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4 hours ago, joevar said:

its not required,, its just a platformer game where people usually use gamepad to play for ease of button and reflex.

i mean, i did play Devil May Cry on laptop using only keyboard & trackpad in my high school class.. and what do i get for reaction from my classmate?!

its like they are seeing a monster

The keyboard monster! He's going to utilize a suboptimal control scheme according to my preferences! Run!

4 hours ago, joevar said:

imagine Alear wooing one of the Queen, what kind of reaction their kids would.... wait, this is FIRE EMBLEM, you wont get any reaction at all from someone else from your support and romance, since every side dialogue happen in vacuum... smh

Honestly, Timerra and Fogado would probably be okay with it. Heck, Fogado would probably find it really amusing. As for Firene, Alfred wouldn't even realize, he's too busy working out. Céline... might have objections, from what I've heard of her.

If we extend this to the dads... I can imagine Alcryst and Diamant would be beyond embarrassed to see their dad in a relationship with God. I'm not entirely sure how the Elusians would react, though. Just the idea of Hyacinth and Alear hooking up is difficult to picture. His children's reactions... Jealousy from Ivy, bratty antagonism from Hortensia, perhaps?

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Honestly I kinda preferred Partitio’s quest against capitalism, just because it’s so fun.

Fair. I must admit, mystery/detective stories are my favorite genre, so I'm probably biased because of that. But I am still very much curious to see what wackiness is going to lead Partitio on.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh, so it’s not just me.

 I’m glad they tried to fix the EXP in this game, but they only needed to lower the recommended level for chapters or increase exp gains, not both.

It's an inherent flaw with the game's core design, I'm afraid. It's such an open game that they can't really restrict you without forcing you to undertake the stories in a specific order. So they just give you free reign do overlevel as you please. Oh well.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

 I’m starting to wonder if doing the routes out of order will change the recommended level of the ones you haven’t done, if they were lower. It really should, and it would be physically painful if they didn’t… but Ochette has a chapter 2 with a recommended level of 37. That’s bizarrely high.

I'm wondering this myself. I'm not entirely sure if the alternate chapters are mutually exclusive or if you are just allowed to do the stories out of order.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

I did in the demo, remember?

Yes, as you can see, I have difficulty remembering that Osvald's first chapter was two chapters lol

3 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

RD does have the best skill animations though, and not just their generic attack anims, they made actully good unique ones. 

Oh yeah, RD is a good looking game, for its age. It just couldn't avoid showing its age, being an early 3D game without a cartoonish/simplistic artstyle that better accomodates the time's limitations. Still, good effort.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

And ofc RD Hard Mode is trash as well, the inability to see enemy range is dumb, and the WT removal is kinda questionable and just further overpowers Axe users. The positive to it is that Micaiah benefits since she fights all Anima mages. XD

RD hard mode might very well be the worst highest difficulty in the series. Sure, FE doesn't usually pull off good highest difficulties, but you know the one thing none of them do? Even the likes of Houses's unplaytested mess, Awakening's RNG inflation fest or PoR's enemy spam slog? Remove quality of life and call it "difficulty." Removing movement ranges from enemies accomplishes absolutely nothing but make the game ten times more tedious to interact with. And that's just so insanely dumb, it boggles the mind. What were they even thinking? It's such an appalingly bad idea...

52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You should play CrossCode.

"I wanna play western game."

"We have western game at home."

Western game at home

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Okay no but seriously, it's been a hot minute since I played Octopath 1, so perhaps I'm just not remembering right, but... It feels like Octo 2 is handling story levels way worse? Like, I don't remember it being this lopsided in the old game. Ochette has a chapter 2 that has a recommended level of 37. Meanwhile, Throné's two possibilities for chapter 2 are level 13 and level 7, respectively. It's very possible to get to level 7 on each character's chapter 1. If you take the time to travel around and gather a team before starting this chapter? You're going to be well past the threshold for both chapters. What the heck...

Guess I'll do this one next, then.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Since i've played FE4, 5 TRS, and Berwick i can say for certain they don't require literally constant resets to actually play the game though. Far from it, knowledge is power, but in Lunatic +'s specific case, knowledge really doesn't matter since you can't tell what skills reinforcement units will come equipped with so it will just be more RNG gameovers headed your way.

Yes but that's a difficulty. Not the entire game. FE4 is a massive slog regardless, Thracia just hates your guts, etc.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

You should play CrossCode.

interesting, my friendlist suggest 3 wishlisted it, while 1 already buys it.. but neglect it. this type of indie Action RPG game usually kind of hit or miss to me. Prone to lose its steam in the middle of playhtru unlike 2D platformer indie where the action is always on their toes

hmm.. whether to pick this or Chained Echoes which is an RPG


36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, Timerra and Fogado would probably be okay with it. Heck, Fogado would probably find it really amusing. As for Firene, Alfred wouldn't even realize, he's too busy working out. Céline... might have objections, from what I've heard of her.

If we extend this to the dads... I can imagine Alcryst and Diamant would be beyond embarrassed to see their dad in a relationship with God. I'm not entirely sure how the Elusians would react, though. Just the idea of Hyacinth and Alear hooking up is difficult to picture. His children's reactions... Jealousy from Ivy, bratty antagonism from Hortensia, perhaps?

Timera and fogado would just throw party immediately. if their mother happy, they would be even more happier.

Alfred will just laugh it out. "haha, whats that? getting close with my mom? great, now we can start having exercise together more often" . While Celine,.. yeah i can see her not entertaining the idea. shes sometimes like a caffeine addict not getting their fix, despite a tea lover instead of coffee lover. i like her less now 😕 

Alcryst and Diamant would be restless

Ivy would be mad jealous since she's the one that worships Alear on deeper level than others. Hortensia is a brat, anything can be made a complaint by her.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It feels like Octo 2 is handling story levels way worse? Like, I don't remember it being this lopsided in the old game.

i heard thats the case from reviewer


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3 minutes ago, joevar said:

interesting, my friendlist suggest 3 wishlisted it, while 1 already buys it.. but neglect it. this type of indie Action RPG game usually kind of hit or miss to me. Prone to lose its steam in the middle of playhtru unlike 2D platformer indie where the action is always on their toes

It's the Dark Souls of Zelda games. It also has a really good main character that is canonically mute so she communicates through expression (Lea has singlehandedly killed silent MCs for me, none do it like her).

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52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, RD is a good looking game, for its age. It just couldn't avoid showing its age, being an early 3D game without a cartoonish/simplistic artstyle that better accomodates the time's limitations. Still, good effort.

I love the flair on Astra for example, its clean as hell.


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Link to the Past Turtle Rock is quite possibly the worst dungeon in the entire series. "You should bring magic potion" i thought that was just a recommendation because you can get through it just fine. Nope. The boss will outlast your magic meter, you need at least one magic potion. So now my ass has to back track all the way back to the light world to get some shitty ass potion and then go through the shitty ass dungeon again just so the boss can actually die.

They could've just not designed the boss this way.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's the Dark Souls of Zelda games. It also has a really good main character that is canonically mute so she communicates through expression (Lea has singlehandedly killed silent MCs for me, none do it like her).

Now thats a weird combo that actually doesnt appeal me. I dont even interested to play normal zelda, let alone want the dark soul version of it.

Why no zelda? I dont even know why, i just dont play it.

But wishlisted on steam for now.

Now if only Triangle strategy not so damn pricey. It cost more than Elden Ring ffs.. or maybe Bandai Namco is just being based for having overall low regional price outside US

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3 minutes ago, joevar said:

I dont even interested to play normal zelda, let alone want the dark soul version of it.

The Dark Souls part is more in regards to the puzzles than like....actual Dark Souls. The difficulty isn't in the battles, it's in the puzzles. Really intricate stuff.

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Well... This is a problem. A big, big problem, in fact. Between branching paths, crossing stories and all, this game's got more content than the original. Which does not bode well for the bad level balancing. I am already way overleveled for every single chapter 2 except for the level 37 Ochette path. It's making the game less fun than it should be, and that's no good when there's more game than before. C'mon Square don't let me down now, I need this to last me another 2 weeks

Anyway, Throné 2


I was surprised when the boss was some rando whose name I already forgot. Then he exhibited a raging foot fetish before a twist happened. The twist then did something really stupid for no apparent reason and left.

...Yeah, I honestly have nothing else to say. That was very short and felt super barebones. Sheesh...


2 minutes ago, joevar said:

Now if only Triangle strategy not so damn pricey.

I am waiting for a sale, myself. According to steamdb, it went down to 35 back in December, only three months after its release in October. I expect it might go even lower when the spring sale begins. That's the 16th, two weeks to go.

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Why is Ganon such a massive difficulty spike compared to the rest of the game? There's got to be an easier way. *Looks up*

>Get Golden Sword

>Get Silver Arrows, which are required to beat him in the final form

>All this involves a lot of backtracking

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're done


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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why is Ganon such a massive difficulty spike compared to the rest of the game? There's got to be an easier way. *Looks up*

>Get Golden Sword

>Get Silver Arrows, which are required to beat him in the final form

>All this involves a lot of backtracking

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're done


I like the amount of times you've resorted to watching the ending on Youtube.

...Better than what I tend to do in these cases, though. Usually I just drop the game like a sack of bricks and never even look back.

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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Walkthrough (because you're gonna need one)

This is the Zelda game that set the series formula into motion. I played this a while back as a kid and i thought i beat it but apparently i was misremembering. At any rate, I wanted to see how the game held up.

To start with what i like about the game, the opening is really damn good. Excellent. The rest? Well.......i don't think it's that good tbh. Visually it holds up, the soundtrack is good, albeit repetitive. But the title to this review is not an exaggeration. So much shit is hidden from you for no reason. There are dungeons that require you to get something on the other end of the map just so you can enter it. Some dungeons like Skull Woods and Misery Mire quite literally have filler rooms, used to make the dungeons go on longer than they are. You can only use one item at a time which i'm not sure how much of that can be blamed on the SNES. Because there's four face buttons, i'm sure there's room. This leads to a lot of menuing that's kind of annoying. The dungeons themselves aren't anything special but like the series was taking it's first solid steps here so i won't hold it against it.

The breaking point is the last stretch of the game. This game's incarnation of Turtle Rock is a hot sack of dogshit. At the start, Zelda tells you "maybe you should get some magic potion" but with how the dungeon is designed, that feels more like a suggestion, because there's magic pick ups a lot. Turns out the boss of the dungeon will outlast your magic meter and there are no drops in the dungeon. So basically the devs told the player that after that long-ass trek to get to Turtle Rock, they should backtrack to get magic potion if they don't have it. But the final nail in the coffin is Ganon. Ganon, unlike the rest of the game, is actually hard. Not for good reasons though. The Golden Sword makes the fight easier but you need the Silver Arrows to actually kill him in the end. Does the game at any point tell you this? No. Maybe in the manual. Are the Silver Arrows in a spot that the player would come across naturally if they are that important? No. Not really. And i think this is why i never actually beat the game all those years ago. Cause of shit like this. So i just looked up the ending.

Like fellow classic SNES title Super Metroid, this game is very much a certified "walkthrough game" because it was made in the 90s. But whereas Super Metroid still had a very good core gameplay, A Link to the Past is......honestly i'd put like half the series above it. A Link Between Worlds is just this game but way, way better and between me calling Ocarina of Time mid and now saying A Link to the Past is not that good, i fully expect to be executed at dawn tomorrow. It's been fun.


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18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like the amount of times you've resorted to watching the ending on Youtube.

...Better than what I tend to do in these cases, though. Usually I just drop the game like a sack of bricks and never even look back.

I've only done it twice including this one.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Are the Silver Arrows in a spot that the player would come across naturally if they are that important? No. Not really.

You mean you never noticed the cracked wall at the Pyramid of Power when you first descended it after reaching the Dark World?

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Honestly, considering stuff like the Aginah thing, it sounds like it's less "you need a walkthrough" and more "you need to actually talk to NPC's, explore the world, and do what you're being suggested to do instead of dismissing it".

I've beaten this game as a kid... without needing to consult a guide!

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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You mean you never noticed the cracked wall at the Pyramid of Power when you first descended it after reaching the Dark World?

I noticed it. Tried blowing it up. Nothing happened.

Turns out you need the Super Bomb, which you can only get after completing Ice Temple and Misery Mire and finding the missing dwarf, after which only then will the Super Bomb will show up. Why there is a correlation between finding the dwarf and the Super Bomb showing up I have no clue.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Honestly, considering stuff like the Aginah thing, it sounds like it's less "you need a walkthrough" and more "you need to actually talk to NPC's, explore the world, and do what you're being suggested to do instead of dismissing it".

There's a difference between exploring and running around in circles. If you didn't get the Quake Medallion, you won't know you actually need it to enter Turtle Rock until you get there. I knew in advance so I didn't have to back track and you are told how to get it....once you're in the spot where the fish gives it to you.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I noticed it. Tried blowing it up. Nothing happened.

Turns out you need the Super Bomb, which you can only get after completing Ice Temple and Misery Mire and finding the missing dwarf, after which only then will the Super Bomb will show up. Why there is a correlation between finding the dwarf and the Super Bomb showing up I have no clue.

It's certainly an arbitrary flag, yes. But it's not like rescuing the blacksmith is an obscure thing, and if you do visit the shop often, then you can stumble across the new bomb. So making the correlation this new bomb can blow up the crack isn't hard to do.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's a difference between exploring and running around in circles. If you didn't get the Quake Medallion, you won't know you actually need it to enter Turtle Rock until you get there. I knew in advance so I didn't have to back track and you are told how to get it....once you're in the spot where the fish gives it to you.

The Storytelling Bird also tells you how to get the Medallion. He's just south of the Palace of Darkness.

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10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I can't believe my favourite Pokemon is a shrimp!

10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I also can't believe Shrimpy is fucking dead. :lol:

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Alas. No more anime.

'Alas'? Yes, I know there's the 'no more Shrimpy' part that you're responding to but... how may deaths would an anime-free world be worth?


Speaking of 'how much death would X be worth', I finished the Revolutions podcast. All approximately eight days of total runtime, according to the author. I went into it pretty ignorant about the Mexican revolution and now I think that Emiliano Zapata is the greatest revolutionary of all time. Not in terms of the magnitude of what he eventually accomplished (I think it's tough to get past Lenin there), but the guy had a noble cause and he stuck with it instead of being seduced by the prospect of greater personal power, which I'd say was a rare feat in the protagonists of the series.

The revolution that I was the most invested in definitely was the Haitian - it's easily the most "justified" of them all. Liberal revolutionaries everywhere loved to talk how they will not be slaves to {insert monarch here}, but the Haitians were the only actual slaves overthrowing their masters. Also, fuck the French for pressing reparations out of Haiti for 'lost property' (including, y'know, human property) even after Haiti won their war of independance. It's also a rather interesting piece of information that Haiti supported Simón Bolívar while the US were too worried about their diplomatic relations to the European powers to get involved. Beacon of liberty my arse.

@GuardianSing- have you listened through the entire thing already, too?

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I lived to see someone defending Awakening Lunatic+, huh

11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


>blue kaizo


12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You cannot win. I am doing far more terrible things to Berwick and its characters in my current run than you could ever dream of.

Then I'll have to do something unspeakable in Omori too...

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What do you mean Rune Factory 3 Special comes out tomorrow?

13 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

lived to see someone defending Awakening Lunatic+, huh


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

There's a difference between exploring and running around in circles.

I mean... it's a puzzle game, they expect you to find out answers on your own. XD If they always gave you the answer, what would be the point of the puzzle?

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