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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sold. Give me ten units.

GK: Benny

Defenders: Camilla - Garon (C) - Xander

Wing Backs: Kaze - Niles

Midfield: Jacob - Silas - Leo

Striker: Charlotte - Soleil

Sitting on the bench, but everybody tells them how incredibly important they are for team cohesion: Corrin

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You know what the real problem with getting a job is, though?

I was going to buy Griftlands, but now I'm not sure. The next week or two are going to be chaotic, won't even have good internet at my new abode, not at first anyway. I don't want to get into Griftlands but then be unable to play it comfortably... But then, I'm not going to be working all day long. I'll definitely have some playing time. But maybe I'd be better off just replaying something. But then, if I buy Griftlands now, I can install it so I don't have to deal with the bad internet later.

Ah, I dunno. Stupid irrelevant conundrums. As if I didn't have bigger things to worry about.

Just now, ping said:

GK: Benny

Defenders: Camilla - Garon (C) - Xander

Wing Backs: Kaze - Niles

Midfield: Jacob - Silas - Leo

Striker: Charlotte - Soleil

I meant ten units as in, ten units of the game.

But sure, I like this.

...no wait, I don't-- Royals? On my team? No, fuck that. Switch Camilla out for Setsuna and Leo for Haitaka. And Silas for Kumagera, that guy bores me so much. And Jakob for a generic maid. And Niles for Shura. And Xander for Senno. And Soleil for Gregor. I don't give a shit that he's not from the same game.

There we go. Now I like it.

...What's a GK, by the way?

Just now, ping said:

Sitting on the bench, but everybody tells them how incredibly important they are for team cohesion: Corrin

This. This I do like.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...What's a GK, by the way?

The goalkeeper.

The guy who can handle the ball and has to keep the goal from having the ball in it.

Edited by Dayni
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Just now, BrightBow said:

Oh right, it's the 17th anniversary of Berwick Saga.



I was torn between replaying Sun God's Wrath or starting Griftlands after all. Perhaps this is the true answer to my conundrum... This is one anniversary I might be up to celebrating, haha!

Just now, Dayni said:

The goalkeeper.

The guy who can handle the ball and has to keep the goal from having the ball in it.

Ah, yes. Now that's a Benny position if I ever saw one.

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We also got info on Talent Arts. Talent Arts in Xenoblade 3 are filled up when "the character acts in according to their role" and the example for attackers is given that attackers fill their Talent Art by attacking from the sides or from behind. Mio's Talent Art is shown to increase when using Arts that draw in aggro and i assume it's the same for Lanz. Eunie's Talent Art is shown to increase when providing heals and buffs and i assume the same goes for Lanz.

But it seems "according to role" might mean "according to weapon or class" because the trailer shows Noah in a defender class with the same Talent Art he has in his attacker class.....but then the next scene shows him in Sena's attacker class with a different Talent Art. And some new info revealed that there are various subclasses, so class progression could function like it does in Xenoblade X, only you unlock other classes that aren't your own by deepening affinity with party members (we knew this bit).

Here's Noah using his Talent Art btw


"Overclock Buster" ya ain't slick Monolith.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well it's the students I'd be concerned about.

She's not even doing it with any intention, it's literally just her sprite


(And once again, literally do not look up any 13 Sentinels character unless you've beaten the game)

9 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Pls don't be like Xb1

I don't have much faith in Xenoblade crafting systems tbh but Gem Crafting was pretty stupid.

I don't have much faith in any RPG crafting systems that aren't Atelier anyways.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but make plasma look distinctive from flames and magma?

That'd be my hope yes. And give him attacks that are distinct from the usual pyrokinetics. You mentioned the sun which is fitting because Zed's bio states that he wants to use the sun's power to "burn away the old world and build a new one". So give him some sun based attacks that aren't just "big fireball" and we'll be good. Maybe give him a radiation-based attack.

3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


secretly FE protag?


Hey i've seen this one


I didn't actually see this one, this is just what came to mind.

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8 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Inb4 its even more conviluted and painful. Xd

It's not convoluted, merely insufficiently explained! Once I understood it, it wasn't particularly tedious or difficult. Do I need to go and dredge up an explanation I typed before?😜

-Not to say it's a good system, XC3 could do better.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bah, don't listen to me, I'm being melodramatic. Nothing like that's going to happen.

And it's not like I don't mind being a little dramatic myself.😆

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, now. Don't be like that.

Sorry for spending time on a little self-deprecation where I shouldn't. I need to stop doing that.😅


5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

In other news, this is a crossover that should totally happen.

You know, with the head cut off and the red color scheme, my initial reaction was "Edelgard?".

Mario Kart 8 has opened the door with: Link + Hyrule Circuit, Villager & Isabelle + Animal Crossing circuit, Excitebike circuit, two F-Zero circuits, and Inkling. "Mario" sporting franchises (and perhaps Party) could make their next step wholehearted embracing all Ninty franchises as their new norm.


50 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"Overclock Buster" ya ain't slick Monolith.

Overclock is the Japanese name for Overdrive. It's a double reference. (XCX copied Monado Buster first ofc- Galactic Cataclysm.)

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sold. Give me ten units.

It's just Garon ten times over with different color beards.

5 hours ago, Dayni said:

The Manakicks.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

She's not even doing it with any intention, it's literally just her sprite



Oh that sprite is odd looking.

I can't place my finger on it though.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Mario Kart 8 has opened the door with: Link + Hyrule Circuit, Villager & Isabelle + Animal Crossing circuit, Excitebike circuit, two F-Zero circuits, and Inkling. "Mario" sporting franchises (and perhaps Party) could make their next step wholehearted embracing all Ninty franchises as their new norm.

Aye, I could see it happening.

I mean to be fair the franchises added to the Mario side games do already fit the cutesy aesthetic which might be hard for FE to fit into but I say the Marth in the kart dream is still alive.

45 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am always amazed by how many people learned to read thanks to pokemon.

I don't even remember what the Manga was about honestly.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's not convoluted, merely insufficiently explained! Once I understood it, it wasn't particularly tedious or difficult. Do I need to go and dredge up an explanation I typed before?

So im the type of person that collected so many crystals, that crafting them took me 2-3 hours in one sitting.

A.K.A... A long time. Xd

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Okay, I'm now on my way to see the Graybeards. Although I ended up doing a detour due to doing most of the quests of Darkwater Crossing. If like... two-three can be considered doing much. I only skipped the delivery quest, since I'm not heading to Windhelm for now.

Ah, this area of the game has always fascinated me. In spite of Skyrim's reputation of being a cold place, most of the east is quite temperate instead... even warm-weathered, due the region being filled with hot springs, geysers, and... cracks on the ground. Hence the southeast hold being called The Rift. I think. Wait, no, that part is still Eastmarch.

Anyway... those are signs of a caldera, which, considering Red Mountain in Morrowing ain't that far away, could even be part of the same system.

... eastern Skyrim could be a freaking time bomb waiting to explode, and considering what happened with Red Mountain...

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I mean to be fair the franchises added to the Mario side games do already fit the cutesy aesthetic which might be hard for FE to fit into but I say the Marth in the kart dream is still alive.


This is official.

Fire Emblem can be made to fit.

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22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Seriously, after TMS, there's doubt...?


TMS might be silly, but other than Tiki, it isn't overly cutesy with its FE Mirages. We should also consider this fact- modern Mario Kart is totally HD, with body proportions that aren't realistic, but aren't SD either. MK and other Mario spinoffs like Party are in a middle ground, bright, colorful, and somewhat simplistic, without being exaggeratedly cartoony.

And, Link fitted into MK8 with minimal issues. If the courageous hero can fit (who is fairly different proportionally in MK8 from Isabelle and Villager), why not Marth? LoZ and FE are not aesthetically not the same, but once you get to like Awakening and its standardized "anime" cel-shading, things are close enough. You might be able to argue Smash is further evidence than Mario and FE can work within some kind of general styling.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


This is official.

Fire Emblem can be made to fit.

Ah, fair enough.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


TMS might be silly, but other than Tiki, it isn't overly cutesy with its FE Mirages. We should also consider this fact- modern Mario Kart is totally HD, with body proportions that aren't realistic, but aren't SD either. MK and other Mario spinoffs like Party are in a middle ground, bright, colorful, and somewhat simplistic, without being exaggeratedly cartoony.

And, Link fitted into MK8 with minimal issues. If the courageous hero can fit (who is fairly different proportionally in MK8 from Isabelle and Villager), why not Marth? LoZ and FE are not aesthetically not the same, but once you get to like Awakening and its standardized "anime" cel-shading, things are close enough. You might be able to argue Smash is further evidence than Mario and FE can work within some kind of general styling.

You could argue that Link fits simply because Zelda is far more popular among Nintendo players than Fire Emblem but otherwise I see your point.

I'd love to see it personally. I'd especially love to see what they would come up with if they were to make a special Fire Emblem track.

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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...no wait, I don't-- Royals? On my team? No, fuck that. Switch Camilla out for Setsuna and Leo for Haitaka. And Silas for Kumagera, that guy bores me so much. And Jakob for a generic maid. And Niles for Shura. And Xander for Senno. And Soleil for Gregor. I don't give a shit that he's not from the same game.

I respect and share your republican attitude (not in a 'murican sense of the word, heavens forbid), so I deeply regret that I have to inform you that, technically, Garon is a royal.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This. This I do like.

It's either that or

The guy/gal who owns the ball, so even though they can't play football to save their life, they are fielded as playmaker and everybody keeps telling them how great they are so that they won't leave in a hissy fit and with the ball: Corrin

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9 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

You cant spend all day raging on the forums anymore?

Hah! Yeah, exactly. That's totally it.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And it's not like I don't mind being a little dramatic myself.😆

Drama. The DNA of the soul.

7 hours ago, Benice said:

@Saint Rubenio

I'd imagine that you'd have already seen this, but just in case you haven't...

I mean, I've just now sat down at the computer, so no, I hadn't seen it. Thanks for sharing. As for the message itself, my response is: Hah! I'll believe it when I see it.

I'll admit that this is more of a reaction from them than I expected, which is... well, y'know, absolutely nothing, but still, this reeks of PR language. It uses a lot of words to say nothing and it feels disingenuous. Until I see real things being done, this is nothing more than an attempt at distracting the community.

Heck, they asked Gaben himself at an interview and he dropped a very similar "we're totally planning something for TF2" comment just so the audience wouldn't rip his head off right then and there. And what happened afterwards? Nothing at all. But I guess we just don't learn.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

It's just Garon ten times over with different color beards.


IntSys, make it happen.

2 hours ago, ping said:

I respect and share your republican attitude (not in a 'murican sense of the word, heavens forbid)

Well, I do live in the country that still has a king, but all he is is a really expensive diplomat with immunity to the law. Not to mention the whole mess with the previous king, who was found guilty of massive cases of corruption and public fund robbery, among other things, but he jumped ship and left the country.

He wanted permission to come back to visit the family for Christmas. A fugitive! Imagine that!


so I deeply regret that I have to inform you that, technically, Garon is a royal.

He's the exception that confirms the law that royals suck.

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Back on the Manakicks:

I was originally thinking 5-a-side for it (Which would probably be better for this) but I then wanted to do like ping did and make a full squad. A full list of playable dragons would make for Tiki, Bantu, Nagi, Fae, Myrrh, Nowi, Nah, Corrin, Ena, Gareth, Nasir, Kurthnaga and Kana. I'm also going to add Xane, Idunn, Nils and Ninian, giving a full bench with those 16. Or not, there's 17, but I'm still going to explain Xane for this one even if he's not actually on that bench. Going for a 4-4-1-1 here, with the wings staggered a little bit forward.


GK: Gareth (This man absolutely looks like he could do it, those arms look like they could grab the ball from farther than half this team combined.)

CB:  Kurthnaga (With his having formshift and even a small Black Dragon being what it is, I don't think other teams would be keen to take him on. That being said, he's also not going to be all that powerful without it), Nagi (Divinestone, I'll be honest that the stones probably shouldn't matter, but Nagi and Tiki having them altering their focuses would allow them to play differently. In this case, solid defences make for a better back I'd argue.)

R/LWB: Myrrh (It's a matter of her having flight mobility to be honest, along with her being a powerhouse herself. I'm a bit stuck on arguing this one admittedly, but that's on me for trying to explain 11 players), Nah (The Awakening Dragonstones aren't exactly slow, so I can see Nah playing a position like this where she'd be moving more frequently. Also an aggressive person who I could see harassing her opponents to take possession.)

CM: Corrin (Corrin as a manakete may make sense, but I know people will be bothered by Corrin being here. But with Corrin generally being a good unit with a great deal of versatility, I can see that skillset transferring to the pitch), Ninian (Bit of n arguable pick, after all she doesn't transform as a player character and she's not exactly a physical character. But we're going with her as I suspect she's stronger wherever she came from and could have more capability in this context. And that's aside from the refresh options.)

R/LW: Nowi (Between herself and Nah I'm betting Nowi would be more of an offensive player who'd want to be on the attack, so that and her own personality would meld well enough together imo.), Tiki (Wyverstone, similar arguments to Nagi on the stone but Wyvern has tons of mobility in MotE and that would be an obvious positive for an attacking winger)

CF/ST: Nasir (Here I'm arguing Nasir as an offensive playmaker, one who would be taking the ball and either getting it to the striker or looking for opportunities to get the ball in the goal himself as needed), Fae (The chicken mightn't run far, but can be a devastating attacker. That's pretty much why she's playing in a deep position, aiming for scoring close or in the box. Admittedly normally she's not someone who'd be heading the ball, but her transformation does give her a good height boost.)

Bench: Bantu (Defensive wall, but age prevents him being on full time. Definite defender/goal option), Kana (Effectively a Corrin backup, it makes sense to have as a sub), Nils (Similar to Kana but as backup to Ninian. Could see using these two more offensively if needed.), Ena (Unlike Gareth, she is not someone for goals. Instead she'd probably play closer to Nasir's role looking at her), Idunn (Probably the character you're wondering as to why she's on the bench the most. Well, considering how she is likely still recovering from being the demon dragon, she probably wouldn't be ready for a full match but could have potential as an impact sub.)

Xane (A cheat? Yes. I probably should have something like Morgan who could have Manakete access, but nah. He can become anyone else stat wise. Yes I know he doesn't take on manakete forms, that could have been gameplay-story integration.)

The 5-a-side would be Tiki, Nowi, Myrrh, Fae and Ninian/Nils

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

She's not even doing it with any intention, it's literally just her sprite


Yeah, I can get that seeing it, but the point is about the art making them particularly prominent here and I can see why people might be discomfited by that.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I do live in the country that still has a king, but all he is is a really expensive diplomat with immunity to the law.

Highly expensive diplomacy is a good reason to remove the position.

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not to mention the whole mess with the previous king, who was found guilty of massive cases of corruption and public fund robbery, among other things, but he jumped ship and left the country.

He wanted permission to come back to visit the family for Christmas. A fugitive! Imagine that!

He wanted to come back to the country we was a wanted criminal in just to dip out untouched afterwards.

Look at him! Look at him and laugh!

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You know, I actually feel like I'm seeing more bots since the whole #savetf2 thing. Like the bot hosts have taken it as a declaration of war and have doubled down on their shenanigans.

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Highly expensive diplomacy is a good reason to remove the position.

Everything about the position is a good reason to remove the position. He does next to nothing, earns a massive lifelong salary, the constitution itself says that the king is straight up immune to all legal prosecution and his entire family is powerful enough to be effectively untouchable as well. There's no good reason to keep them around, none.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Everything about the position is a good reason to remove the position. He does next to nothing, earns a massive lifelong salary, the constitution itself says that the king is straight up immune to all legal prosecution and his entire family is powerful enough to be effectively untouchable as well. There's no good reason to keep them around, none.

Then you will fight in the name of the True Republic!

So the King straight up has diplomatic immunity. Well, that's awkward.

It's also funny for a Republic to have a monarch to begin with, it feels like the term doesn't fit. I'm not going to insult a country for being honest about being a constitutional monarchy after all.

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So some of Xenoblade 3's rest stops have dining halls where Manana can learn new recipes. What we can take away from this information is


Monolith Soft has confirmed tank top Eunie is canon and they have unleashed a new power no mere mortal can handle. Hoodie, tank top, sneakers, Eunie really has the drip



Then there's Talent Arts in action

With bonus damage, that shit did 8000+ in one hit. 

Also in this clip, Sena briefly switched to a sword and shield to use an Art, seemingly confirming that we'll be able to use the classes or if you want, just the Arts individually, of Hero members.

I will say i'm a little bit disappointed that the Talent Arts functionally are like Blade Specials but there's no QTEs for the slight power increase.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I do live in the country that still has a king, but all he is is a really expensive diplomat with immunity to the law. Not to mention the whole mess with the previous king, who was found guilty of massive cases of corruption and public fund robbery, among other things, but he jumped ship and left the country.

>King is immune to the law

>Previous king was found guilty of bad things and is now considered a criminal (he left the country)

Ok wait, something doesn't add up here.

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