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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

then use a sleep staff on Reinhardt (how often do you get to keep the Camus alive with no trouble?)

Using Berserk on him instead is much funnier, although he usually dies (eventually). Also, just out of curiosity did you get Olwen's other personal weapon by having her talk to Reinhardt this chapter?


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also painful is working out how to make sure Mareeta's in the middle group. I really wish I had more control of starting positions now.

Worst comes to worst you can warp/rescue staff her over to where you need.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Chapter 24X's legend precedes it. So that's the one I'm worried about.

If you want my advice on the chapter, I will include it in a spoiler box below


First thing you want to do turn one is to warp/rewarp people into the trap room to kill/capture the warpers, and block the stairs while they are there, that way you don't have to worry much about the trap room, and them warping sleep sword heroes into you midst, just make sure you have a means of getting them back out. Second thing you want to do turn one is to warp someone that can deal with all the dark mages in the escape room to kill/capture (probably kill) the boss with the berserk staff (hopefully deal with the silence staff in there too, although that might be over the next couple turns). My preference is to send Olwen with the personal sword Reinhardt gave her, as the +10 magic on it means that hoard can't really hurt her much, although a unit with high enough aviod can probably pull it off the same, just with dodge tanking instead of regular tanking.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

The only deadlord I'm worried about is the one which can be Sara... and that's more the beserk staff than her. Because Nihil exists to nullify her skills.

My favorite way to deal with her is to use Blizzard's sleep effect on her.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, I chuckled at Lechonk.

Can't wait to see it's evolution be Grandechonk

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53 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Using Berserk on him instead is much funnier, although he usually dies (eventually). Also, just out of curiosity did you get Olwen's other personal weapon by having her talk to Reinhardt this chapter?


Killed two birds with one stone by having her talk to him when I was warping a unit into the area to make Saias retreat. If I'm gonna warp someone into that area, it may as well be the one who benefits most, you know?

56 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Worst comes to worst you can warp/rescue staff her over to where you need.

Not like I'm short on warp staffs... I've used a good four uses so far.... so you know. It's not like I don't have enough. And I've got way more rewarp staves than I know what to do with from 14x... so even if no one with warp ends up in the same area as her... it doesn't matter. Resources in Thracia manage to be kind of crazy. There's more points I've been worried about my hand axe count than my warp staff count.


1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

My favorite way to deal with her is to use Blizzard's sleep effect on her.

I'm not even sure I need to honestly. Then again I've got two of the things and it's not like I need to preserve them for after the battle. Really I might be pack-ratting a bit harder than I need to. I've used the Hammerne exactly once at this stage. I'm kind of full of resources I've barely broke into because there's been only a couple situations I've been overly concerned about. I think the feeling of being perpetually broke turned me into a horder.... when I didn't need to be.

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17 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Killed two birds with one stone by having her talk to him when I was warping a unit into the area to make Saias retreat. If I'm gonna warp someone into that area, it may as well be the one who benefits most, you know?

I kinda figure that was the case, but there are people who will sacrifice Olwen for Eyrios...


18 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Resources in Thracia manage to be kind of crazy. There's more points I've been worried about my hand axe count than my warp staff count.

The capture, thief staff, and stealing mechanics (assuming you get some build on a thief) make so many items available, despite the game never once giving you actual money. It is such a different dynamic from the item management of most Fire Emblem games...


21 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm not even sure I need to honestly.

More power to you then, as she really is the scariest of the dead lords. Nosferatu +Wrath + Miracle (not to mention effective 30 Magic to avoid most status/thief staff uses) are a nasty combination, but I guess some Nihil from things like Mareeta's Sword, or the Nihil Manuel can mitigate that danger a bit.


22 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I've used the Hammerne exactly once at this stage.

Yeah, it really is best for personal weapons/staff. I almost always end up using at least one Hammerne on the Thief staff for instance, using one on the Pugi (if I am not taking the B route which I seem to like more than most people), and Mareeta's Sword are other common uses of it for me as well. Other than personal weapons, fixing Salem's sleep staff (if you can't capture him before he breaks it), or fixing your first warp staff are the other common options.

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24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yeah, it really is best for personal weapons/staff. I almost always end up using at least one Hammerne on the Thief staff for instance, using one on the Pugi (if I am not taking the B route which I seem to like more than most people), and Mareeta's Sword are other common uses of it for me as well. Other than personal weapons, fixing Salem's sleep staff (if you can't capture him before he breaks it), or fixing your first warp staff are the other common options.

Thief staff had it's one use. I greatly regret not using it on Salem's sleep staff... because that thing could've been great for capturing Misha. But alas, I didn't and she died because of my error.

27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

More power to you then, as she really is the scariest of the dead lords. Nosferatu +Wrath + Miracle (not to mention effective 30 Magic to avoid most status/thief staff uses) are a nasty combination, but I guess some Nihil from things like Mareeta's Sword, or the Nihil Manuel can mitigate that danger a bit.


The question is whether pure water stacks with those tiles that increase magic by 10. Because if they do... Safie's got 20 magic. At which point I could just silence or sleep her by staff. Then again... the blizzard method is faster. Regardless, there's a reason she's the deadlord I'm most interested in taking out first. 30 magic plus staves = not fun


31 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I kinda figure that was the case, but there are people who will sacrifice Olwen for Eyrios...

I was operating under the rule that Olwen doesn't  get reset for to determine whether Eyrios joins in her place. Olwen survived. She only ever looked like dying for one battle... and that one was totally my fault anyway because I counted her canto wrong.

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"No matter ow many times the hero dies, they can always restart from a save point. So the only way for the Demon King to win is to cut the game console's power. Don't you agree? Then what would happen if the 2D Demon King became aware of the 3D concept of "electrical power"? I would ask of you this favor, Shinpei. Observe the moment I cut the power."

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Good news, everyone. I actually have a job officially now. Thanks, bureaucracy.

In other news, good internet is got at the new home. Longer free time than I expected, good internet sooner than I expected... Everything's coming up perfectly, it seems. I'm so glad.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Funny enough, Haitaka near one-shot Fuga while at WTD because of one crit

Of course, Haitaka epic.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

and I got my two captures as well, Suzuran the Priestess and Haru the Faclon Knight.

Ahh, I remember I caught a priestess here in my last run as well.

She died in Takumi's Fun Castle. R.I.P.

17 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

...I am not tsundere

Saying that just means you're even more of a tsundere. That's what I learned from Teehee!

4 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well... chapter 23 of Thracia was a bit of a relief valve. Or it would have been... but 21X wasn't exactly rough because the enemy quality was low... and 22 isn't so bad if you abuse warp and rescue to instantly get rid of Saias and his status/staves leadership stars, use thief to steal the boss's beserk and then use a sleep staff on Reinhardt (how often do you get to keep the Camus alive with no trouble?).

I like how even before you start to actually take on the map, it's already more costly to make chapter 22 not a pain than just warpskipping it.

4 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Just three maps to go... 24 doesn't look so bad if you're not going for a certain gaiden objective... but I am so it might be a pain. Also painful is working out how to make sure Mareeta's in the middle group. I really wish I had more control of starting positions now.

Chapter 19 is one chapter where I kinda like the restrictions for what they do for the map's thematic. Then there's maps like this one, where it's just an inconvenience that makes August look like a dumbass.

4 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Chapter 24X's legend precedes it. So that's the one I'm worried about. If I can make that one work out... I've won.

Pretty much, yeah. That's not one of the series' most hated maps for nothing.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Killed two birds with one stone by having her talk to him when I was warping a unit into the area to make Saias retreat. If I'm gonna warp someone into that area, it may as well be the one who benefits most, you know?

Good idea!

49 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I kinda figure that was the case, but there are people who will sacrifice Olwen for Eyrios...


...Honestly, depends on my mood. I like them both. Olwen's a better story character, but I like Ilios better as a unit. So it really just depends on how I feel each run. Though really, let's be honest here - we all know Miranda's the best mage knight.

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16 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Misha. But alas, I didn't and she died because of my error.

Ouch, yeah that is one of the more difficult recruitments to pull off in Thracia, second to Xavier in all likelihood.


16 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

The question is whether pure water stacks with those tiles that increase magic by 10. Because if they do... Safie's got 20 magic.

Pure water and the magic tile bonuses do stack. Although unless you can really manipulate your unit placement, setting that up will probably cost a turn in which she can Berserk someone...



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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Saying that just means you're even more of a tsundere. That's what I learned from Teehee!

but I'm not

9 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Plot important Panty shots huh

but of course

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how even before you start to actually take on the map, it's already more costly to make chapter 22 not a pain than just warpskipping it.

Yeah... but the cost of warp-skipping it is my knowledge I can beat the map without warpskipping it. Also, there's a good warp and rescue staff from the houses on the map... which is +2 warp and +2 rescue. That's a net gain apart from the sleep staff and the thief staff... the blizzard tome kind of makes up for the sleep use. Kind of. Asbel hit A wind in 21x... so he can use it.
As for thief... well... what do I want to steal anymore? The biggest cost was the weapon uses to be honest.... and I kind of focused on the lance users.... seeing as the lances are deadweight as of chapter 24.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Chapter 19 is one chapter where I kinda like the restrictions for what they do for the map's thematic. Then there's maps like this one, where it's just an inconvenience that makes August look like a dumbass.

More so if he inadverdantly puts units in the group they aren't needed in. 21x was kind of like that. I brought two thieves... they both ended up in the right side of the map. Thankfully Leif had a door key in case that happened. But damn I miss controlling unit position sometimes. Still no regrets, because it made stealing the boss's gear and opening doors/chests faster. The chapter also marked me coming up with a use for Shiva. Someone had to be captured to get the chapter after all. Regardless... the big benefit of chapter 24 is I know Leif is going to have zero problem murdering the boss.


19 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ouch, yeah that is one of the more difficult recruitments to pull off in Thracia, second to Xavier in all likelihood.

It sure stands as a blemish on my record that I've got to redo the game at some point to make up for it.

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And now, the best thing about Gen 9 so far (In spoilers for those who want to maximise blindness)


Lechonk is probably the most I've been on board with a design in ages. I don't think I felt this with any of Gen 8's ... arguably anything.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahh, I remember I caught a priestess here in my last run as well.

I'm waiting to recruit her because her using the shining bow better than Niles will be nice.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, that discussion went south. Wish I could say I didn't see it coming...

Is this with something IRL or the Lugh/Lilina discussion?

Edited by Dayni
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Just now, Dayni said:

Is this with something IRL or the Lugh/Lilina discussion?

The latter. And some other connected though still tangential stuff.

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19 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

but I'm not


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People be insisting Twilit is into tsuderes while Shrimpy be posting Yanderes willy nilly.

I'm just assuming everyone's okay with this?

4 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


Ah yes, been a while since I saw this channel.

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