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Mario Kart 64 review:

A few days ago, during a fun Mario Kart 8 session with friends, i asked a question: "which Mario Kart game has the best selection of original tracks". To find the answer to this question, i have decided to set out and play every Mario Kart game and by every game, i mean every game that isn't Super or Super Circuit because the tracks in those games are all the same.

Mario Kart 64 is a game i've played before, a long long time ago and i distinctly remember not liking it because how ass the drifting mechanics were. Coming back to it in current year and actually playing through all the cups this time, my opinion still hasn't really changed but i have more to say about it. The game, like most N64 games, is very much a product of it's time and hasn't particularly aged well. It set the foundation for future Mario Kart games and that should be respected, however, the game itself suffers from the fact that it is very much not fun to play and this does hold the tracks back significantly. Drifting sucks, hitboxes are wack (this is like the one game where it's possible to get hit by a fake item block) and basically everything is a hazard with insane stun. If i was a kid in 1996, i would not have enjoyed this game and playing with friends would only improve the experience marginally.



Anyways guys, what's happened since i last checked this thread?

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Just now, Armagon said:

A few days ago, during a fun Mario Kart 8 session with friends, i asked a question: "which Mario Kart game has the best selection of original tracks". To find the answer to this question, i have decided to set out and play every Mario Kart game and by every game, i mean every game that isn't Super or Super Circuit because the tracks in those games are all the same.

A task I wouldn't have thought of completing.

Then again I only have MK7 because it was bundled on the 2DS XL I have.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:



F it, I'll link that fanart.



(Everybody be talking about the pig as food already, poor insect repeller deserves better.)

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You're not wrong, but it hits different this time: I was a kid when Gen 1 came out Even coming to learn about that there was a message about how people eating Farfecth'd was having adverse effects on it's population that I'd come to see as well, it was integrated into the lore.

I see the dots being connected here. I wonder how it'll be handled.

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Sure, I'm joining the jokes right now, but as it is, I actually stopped eating animal-based chorizo a long time ago. When it can be helped at least.

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2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am tempted to agree with you, as I like the ways Miranda changes the story...

It's rather nifty, yes.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm waiting to recruit her because her using the shining bow better than Niles will be nice.

Oof. Alas, poor Niles Edgelord. Defeated by a generic. As per usual in this game.

43 minutes ago, Dayni said:

People be insisting Twilit is into tsuderes while Shrimpy be posting Yanderes willy nilly.

I'm just assuming everyone's okay with this?

I mean, you know the age old saying: Put not thy dick in crazy, unless the crazy be a kawaii desu anime girl or something.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyways guys, what's happened since i last checked this thread?

I discovered the wonders of bureaucracy.

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11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

A task I wouldn't have thought of completing.

It's not too bad. Double Dash, Wii and DS are emulatable. 64 is on NSO.

It's really just 7 i'll have to track down, don't trust Citra for it.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sure, I'm joining the jokes right now, but as it is, I actually stopped eating animal-based chorizo a long time ago. When it can be helped at least.

What's it made using?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oof. Alas, poor Niles Edgelord. Defeated by a generic. As per usual in this game.

Fair is fair, even as a bow knight he has solid enough magic to use it alright enough thanks to his being speedy.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

It's not too bad. Double Dash, Wii and DS are emulatable. 64 is on NSO.

It's really just 7 i'll have to track down, don't trust Citra for it.

Wait, have you reviewed the SNES or GBA one then?

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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:



I wonder if I'll be getting more into Pokemon as it gets more and more cultural inspiration. I do love a good bit of social historiography.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I discovered the wonders of bureaucracy.


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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Wait, have you reviewed the SNES or GBA one then?

I haven't reviewed Super but i remember Super making me feel really nauseous when i played it.

Super Circuit is just Super 2 and the thing with these games is that their tracks are just reskins of each other.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


"Nothing but a simple administrative formality."

It's never simple, you fool. It's never simple.

Also the character development of Obelix's walk cycle is amazing.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

People be insisting Twilit is into tsuderes while Shrimpy be posting Yanderes willy nilly.

I'm just assuming everyone's okay with this?

I am being bullied.

Unashamedly bullied.



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The only thing that can save this doomed series

3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

"No matter ow many times the hero dies, they can always restart from a save point. So the only way for the Demon King to win is to cut the game console's power. Don't you agree? Then what would happen if the 2D Demon King became aware of the 3D concept of "electrical power"? I would ask of you this favor, Shinpei. Observe the moment I cut the power."

You watching Summertime Render?

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"I can run 100 meters in seven seconds" Mio is canonically faster than Usain Bolt, no wonder she's the dodge tank.

I gotta say, the "low-budget" animations are much better than they were in prior games.

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Looks like good won over evil this time

30 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


really liking it so far. Might read the manga actually

The pacing gets really sluggish at the end but it's worth it

Also @Saint Rubenio congrats on becoming a wageslave!

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