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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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53 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So Vienna passed through three empires. It sounds... funnily realistic for a city in general. Not Vienna specifically, but just thinking how some border territories that historically saw themselves suddenly change their allegiances time and again due to events beyond their control.


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Now that it's actually morning, Merry Christmas Teehee!

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I kinda regret it now that it's about to be over.

Over? I'd say there's still some time afterwards.

Course, mine always gets filled up with family stuff, but that's probably why I think that way.

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Over here it's midnight and so technically Christmas day, but I started the session when it was still Christmas eve...eh, in my time zone anyways, so it counts.

The end of Path of Radiance: Part 1


Well hey look at that you decided to finally step up and do something.

...Shame it's literally right at the end of the game.


Elincia's change in appearance shocked Ike so much that he turned into a generic unit!


Girl, I've been saying that all game.




Okay I decided to turn on battle animations for a bit and wow, I don't even know what to say.


Ike is the most genuinely charismatic Lord I've seen.





They say hundreds of years from now, a team of archeologists discovered a shared grave between a Beorc and a Laguz, "The grave of the two warriors" the tombstone read "A place for the two resting warriors that fought together in the war against Daein. May they live together happily in the world beyond this one" The archeologists shed a tier and exclaim "Truly the most bestest of gal pals"



Tfw the scene of the character describing the event makes me more emotional than the scene where it actually takes place.


oh no


oh no


Took a lot of trail and error, but we did it.


With a lackluster death quote like that, there's no way you can convince me that guy is actually dead.






Edited by Edelguardiansing
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9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

oh no


oh no

Pictured: One of five reasons why I prefer Mist over Rhys as my primary healer. Her being strong enough to survive against the reinforcements is quite useful here.
(the other four being (1) Sonic Sword Mist is hecking funny, (2) Horse is nice, (3) Mist will eventually be less likely to die to a gust of wind, and (4) Sonic Sword Mist is hecking funny)

Spoiler only about the character who joins at the start of chapter 28:


Fun fact: If Ike runs away from the Burger King, Nasir steps in and sacrifices himself so that Ike and Ena can flee. As a result, Ena joins as a playable unit instead of Nasir - and she's a fair bit weaker than him. So basically, if Ike is too weak to beat the BK, you get the dragon that's less likely to make up for Ike being weak, which sure is a design choice.

The BK fight is subject to RNG even with a HP/Str/Spd/Def-capped Ike, by the way. As far as I know, you get the best odds with Wrath+Adept (and it's a huge shame that you get the Resolve scroll just barely too late to give it to Ike before the fight), since the chance of either a Wrath crit or Adept proc is much higher than the chance to proc Aether.

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21 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Okay I decided to turn on battle animations for a bit and wow, I don't even know what to say.

Nephenee stronk, she holds a lance bigger than her

I wish this could drill

21 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

They say hundreds of years from now, a team of archeologists discovered a shared grave between a Beorc and a Laguz, "The grave of the two warriors" the tombstone read "A place for the two resting warriors that fought together in the war against Daein. May they live together happily in the world beyond this one" The archeologists shed a tier and exclaim "Truly the most bestest of gal pals"

Truly the most "And they were roommates" duo in FE

32 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

oh no


oh no

If you were playing this on legit hardware:


22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Took a lot of trail and error, but we did it.

I had to do this in one try because I played these games on a Wii.

This fight was nerve wracking.

I somehow did it first try.

Much rude gesticulation was had.

But yeah, this is the hardest fight in PoR done! You've got two more maps. I think you got this.

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14 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Even if I won't use them, I'd still like to recruit them. Also the fact I can't do the pairings I'd like due to having to accommodate for that. I suppose I could give that up for at least one playthrough. Well, I'll see.

The real solution is to just pick Female Corrin, that way you don't have to worry about it at all.


14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No but Lloyd and Llewelyn though...!

I more meant letting Corrin marrying one of the women in the standard dating pool, and letting some other sap miss out.


 5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or wassail. Or mulled wine, the gluhwein of Germany I'm told is particularly well-known -I saw one comment on YouTube say it's more sugar than wine (the result of sugar counting as a spice in Medieval Europe).

Wassail sounds tempting, but mulling is a fair bit more effort than I usually like to bother with. The only time I every bothered to was when, in that case mead, already came with the spice bundle to mull it with.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ice wine would be another option, considering you don't harvest the grapes until the first frost of the later months of the year have befallen the grapes.

If @Benice were of drinking age that would be a perfect one for him, as Ice Wine is a bit of a specialty of Canada.


24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Well hey look at that you decided to finally step up and do something.

...Shame it's literally right at the end of the game.

Yeah, it is frustratingly, and unreasonably late...


26 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

May they live together happily in the world beyond this one" The archeologists shed a tier and exclaim "Truly the most bestest of gal pals"

You killed me with that one. Although I think Fire Emblem euphemism for it is that the same sex couple go on a journey together in their paired ending....


27 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



oh no

Ah yes the RNG battle. You can flee from it, but I am not surprised you went for it.

Did you save your sanity with save states or have to repeat the chapter every attempt like on original hardware?


28 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Took a lot of trail and error, but we did it.

There was a while there where I thought your Ike might be bad enough that you simply couldn't beat him.


28 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



With a lackluster death quote like that, there's no way you can convince me that guy is actually dead.

...It is an effort of will not to spoil Radiant Dawn by dunking on it in detail after that comment.


Now on another note, this most Christmas of songs I was saving for Christmas itself, so enjoy



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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Is it?

From the looks of it it's a 40 hour game (at 26% 10 hours in), not exactly what i would call long.

Oh right, I forgot, you regularly play 200 hour long games.


This gives me a forum game/thread idea: Rate your last non-FE game (or fav.) as a FE game XD

Ruben: Drops a Berwick review

9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



10 hours ago, Benice said:

...Isn't 17 pretty normal for having a job? Almost everyone I know has a job.

I think I was a bit slow to get one, actually, since I got it at the end of Grade 10, whereas most people start at the end of Gr. 9.

9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's no secret that I'm a 17 year old who works as a caterer for weddings and such which when I tell people that fact they freak out because I'm so young for such a high paying job but in reality it's terrible because I know that my job life is going to be all downhill from here.

Meanwhile me: First job at 23

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Unironically I expect them, along with Gant.

There were already their weapons in the original game. Imagine if they were replaced by the proper characters. You go pick up the lance and you get a Gant instead.

...Poor Bors would be upset.

6 hours ago, Green06 said:

I like how she looks drunk.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Well hey look at that you decided to finally step up and do something.

...Shame it's literally right at the end of the game.

Sheesh, I knew she geared up late, but I forgot it was THIS late.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Okay I decided to turn on battle animations for a bit and wow, I don't even know what to say.

This game's animations exist. They are some of the animations of all time, and there was truly a creator behind them.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

They say hundreds of years from now, a team of archeologists discovered a shared grave between a Beorc and a Laguz, "The grave of the two warriors" the tombstone read "A place for the two resting warriors that fought together in the war against Daein. May they live together happily in the world beyond this one" The archeologists shed a tier and exclaim "Truly the most bestest of gal pals"

Plot twist: It was Shinon and Janaff

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


oh no

Ah yeah, there it is. Good Story Bad Gameplay Exhibit Nº 542. Bad RNG on Ike? Decided not to use Mist? Just plain bad RNG? Fuck you! At least the game gives you an out... if you refuse to engage in the first place. If you do and shit happens, you're screwed.

Honestly, I admire your courage. If I found myself staring at this screenshot I would've bolted, fuck revenge.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I did it, Mist. I accomplished absolutely nothing. I'm sure Dad is so proud that I went against his final wishes and lost my life for it in eight alternate timelines.

55 minutes ago, ping said:

Spoiler only about the character who joins at the start of chapter 28:

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Fun fact: If Ike runs away from the Burger King, Nasir steps in and sacrifices himself so that Ike and Ena can flee. As a result, Ena joins as a playable unit instead of Nasir - and she's a fair bit weaker than him. So basically, if Ike is too weak to beat the BK, you get the dragon that's less likely to make up for Ike being weak, which sure is a design choice.




Frankly, if I'd gotten that far I probably would've done that. Ena is way cooler than Nasir, who cares about stats.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


The Virigin "Revenge is an empty and worthless pursuit" vs The Chad "Taking revenge is the best choice I've ever made"
They are both so happy in that scene. It's sweet.

I do like the decision to get Mist involved in the battle. Her priority is to keep her surviving family alive. It's why she entered the battlefield after Greil's death in the first place. But she did admit previously that if she were a warrior, she would go after the Black Knight herself. Ultimately she is no less out for blood than Ike is. And she most certainly has just as much of a right to claim it.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I did it, Mist. I accomplished absolutely nothing. I'm sure Dad is so proud that I went against his final wishes and lost my life for it in eight alternate timelines.

Blindly obeying your dad's orders gets you Reese. And I really don't think he was the best part of Berwick Saga.



...if nothing else this clash left some pretty nasty gashes in the Black Knight's armor. Which is likely the reason it's divine blessing is no longer active by the time of Radiant Dawn.
So now everyone can kick his ass.


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21 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Blindly obeying your dad's orders gets you Reese. And I really don't think he was the best part of Berwick Saga.

Hah! Fair point. Still, their requests were fairly different.

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Merry Christmas everyone!🎄🎁 

I had to feign being asleep not to get involved with family events of the day already, so I don't want to spend too long on here this morning.😆


4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Over? I'd say there's still some time afterwards.

Well there is the whole "12 days of Christmas" thing, and those hazy days between Xmas and New Year's where I'd say it's fine to stay in the Christmas spirit.

...Though we wouldn't say the same of other holidays, that haziness is almost certainly purely because the calendar designates this to be the end of the cycle. A cycle based on a natural occurrence that is nonetheless a construct in its start and end dates, the languidness of the last days December is wholly a manmade feeling.


4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Okay I decided to turn on battle animations for a bit and wow, I don't even know what to say.

You see, this is why a real jousting lance is not used by infantry! It looks ridiculous, and it does annoy me slightly that FE calls what should be labeled "spears", lances instead. I appreciate Berwick Saga for fixing this error.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

They say hundreds of years from now, a team of archeologists discovered a shared grave between a Beorc and a Laguz, "The grave of the two warriors" the tombstone read "A place for the two resting warriors that fought together in the war against Daein. May they live together happily in the world beyond this one" The archeologists shed a tier and exclaim "Truly the most bestest of gal pals"



Some would consider these 25th century BC mummies buried side by side to be the oldest known gay couple in history. Others would argue them to be brothers. We have no evidence to confirm it either way. Although "overseer of manicurists in the palace" sounds like a stereotypical gay career choice to me.

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Well, tried the PS2.

It looks like I'm getting nowhere, because somehow I have between two controllers not even 1 functional one. One of them I've gotten x and o to work and on the other the analog stick, but that's about it. The Disk drive is barely functional to slide out and I'm afraid it'll eat the disk either with the internal laser going off or the drive getting stuck and chances are the memory cards are dead, but the controllers are what make it a no go. It's a real shame that FE went back to it's roots on the NES back in the early 2000s because the barely functioning controls are a killer for me.

That sucks.

1 minute ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Merry Christmas everyone,

Same to yourself.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Gandalf is a card in Cards Against Humainty.

I ended up giving a round to someone who played it.

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4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Took a lot of trail and error, but we did it.

Attempting to beat the Black Knight be like


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Poor Bors would be upset.

Gant clears.

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