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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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That went surprisingly well, for such a tough map. I got all the treasure, I fed Condor some cantor kills, I captured a crapton of people, I stole the gold gem from Dartanion without killing him, all within the alotted time to get the speedy clear reward. Just barely. All in all, that was a roaring success.

...You know, except for the part where I forgot to swap out Dexithea's hatchet and she obliterated Roa.

I'm so fucking bad at this.

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7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Is this Hel?

Jormungandr, actually! 

Thats not the worst of it, Ballistae with max accuracy, Lunar skill attached, 50 power and critical rate. 

Edited by lightcosmo
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22 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I would probably be like this

I am but four loaves of meat and a coffee addict — Something particularly  saddening about this arc is...

If I didn't have to fill out 108187504250 forms by tomorrow

I mean, I care about these people as much as you care about random people who live in a reality far removed from your own. Like people dying of hunger in Africa. Or people living as slaves in China. As much as you.🙂

Look, I never said I was a fan of the actor, nor that I want him to get away with it just because he made some good movies, I just pointed out that the guy was talented.


But Depp has already proven that he's innocent.

I played very little of Thracia, but I got a move level up twice, so I'm all in


Lol hey

13 hours ago, Dayni said:

 That was a pretty long sleep I had, even if I woke up at ~5 the first time and fell asleep again.

Was nice to do that just once (Especially after only 4+1/2 hours the night before)

I'm assuming there was no winner.

Because there never is.

Well, Iga fucking with you sounds about right.

But hey, least you had fun with a friend.

Oh jeez, that trial just finished didn't it?

It's a mess, let's be honest.

The case itself was a counterclaim to the accusations made against him in the past, which while those at the time of those allegations had people arguing about if it were false, it has turned into a noisy debate online now. Then there's shit actions taken by his legal team, such as getting people speaking favourably about Depp outside of the case, leaking court docs (alleged, so no confirmation here) or bringing in a psychiatrist to claim she was misdiagnosed in having PTSD and instead had conditions they argued would make her more of a liar, which, yeesh. I'm sorry, but that just rings as messed up and shows just how far lawyers are willing to go for their client in the worst way. And if this shapes future domestic violence cases for the worse I wouldn't be surprised.

None of this is a "Well I think he's guilty!" statement. But it does make the way this case has been handled worry me. Funnily, I could have said similar about the original case that saw in Heard's favour. But that's been overturned in the eyes of the public now.

You say, after bringing up this this trial.

Alas, I wish I didn't see it in some cases either (I note Paddy Jackson in the aftermath of his rape trial which fell through but definitely exposed his skeeviness even if he was innocent (which I'd argue against), or others where you see people (including the fucking judge) go "Wasn't he a good man sure" when accused of the most heinous crimes), but then again people defend awful humans with depressing regularity. I'm guessing it's partly a combination of how public these cases get and the connections these people have from being where they've been.

In the end it'll be yet another item that'll be used to defend what should be indefensible.

I didn't know that about Vinesauce, but hell, we all know how certain others have been handled.

Nothing much, what's up with you?

Nm just relaxing 😺

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I feel on a roll. Wrote essentially two chapters today for one of my aside fics. Though admittedly it was only about two thousand words overall. I think I'll start working on Chapter 11 of CotF next already...

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It's so sad that Classic Getter might still not see SRW again for what could still be years... and even then, now that they're treating the Holy Trinity as Veterans even in-game, then even if we go back to the original continuity, it'd be with Getter Robo Arc now. Well, it makes sense, but still a shame for the original and G.

A/AP was quite neat in that it had a lot of Getter content. Letting you keep Getter 1 and Getter Dragon (though they could no longer transform) even after you get Shin Getter. Then also having the Getter Queen as a playable unit so that's four Getter units, complete with combinations attacks between them all (though curiously there was none with all four Getters at once). One of the few SRW's that lets Musashi live (though as a secret), and actually has quite a few secondary characters available beyond just Michiru and the King siblings. With Lisa, Miyuki, Tekkou Ki, and Kochou Ki all playable too. They were secret units too, but they were still there.

Though a remake, AP was still the second to last appearance of classic Getter (the first Z game, released months later, was the absolute last), so at least it ended its run on a high note.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, today is the day. Today I leave the comfort of my parents' home and become an adult with a job. Woo!

How I want to see it:


How it'll likely go:


I kid, good luck man!

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Gerome got a move point. Even though he starts with one extra thanks to his skill Poise and only has a 1% move growth as opposed to the standard 2, since he promotes to get a mount on tier 3. In other words, he's probably the last person that needed a move point. Dexithea and Condor continue to get none. I'll never understand this game.

Oh, and two people then lost their lives to preserve the move point. Sorry, Jenna, Fuuma. Sucks, because I wanted to use new units in this run, but then Jenna and Roa just died, so now I only have like, one prepromoted mage that fits the "magic units I haven't used yet" bill. I still have no idea what everyone sees in that girl. Sure, she's a flying mage, but she's made out of mache paper and her damage is terrible...

Anyway, my talent to lose an outrageous amount of people in the easier chapters continues to plague me, I see. Doesn't even need to be LPs anymore, apparently.

20 minutes ago, Dayni said:

How I want to see it:


How it'll likely go:


I kid, good luck man!

Bahahahahahah... Ah, well. We'll see. If nothing else, I'll finally have freedom. Privacy! All those beautiful things about adulthood that everyone is always flipping out about!

...Though knowing myself, I'll probably just be alone aside from the family visits. I'm not leaving too far, luckily, so I can easily go back and spend the weekends with the family, or viceversa if they prefer. Either way, not enough distance to cut myself off from my family. I don't think I'm ready to become that much of an adult just yet.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll never understand this game.

It's an FE8 mod, and that games RNG seems kinda wonky compared to FE7. Could be cause all the patching and whatnot, but that generator has never been... generous imo.

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Gem Crafting is back


but like it's actually good this time because it just works like Xenoblade X Augments, without the rare items trouble.

As in, you can just pay Nopon Coins to have Riku make it for you in case you're lacking certain materials. This is good.

Interestingly, it seems the Gems are tied to classes rather than the weapon itself. So decking out characters will probably be more streamlined but we still don't know specifics.

Edited by Armagon
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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Gem Crafting is back


but like it's actually good this time because it just works like Xenoblade X Augments, without the rare items trouble.

As in, you can just pay Nopon Coins to have Riku make it for you in case you're lacking certain materials. This is good.

Interestingly, it seems the Gems are tied to classes rather than the weapon itself. So decking out characters will probably be more streamlined but we still don't know specifics.

"rare items trouble" XD

So are them gems in categories like the characters? I.E only a defensive class character can equip blue gems, or is that just showing it's classification?

maxing stuff was easy in XC1 once you knew where to look, hopefully they aren't setup too similar.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I.E only a defensive class character can equip blue gems, or is that just showing it's classification?

It could be either or but given the significance of classes in this game, it's probably tied to classes. What makes me think this is how the gems are set up as a chart, each level provides a different buff to that class and you can increase the tier of each of them.

There does not seem to be any "unrefined" versions of gems in this game so it's probably like Xenoblade X where you can make these whenever so long as you have the items.

But honestly, i need more info a bit.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It could be either or but given the significance of classes in this game, it's probably tied to classes. What makes me think this is how the gems are set up as a chart, each level provides a different buff to that class and you can increase the tier of each of them.

There does not seem to be any "unrefined" versions of gems in this game so it's probably like Xenoblade X where you can make these whenever so long as you have the items.

But honestly, i need more info a bit.

I think i understand! XD

Yeah that's probably for the best.

Got it, i need more info a bit as well. ❤️

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, today is the day. Today I leave the comfort of my parents' home and become an adult with a job. Woo!

Congrats, and good luck! Hopefully it'll go better than expected.


Oof... I always forget how tired I am on Mondays after concerts. Oh well, what can ya do.

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I mean, the same could be said of the Republic USA citizen being the clown-obsessed neighbor of a Native American...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Another weekend at home, another time feeling like I should skip, but I also kinda tied myself to helping at the market.

It also turns out a grandparent got a cancer diagnosis I hadn't heard about for months and the prognosis now is maybe a few months if we're lucky. I guess that gut feeling about both dying this year is holding up, ugh.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bahahahahahah... Ah, well. We'll see. If nothing else, I'll finally have freedom. Privacy! All those beautiful things about adulthood that everyone is always flipping out about!

...Though knowing myself, I'll probably just be alone aside from the family visits. I'm not leaving too far, luckily, so I can easily go back and spend the weekends with the family, or viceversa if they prefer. Either way, not enough distance to cut myself off from my family. I don't think I'm ready to become that much of an adult just yet.


I get what you mean about the degree of withdrawal, though I'm trying to push myself at the minute out of it. I recommend, well when you can with trying to move around a current position.

Just to clarify, are you staying in an apartment your relatives own or live in? I know you said it but I forgot.

50 minutes ago, ping said:

@Saint Rubenio Different monarchy, but I thought you might appreciate the comparison nonetheless:


Oh feck, that paragraph.

Personally, the clowns were at the head of a circus that burnt our houses, crops and forced people to emigrate (barring that time it was a religious extremist who ravaged the place directly for a few months before leaving other do it for him). So yeah, not exactly a fan, though it's surprising how many would follow them with interest.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, the same could be said of the Republic USA citizen being the clown-obsessed neighbor of a Native American...


They pushed their neighbour into a closet to live in after brutally assaulting them and pretended they got along and all was forgiven.

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