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17 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Oh, sorry about that, i didn't realise that!

Nah it's fine. It's been years.

11 minutes ago, joevar said:

think what people fear when they introduced emblem (because it will be too OP) has been put to rest at this point. even in Hard you will constantly use engage mode, and use every minor ring available because you really need that slight edge from the very first turn

So you can confirm that Engage is one of, if not the most player focused game in the series then?

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1 minute ago, joevar said:

yes. its just at first it sounds like engage mode is more of a trump card. when actually its as important as using correct weapon when attacking each time. 

at least thats my expectation when seeing the first trailers. but welp.. first turn lodestar rush, ragnarok is actually needed to survive. not overkill at all

I think alot of that also hinges on the fact that no one really knows the game inside and out, yet.

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6 minutes ago, joevar said:

yes. its just at first it sounds like engage mode is more of a trump card. when actually its as important as using correct weapon when attacking each time. 

at least thats my expectation when seeing the first trailers. but welp.. first turn lodestar rush, ragnarok is actually needed to survive. not overkill at all

We truly Fates2'ing?

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah it's fine. It's been years.

Oh, well that's a relief then.

Ofc this is all coming from someone who has actually NEVER played it before, just watched it get played alot of times. XD

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Nakanishi: It wasn’t just balancing the weapons triangle that was difficult though. For Fire Emblem Engage, we were aiming for a clear-cut, flashy direction, but if we made the characters too strong from the beginning, we were concerned players might not find the game very challenging. Also, because of the nature of this game, where the player tactically moves the characters on a square-based grid, it was difficult to introduce an ability that was too dynamic, even for the Emblems.

Developers thinking about difficulty in 2023 is a thing? O:


I agree, the battle system for Fire Emblem is like a chess game where it’s built on sophisticated tactics. You have to think a lot, like, “First you move this while attacking this guy with this character...” and so on. And then to add a huge strategic element on top of this, like the Engage feature, must be quite a challenge from a systems perspective.

Tei: Ishii-san and the stage design team worked together and managed to complete the feature, finding the thin line that allowed the feature to work without the tactic breaking. At this point, we then had Mario Club (13) test the game, but even those who have experience with the series said, “It’s not as easy as we thought!” (Laughs)

Mario Emblem incoming


Not as easy as they thought?

Tei: Of course, the Engage feature is very powerful, but as is the nature of strategy games, if you use it without thinking ahead, there’s a chance it could backfire. Like moving ahead on your own and ending up getting surrounded by enemies. In Normal mode (14), which is less difficult, you can use the Engage feature to bulldoze through the game up to a certain point. If you play in the more difficult Maddening mode, you must use it wisely. We designed it to be more approachable, but at the same time, satisfying for those familiar with the Fire Emblem series.


Weren't there some characters in past titles who moved so slowly that by the time they reached their opponent, the other characters had already finished the battle? (Laughs)

Nakanishi: Yes, in that context, I think even Armor Knights (16) will be able to battle up front in this game together with Emblem Sigurd, who increases mobility.



I'm so glad that you were able to finally complete the development. (Laughs) You've shared a lot of information so far, but to close this interview, could you tell us what you value most when developing a Fire Emblem title?

Tei: As I mentioned at the beginning, I'm not very good at strategy games myself, so during development, I hoped to create a game that even those like me would want to try out or find interesting. Also, we have a lot of characters, so I hope many players will relate to the story and cry and laugh along with the characters. If you find a favorite character in this game, we hope you'll continue to be a fan of them for many years to come. We believe that the charm of the Fire Emblem games is that players become attached to the characters through gameplay and that the characters grow beyond the game.

Higuchi: I want to keep creating formidable strategy games, which we have been releasing since the beginning of the series. I hope that those who are familiar with Classic Mode (18), in which defeated characters are lost forever, will continue to enjoy the game with this unforgiving mode. At the same time, to encourage more players to enjoy the series, we'll continue developing new features for future titles, such as the Casual Mode, the Engage system introduced in this title, and items that turn back time.



I would be happy if this game gives players the opportunity to interact with each other – those with experience playing past titles teaching newcomers tactics. It's just like Emblems – the past heroes – guiding Alear, who is a novice.

Reality: Fanbase wars xD


Also, a free update will add more facilities to the Somniel, so we hope you will look forward to it.

Free DLC the MVP


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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

the most player focused game in the series then?

what is that supposed to mean??

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

We truly Fates2'ing?

cant say, still in ch.7 and for the record i also skip on many info dump before so dont know what else in store. i can only say the gameplay does carry the game more than the story so far. 

the opening soundtrack amusingly does match the overall vibe of the game tho. lol

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6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Hey if the current town you live in had a Pokemon gym leader, what Pokemon would they specialize in? I figure mine would be a flying type gym since the town I live in is famous for it's strong winds.

The current town, I am not quite sure, which is a bit funny considering how obvious it seems for ever other town I lived in. The town before this was obviously water, the one I went to college in was obviously electric, and the one I grew up in was obvious grass...


1 hour ago, Armagon said:


I'm actually.....not enjoying Ocarina of Time's dungeons that much. Idk it's weird, it's starting to feel like Ocarina is a game I enjoyed more as a kid.

Honestly, I always ended up getting bored with Ocarina of Time before finishing it. Tried to get through it at least four times, on various different version and the furthest I got was the shadow temple before getting bored with it. It was certainly innovative, but a bit overrated from a more modern perspective, and there are a lot of better Zelda games IMO.


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2 minutes ago, joevar said:

what is that supposed to mean??

I believe Arma meant player phase looking at what he quoted.

As in- your actions on during your phase of each turn matters more than what happens during the enemy phase. The balance between the two phases differs between Fire Emblem entries.

Enemy-phase-centric Fire Emblems by contrast would be something like Blazing, Tellius, and Awakening. High enemy count, the enemies are kinda weak/the player too strong, and most of the combat/slaughter is done counterattacking enemy units throwing themselves at you.

Shadow Dragon is usually cited as a player phase-oriented game, as it has a low enemy density, and on the higher difficulties, unless you're General!Sedgar/Wolf, good luck surviving many hits from the massively offensive bad guys.

Describing a situation where you need to chain several special abilities on your half of the first turn to survive sounds player-phase oriented to me. -Unless part of what you said includes bagging a ~half-dozen mooks on the other side of the turn.

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Everyone here getting ready for Engage. Meanwhile I'm over here playing touhoumon like it's 2016 or something.







Edited by Robert Stewart
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22 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


This is like the most passionate IntSys has been with a Fire Emblem title.

18 minutes ago, joevar said:

what is that supposed to mean??


6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I believe Arma meant player phase looking at what he quoted.

As in- your actions on during your phase of each turn matters more than what happens during the enemy phase. The balance between the two phases differs between Fire Emblem entries.

Enemy-phase-centric Fire Emblems by contrast would be something like Blazing, Tellius, and Awakening. High enemy count, the enemies are kinda weak/the player too strong, and most of the combat/slaughter is done counterattacking enemy units throwing themselves at you.

Shadow Dragon is usually cited as a player phase-oriented game, as it has a low enemy density, and on the higher difficulties, unless you're General!Sedgar/Wolf, good luck surviving many hits from the massively offensive bad guys.

Describing a situation where you need to chain several special abilities on your half of the first turn to survive sounds player-phase oriented to me. -Unless part of what you said includes bagging a ~half-dozen mooks on the other side of the turn.

Yeah you described it well here.

Funnily enough, Tellius flip flops between that, mainly RD. Dawn Brigade and Elincia's army is player-focused. Greil Mercs are enemy-focuses.

13 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Honestly, I always ended up getting bored with Ocarina of Time before finishing it. Tried to get through it at least four times, on various different version and the furthest I got was the shadow temple before getting bored with it. It was certainly innovative, but a bit overrated from a more modern perspective, and there are a lot of better Zelda games IMO.

Yeah I don't blame you. It has that bog-standard Zelda feel like Minish Cap, except Minish Cap is shorter. Much shorter. And honestly got more interesting at the halfway point.

Ocarina of Time just feels like I'm going through the motions because keys.

Edited by Armagon
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Ahhhh fuck they had it, he walked in front of me with it, but the stiff bastard refused to sell it to me!

Eh, figures. These are big franchise hypermarkets, they probably keep a stern eye on the stuff. With zero mom and pop game stores in the city, I'm shit outta luck.

...asshole coulda just refused me, though. Made me wait for trn minutes only to return with the game in hand and tell me "sorry man release is tomorrow."

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is like the most passionate IntSys has been with a Fire Emblem title.

I mean, IS was pretty enthusiastic about Fates's plot.

Apparently I'm the only person who hasn't looked at any Engage stuff, but maybe at some point I'll ask if there are any less-than-obvious recruitment methods. I'd rather not miss anyone, even if I doubt there will be anything Xavier or Stefan-tier... right?

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Ah, tomorrow is the day.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Now this is a "I'm high currently" take if I'd ever heard it.

At High Noon?

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

One's parents being over-controlling and then being lectured by a celebrity for it is like something I'd read off of a self-insert fanfiction.

Still, never underestimate the power of words carrying weight, and people's tendencies to hear out others and putting more consideration depending on who is the speaker. Happens in real life, for all kinds of purposes and results.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Really it's interesting, in the Pokemon world if you live in any major city than you probably have and have meet the Gym leader of that city.

Hey if the current town you live in had a Pokemon gym leader, what Pokemon would they specialize in? I figure mine would be a flying type gym since the town I live in is famous for it's strong winds.

Probably Ground, Rock, or even Fire. I live in a desert.

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Seems Vanillaware has a following. Imitation can be a form of flattery.😛

Roguelite is a lite nope to me. Unless on sale, then it's a maybe when I've burnt through other things.


6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah I don't blame you. It has that bog-standard Zelda feel

Considering the development of OoT... I don't know what to think actually.😅 The images we have do show that OoT went through a lot of redesigning, which leaves open the possibility things could've been quite different.

Although it seems like it might've always been intended to be dungeon-heavy? The overworld of OoT sure is weak, and the earlier conception of the entire game taking place in Ganon's Tower would leave that possibility open. That later games aren't so... dank, dark, dungeony with their dungeon aesthetics sure does hurt OoT retrospectively? Although I'd possibly blame part of that on the technical limitations of early 3D. 

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhhh fuck they had it, he walked in front of me with it, but the stiff bastard refused to sell it to me!

Eh, figures. These are big franchise hypermarkets, they probably keep a stern eye on the stuff. With zero mom and pop game stores in the city, I'm shit outta luck.

...asshole coulda just refused me, though. Made me wait for trn minutes only to return with the game in hand and tell me "sorry man release is tomorrow."

Feels like he did that out of spite lmao.

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Finished work, time to nap, then


15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhhh fuck they had it, he walked in front of me with it, but the stiff bastard refused to sell it to me!

Eh, figures. These are big franchise hypermarkets, they probably keep a stern eye on the stuff. With zero mom and pop game stores in the city, I'm shit outta luck.

...asshole coulda just refused me, though. Made me wait for trn minutes only to return with the game in hand and tell me "sorry man release is tomorrow."

Wew what an ass xD


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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I believe Arma meant player phase looking at what he quoted.

As in- your actions on during your phase of each turn matters more than what happens during the enemy phase. The balance between the two phases differs between Fire Emblem entries.

Enemy-phase-centric Fire Emblems by contrast would be something like Blazing, Tellius, and Awakening. High enemy count, the enemies are kinda weak/the player too strong, and most of the combat/slaughter is done counterattacking enemy units throwing themselves at you.

Shadow Dragon is usually cited as a player phase-oriented game, as it has a low enemy density, and on the higher difficulties, unless you're General!Sedgar/Wolf, good luck surviving many hits from the massively offensive bad guys.

Describing a situation where you need to chain several special abilities on your half of the first turn to survive sounds player-phase oriented to me. -Unless part of what you said includes bagging a ~half-dozen mooks on the other side of the turn.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah you described it well here.

Funnily enough, Tellius flip flops between that, mainly RD. Dawn Brigade and Elincia's army is player-focused. Greil Mercs are enemy-focuses.

umm.. does:  "not able to double most of the time ", "enemy rarely die from one fight" and "enemy usually survive on their turn" count as that? hmm maybe because i dont grind that much + refuse to retain exp each its a gameover ?? so putting your unit in deep inside enemy line, so the whole enemy army will march to death is a no-no for now.

dunno but i strongly feel the need to choose which enemy to focus to attack, Swiss cheese model.
they do love targeting weaker unit or a unit that is sure to die tho.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

eems Vanillaware has a following. Imitation can be a form of flattery.😛

For a moment I thought that was Vanillaware's new game lmao.

And yeah, roguelite is an oof.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although it seems like it might've always been intended to be dungeon-heavy?

I wouldn't mind it as much if there was more to them than keys.

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14 minutes ago, joevar said:

umm.. does:  "not able to double most of the time ", "enemy rarely die from one fight" and "enemy usually survive on their turn" count as that? hmm maybe because i dont grind that much + refuse to retain exp each its a gameover ?? so putting your unit in deep inside enemy line, so the whole enemy army will march to death is a no-no for now.

Sounds player-phase to me.😀

Usually, more difficult Fire Emblems orient themselves towards player-phasing. Easier tend to be the EP-focused ones.

Although, I do like it if an FE can ideally have nice difficulty and be suitable for both PP and EP-ing. Probably leaning towards PP until you get a good grasp on things that you can assemble some strong EP strategizing. Conquest managed to sorta balance the phases.


12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For a moment I thought that was Vanillaware's new game lmao.


Looked mighty old to me.😝

Maybe if you're bored waiting for Engage you can stare at this and the imitator's image side by side and tweeze out the differences.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

@Sooks since you just played CS III, could you tell me how these three crafts operate in game? I can't remember. XD


Aren’t those enemy crafts? I wouldn’t known the enemies didn’t get many turns at that point in the game.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Feels like he did that out of spite lmao.

21 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wew what an ass xD

He must've perceived my conniving, scheming, Garon-loving, Fauxnel-ish intentions, daring to attempt to circumvent the system in order to jump the release date by 16~ hours, and decided to show me true pain and suffering.

Oh, well. I'll drown my sorrows in Turkish food.

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