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Can't wait for Elincia to die of illness with no heirs and plunge the country into a succession crisis that cause a 30 year long civil war in which ends with an absolute dictator dynasty that lasts for 100 years and results in 50 million deaths.

Fire Emblem is pretty good at questioning leaders, I think it can't hurt for it to start questioning the systems of governments that create those leaders because so far the story the games have given me is "Monarchy is okay as long as you're nice about it, and if you get a bad king then you'll just have to suck it up and wait for the good kings to save you"


Correction: Rich people in the city are cold because they want to be, poor people in the city are cold because they have to be.

My, aren't we political today?


Comedian behind 'Spanish laughing guy' meme dies | The Independent


You fool! There's not a red unit alive that we can't dodge tank our way through!





See we've talked about the Lords but it's the extremely devoted loyalists whom I'm curious would react to the concept of democracy.


Aw, what a pretty still.

...But I'm sorry, Elincia remains the least interesting part of this story to me.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Oh gee, you started.

That was quick.

Oh yeah, that was really fun. Although I got stuck on one part before moving onto PoR.

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

I don’t know anything about Mystery of the Emblem, other than that I played a couple chapters of its remake on a difficulty that was too easy and just gave up.

It's pretty bad in it's treatment of women as just about all the major female characters get shafted into a damsel in distress.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'd appreciate it if you didn't because i've gone five years of seeing people make the same, surface level complaints and i'm so tired.

What I'm mostly worried about if it's going to be like


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11 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Can't wait for Elincia to die of illness with no heirs and plunge the country into a succession crisis.

Fire Emblem is pretty good at questioning leaders, I think it can't hurt for it to start questioning the systems of governments that create those leaders because so far the story the games have given me is "Monarchy is okay as long as you're nice about it, and if you get a bad king then you'll just have to suck it up and wait for the good kings to save you"

I mean, that's true for many systems of government. A President is just an Elected King... heck, some Kings were elected. Perhaps most known the Holy Roman Emperor even if he was not Holy nor Roman nor an Emperor. Early republics and those few elective monarchies restricted suffrage, but there was suffrage. We've come a long way to increase the power of democracy... now we need for everyone to play nice and by the rules. So we went from "Ruler must play nice" to "People must play nice". So a tall order... but not impossible... I hope. I'm sure we'll get there one day, even if not in our generation.


You fool! There's not a red unit alive that we can't dodge tank our way through!

But the red units are Begnion, the allies! Daein dons black... wait, never mind then.




Yaa, Shikkoku House... wait, there's no house here.


See we've talked about the Lords but it's the extremely devoted loyalists whom I'm curious would react to the concept of democracy.

Did we? It only was like... four-five posts of "discussion". And the only consensus was "Edelgard would definitely not support Democracy because she favors Meritocracy".


Aw, what a pretty still.

...But I'm sorry, Elincia remains the least interesting part of this story to me.

There's no denying it. In many aspects PoR is pretty standard as far as FE plots go. Elincia is clearly the Nyna to Ike's Marth/Ogma hybrid. The Laguz stuff is what sets Tellius apart, for the most part.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

It's the game's fault for poorly explaining things to you.

...Considering that I'm, like, 60 hours in, I feel like I prolly should've learned by myself at this point, though...

Plus, I watched the Chugga video and I still didn't entirely get it, I just equipped the arts boosting thing he told me to.

39 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Don't. I sympathize with you.


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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, that's true for many systems of government. A President is just an Elected King... heck, some Kings were elected. Perhaps most known the Holy Roman Emperor even if he was not Holy nor Roman nor an Emperor. Early republics and those few elective monarchies restricted suffrage, but there was suffrage. We've come a long way to increase the power of democracy... now we need for everyone to play nice and by the rules. So we went from "Ruler must play nice" to "People must play nice". So a tall order... but not impossible... I hope. I'm sure we'll get there one day, even if not in our generation.

Oh for sure, democracy still has tons of issues but I'd take it any day over a God King that's essentially a dice roll away from slaughtering half the population. I'm glad my vote does technically mean something even in the system we are under. The issue is mainly about how leaders in power have to convince a large portion of the populace to vote in favor of the high class instead of for their own benefit which is done all throughout the world with the use of nationalism, racism, and other antagonistic ideas. Essentially those in power want us down here to fight amongst ourselves so we don't organize and overthrow them.

I'm not sure we'll live to see something like that but hey, if a better future happens eventually that's all I care about.

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Did we? It only was like... four-five posts of "discussion". And the only consensus was "Edelgard-

I am intentionally not reading the rest of that because I want to keep my Edelgard knowledge to a minimum until I play CF.

Man, I can't wait to take a slice of that Edelgard discourse that's become so infamous.

17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

There's no denying it. In many aspects PoR is pretty standard as far as FE plots go. Elincia is clearly the Nyna to Ike's Marth/Ogma hybrid. The Laguz stuff is what sets Tellius apart, for the most part.

There's that but Ike being just a mercenary is pretty big too, I especially like how he hasn't really become Elincia's royal knight or something, he still sees her as just his employer and himself as just as mercenary which is a huge change of pace.

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8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I think I remember you mentioning NNY before. Did you go there recently?

I haven't been there in a while, not since its redesign and renaming. But I have been multiple times over the years and I have a certain fondness for the place. I like to jest of me going there as a "pilgrimage". (However, my most spiritual experience with video games outside of a video game itself was my second attendance of a Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses concert.) Gamers don't really have sacred sites, and presently only Japan has the Nintendo theme park, so in absence of anything else, Nintendo New York has been to me the closest thing to holy gamer ground open to the public. It might be nothing more than a nice shop, no Kaaba, Sepulcher, Wall, Mahabodhi, nor Ise, but it has been enough to enthrall me since childhood. -Though not all believers need venerated places, for some they do nothing for the senses.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Every time I've seen a child with autism who doesn't know what they have, it kills me. Parents, keeping them in the dark is beyond counterproductive. Autism isn't going to prevent a child from realizing something's up. You have to help them understand, not keep them in the dark, because eventually they're just going to believe the bullies.

Fortunately, mine never hid it from me. Bullying never happened either, perhaps for the simple reason I had physical stature on my side.

I might have been laughed at behind my back, someone caring did show me once a video recorded and posted by someone else of me oddly laughing for a while in class. But nobody ever said anything upfront, and honestly I didn't care; being intelligent and among other intelligent students may have helped.

( -'Course my lack of care meant my behavior could be very autistic as a result in school, which I do regret this years later when I think on when I went a little too out there or uncouth. This carried over early into college, I think one professor might have docked my final grade to an A- because of horrendous behavior during an in-class trivia game, I was utterly convinced of my innocence at the time, which is sickening. That was the epitome of unreflective "ugly autism", which I try (no human is perfect) to avoid embodying now. Avoiding being "quirky autistic" isn't so easy, but at least it's kinda charming? -And not rude and nasty more importantly.)


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's actually just this character specifically.

*Remembers how XCX loooooooooooooooooved starting most story chapters.*😒

I will flambe you alive if you try defending that "routine".

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19 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh for sure, democracy still has tons of issues but I'd take it any day over a God King that's essentially a dice roll away from slaughtering half the population. I'm glad my vote does technically mean something even in the system we are under. The issue is mainly about how leaders in power have to convince a large portion of the populace to vote in favor of the high class instead of for their own benefit which is done all throughout the world with the use of nationalism, racism, and other antagonistic ideas. Essentially those in power want us down here to fight amongst ourselves so we don't organize and overthrow them.

I'm not sure we'll live to see something like that but hey, if a better future happens eventually that's all I care about.

Sadly, even a God King can get elected. So you're right, the people can get manipulated. It's the burden of democracy. The more voices you add, the more chaos it can breed, and that's something people will try to manipulate to their benefit. And then some voices find a platform to grow which they wouldn't have otherwise which... perhaps shouldn't. But when we expect for people to not heed them... it ends up happening anyway.

Still, personally, my main concern mainly lies on the nature of changing rulers in short order, doesn't matter how they get into power. There's a reason I posted the Chaos Symbol that one time. It was only a half-joke. After all, many countries impose limits on ruling terms, which is fine... but then, how long are they? Usually 4-8 years, or somewhere around there. Even if you only have two competing ideologies, having them exchange power in a short, relatively speaking, order ends up tugging the country into different directions, I fear it can result in the whole thing being ripped apart.

But well, I don't have much of a confidence to say what can be done. Democracy is the game everyone needs to play fairly to work. The more people participate, the chances are higher of something going wrong. So is the pace we've been doing the right now? Should be slow it down, speed up? Focus first on getting people to follow it fairly before adding more or ensure all players are present first and then educate them? Or focus first on stamping out those willing to sabotage the game? Do all the previous together or focus on fixing only one problem at a time? Again, I don't know.


I am intentionally not reading the rest of that because I want to keep my Edelgard knowledge to a minimum until I play CF.

Ah ah ah, right, you've only played VW, right? My mistake.

I thought it was something spoken in order routes, but I guess not then.


Man, I can't wait to take a slice of that Edelgard discourse that's become so infamous.

I'll just be in the bunker when that happens.


There's that but Ike being just a mercenary is pretty big too, I especially like how he hasn't really become Elincia's royal knight or something, he still sees her as just his employer and himself as just as mercenary which is a huge change of pace.

Well, he's not "just a mercenary", but yes, that's still different. Still, not like there's that many Marth-Nyna pairs in the series to begin with.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Was feeling nostalgic and listened to some old Pokemon songs


That beat drop at the start is legendary.

Now that's a certified Banger

Gen 3 is Bangermon tbf #TrumpetsGang

2 hours ago, Green06 said:


Kinda sad most of them don't have a personality

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10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Just realised Penny Pokemon could be Alear Fire Emblem's kid.

For whatever that's worth.

I like the idea of the big all important Divine One having an introvert dork for a child.

10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Flag Tale journal


"Today was a productive day at work. I drew Ludin again."


It's fun not knowing for sure /s

Course, some will still bully regardless, as I can attest a bit. But knowing what's up and having the right info will make it easier on them, no question.

Oh, without a doubt, but the child themself will have an easier time enduring, as you said.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This is awesome. It's really cool to see your drawings improve and develop.

Thank you very much!


Oh hey! I have all three!


I don't remember when or how I got them but I have them. I don't think I'll play them anytime soon as I'm already going through a story-driven strategy game and I'm looking for something more light and short but it is definitely on the bucket list to play these games.

Hey, nice! I understand your reasoning. If you do ever get around to it, lemme know!


I can't be sure. I played a bit of Super Metroid which I didn't get to attached to but I don't know if that was because of old SNES game syndrome or not, and I really enjoyed Shantae which is also a Metroidvania type game so who knows.

For the record, metroidvanias are my favorite platformers. Some of my favorite games of all time are metroidvanias, and Shantae in particular I quite enjoyed.

And yet, I also cannot stand Metroid. It barely plays like metroidvanias, exploration being really all they have in common, and how it does play does nothing for me. Not that I'm saying it's a bad series - it isn't, I just don't personally enjoy it.

Still, not trying to persuade you or anything. Give it an honest shot and you tell us what you think. All I'm saying is, be aware that Metroid isn't like metroidvanias. Liking ones does not guarantee you'll like the others.

Also you already started, so uh good luck!


Now I'm sure in my general crusade against sexism in video games I'm sure any playthough I do of Xenoblade will spark quite the discussion on here which will always be fun.

Oh, definitely. I could even tell you the exact words that will be spoken, if you'd like to save some time. But that's exactly why I want to see your impressions.


Yeah. That kind of parenting also reminds me of how often young girls just aren't told what a period is, like I've heard so many stories from women talking about how they thought they were going to die when they first started bleeding, and they were too self-conscious to tell anyone.

So yeah, not fun. We need more self-aware parents who go to therapy.

We need parenting to be taken more seriously in general. It's thought of as just another step in life, but being a parent is hard and the consequences of any failures will be suffered by the child, not the parent. Taking it lightly will only result in an awful life for the kid.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

As far as light and short… I don’t really have anything tbh, I remember @Saint Rubenio recommending me this game called Return of the Obra Dinn that I thought looked interesting, but I never got around to playing it

Obra Dinn is an outstanding puzzle detective game that weaves story and gameplay together to tell a tale like I've seen no other game do. Both parts are equally important here, unlike most other games where you can do without one or the other. And the puzzle itself is challenging, super satisfying to resolve and never holds your hand. It's the kind of game that keeps you thinking about it even when you're not playing it.

6 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

That's because I pick out the memey videos to share. And I was going to complement your art, but for that comment I'll instead go and... uh, not do that.

Yeah, I don't know why I even say anything about Xenoblade. It's a bad idea every time.

Oh well. Thanks for the compliment you did not give me! Really appreciate it once existing.

Hey speaking of Xeno, I could get Xeno 3 "free" with those 50 bucks I have from trading in games I didn't like. Don't try to convince me, I'm terrified of a timeline in which I have to share my Xeno impressions here.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's actually just this character specifically.

He's Owain but actually has the skills to back it up.

Right. Well, duly noted.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

My, aren't we political today?

Silly Quetz, always putting politics in vidyagames where they don't belong.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

See we've talked about the Lords but it's the extremely devoted loyalists whom I'm curious would react to the concept of democracy

Badly lol, but they are pretty and the good guys, and their particular monarch of choice is good so it's okay.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh for sure, democracy still has tons of issues but I'd take it any day over a God King that's essentially a dice roll away from slaughtering half the population. I'm glad my vote does technically mean something even in the system we are under.


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Remembers how XCX loooooooooooooooooved starting most story chapters.*😒

I will flambe you alive if you try defending that "routine".

I take it Armagon was downplaying it, then.

30 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Don't forget fists beating fire and bullets lol

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Samus Returns at the very least should be played before Dread since it's basically the test run before Dread smoothed out the mechanics.

That's an oof on my part.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


See we've talked about the Lords but it's the extremely devoted loyalists whom I'm curious would react to the concept of democracy.

You know what? I'm going to note that Bastian here suggests that this setting at least has some acknowledgement of a heliocentric model for the planets within Tellius.

I don't recall there being any other mention of this in PoR or any other title in the series going into it or claiming geocentrism is the case here or in any other setting. Just interesting to note that there's the possibility Tellius as a whole has accepted the sun is unlikely to revolve around them.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like the idea of the big all important Divine One having an introvert dork for a child.

It was bad enough two of the avatars have reproduced, I don't need confirmation for a third.

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Citrinne today. I can't wait to do a crit build with her so I can call her Critinne.

Also, you can invest gold into countries in exchange for gifts and rare skirmishes. Management of national economies is not something I would've expected out of this game... And it also lines up with @Armagon's suspicions that we'll be allied with every country relatively early. Otherwise this mechanic would feel rather strange, if we only get Lythios, Brodia and Firene for most of the game lol

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It was bad enough two of the avatars have reproduced, I don't need confirmation for a third.

Plot twist: Alear's a hardcore dom. That's why the shoes.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, you can invest gold into countries in exchange for gifts and rare skirmishes. Management of national economies is not something I would've expected out of this game... And it also lines up with @Armagon's suspicions that we'll be allied with every country relatively early. Otherwise this mechanic would feel rather strange, if we only get Lythios, Brodia and Firene for most of the game lol

Fire Emblem: Engage in Economics apparently.

So, Skirmishes are in this game? Huh.

That's a pretty significant amount to invest for each level if it starts at 5,000. Admittedly it's probably linear in increase if 2-3 is 10,000.

Somniel has fast travel, but not in the map menu? That's actually something 3H had if this is locked to one place here. It could be the base menu they mention is accessible everywhere in Somniel, but this is unclear here.

Loads quick though.

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5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Big "Virion during the night stalking a lone woman through the woods" energy right there.

If Ike engages the Black Knight here and survives 1 round of combat, it will lead to the same dialog that otherwise happens after the map. Just without the cutscene flair. ...and without the Black Knight praising Ike for not running at him on sight like a headless idiot, naturally.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Engage has achievements.

...also, a suspiciously character-shaped icon with the number 40 in front.

Aghhhh if only I could read all this shit. Stupid NoA and its refusal to market...

Just on sight it looks like char achivements as the char names are right in front obv.

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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Just on sight it looks like char achivements as the char names are right in front obv.

Yeah, what seems to be it. Likely not a reliable indicator of the amount of characters.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, what seems to be it. Likely not a reliable indicator of the amount of characters.

3rd thing on the list is the name of the place (cant remember what english version is though XD)

edit: looked it up: Somniel. XD

4th is shop

and 5th is system.

left hand side i mean.

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4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Can't wait for Elincia to die of illness with no heirs and plunge the country into a succession crisis that cause a 30 year long civil war in which ends with an absolute dictator dynasty that lasts for 100 years and results in 50 million deaths.

Side note, I have kinda wanted a messy succession crisis to be the full focus of a Fire Emblem game.


4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:




The real killer in many an Ironman run.


4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:




LOL, that is the perfect video for that.


4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


...But I'm sorry, Elincia remains the least interesting part of this story to me.

Yeah, she is more of a plot device than a character for most of the game, although I do think the arrival of her friends here do help flesh her out a tiny bit.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like the idea of the big all important Divine One having an introvert dork for a child.

So you are a fan of Owain and Lucina


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Never forgot having to toxic stall to survive Necrozma in US. Or how I won a con tourney with only one mon actually using status moves.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Crack theory: Leif will be the main Gen 2 lord in the remake, and Seliph the Side kick

...Are you suggesting Best Lord outshines Seliph?

On the one hand, that's against theme. On the other hand best lord gets his due. I'm a bit torn on that.

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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

..Are you suggesting Best Lord outshines Seliph?

Although i wouldn't call him best lord, Leif for me outshines Seliph in FE4 already...mainly because Story wise the only part i liked in Gen 2 was Thracia lol

I wouldn't be so against it if they make him the main one in the remake, honestly, especially if they overhauld Jugdral tbh.

5 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

that's against theme

The Theme of being Fates but ~20 years earlier?

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