinels fanservice is very tame, what little of it is there. Wouldn't say it's awkward at all.

Sorry to disappoint as I haven't played it personally, just collected a fair bit of second hand knowledge from people trying to sell me on the game, which also got me to look into some reviews, and gameplay of it as well. It does sound rather interesting, but I have a fair bit of a games backlog, so I really haven't gotten around to it.


42 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Also tbh, 13 Sentinels fanservice is very tame, what little of it is there. Wouldn't say it's awkward at all.

They have the children be naked in their mechas, which is a particularly awkward form of fan service (although rather common in the mecha genre anyway...). Although I was more responding to how much she found the fan service of the teacher awkward, and I can see where she is coming from with that, as if the fan service doesn't successfully break the fourth wall, it implying that the teacher is trying to entice her students...

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Only now I am realizing my shins got irradiated earlier today. It was on the cooler side of warm outside, but the strong midday sun still roasted me. Here I am, laying in bed, and the "pulsating warmth" of sunburns is going to pester me through the night.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's not even the horniest thing Vanillaware has done tbh.

I would advise typing in "Muramasa the demon blade rajyaki hot springs" into YouTube. That might qualify as the most lewd. 

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As I'm rereading that LP it comes to my attention... considering it's actually of a fangame that spend like three years between its second to last and final updates... I doubt the LP will pick it up again and finish it. Specially since... uh huh...

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18 minutes ago, Elina said:

Yeah, you’re right… *sigh* can women be valued for personality?

Reasonable folks usually do. At least i hope.

13 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sorry to disappoint as I haven't played it personally,

Ah RIP. 

14 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

They have the children be naked in their mechas, which is a particularly awkward form of fan service (although rather common in the mecha genre anyway...).

I mean sure but it's not like you actually see anything anyways.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would advise typing in "Muramasa the demon blade rajyaki hot springs" into YouTube. That might qualify as the most lewd.

Well it is lewd indeed. Surprisingly, it's the guy who won the fanservice lottery this time (why does he lose his underwear when entering the hot springs).

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46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh nvm.

This is why people who think Kaga design is good should not be allowed to make fan hacks

thats not the worst part, they increased their ramge from 10 to 12, amd now the enemy cwn move while equipped with them (normal FE4 they cannot move, if I recall) so they are incredibly deadly.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well it is lewd indeed. Surprisingly, it's the guy who won the fanservice lottery this time (why does he lose his underwear when entering the hot springs).

No idea. I can't watch the vid, anything YouTube think is very NSFW requires you have an account and sign in, and I don't have one.

Odd that they'd make him the character you control in the hot springs. Rajyaki is the long-haired oni girl, the Princess of Hell who has two fighting styles: child, young woman, and Muramasa-Raijin-like She-Hulk as a temporary third form. The guy (IDK his name b/c I haven't watched the Rebirth stories) helped her once, and now this weird little girl who thinks he has seriously agreed to be her husband won't ever leave him alone! Rajyaki herself is on a hunt for the treasures of the Seven Lucky Gods.

It's easily the silliest of the fourth Muramasa Rebirth short stories. The other three are: a nekomata who seeks revenge, a middle-aged unattractive peasant man who starts a little rebellion against his feudal lord, and a ninja whom a snake goddess has cursed to die in like a week and hangs around his neck.

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5 hours ago, Elina said:

haha! You’re good, Elena probably needed some encouragement. ☺️

Thank you very much, dear friends! As for you, @GuardianSing, I probably will. When was your last one? Did I miss it or something?

Well that’s good!


Something random— does anyone else think it’s weird that the nurse lady from 13 Sentinels crosses her arms in that- *ahem* - certain way, because in my opinion it’s a little weird. I mean, it’s like she’s carrying her … um yeah… you know.    You know what, never mind. This matter needs no discussion. I just think it’s extremely weird, especially for a teacher.

I was on the phone with my best friend (who is a bio woman) when I read this and both of us lost our respect for each other a long time ago, so I straight up asked her and she said she always crosses her arms under them because crossing her arms over them pushes down on them which hurts.

So yeah, the more you know.

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  I have not made progress on Chapter 7 of Equilateral Defence. The boss is terrifying and has HP that scales like a regular JRPG boss.

10 hours ago, Elina said:

Something random— does anyone else think it’s weird that the nurse lady from 13 Sentinels crosses her arms in that- *ahem* - certain way, because in my opinion it’s a little weird. I mean, it’s like she’s carrying her … um yeah… you know.    You know what, never mind. This matter needs no discussion. I just think it’s extremely weird, especially for a teacher.

Can't say I have a good perspective on it, not just because I haven't seen this character but as someone who isn't female.

I can assume though that it's because of the "accentuation" of certain parts of the body that this is getting mentioned, so I'm going to say the context is a problem here. In how it's drawn and because she's doing it in front of the students.

Because doing it irl doesn't have to feel like it's handled weirdly at all.

37 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh hahahahahaha

So as I'm reading up a Pokémon LP, the topic of chess gets brought up. Someone brings up this:


White checkmates in two turns challenge, and apparently someone came up with the solution of:


Promote the Pawn into a Rook, then have the King castle with it. That's... just no words, hahaha.

Unsurprisingly, this was then ruled as not allowed anymore apparently.

Why is chess?

You think it's straight forward, then bam! Castling, En Passant and full gambits that have books written on them.

40 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Dont speak too soon, if 40 siege tomes per map are your thing, then yeah. Xd

I accidentally read it as 40 use, but considering it's a Genealogy hack, same thing.

40*40 = 1600 uses by the way. That's siege tome use that'd be applicable to actual sieges.

24 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Only now I am realizing my shins got irradiated earlier today. It was on the cooler side of warm outside, but the strong midday sun still roasted me. Here I am, laying in bed, and the "pulsating warmth" of sunburns is going to pester me through the night.


A true menace from my perspective.

Do you have aftersun to work with? It does tend to help with soothing, though admittedly probably other less specific (and maybe cheaper) items could probably do the same.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

thats not the worst part, they increased their ramge from 10 to 12, amd now the enemy cwn move while equipped with them (normal FE4 they cannot move, if I recall) so they are incredibly deadly.

I'm imagining the Wall of Edda if they moved.

It's definitely ugly.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

I was on the phone with my best friend (who is a bio woman) when I read this and both of us lost our respect for each other a long time ago, so I straight up asked her and she said she always crosses her arms under them because crossing her arms over them pushes down on them which hurts.

There is no way I could have been that candid with anyone I knew at your age.

Respect is apparently not the term to use here, so I appreciate the honesty of your friend.

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Well, looks like I'm joining the work force, everybody. Got a call a while back for a job at a mayor's office in a city an hour away from where I live. "Tech assistant", which according to the description the caller gave me, is something along the lines of updating computers from Windows 7 to 10, installing programs, updating programs, stuff like that. One year. I gave them my papers, just to see if I got lucky. Why not? They came to me, I'd be stupid to waste the chance. Turns out I did get lucky.

I won't lie, I'm nervous. Probably fretting over nothing, but I'm nervous. It's the first time I'm going to be out of the crib since I went to college, and that time I had started to develop a depression by the time I decided to get the fuck outta dodge. It sounds childish, but... I don't want to be sad, y'know.

...But then again, this time I'll be on an appartment, instead of in a shitty student housing, living in a repurposed bathroom that permanently smells rotten and is falling apart, surrounded by drunk kids that don't like sleeping and eating garbage food. So at least there's that.

10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh I've heard, how could I not. It has a French spy, I can't say that about myself.

I'm just not the biggest fan of shooters.


10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I wish I could love someone as much as anime loves women who need chiropractors.

Ahh, back pain. Name a sexier prospect.

Frankly, all my other problems with anime's bad habits aside, I just don't get what people find so sexy about barely covered balloon tiddies. It's so over-the-top.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh nvm.

This is why people who think Kaga design is good should not be allowed to make fan hacks


You know, there is only one siege magic in Berwick Saga, and it is rare, inaccurate and cannot kill by itself.

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Oh my God, I just got a video from IGN recommended. Top 10 tactical RPGs of all time. It includes B. Saga, but it's a few places below Three Houses. Because of course it is.

You'd think this means I am mad, but as it turns out, I'm not. Path of Radiance also appears there, but it's below B. Saga. Some justice in the world. A tiny, insignificant bit of justice, but justice all the same.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Got a call a while back for a job at a mayor's office in a city an hour away from where I live. "Tech assistant", which according to the description the caller gave me, is something along the lines of updating computers from Windows 7 to 10, installing programs, updating programs, stuff like that. One year. I gave them my papers, just to see if I got lucky. Why not? They came to me, I'd be stupid to waste the chance. Turns out I did get lucky.

Good for you man!

Doesn't seem that complicated for the tasks so far, but that could very well change. Then there's the working in the mayor's office, which can be good for connections too. Or political dirt.

And of course they're still on Windows 7, this isn't surprising at all.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...But then again, this time I'll be on an appartment, instead of in a shitty student housing, living in a repurposed bathroom that permanently smells rotten and is falling apart, surrounded by drunk kids that don't like sleeping and eating garbage food. So at least there's that.

And I thought the last place I was in before the pandemic was bad. Least they didn't turn the bathrooms into bedrooms.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh my God, I just got a video from IGN recommended. Top 10 tactical RPGs of all time. It includes B. Saga, but it's a few places below Three Houses. Because of course it is.

You'd think this means I am mad, but as it turns out, I'm not. Path of Radiance also appears there, but it's below B. Saga. Some justice in the world. A tiny, insignificant bit of justice, but justice all the same.

I'm more surprised they knew Berwick existed.

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23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Good for you man!


23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Doesn't seem that complicated for the tasks so far, but that could very well change.

We'll see. I've a whole year to find out, after all.

23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Then there's the working in the mayor's office, which can be good for connections too. Or political dirt.

I'm moving up in the world, clearly! From here to the president's seat, baby.

23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And of course they're still on Windows 7, this isn't surprising at all.


23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And I thought the last place I was in before the pandemic was bad. Least they didn't turn the bathrooms into bedrooms.

That's the only explanation I can come up with, for a room that is so incredibly tiny and smells like shit all the time.

23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'm more surprised they knew Berwick existed.


Never gets old, man. Just, never gets old.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I accidentally read it as 40 use, but considering it's a Genealogy hack, same thing.

40*40 = 1600 uses by the way. That's siege tome use that'd be applicable to actual sieges.

Silesia was literally full of all Siege tomes, it was boring as sin. Idk if Blizzard does this in FE4 normally, but in this mod, Fimbul (the new Siege tome) also silences units, which also works on non magic units so they cant fight at all for 2-3 turns. 

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I'm imagining the Wall of Edda if they moved.

It's definitely ugly.

I should have taken a SS, missed opportunity.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

  I have not made progress on Chapter 7 of Equilateral Defence. The boss is terrifying and has HP that scales like a regular JRPG boss.

Oh yeah, that one. It was very tough, especially because I stubbornly decided I wasn’t going to use the fire statue things.

I handled the boss pretty much exclusively with Frederica by the way. I used two choke points in the one tile wide corridor on the right side of the map, plugged Frederica in between them (with characters in each choke point) and used magic until the boss died.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

There is no way I could have been that candid with anyone I knew at your age.

Respect is apparently not the term to use here, so I appreciate the honesty of your friend.

I mean, I’d say the fact that we speak so bluntly with each other about whatever is a sign of how close we are, if you know that kund of friendship, heh.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, looks like I'm joining the work force, everybody. Got a call a while back for a job at a mayor's office in a city an hour away from where I live. "Tech assistant", which according to the description the caller gave me, is something along the lines of updating computers from Windows 7 to 10, installing programs, updating programs, stuff like that. One year. I gave them my papers, just to see if I got lucky. Why not? They came to me, I'd be stupid to waste the chance. Turns out I did get lucky.

I won't lie, I'm nervous. Probably fretting over nothing, but I'm nervous. It's the first time I'm going to be out of the crib since I went to college, and that time I had started to develop a depression by the time I decided to get the fuck outta dodge. It sounds childish, but... I don't want to be sad, y'know.

...But then again, this time I'll be on an appartment, instead of in a shitty student housing, living in a repurposed bathroom that permanently smells rotten and is falling apart, surrounded by drunk kids that don't like sleeping and eating garbage food. So at least there's that.

Congratulations! I hope that all works out for you and none of your fears come true.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh my God, I just got a video from IGN recommended. Top 10 tactical RPGs of all time. It includes B. Saga, but it's a few places below Three Houses. Because of course it is.

You'd think this means I am mad, but as it turns out, I'm not. Path of Radiance also appears there, but it's below B. Saga. Some justice in the world. A tiny, insignificant bit of justice, but justice all the same.

For me, who ranks the games in that order, this is an absolute win. I’d complain about PoR being anywhere near a top 10 strategy games list, but I’m pretty sure IGN only knows 10 strategy games anyway so it’s okay.

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Best weapon:


Luna Sword, as the name states, has Luna skill attached to it, along with Skl +30, for higher activation. Now this sounds good in theory, too bad it's FE4's ass RNG and it almost always fails the player, so it isn't worth it.

As you can see it has 0 hit, haha.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Congratulations! I hope that all works out for you and none of your fears come true.

Thanks! I wouldn't call them fears. I'm just a bit antsy is all, it's going to be a chaotic few days. But doubtlessly after the first week I'll be fully accustomed to the new routine. It's not even like I have to rush to find a home. My uncle and aunt have an apartment in the city, and they'll gladly let me have it as long as I need it. Heck, they'd probably let me have it the entire year. Walking distance is less than when I went to college and I'm a bit more in shape than back then, so that's not a concern either. Frankly, as far as first jobs go, this looks to be a very cozy one. I better count my lucky stars, haha.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

For me, who ranks the games in that order, this is an absolute win.

I will kill you, Sooks.

...Okay, no, I won't kill you. You're one of the two people here who shares my Ludin appreciation. I cannot just kill you.

But I will look at you over my shoulder for this slight. Watch me, I'm looking so hard over my shoulder. Three Houses fan. Pah! Pah, I say!

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

I’d complain about PoR being anywhere near a top 10 strategy games list, but I’m pretty sure IGN only knows 10 strategy games anyway so it’s okay.

Yeah, that just about checks out.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

Best weapon:


Luna Sword, as the name states, has Luna skill attached to it, along with Skl +30, for higher activation. Now this sounds good in theory, too bad it's FE4's ass RNG and it almost always fails the player, so it isn't worth it.

As you can see it has 0 hit, haha.

Now that's a Kaga weapon if I ever saw one.

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7 hours ago, Sooks said:


I was on the phone with my best friend (who is a bio woman) when I read this and both of us lost our respect for each other a long time ago, so I straight up asked her and she said she always crosses her arms under them because crossing her arms over them pushes down on them which hurts.

So yeah, the more you know.

😂 So do I, but I don’t purposely push them up like that! I guess it’s because the lady’s are really… yeah

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2 minutes ago, Elina said:

😂 So do I, but I don’t purposely push them up like that! I guess it’s because the lady’s are really… yeah

In the case of the nurse, it’s a little hard for her to not be pushing them up in that case because… she’s got a lot going on.

But that’s assuming she’s just absently crossing her arms, which is what I thought she does, but maybe I misremembered?

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