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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's a discussion point: We need more peeps in the multicolor hair gang.

Shrimpy with a CSĀ Reverie Rean pfp when? Lmao

Edited by lightcosmo
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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Is it a certain black and red haired dairyĀ princess?

...Actually, no. And it has nothing to do with Fluxes either!šŸ˜†

It's nothing anyone here besides myself is familiar with. It's interesting, though a little difficult to talk about for plot reasons. But then, you don't care about that, and I've my doubts of anyone else here would play the game. So I suppose I could name them and the game and still use the image b/c it wouldn't matter, or I could not name the game and character and use the image b/c I'd think that'd work? IDK.


2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

*Checks the master series list*

...Dancouga is in J and GC, I'll hold off on listing to this then if the track is in either of those. I like keeping first impressions in-context.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Checks the master series list*

...Dancouga is in J and GC, I'll hold off on listing to this then if the track is in either of those. I like keeping first impressions in-context.

Best I recall, it's not.

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I said I'd check if the PS2 works and I didn't even get to that. It'd be neat if it still does, just because it's that old.

That aside, it is late, I shouldn't be writing this.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Given that the last one was space Pocahontas, that doesn't surprise me at all.

I thought it was more Dances with Wolves in Space.

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, that one... Didn't New Groove have a sequel show where Kuzco went to school? As I recall he spent most of that one in human form... Though I cannot really speak for how it represents the culture.

It's a prequel show from what I remember.

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh. When it gets dire I'll give it the Wrys treatment, shed the beard as well and grow a Tauroneo stache.

Least you're able to grow a stache.

22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'd say it's Disney's best attempt at a Native American film but that isn't saying much with how low the bar is. They get the names and language right and the characters are fun and act like human beings but otherwise I wouldn't say it's really about Yup'ik culture since as I said, the main character is a bear for most of the film and the film is mostly about that than about the Yup'ik.

So it's world building for the story where guy becomes bear.

Least it's not inaccurate I suppose?

22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh no I love the film in an entertainment sense, it's funny and I had a blast watching it, but as a piece of Quechua culture? Pffft!

It's both funny and sad because I learned recently that the film was going to be more of the latter. A film that was going to celebrate Incan history and the Quechua people with beautifully crafted scenes and visuals. The original plot was similar to what we got but was of course going to take itself more seriously.

What we got was funny and entertaining but I am jealous of the timeline that got the original vision.

Least it's funny I suppose.

And from what I heard the way it went down was an unfortunate mess that they scrapped after spending millions on it. That's the sad part, ENG looks the way it does due to having to make it on a budget after that.

22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh yeah I forgot that movie existed.

I mean maybe? There is something to be said about the film taking place in a myth created by European explorers about an Indigenous land but also just a piece of Maya culture, the culture that I come from, it's not that bad outside of some visual inaccuracies.

Honestly when it comes to Native representation the golden standard for me is "Do they portray this person as a human being or not?" and El Dorado does that pretty well, even if the main characters are Spanish. The bad guys are the colonizers and the community gets to live in peace at the end of the film, so it gets a thumbs up from me.

So Quetzal approved as a movie at least. šŸ™‚

Doesn't help it and Prince of Egypt are good enough that it makes most of 3D dreamworks look worse for it.

23 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean I've said this before but while in a perfect world each tribal person would be known and referred to as their tribe, the world we live in requires the collective term that we use so often, even if it isn't totally accurate.

The only way to help heal this is by educating people on the different peoples of the Americas. Starting we me how about? Think of me as an American citizen last, a Native American third, a lenca Mayan second, and a human first, sound?


This is just North America but it's good starting point.

Ā  Well, as far as I can do that this region is distant from my own, so it's not a thing I can affect much in my circumstance.

And this image feels like it's just a starting point frankly. Very detailled though.

1 hour ago, Hectorcopter said:

ā€¦ I did not come in here to see triggering politically incorrect/racist content.

I'll respect that you might not wish to explain what in particular was bothering you and leave it be.

56 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

You have a point, no need to be so down all the time. We should try to put more effort towards speaking about positive topics.

If I was doing more with the now retro set up, I'd at least have some anecdotes about playing Sly 4 at last or something. That or laughing at Fahrenheit on PS2.

But in terms of positive spins, least it looks like our family won't be getting a Covid scare for Christmas day so far. So that's a step above last year.

53 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's a discussion point: We need more peeps in the multicolor hair gang.

I have no idea what I'd want to use for that.

....Or maybe I do. But I don't trust doing it right with the images we have.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

As far as topic changes go, the weekend nears, which means SRW T time! Not that anyone cares...

Enjoy the long weekend!

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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

can understand how it'd be possible to establish this kind of problematic association. If humanity can venture into the depths of space and land on a planetoid wherein there is intelligent life, but the intelligent life, while sophisticated (and developed enoughĀ to pose some resistance to Earthlings), hasn't yet ventured into the sea of stars, it must be lagging behind in tech. Also, while "alien" can mean "alien tech", in certain situations itĀ has an organic association, and humans are fascinated by the concept of a pristine distant planet teeming with naturalĀ life unlike that on Earth.Ā 

With life on other planets statistically liking, a situation like that could occur, where an advanced humanity is the colonizers and the indigenous people of whatever planet that is are the ones that are being invaded. This could also go the other way around btw, it's the stuff of sci-fi but the Dark Forest Theory suggests that while there's life in the universe, it's actually better if civilizationsĀ didn'tĀ meet each other because at best, that happens. At worst, total annihilation for the one who fails to strike first.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh and he's the one who recommended Persona 5 to me. I think that did more damage to my perception of the game than any of your rants could ever dream to. You can thank him for that, at least.

Don't post celebratory memes just yet though, he has also endorsed Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Anime tends to attract weird alt-right people for some reason. K-On is a very cute and good show but a K-On pfp in the wild is a red flag because they are probably saying some heinous shit.

Not everyone that likes anime is racist but there are racists that like anime (ironically the ones that call them out on it too, like they're that ignorant).

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Ah yes, my favorite brand of bigot.

"Yeah, I'm into dark humor *Is openly racist*

This type is usually found among edgy high schoolers. The problem is when they don't mature out of it.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

There was good shit outside disney pre-SpiderVerse

No i know but Spider-Verse definitely kick-started a trend of 3D animation studios starting to be more stylized rather than just "3D" if you know what i mean.Ā 

Not saying they didn't exist before then (you got good stuff like Kung Fu Panda) but there's definitely more stuff doing it now.

Side note but even though it's a 2D segment, the opening scene of Kung Fu Panda is one of my favorites ever


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So I guess Disney just has a bias against Native Americans, African Americans, and Greeks.

Wait the Greeks?

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Disney's Encanto (@EncantoMovie) / Twitter

I never saw Encanto cause i didn't care enough but i'm remembering a Twitter post from when the trailer came out or some shit and people were freaking out that there were arepas in the shot. And then in the comments, Colombians and Venezuelans were arguing about which country makes the better arepas (it's Venezuela btw).

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Ah, it is so close to Christmas I can't help it

The first song in one of the best Christmas movies of all time, and the best adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic a Christmas Carol.

In fact if you pay the mouse's viscous tax for Disney+ this is the first year that you can watch the full version of the movie from the extra's menu...alright that does probably require a little bit of context. In the original theatrical release there was a rather critical song to movie begrudgingly cut at the behest of a Disney executive, titled "When Love is Gone", about why the relationship with the woman Scrooge almost married fell apart. It is a real turning point in the movie with us getting this glimpse at why Scrooge is redeemable in how he regrets this moment, with the modern Scrooge even joining in as a duet part way into the song, only to trail off in silent sobbing, with leitmotifs from that song repeated in latter ones, and the final song of the whole movie being a callback to it entitled "When Love is Found".Ā  When it was release on Laser Disc and VHS, as well as the early DVD releases it had the full version of the movie, but over the years the original film for that song went missing, so when they went to remaster the quality of it in a latter DVD release they were met with an awkward quandary, as they couldn't improve the quality of that scene without it, so there was a DVD release which included the full version in standard definition, but the cut down theatrical release for the higher quality wide screen version, and as they advanced to Blue Rays, and Streaming the butchered theatrical release was all you could watch. The missing film did eventually show up, and this is the first year they have included the full version on the streaming service, just remember to look in the extras menu for it.

That being said, Dickens's original A Christmas Carol is in the public domain, so downloading a copy wouldn't even be piracy if you just wanted to read the original.

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's a discussion point: We need more peeps in the multicolor hair gang.

I can think of one, but I think it's a 'lil too cursed for Christmastime.

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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's a discussion point: We need more peeps in the multicolor hair gang.

Iā€™ll make mine Alear if you make yours Peri.

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Okay, time to explore the Sprout Mole Village.

Great, I ruined Christmas.

Hmm, should I fight King Carnivore... well, will think on that tomorrow.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Yā€™know, only like 5% of villainsā€™ motivations make any sense in this game.

Every CS4 villain pre-battle monologue: ā€œYes, Iā€™m fully aware that the end of the world will end existence as we know it, killing myself and everyone I care about, but you see, I made a deal/want to see the resolve of Class VII first hand/thatā€™s just how I am, canā€™t help itā€ (bonus points if all 3).

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I wonder if I should save the final four chapters of PoR for tomorrows finale on Christmas Eve.

On one hand it would be cool to end my new favorite Fire Emblem game (Tier placement spoiler) with a long play session of the final chapters, but on the other hand, doing four Fire Emblem maps consecutively sounds exhausting.

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Ā Ā 

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

See the source image


There, problem solved.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Not everyone that likes anime is racist but there are racists that like anime (ironically the ones that call them out on it too, like they're that ignorant).

Right wing chuds and media illiteracy, name a more iconic duo.

Can't believe RATM got political smh my head

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9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean if somebody wanted to do an Edelgard edit for me I'd be down to changing mine to that.


Doing this I noticed her hair's clipping through her cape.

Oh, that's perfect. They did SUCH a great job representing Three Houses with this DLC!

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


That's just straight up a lovecraftian abomination. Horrifying. I mean the art is good, but Jesus fucking Christ...

7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Least you're able to grow a stache.

Kinda. It still refuses to touch the beard.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Anime tends to attract weird alt-right people for some reason. K-On is a very cute and good show but a K-On pfp in the wild is a red flag because they are probably saying some heinous shit.

Not everyone that likes anime is racist but there are racists that like anime (ironically the ones that call them out on it too, like they're that ignorant).

Yeah, I know. You see it all the time online.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I wonder if I should save the final four chapters of PoR for tomorrows finale on Christmas Eve.

On one hand it would be cool to end my new favorite Fire Emblem game (Tier placement spoiler) with a long play session of the final chapters, but on the other hand, doing four Fire Emblem maps consecutively sounds exhausting.

Doing four Path of Radiance maps is exhausting.

I want and expect an essay on the wonders of the story. Do not disappoint, Quetzal.

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..... I'm linking this for the title, as told by the fact I've only heard this over shop PA systems

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Wait the Greeks?

Hercules is not what I'd call accurate to greek mythology. I mean Hera is his mom, that alone should tell you it wasn't going to be.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No i know but Spider-Verse definitely kick-started a trend of 3D animation studios starting to be more stylized rather than just "3D" if you know what i mean.Ā 

Not saying they didn't exist before then (you got good stuff like Kung Fu Panda) but there's definitely more stuff doing it now.

Side note but even though it's a 2D segment, the opening scene of Kung Fu Panda is one of my favorites ever

I wouldn't argue that, None of the big studios wanted to mess around with the style of their characters much internally at all.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:
If the new AniPoke MC isn't ready to throw hands frame 1, they're shit.

Ash attacking Faba and his smug do nothing face is cool with me.

1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

In fact if you pay the mouse's viscous tax for Disney+ this is the first year that you can watch the full version of the movie from the extra's menu...alright that does probably require a little bit of context. In the original theatrical release there was a rather critical song to movie begrudgingly cut at the behest of a Disney executive, titled "When Love is Gone", about why the relationship with the woman Scrooge almost married fell apart. It is a real turning point in the movie with us getting this glimpse at why Scrooge is redeemable in how he regrets this moment, with the modern Scrooge even joining in as a duet part way into the song, only to trail off in silent sobbing, with leitmotifs from that song repeated in latter ones, and the final song of the whole movie being a callback to it entitled "When Love is Found".Ā  When it was release on Laser Disc and VHS, as well as the early DVD releases it had the full version of the movie, but over the years the original film for that song went missing, so when they went to remaster the quality of it in a latter DVD release they were met with an awkward quandary, as they couldn't improve the quality of that scene without it, so there was a DVD release which included the full version in standard definition, but the cut down theatrical release for the higher quality wide screen version, and as they advanced to Blue Rays, and Streaming the butchered theatrical release was all you could watch. The missing film did eventually show up, and this is the first year they have included the full version on the streaming service, just remember to look in the extras menu for it.

Oh good to know. I've heard some fuss about that and at least all's well that ends well?

2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That being said, Dickens's original A Christmas Carol is in the public domain, so downloading a copy wouldn't even be piracy if you just wanted to read the original.

Yarrr, that takes away the point!

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Doing four Path of Radiance maps is exhausting.

@Edelguardiansing Oh, just a fair warning on this, these are pretty long maps, especially the first one can feel it but you'll probably have the tools to not have to take on everything like I put myself through.

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1 hour ago, ping said:

Ā  Right wing chuds and media illiteracy, name a more iconic duo.

Can't believe RATM got political smh my head

So often do I hear from people like this talking about how their favorite band is the beetles, or Johnny Cash, or Simon and Garfunkel.

The irony is so fucking funny.

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You extended the length of her forehead

And you thought I wouldn't notice

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Wait the Greeks?

Yeah, Hercules, did the image not show up for you?

I obviously don't actually think Disney has a bias against the Greeks, I was just putting that there for joke sake.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I never saw Encanto cause i didn't care enough but i'm remembering a Twitter post from when the trailer came out or some shit and people were freaking out that there were arepas in the shot. And then in the comments, Colombians and Venezuelans were arguing about which country makes the better arepas (it's Venezuela btw).

Ah, classic Latin America...

I'd recommend Encanto. I know with how popular it got it's very easy to be the contrarian and not care for it but it is a legitimately good film about generational family trauma.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Anime tends to attract weird alt-right people for some reason. K-On is a very cute and good show but a K-On pfp in the wild is a red flag because they are probably saying some heinous shit.

Not everyone that likes anime is racist but there are racists that like anime (ironically the ones that call them out on it too, like they're that ignorant).

Racists are like germs, even in places that look clean they still exist to fuck everything up.

It's a similar issue in the Historical strategy game genre. In there it really is a fucking dice role whether someone is a nazi or not.

7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ah, it is so close to Christmas I can't help it

The first song in one of the best Christmas movies of all time, and the best adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic a Christmas Carol.

In fact if you pay the mouse's viscous tax for Disney+ this is the first year that you can watch the full version of the movie from the extra's menu...alright that does probably require a little bit of context. In the original theatrical release there was a rather critical song to movie begrudgingly cut at the behest of a Disney executive, titled "When Love is Gone", about why the relationship with the woman Scrooge almost married fell apart. It is a real turning point in the movie with us getting this glimpse at why Scrooge is redeemable in how he regrets this moment, with the modern Scrooge even joining in as a duet part way into the song, only to trail off in silent sobbing, with leitmotifs from that song repeated in latter ones, and the final song of the whole movie being a callback to it entitled "When Love is Found".Ā  When it was release on Laser Disc and VHS, as well as the early DVD releases it had the full version of the movie, but over the years the original film for that song went missing, so when they went to remaster the quality of it in a latter DVD release they were met with an awkward quandary, as they couldn't improve the quality of that scene without it, so there was a DVD release which included the full version in standard definition, but the cut down theatrical release for the higher quality wide screen version, and as they advanced to Blue Rays, and Streaming the butchered theatrical release was all you could watch. The missing film did eventually show up, and this is the first year they have included the full version on the streaming service, just remember to look in the extras menu for it.

That being said, Dickens's original A Christmas Carol is in the public domain, so downloading a copy wouldn't even be piracy if you just wanted to read the original.

That's actually the film me and my family plan on watching for Christmas tomorrow! I haven't watched it in ages and I'm excited to.

6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

@Edelguardiansing Oh, just a fair warning on this, these are pretty long maps, especially the first one can feel it but you'll probably have the tools to not have to take on everything like I put myself through.


That would've been nice to know before I decided to chill out and listen to music tonight instead of play PoR.

Oh well. I might not complete the game this Christmas Eve then, but on Christmas day for sure.

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35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I want and expect an essay on the wonders of the story. Do not disappoint, Quetzal.

Oh I forgot to respond to this as well.

Yeah my review of this game is going to be the longest one yet, so be prepared.

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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That would've been nice to know before I decided to chill out and listen to music tonight instead of play PoR.

Oh well. I might not complete the game this Christmas Eve then, but on Christmas day for sure.

It helps none of them are rout.

5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's a similar issue in the Historical strategy game genre. In there it really is a fucking dice role whether someone is a nazi or not.

I think the dice is rigged with some games

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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

You extended the length of her forehead

And you thought I wouldn't notice

Heh. Good eye.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh I forgot to respond to this as well.

Yeah my review of this game is going to be the longest one yet, so be prepared.

I will be ready for PoR praising.

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