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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, he isn't the king anymore, so technically he lost his immunity.

Ah so once he lost the throne, he could in theory be tried and jailed, is that it?

Of course, he's rich, and everyone knows the only times rich people get jailed is if they killed someone or are a pedophile.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Wow, the golden deer actually get some good designs! Congrats Marianne and Leonie, and to a lesser extent Ignatz and Lysithea.

No they didn't. The great error that is short-haired Marianne has been corrected but these still follow the same issue of literally changing the hairstyle in photoshop.

6 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Confiscating in case of abolishing the monarchy is for sure gonna be a huge legal battle. It will have to be done with lawful methods.

Idk the French had other ideas.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm not sorry...


Bold of you to make a Tatsu joke set in the dining table.


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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah so once he lost the throne, he could in theory be tried and jailed, is that it?

Technically speaking, yes. Keyword being technically.


Of course, he's rich, and everyone knows the only times rich people get jailed is if they killed someone or are a pedophile.

And even then. Even then. Didn't Kevin Spacey get away with everything? Sure, his career took a pretty big blow, but if I'm not mistaken, he's a free man. Despite the whole "child rape" and "witnesses conveniently vanishing off the face of the earth right before the trial" things. Hmm, come to think about it, what is he up to these days?


Ahahahahahah! Well, I have accidentally discovered that just yesterday he was arrested in the UK for yet another case of sexual assault! Four charges, in fact!

Wow. And he'll go free this time, too. And then the actor zealots will go "even if he did kinda sorta did terrible things you cannot deny that HE'S A GREAT ACTOR THO LOOK AT HOW AMAZING HE IS AT PLAYING EVIL MAN IN THIS SHOW" all over again. Jesus fucking Christ...

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Son of a fucking bitch.

Of course.

I redo the map and Evan gets the move level instead. You know, Evan, the guy I don't want to use in this run because I always use him and I want to use as many new units as I can this time around.

Goddamnit, game.

...But at least Condor continues to impress. Goodness, LP Condor was worse in a few areas, and that's after promoting. If nothing else, I'm happy about that.

I need to get to Kirin already so I can see a million move levels

Man I love talking about stuff that only two people in the thread will get

Hey, I get it!

Even if I haven't played in full I remember enough your opinions on Evan.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Of course, he's rich, and everyone knows the only times rich people get jailed is if they killed someone or are a pedophile.

And I really have to wonder about that sometimes.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even then. Didn't Kevin Spacey get away with everything? Sure, his career took a pretty big blow, but if I'm not mistaken, he's a free man. Despite the whole "child rape" and "witnesses conveniently vanishing off the face of the earth right before the trial" things. Hmm, come to think about it, what is he up to these days?


Ahahahahahah! Well, I have accidentally discovered that just yesterday he was arrested in the UK for yet another case of sexual assault! Four charges, in fact!

Wow. And he'll go free this time, too. And then the actor zealots will go "even if he did kinda sorta did terrible things you cannot deny that HE'S A GREAT ACTOR THO LOOK AT HOW AMAZING HE IS AT PLAYING EVIL MAN IN THIS SHOW" all over again. Jesus fucking Christ...

See: This.

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Nah, sometimes you don't need to be rich for that. Just ask Trump.

2 hours ago, ping said:

You know, I never quite understood that meme. We've been through, what, have a dozen empires that considered themselves "Roman" to some degree, and they've all fallen. Meanwhile, boobs are still around and don't seem to be leaving any time soon. "Glory of Rome is eternal" my donkey.

Oh, was Rome the one used for the original meme or the one that spawned the meme?

Well, if you're among the ones who subscribe that something's alive so long we remember them... then yes, the "Glory of Rome" continues to endure to the day.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Every time I hear it I get the urge to clap and scream olé. I imagine it's a similar feeling to what Americans get when the US flag enters their field of view.

Well for us Natives it's more a sense of PTSD but I see what you mean.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And they're buff, too.

...Okay, wait, that has nothing to do with anything, does it.

Anyway, yeah, you're right. That's quite a bit of diversity suffused into one fictional race. Not something you see every day.

I can't put my finger on it, but I think Ruben's really into buff women.

In Breath of the Wild it's far more streamlined, but I will always remember the beautiful mess that was OoT era Gerudo.

2 hours ago, ping said:

You know, I never quite understood that meme. We've been through, what, have a dozen empires that considered themselves "Roman" to some degree, and they've all fallen. Meanwhile, boobs are still around and don't seem to be leaving any time soon. "Glory of Rome is eternal" my donkey.

Empires rise and fall, but people always remain, and cultures evolve.


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Okay, reached Ivarstead. Putting a stop for today, but next time I'll do the stuff there before ascending to High Hrothgar

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21 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Hey, I get it!

Even if I haven't played in full I remember enough your opinions on Evan.

Evan is just too much. Which is why this time around, I want to give someone else the opportunity to shine. Someone like... Roa, I guess.

Chapter 3 was surprisingly not Hell as I expected it to be with an underlevelled Evan. Bella can handle the western front at base pretty well.

21 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And I really have to wonder about that sometimes.

See: This.

Life is great, ainnit.

8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Well for us Natives it's more a sense of PTSD but I see what you mean.


I'm... I'm so sorry.

Wait PTSD from the Spanish music or the American flag?

...ahh, who am I kidding, it's both... You poor folks.

8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I can't put my finger on it, but I think Ruben's really into buff women.

No way. That would be weird, and I'm not weird. I eat my normal-flakes every morning.

8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

In Breath of the Wild it's far more streamlined, but I will always remember the beautiful mess that was OoT era Gerudo.

By the sound of it, it's like they had a number of boxes to tick and decided to cut to the chase and employ the tick machine gun.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I'm... I'm so sorry.

Wait PTSD from the Spanish music or the American flag?

...ahh, who am I kidding, it's both... You poor folks.

With my father's Lenca origins and my mother's Irish origins it's like a double whammy of generational trauma, so no wonder I can't recover

In all seriousness I like to look at the German's way of teaching history.

We're not at fault for the actions of those in the past, but we are responsible for making sure that such events never occur again.

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Meanwhile the Tlaxcala going with the Spanish in their conquests:

Awkward Look Monkey Puppet | Know Your Meme

Heh, the Aztecs made quite a few enemies, and they were all too eager to join the Spanish in toppling them down. Shame it didn't help them in the long run, as those are empires have been lost in the public eye.

Here's one of the last remaining folk songs from my ancestors.


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Well, I mean beyond the whole debacle with the Aztecs. The Tlaxcala essentially were colonizing as well, helping or founding on their own settlements as far north as Texas and New Mexico. I think there's an article about also existing evidence they went as far south as northern Peru.

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Also I'm pretty sure we all have a thing or two we post here and no one else does.


RIP my entire PS2 Ace Combat narration here, commented by no one ever.

And my talks of my fanfics, can't forget about those.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Of course, he's rich, and everyone knows the only times rich people get jailed is if they killed someone or are a pedophile.

Or because didn't pay child support...

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ahahahahahah! Well, I have accidentally discovered that just yesterday he was arrested in the UK for yet another case of sexual assault! Four charges, in fact!

Wow. And he'll go free this time, too. And then the actor zealots will go "even if he did kinda sorta did terrible things you cannot deny that HE'S A GREAT ACTOR THO LOOK AT HOW AMAZING HE IS AT PLAYING EVIL MAN IN THIS SHOW" all over again. Jesus fucking Christ...

But he's a great actor tho

55 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I can't put my finger on it, but I think Ruben's really into buff women.

Who isn't?

7 minutes ago, Benice said:

The Concert's tomorrow... Guess we'll see how it goes.

Good luck!

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*Sees plenty of political discussions*

Find me an era where there wasn't any political unfreedom, suffering, and fears society and civilization were doomed in some part of the world, nay among all sections of any supposedly "free" and "flourishing" society.

Still jamming to the Ys VIII ost more than I'm playing IX. -But I'll take the music right now, counteracts my inability to become entirely desensitized as I desire. I've been considering visiting Washington DC again, but, realizing Prelude to Autocracy is coming this fall and have all three branches of government under its control by 2025, is holding me back. I know I'd be walking the streets of a capital soon to be no longer a beacon of freedom.



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Idk the French had other ideas.

As a factoid, the French still allowed Louis XVI to have a sumptuous last supper. Pan-fried chicken, pastries, boiled beef, and turnip puree; washed down with red wine and a glass of Malaga (a very sweet fortified white wine from Malaga, Spain -"fortified" means spirits, usually brandy (which itself is distilled from wine), have been added to strengthen the wine's alcohol content) with dessert. 

All monarchs were expected to have lavish dinners with leftovers, showing off how their power and great wealth gave them the capacity to waste food which contemporary commoners could not possibly comprehend. Nonetheless, Louis XVI seems to have had quite the appetite among kings.

And it's equally as stunning if not more so that the rabid radicals who would later that year start the Reign of Terror, would grant Louis XVI even one nicety before executing him. -Although of the 721 members of the legislature that voted on Louis XVI's fate, only 361 voted in favor of the death penalty, it came down to 1 vote. Although, knowing the direction Viva La France! would take, I'm sure the radicals would've done everything possible until something stuck if the vote had failed to provide the "legal" grounds for execution.


11 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Who isn't?

Me, obviously.

Though even I appreciate diversity in female body types in entertainment. And muscular sure is one way to do it, particularly when it's relatively tasteful.


27 minutes ago, Benice said:

The Concert's tomorrow... Guess we'll see how it goes.

Break a leg!😃

Or maybe most subtly "nudge" someone else into breaking their's, causing a cacophonous domino effect that results in a violin bow going flying through the conductor's right shoulder during the performance. If you happen to think you're messing up and think everyone is going to blame you for ruining the concert when the performance is over, that is.

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30 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Who isn't?


Wow, that's a lot.

I don't care much for physical strength but I like that artists are getting more comfortable with giving women different body types other than slim and weak.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Sees plenty of political discussions*

Find me an era where there wasn't any political unfreedom, suffering, and fears society and civilization were doomed in some part of the world, nay among all sections of any supposedly "free" and "flourishing" society.

Still jamming to the Ys VIII ost more than I'm playing IX. -But I'll take the music right now, counteracts my inability to become entirely desensitized as I desire. I've been considering visiting Washington DC again, but, realizing Prelude to Autocracy is coming this fall and have all three branches of government under its control by 2025, is holding me back. I know I'd be walking the streets of a capital soon to be no longer a beacon of freedom.


It is a delicate balance to be found that we must realize that we live much better lives than our ancestors while also realizing that we have many problems to fix ourselves.

Before making a major decision, many native tribes in the Americas would think of the next 7 generations and how it would effect them before making the choice. I feel we should bring that back.

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2 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Good luck!

Thank you!

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

maybe most subtly "nudge" someone else into breaking their's, causing a cacophonous domino effect that results in a violin bow going flying through the conductor's right shoulder during the performance. If you happen to think you're messing up and think everyone is going to blame you for ruining the concert when the performance is over, that is.

Nah, I'm not that worried about it. I can certainly bork things up, but this concert's a lot lighter than the last one we did, at least for me- In the previous concert, three of our five pieces had at least one really major oboe solo, whereas I've got... Two this time? I think? One of 'em is really easy too.

Still gonna be pretty stressful, but at least entire pieces aren't hinging on my performance this time. And stress can be good!

2 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Who isn't?

I don't know if this is female empowerment, but my degenerate brain enjoys it.

...Is it wrong to enjoy objectified people in art, or announce that I am degenerate?

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

I don't know if this is female empowerment, but my degenerate brain enjoys it.

Ah, the weird place where "the "progressive" becomes attractive"? I can't say I haven't partaken of it to some extent.

I'm no expert, so I can't say whether it's wrong or not. However, if you're drooling from any orifice whenever you look at a person who positively breaks gender/beauty stereotypes🥵, then I advise reining it in thirsty boy. Slap yourself in the head or a punch elsewhere and remember- they're their own human being before they're your sex object. Real or fictional, keep that in mind and respect them as a person, don't let your lust for their unconventional traits overwhelm your behaviors towards them.

Does this sound right to you? Attraction is okay, but don't let attraction override all else? True romantic attraction, which should be to say a selfless attraction, requires that one consider the thoughts and feelings of the other person anyhow.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

...Is it wrong to enjoy objectified people in art

Depends who you ask. The modern argument between "It's just a fantasy!" and "Fiction has an impact on reality!" is going to last until the death of the universe.

The question to ask yourself, and maybe ask others about yourself for second opinions- "Am I objectifying IRL people?"

  • If you are, stop. Obviously. And, then ask yourself if fiction is to blame. If you think it might be, then you could try cutting out the fiction, if you don't believe you can fully -consciously and unconsciously- separate fantasy from reality.
  • If enough people (and the right people, obviously a white guy wouldn't get a good answer to the question "Am I at all racist?" if they asked only white people) tell you that you aren't objectifying, well that is good! -Though never rest on your laurels and always leave open the possibility to reexamining yourself later. Nothing says you can't develop bad tendencies later in life.

-Or at least I think this would help. Again, I'm no trained professional in matters of gender, sex, sexuality, relationships, the interplay of these things and society at large. Seek out other opinions.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

or announce that I am degenerate?

I wouldn't advise shouting that in public. Unless you're at something like the San Francisco Folsom Street Fair- a famed outdoor celebration of BDSM and leather. -Make sure your family, friends and coworkers don't find out you're there though. Take a selfie somewhere more respectable in San Fran first- Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Chinatown, to name three places. 

Announcing that you're degenerate in this topic? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Did you get anime amnesia and forget 25-50% of all my posts here?




This is the kind of stuff I was looking at earlier this week! And I was LOVING 😍 the pictures I can't show you!🤣

You are NOT alone. Not in this fun-loving hellhole!😛 Degeneracy is fine as long as it's between consenting rational adults and doesn't spill over and negatively affect your life and relationships outside of the bedroom or bathroom or classroom or office wherever you think it/do it. -Or at least that's what I tell myself.😆

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Does this sound right to you? Attraction is okay, but don't let attraction override all else. True romantic attraction, which should be to say a selfless attraction, requires that one consider the thoughts and feelings of the other person anyhow.

This might be weird, but I'm more worried about consumption of fiction and my perception of it than of IRL people; I don't personally value physical appearance very much in real people, aside from subconcious bias, I suppose, and I don't think I've had any sort of issue with that.

I'm just wonderin' if it's OK to enjoy art that's... Well, not that respectful. I guess each person has their own answer to that, though.

Am I thinking too hard about the morals of buff anime girls?

34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is the kind of stuff I was looking at earlier this week!

Ah yes, David Attenborough documentaries.

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As a side note, I feel quite bad for my school music teacher. She spends a lot of her own time making recordings of our pieces for us, but I don't think anyone's gonna use 'em during their practice...

Ah well, I'm sure she's just trying to get us to practice more. Maybe it'll work for some people!

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