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And let me tell you, sometimes there comes the time you wish the ruler gets to do nothing once put in there, no matter if elected or by birth.

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

This mod forces Seliph X Julia on the player:


Also, i don't know what the grid skill is, so don't ask.

They are using the symbol for Thracia 776's Immortal skill, which goes unused in the actual game (the symbol that is, the skill is in the game). If it works like Thracia 776's immortal skill, all fatal hits will miss, but they can still be captured.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Eh, we're long past the point where they're the only ones born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

And let me tell you, sometimes there comes the time you wish the ruler gets to do nothing once put in there, no matter if elected or by birth.

The problem here in Spain is that the king doesn't really "rule." We also have politicians. The president, the ministers, the parliament, etc. They do everything political. Badly and with plenty of corruption, of course, they're politicians. But then we have this additional dickhead on top doing nothing but ride planes to other countries, shaking a few hands and reading a speech once a year, and we have to give him and his entire family truckloads of money because "His Majesty the king." Anything he does, the president or any random ambassador could do just as well. So why does he exist and why does he get all those privileges?

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>it's election year here

chuckles I'm in danger meme template HD | Ralph In Danger | Dangerous,  Memes, Ralph wiggum

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The problem here in Spain is that the king doesn't really "rule." We also have politicians. The president, the ministers, the parliament, etc. They do everything political. Badly and with plenty of corruption, of course, they're politicians. But then we have this additional dickhead on top doing nothing but ride planes to other countries, shaking a few hands and reading a speech once a year, and we have to give him and his entire family truckloads of money because "His Majesty the king." Anything he does, the president or any random ambassador could do just as well. So why does he exist and why does he get all those privileges?

Tradition or something

Edited by Newtype06
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The problem here in Spain is that the king doesn't really "rule." We also have politicians. The president, the ministers, the parliament, etc. They do everything political. Badly and with plenty of corruption, of course, they're politicians. But then we have this additional dickhead on top doing nothing but ride planes to other countries, shaking a few hands and reading a speech once a year, and we have to give him and his entire family truckloads of money because "His Majesty the king." Anything he does, the president or any random ambassador could do just as well. So why does he exist and why does he get all those privileges?

Yeah, too bad you can't be like the UK and turn their Monarchy into a Tourist Attraction. XD

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

This mod forces Seliph X Julia on the player:

based and Juliapilled

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So why does he exist and why does he get all those privileges?

Is there a big "king" attraction ala Royal Family in UK? 

In UK for example the royal family brings in more money.


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41 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

>it's election year here

Oh dear.

41 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Tradition or something

Yes, it's always tradition or something.

39 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, too bad you can't be like the UK and turn their Monarchy into a Tourist Attraction. XD

Our royal family isn't nearly charismatic or likeable enough for that.

34 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Is there a big "king" attraction ala Royal Family in UK? 

Not in the slightest.

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50 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is a bit debatable...



Thanks for the video, always interesting to see a different view points and someone pointing out mistakes!

Couple of notes:

  • Confiscating in case of abolishing the monarchy is for sure gonna be a huge legal battle. It will have to be done with lawful methods.
  • The first few minutes were very hard to go through ngl as the bias comes across very heavy handed
  • And yes, when i visited the UK i was quite annoyed i couldn't enter so much of the Royal stuff.
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All right, I've decided that, with the uncertainty of the weeks to come, I'll just start a relaxed run of a game I like. I'll play Griftlands when things settle. That game is Sun God's Wrath. It recently got its fifth or sixth final update, so it's a good time.

This is going to be the time I finally get some use out of Katherin. Most people that play this hack say she's OP. I've never gotten it. But this will be it.


...This isn't going to be it, is it.

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2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

They are using the symbol for Thracia 776's Immortal skill, which goes unused in the actual game (the symbol that is, the skill is in the game). If it works like Thracia 776's immortal skill, all fatal hits will miss, but they can still be captured

Interesting! I doubt it works like that, though haha. Would be broken for the player in this game, if the MC's both had it!

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

based and Juliapilled


2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Oh well, I don't understand why people want that.

Me neither!

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@Dayni Remember the female brigand from Sun God's Wrath that you rooted for back in the LP?


Blademaster buffed her with a meme move growth and a new skill that makes her delete mages.

This final update makes me happy.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:


And then there is me, who once or twice might have imagined SeliphxLeif.🙄

-Though that was before I ever played Jugdral. I can't in good faith contemplate that ship after playing Thracia 776, Leif is too good as a character (one of the few lords I sincerely feel anything for) to be subjected to such garbage. And at least isn't as crack as SeliphxJulius.

Now for complete corruption, I've dug up this old post of mine from August 20th, 2017 in the general FEH topic (with a few tweaks).:

On the gay/incest ships here is something I thought of from Jugdral:


To this, branch off of Azelle!Lester, Ishtore (because Hilda is supposed to have Val blood, thus making him related to Saias/Azelle), and then attach to him Claud!Arthur, who can then have Coirpre and Amid branch off him. At the same time, you can have Lex!Ulster branch Iuchar and Iucharba off him.

So in total, we have a to-some-small-or-large-degree-gaycest sixteensome. (New Addendum- it's only a tensome if Ishtore isn't so closely related to Azelle as to be considered incest. We can further shrink it down to a meagre sevensome if it turned out Chulainn and his holy blood wasn't close enough to be considered Ulster/Shannan/Galzus incest.)

Gosh that took some work to figure out. 

...NGL, I feel a little embarrassed to have written this outside of FFtF now.😅

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I do live in the country that still has a king, but all he is is a really expensive diplomat with immunity to the law. Not to mention the whole mess with the previous king, who was found guilty of massive cases of corruption and public fund robbery, among other things, but he jumped ship and left the country.

It's crazy to think of Spain as still having a monarch, especially after all it's been through.

Makes me wonder just how many European countries still have a constitutional monarch, or I suppose countries in general.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Back on the Manakicks:

I was originally thinking 5-a-side for it (Which would probably be better for this) but I then wanted to do like ping did and make a full squad. A full list of playable dragons would make for Tiki, Bantu, Nagi, Fae, Myrrh, Nowi, Nah, Corrin, Ena, Gareth, Nasir, Kurthnaga and Kana. I'm also going to add Xane, Idunn, Nils and Ninian, giving a full bench with those 16. Or not, there's 17, but I'm still going to explain Xane for this one even if he's not actually on that bench. Going for a 4-4-1-1 here, with the wings staggered a little bit forward.

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GK: Gareth (This man absolutely looks like he could do it, those arms look like they could grab the ball from farther than half this team combined.)

CB:  Kurthnaga (With his having formshift and even a small Black Dragon being what it is, I don't think other teams would be keen to take him on. That being said, he's also not going to be all that powerful without it), Nagi (Divinestone, I'll be honest that the stones probably shouldn't matter, but Nagi and Tiki having them altering their focuses would allow them to play differently. In this case, solid defences make for a better back I'd argue.)

R/LWB: Myrrh (It's a matter of her having flight mobility to be honest, along with her being a powerhouse herself. I'm a bit stuck on arguing this one admittedly, but that's on me for trying to explain 11 players), Nah (The Awakening Dragonstones aren't exactly slow, so I can see Nah playing a position like this where she'd be moving more frequently. Also an aggressive person who I could see harassing her opponents to take possession.)

CM: Corrin (Corrin as a manakete may make sense, but I know people will be bothered by Corrin being here. But with Corrin generally being a good unit with a great deal of versatility, I can see that skillset transferring to the pitch), Ninian (Bit of n arguable pick, after all she doesn't transform as a player character and she's not exactly a physical character. But we're going with her as I suspect she's stronger wherever she came from and could have more capability in this context. And that's aside from the refresh options.)

R/LW: Nowi (Between herself and Nah I'm betting Nowi would be more of an offensive player who'd want to be on the attack, so that and her own personality would meld well enough together imo.), Tiki (Wyverstone, similar arguments to Nagi on the stone but Wyvern has tons of mobility in MotE and that would be an obvious positive for an attacking winger)

CF/ST: Nasir (Here I'm arguing Nasir as an offensive playmaker, one who would be taking the ball and either getting it to the striker or looking for opportunities to get the ball in the goal himself as needed), Fae (The chicken mightn't run far, but can be a devastating attacker. That's pretty much why she's playing in a deep position, aiming for scoring close or in the box. Admittedly normally she's not someone who'd be heading the ball, but her transformation does give her a good height boost.)

Bench: Bantu (Defensive wall, but age prevents him being on full time. Definite defender/goal option), Kana (Effectively a Corrin backup, it makes sense to have as a sub), Nils (Similar to Kana but as backup to Ninian. Could see using these two more offensively if needed.), Ena (Unlike Gareth, she is not someone for goals. Instead she'd probably play closer to Nasir's role looking at her), Idunn (Probably the character you're wondering as to why she's on the bench the most. Well, considering how she is likely still recovering from being the demon dragon, she probably wouldn't be ready for a full match but could have potential as an impact sub.)

Xane (A cheat? Yes. I probably should have something like Morgan who could have Manakete access, but nah. He can become anyone else stat wise. Yes I know he doesn't take on manakete forms, that could have been gameplay-story integration.)

The 5-a-side would be Tiki, Nowi, Myrrh, Fae and Ninian/Nils


This is awesome. I was joking at first but now I'd actually like to see this.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This country's a mess.

Welcome to the club! We have complimentary systems that are way too easy to abuse.

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4 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

It's crazy to think of Spain as still having a monarch, especially after all it's been through.

Makes me wonder just how many European countries still have a constitutional monarch, or I suppose countries in general.

Don't know about the type of Monarchy, but for Europe:

The UK
The Benelux countries
The Nordic countries sans Iceland and Finland (if you count it as Nordic)

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As a Europa Universalis player, I automatically think as the Vatican as a theocracy and not a monarchy (they're very different, EU4 mechanics say so!), but I guess "Elective absolute monarchy" is an accurate description, huh?

Interesting to see that Spain (and Monaco) still are patrilinear. You'd think that the "women should have equal status" message should've arrived at the Spanish royal court by this time, but I guess aristocracy is a good place to keep regressive thinking alive.

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Yeah, I also debated if to put the Vatican there on the list, but yeah, Theocracy as its own thing made me think otherwise. XD

Well, the absolute part refers to the power they hold, so yes, Elective Absolute can be totally a thing. lol

In my CK2 playthrough I was already in Absolute Cognatic for Hispania by like the mid-late Middle Ages...

Once I finish that mega-campaign, I'll have a Spain where no one wants to get rid of the Monarchy because the De Cantabrias have been on the throne for 1300 years, the thought of getting rid of them is going to be just so bizarre they won't be able to fathom it. lol

It's like saying San Marino should get rid of the Republic they've been for almost 1700 years because change is inevitable. Some things just have that much sheer inertia.

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