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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, busy day today. Did the next Thieves Guild quest, then the one after that was also finally sending me to Markath. Thus, the time had finally arrived. I went to The Reach, the last Hold to visit. Of course, started filling up the journal again, heh. Did most of the stuff in the city so far, though some still I haven't begun yet and others... I still have to finish since I want to leave them for last. Finally called it a day just before heading into the Dwarven ruins beneath the city, which I'll tackle next time.

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You know, I got into a conversation about the topic a couple days ago, and now I'm curious to seek some additional opinions on the subject.

In Fates, do you guys think the whole "put the children in the Deeprealms for their safety" was a smart idea? I'm not talking about the whole "the kids will grow faster due to time differentials" or "the parents only dropped in every now and then". It's strictly speaking on the Deeprealms themselves having been a good and safe place for them to grow up. The person I was conversing with considered the parents were stupid for doing so, since some of the Deeprealms were attacked by Anankos anyway, and that they should've just let them grow up back in Nohr/Hoshido if they weren't going to keep them at Fort Corrin. One of my points was that they were indeed safer because not anyone can get into the Astral Plane, as Lilith brings up needing the power of the First Dragons to inhabit the placeĀ (though I'll admit that I'm trying to see if she was talking only specifically about Fort Corrin or the entire Astral Plane as a whole). Which yes, it wouldn't stop Anankos, but then it'd also mean that not every random joe could get in either.

The talk kinda stopped anyway, but as it is, I was left with the curiosity to see what else people thought up on the matter.

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Just 11 more days and it's immortal thief time... well, not really thief. Girl can't pick locks. So just Dagger user, I suppose.

Immortality is a pretty cute quirk, I must admit.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Just 11 more days and it's immortal thief time... well, not really thief. Girl can't pick locks. So just Dagger user, I suppose.

Immortality is a pretty cute quirk, I must admit.

Lack of lockpicking is a bit dumb, especially considering how centralizing it makes Drake in that area, but still, immortality makes her super useful in a few situations.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Sujata VS2

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

In Fates, do you guys think the whole "put the children in the Deeprealms for their safety" was a smart idea? I'm not talking about the whole "the kids will grow faster due to time differentials" or "the parents only dropped in every now and then". It's strictly speaking on the Deeprealms themselves having been a good and safe place for them to grow up.

It's arguably the least stupid part of them. But considering how many get broken into, that's still a risk.

In their paralogues Kana, Dwyer, Kiragi, Mitama and Seigbert see invaders pop up withing their deeprealm (Kana also gets humans attacking, if you take long enough.). For others, Shigure's got invaded but the map takes place in a separate one, while Rhajat's is in her deeprealm, but she summoned the Faceless, not Anankos. That sounds bad, but admittedly that's only a third of the Fates paralogues where we see it happen, most of them are bored or frustrated and fuck off elsewhere for their maps. So the issue is less are they going to be attacked but where. And all the paralogues I didn't mention are in Nohrhido. So it almost seems to call them to it. Don't know why if Anankos can push invaders out to the deeprealms he can't get the kids whisked away to Valla, but that's an issue he has. But Kana being attacked by humans in her paralogue suggests that there are ways for them to get in, or that the Fates parents threw their kids into inhabited realms which seems like poor planning on their part (yes, I realise said humans are Lloyd and Llwellyn but if they can get in......).

So you'd think if they can get invaded anyway that My Castle would make more sense, there's plenty of people who can actually take on the Purple Realm there after all. But even My Castle can be invaded, as we see three times in game and I'm pretty sure it also occurs in Heirs of Fate's backstory so sufficient amounts of enemies must have been sent to end that conflict.

While they may have done so to protect them on paper, with their children wanting to experience a world where they're not just left in a pocket dimension to their own devices it's not surprising the plan doesn't work. But at least they did try with it, right?

Edited by Awoken Dayni
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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

And 3Hopes is not a "story doesn't matter" kind of game.Ā 

Yeah true.

In the end some story stuff was really cool, 1st half is kino across all routes, and some new reveals were fine.

Aside from atrocious deers writing the biggest gripe is how Hopes makes the Fodlan conflict in general useless, as it outright disaproves Edel and Claude's claims about the church, and Dimitri does quite big reforms with the support of the church.

Like i already had trouble standing with Edel in houses, Hopes makes her (and the moron wearing Claude's skin) outright wrong.

Church corrupt? Church is shown fighting against corruption in 2 of the 3 routes and having a very hard stance against it.

Enforcing crest system & nobility? The Kingdom is phasing it out while Rhea is right there with them. Many noble kids who should be heirs because crests are doing whatever the fuck they want and not ruling. Not to mention Seiros tenets outright forbid crest abuse. Not to mention it wasn't Rhea who installed that system, it was humanity who stole that power and Rhea decided to not genocide everyone with crest blood (as it was very widespread by the time she won) and sued for peace instead after she won the war against Nemesis and only killed the 10 elites.

Nobles bad? Most non-Empre nobles are actually based.

Church forcing their dogma and believes? Not only do we get Leicester being chill with religion in general and Rhea hiring non-believers, supports directly state how Rhea forbids forcing beliefs on others, Seteth having no problems with Shez (and the alliance) not being devout and there being a pagan statue from Dagda in Abyss.

Church xenophobic & isolationist? Not only is the church the biggest multinational organization in Fodlan and alot of Rhea's trusted are foreigners, the Kingdom (nation closest to the church) was improving relations with others outside Fodlan before they got Slythrin'd, and during Dimitri's reign continues to improve relations with others while Rhea is right there with him, the church sending aid to Duscur, and supports mentioning how Rhea directly said "Neither faith nor birth are of import if a person's life is in danger" and it apparently being a widespread tenet of Seiros as Dimitri said the same thing to Dedue. Petra also mentiones that aside from the Empire Brigid's best relations in Fodlan are with the church.


So, umm, if everything has been disproven, why should i view Edelgard as anything but an imperialist empress? Hopes!Claude as anything but a moron? Why should i view them as reformists when Dimitri is shown to have the most reforms (while with Edel & Claude it's just said)?

The things Rhea can be blamed for are her passivity while humans were shitheads and did their own thing, and slowing down technological advances. And the 2nd is just a blub in a dlc, not to mention she saw the world getting nuked to hell so she probably doesn't wanna see that again. Maybe if the game focused on that more...

Not to mention outside Fodlan seems to be on the same technological level as Fodlan, so yeah...

Edited by Shrimpy
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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, I got into a conversation about the topic a couple days ago, and now I'm curious to seek some additional opinions on the subject.

In Fates, do you guys think the whole "put the children in the Deeprealms for their safety" was a smart idea? I'm not talking about the whole "the kids will grow faster due to time differentials" or "the parents only dropped in every now and then". It's strictly speaking on the Deeprealms themselves having been a good and safe place for them to grow up. The person I was conversing with considered the parents were stupid for doing so, since some of the Deeprealms were attacked by Anankos anyway, and that they should've just let them grow up back in Nohr/Hoshido if they weren't going to keep them at Fort Corrin. One of my points was that they were indeed safer because not anyone can get into the Astral Plane, as Lilith brings up needing the power of the First Dragons to inhabit the placeĀ (though I'll admit that I'm trying to see if she was talking only specifically about Fort Corrin or the entire Astral Plane as a whole). Which yes, it wouldn't stop Anankos, but then it'd also mean that not every random joe could get in either.

The talk kinda stopped anyway, but as it is, I was left with the curiosity to see what else people thought up on the matter.

I mean, the fact that pretty much all of them grew up neglected and estranged from their parents is a pretty vital detriment, I would say.

Also, those deeprealms didn't seem particularly safe. Siegbert had been repelling faceless attacks for some time, Shigure's home was straight up destroyed, Forrest lived right next to a brigand's turf, Mitama's home was casually invaded while she was sleeping, Dwyer got attacked too... Just off the top of my head. Not to mention the amount of kids that just wandered off and got themselves into trouble. Damn places couldn't even be "locked" properly?

Of course, the castle wasn't exactly safe either. As you said, it gets invaded too. Too much risk of babies being dropped in the fight. And anywhere else... No, Fates isn't a game where you have a stable base of allied territory. The entire world spends all the runtine engulfed in conflict, nowhere is completely safe at all times.

Honestly, the problem is more that no soldier should've been having children in these turbulent war times. Falling in love is fine, of course, but it would've been wise to wait till the end to conceive kids instead of tossing the babies in a pocket dimension to grow up alone, neglected and in danger. But hey, wouldn't be Fates without moral bankrupcy.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, the problem is more that no soldier should've been having children in these turbulent war times. Falling in love is fine, of course, but it would've been wise to wait till the end to conceive kids


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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, I got into a conversation about the topic a couple days ago, and now I'm curious to seek some additional opinions on the subject.

In Fates, do you guys think the whole "put the children in the Deeprealms for their safety" was a smart idea? I'm not talking about the whole "the kids will grow faster due to time differentials" or "the parents only dropped in every now and then". It's strictly speaking on the Deeprealms themselves having been a good and safe place for them to grow up. The person I was conversing with considered the parents were stupid for doing so, since some of the Deeprealms were attacked by Anankos anyway, and that they should've just let them grow up back in Nohr/Hoshido if they weren't going to keep them at Fort Corrin. One of my points was that they were indeed safer because not anyone can get into the Astral Plane, as Lilith brings up needing the power of the First Dragons to inhabit the placeĀ (though I'll admit that I'm trying to see if she was talking only specifically about Fort Corrin or the entire Astral Plane as a whole). Which yes, it wouldn't stop Anankos, but then it'd also mean that not every random joe could get in either.

The talk kinda stopped anyway, but as it is, I was left with the curiosity to see what else people thought up on the matter.

If a fortress can't keep them safe, then dumping them all on their own into a death dimension ain't gonna do the trick.

Quite frankly, the whole thing comes across like they wanted the kids to die.

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I got stung by wasps.


In other news, I can probably finish the Karajan Saga replay today. That's good, means I'm ready for Into The Breach's Advanced Edition in two days.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy said:


The situation in FE4 is different. They don't move around as much. It's established they spend actual years between some chapters, and occupied territories are much more stable. I mean, Finn got to just run off to a safe place and raise kids there. Fateslandia is a lot more chaotic, you're constantly moving around and safe places aren't quite so easy to come by.

50 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Quite frankly, the whole thing comes across like they wanted the kids to die.

They all attended the Garon School of Parenting. No wonder they all turned out to be insane maniacs just like their parents.

...Except Iggy, but that's because Iggy was blessed with the coolest dad around. Benny in Garonquest is the best Camus.

29 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:


Three Hopes cast:


Yes, I know everyone but me is happy with it. But then, you lot didn't get your favorite character in Fodlan sniped for absolutely no fucking reason. I think I'm entitled to some anger.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They all attended the Garon School of Parenting. No wonder they all turned out to be insane maniacs just like their parents.

...Except Iggy, but that's because Iggy was blessed with the coolest dad around. Benny in Garonquest is the best Camus.

Considering I'd argue a higher proportion of the kids are sane, eh.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy said:

Aside from atrocious deers writing the biggest gripe is how Hopes makes the Fodlan conflict in general useless, as it outright disaproves Edel and Claude's claims about the church, and Dimitri does quite big reforms with the support of the church.

So it serves the same purpose as Revelation, a game that makes the other choices wrong.

Only this time it's more egregious cause it isn't even in the same game.

3Hopes truly written by Reddit.

Honestly in this regard, Age of Calamity did the AU schtick way better because at least the original BotW saga remains intact.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

got stung by wasps.


10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fateslandia is a lot more chaotic, you're constantly moving around and safe places aren't quite so easy to come by.

You say that but the most unrealistic part isn't that Fateslandia characters had time to have kids: it's that they had infinite time to do so. 9 months is still a lot, if we assume that everyone was born, I don't think Elise would remain as young as she looks.

Either that or everyone was convinced in the same year.

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5 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Considering I'd argue a higher proportion of the kids are sane, eh.

It's Fates. Sane people in Fates aren't easy to come by.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You say that but the most unrealistic part isn't that Fateslandia characters had time to have kids: it's that they had infinite time to do so. 9 months is still a lot

You know, that's a very fair point.

They went to the deeprealms for the gestation process.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't think Elise would remain as young as she looks.

Maybe Elise had a horrible growth disorder all along and that's why she still looks 10. Maybe she's actually 34. Due to her grievous health problems, she doesn't have long to live, so she tries to stay cheerful at all times in order to ease the sorrow of her loved ones, who know they will lose her in but a few years. She helps them, and herself, to cope with this fact.

...That is, except Garon. Garon would probably throw a party around her corpse. Because he's Garon and we loved him that way.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe she's actually 34. Due to her grievous health problems, she doesn't have long to live

Living to 34 in medieval years is considered a blessing. You're ancient.

Maybe that's why FE doesn't have a lot of old people. Anyone past the age of 25 is considered a fossil.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe Elise had a horrible growth disorder all along and that's why she still looks 10. Maybe she's actually 34. Due to her grievous health problems, she doesn't have long to live, so she tries to stay cheerful at all times in order to ease the sorrow of her loved ones, who know they will lose her in but a few years. She helps them, and herself, to cope with this fact.

Apparently she reallyĀ is 10 years or younger.

Of course I'm not an expert of Fates supports, since I don't hate myself that much. Only supports I remember are Corrin x Solei and this one...


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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So it serves the same purpose as Revelation, a game that makes the other choices wrong.

Atleast Rev is a golden ending. This here is shitty endings all around.

Heck, i've seen much more "Rhea did nothing wrong" posts lately because hopes shows how much power Rhea has over Fodlan....

Mainly none outside of her small little mountain in the middle.

The game wants me to believe church is everything is wrong is fodlan to justify Edel & Claude, but the problem is not that it doesn't even show that...it explicitly shows the church doing the exact reverse of what Edel and Claude claim, hence making them look like warmongering bastards with no justification.

And the thing is they could've made a golden route without invaludating the choices by using the time powers they introduced in houses or something.

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

3Hopes truly written by Reddit.

Especially golden wildfire. It's loved by Verdant Wind haters while VW fans hate it, usually.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Maybe that's why FE doesn't have a lot of old people. Anyone past the age of 25 is considered a fossil.

What about futuristic sci-fi jrpg tho :p

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They went to the deeprealms for the gestation process.

I already assumed that, why wouldn't you take advantage of that and then proceed to send off your real childrearers to the deeprealm to, y'know, take care of raising your child instead of you so you can do stupid invasion plans.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Living to 34 in medieval years is considered a blessing. You're ancient.

Maybe that's why FE doesn't have a lot of old people. Anyone past the age of 25 is considered a fossil.

That's the obvious joke, but a lot of the lower life expectancy was around high death rates in infancy, as can be seen in a larger proportion of nobility making it to those older ages.

Course you still could still more likely die as a young adult.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

What about futuristic sci-fi jrpg tho šŸ˜›

Nanomachines stimulate the cells and reduce aging.

1 minute ago, Awoken Dayni said:

That's the obvious joke, but a lot of the lower life expectancy was around high death rates in infancy, as can be seen in a larger proportion of nobility making it to those older ages.

Infant mortality being is a thing in any population. A baby of an species has like a base 30% chance of not making it to year 1. For humans, a lot of times it was simply due to disease and lack of medicine, something we've pretty much solved. For animals, it's:


-parents canibalizing their own young (happens way more often than you think)

-being deleted by another member of the species just in general

-evolution screwing over the species (hello hyenas)

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30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Living to 34 in medieval years is considered a blessing. You're ancient.

Maybe that's why FE doesn't have a lot of old people. Anyone past the age of 25 is considered a fossil.

That's why Garon is such an amazing man. He lived to be 130 in the Middle Ages of Anime! Or something. I dunno what Garon's age is supposed to be, but he's got to be super old, I mean, have you seen the man? He's grey. I refuse to believe he's grey because of the possession, because then his children or anyone would've noticed. Him being grey has to be a natural effect of his age. Which means he has to be the oldest human being imaginable.

Garon good, is what I'm saying.

18 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

lol "the Harold/Aqua support."

I still don't understand why they took Harold, a perfect name for the man, and changed it to Arthur, a name that had already been used. Twice, if you count Artur.

Anyway, Fates is completely rotten. What else is new?

18 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Of course I'm not an expert of Fates supports, since I don't hate myself that much. Only supports I remember are Corrin x Solei and this one...


ngl I still remember Jakob and Selena fondly. They literally just go "wow we're complete idiots, let's fuck" and then Jakob breaks a vase on Selena's head or something for no reason. Peak comedy.

19 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I already assumed that, why wouldn't you take advantage of that and then proceed to send off your real childrearers to the deeprealm to, y'know, take care of raising your child instead of you so you can do stupid invasion plans.

Again, Garon School of Parenting.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nanomachines stimulate the cells and reduce aging.

Nanomachines, son. They harden in response to physical aging. You can't wrinkle me, time!

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ngl I still remember Jakob and Selena fondly. They literally just go "wow we're complete idiots, let's fuck" and then Jakob breaks a vase on Selena's head or something for no reason. Peak comedy.

Selena be like:


And Jakob shows her just how stupid he can be.

Truly peak fiction.

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28 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

he game wants me to believe church is everything is wrong is fodlan to justify Edel & Claude

See, the real trick is the player is wrong for wanting to read the story in the first place! It's an elaborate trap!

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43 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

See, the real trick is the player is wrong for wanting to read the story in the first place! It's an elaborate trap!

What a terrible day to know how to read.

44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Selena be like:


And Jakob shows her just how stupid he can be.

Truly peak fiction.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Man Fates's gen 1 cast is a mess.

Edited by Awoken Dayni
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