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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I knew about Loverslab, but I had no idea it was a porn site.

They released an accurate translation of a AAA game licensed by Nintendo and the script has creepyness on such a level that a porn site went "yeah no, take that shit elsewhere "

Fucking brilliant. Thanks, Japan.

It's just hypocrisy at its finest. Loverslab is full of rape and sexual slavery mods, underage characters included. Hell, they're hosting nude mods for FE Engage characters, even the chidren.

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1 hour ago, Armchair General said:

Probably to give the illusion that people don't magically die at the age of 50. It's kind of weird, but it's also kind of justifiable why they don't include older characters if you use someone like Gregor as an excuse: Because he's too good at his job after surviving several decades as an mercenary

I mean, this is the same series where 10 year olds can fight. At all.

18 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

It's just hypocrisy at its finest. Loverslab is full of rape and sexual slavery mods, underage characters included. Hell, they're hosting nude mods for FE Engage characters, even the chidren.

I do have to wonder what prompted a porn site to grow a prude conscience all of a sudden. I can't say I follow their logic. The controversy would probably have died down in a couple weeks had they just let it run its course. It's not like the one time Pornhub was forced to nuke millions of its goods due to accusations of hosting C3PO. That's real trouble. A couple pedophilic scenes in an anime game is merely par for the course when it comes to Japan, and they continue to do it with impunity, so what's going to happen to an obscure porn site?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's just an XSeed moment I fear.

I shouldn't complain if it's "just" a year for Not-RF6, knowing the NISA-Trails situation exists. And Marvelous is "only" AA, the expectation they'll be able to do simultaneous should be less than for a AAA company/game.

And yet, while it won't be impossible to get hyped for NRF6 when they show footage of it, having to factor in the "international time tax" will deflate the balloon of exuberance after the immediate reveal moment.

Random NRF6 thought, the opening. Rune Factory 5 chose to have what I'll loosely call "flirtations" with the bachelor/ettes in its the opening, it was an interesting choice, not one that Rune Factory has often chosen. I like it, but will they be sticking with this choice in NRF6's opening? Since RF5 only later patched in s/s marriage, the interactions between Ares and Alice and the bachelor/ettes follow heteronormativity. Now that RF will presumably from here on out barring remakes have s/s in the base game, would Marvelous include an s/s "flirtation"? It'd be gutsy if they did, and the thought of it is making me think my reaction to such a thing if it were real would be *insert the Alice swooning between Martin and Cecil moment*.😆 Being up that upfront about non-heteronormative love would be unusually bold for a "mainstream-ish" game I would think, and I would love it.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But... Engage sages aren't dapper. They're fuckin' strippers lol

Oh. Well that's disappointing. I don't think I've seen one yet, but I haven't had the LP on for a while now (I think I'm roughly at the halfway point), so I might just not remember.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Is it a good thing I haven't been to life half or more of these places?

I think that from that list, I've been to... Subway, McD, Burger King, and Starbucks. :lol: Not sure how much of a presence most of the other brands have here over the pont, actually.



I do love when a plan comes together. Banten (or rather Sunda, who I started as) has a mission that gives them a subjugation casus belli aganst all tags with their capital on Sumatra - in this case, Pasai, Pagarruyung, and Barus. My own ally Mallaca is also allied to both Barus and Pagarruyung, but because they were willing to join my war against Pasai, I was able to then start and finish separate wars against Barus and Pagarruyung while Malacca was stuck fighting on my side in the Pasai war. EU4 diplomacy can be very satisfying when it lines up. (Ignore the fourth war - Sambas called me into a war vs. their northern neighbor Brunei, so it doesn't have anything to do with my own objectives)

Now, Malacca still eventually decided that they hate me (because their own missions push them towards expansion into Sumatra, I believe) and Ming China is already able to name me their rival despite having like triple my army size, but hey, Banten is growing 😎

(Colour-code: bright green = me | dark green = fighting in a war on my side | red = enemy in a war | blue = ally, but not currently in a joined war | yellow stripes = I have a claim on that province)

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do have to wonder what prompted a porn site to grow a prude conscience all of a sudden.

Worried about copyright issues? I don't know how much of a case Nintendo would have to come down on that, but I imagine that they wouldn't be very pleased about the headline Looking for uncensored Nintendo scripts? CHECK THIS PORN SITE!!!!.

I still don't think "censored" is a good word here because this is capitalism, not government in action, but I guess it's the word everybody is using 😕

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I'm hyped.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do have to wonder what prompted a porn site to grow a prude conscience all of a sudden. I can't say I follow their logic.

2 minutes ago, ping said:

Worried about copyright issues? I don't know how much of a case Nintendo would have to come down on that, but I imagine that they wouldn't be very pleased about the headline Looking for uncensored Nintendo scripts? CHECK THIS PORN SITE!!!!.

I still don't think "censored" is a good word here because this is capitalism, not government in action, but I guess it's the word everybody is using 😕

Virtue signalling, it's literally the only possible reason. The argument that they don't want to have copyright issues or are afraid of the host going down doesn't cut it, because they host much worse stuff and there are lots of Nintendo IP mods on there.


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27 minutes ago, ping said:

Oh. Well that's disappointing. I don't think I've seen one yet, but I haven't had the LP on for a while now (I think I'm roughly at the halfway point), so I might just not remember.

Yeah, sage design in this game is very dumb. It only makes Lindon more epic, though. He gets to be a sage and look cool while at it!

15 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Virtue signalling, it's literally the only possible reason. The argument that they don't want to have copyright issues or are afraid of the host going down doesn't cut it, because they host much worse stuff and there are lots of Nintendo IP mods on there.

Since when have porn sites given half a shit about "virtue signalling"? Signal what virtue? Porn sites don't care about virtue, they have no PR to worry about and no mainstream audience to appease. They are very straightforward places - they offer fun stuffs to horny people, and that's it. What you say makes sense for Gamebanana, a general mod site with a reputation to maintain, not for the porn site.

Honestly, I feel Ping's argument holds more water. It's one thing to host porn mods of Nintendo IPs, and it's another, very different thing to host the entire script of a Nintendo game. That's a big part of a well known game. It probably wouldn't have amounted to anything, but I think the owners probably grew afraid that the controversy's ruckus would attract unwanted attention, so they prefered to nip it in the bud rather than risk it getting too big.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:



Dammit Engage! The blackened charred thing that I think is my heart is shattered in a million pieces on the ground! Stop trying to make me feel emotions! 

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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58 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

It's just hypocrisy at its finest. Loverslab is full of rape and sexual slavery mods, underage characters included. Hell, they're hosting nude mods for FE Engage characters, even the chidren.

I'm like 99% sure that Sexlab is programmed to not work with child NPCs and they do not tolerate mods that circumvent that.
Probably Lovers too, assuming Oblivion even has child NPCs.
So as far as I can tell, they seem consistent in that regard.

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Holy shit, Hrist is really strong. She's the first to give my Old People Squad real trouble. Lenneth fell like she was nothing. I have no idea who Hrist is, but clearly she's a big deal. Big enough to get her own game, no doubt.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Taco Bell deserves to be condemned to the fiery pits of hell for being white people's imitation of Hispanic food.

But Chipotle is in A-tier

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

The thing with McDonald's is that while it's never someone's first choice, if it's around, it'll get picked and you do get your money's worth.

Eh, I’ve always liked McDonald’s less than… most people around me.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'd put Little Caesar's in A-tier myself because of how accessible it is to me who has always lived broke but my friends disagreed lol. We compromised.

Well there’s that, which is important, + quality of the food, which makes me think C-tier is a nice spot for it for okay food. If it was like Papa John’s prices, then it would be F, imo.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holy shit, Hrist is really strong. She's the first to give my Old People Squad real trouble. Lenneth fell like she was nothing. I have no idea who Hrist is, but clearly she's a big deal. Big enough to get her own game, no doubt.

Pft, sure.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Since when have porn sites given half a shit about "virtue signalling"? Signal what virtue? Porn sites don't care about virtue, they have no PR to worry about and no mainstream audience to appease. They are very straightforward places - they offer fun stuffs to horny people, and that's it. What you say makes sense for Gamebanana, a general mod site with a reputation to maintain, not for the porn site.

They want to feign superiority

"See we're not as bad as these people"


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I feel Ping's argument holds more water. It's one thing to host porn mods of Nintendo IPs, and it's another, very different thing to host the entire script of a Nintendo game. That's a big part of a well known game. It probably wouldn't have amounted to anything, but I think the owners probably grew afraid that the controversy's ruckus would attract unwanted attention, so they prefered to nip it in the bud rather than risk it getting too big.

They are terrified to be cancelled, be it by Twitter mob or mainstream outlets.


The uncensored version of the patch is on Varis and gamebanana/loverslab are still hosting the censored version of the patch, with 95% of the text intact except for two supports, so this story that they're afraid of Nintendo is false.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

I'm like 99% sure that Sexlab is programmed to not work with child NPCs and they do not tolerate mods that circumvent that.
Probably Lovers too, assuming Oblivion even has child NPCs.
So as far as I can tell, they seem consistent in that regard.



It wasn't like this in 2012

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Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot. Fauxnel flirts with a literal goddess for two seconds, then proceeds to insult her to her face.

How I missed you, man.

Best character in games, and he didn't even need a beard to do so. He's so powerful he trascends the need for beards. Fucking incredible.

This run I couldn't resist having an Old People Squad, but boy do I have grand plans for lap 2. His shoes will never be the same...

20 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

They want to feign superiority

"See we're not as bad as these people"


I mean, sure. It's certainly plausible. I really just disagree that the reason was to "feign superiority." Why would a porn site ever feel the need to do that? They're a porn site. People go there to get porn. It's as simple as that. They were just scared lol

20 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

They are terrified to be cancelled, be it by Twitter mob or mainstream outlets.


The uncensored version of the patch is on Varis and gamebanana/loverslab are still hosting the censored version of the patch, with 95% of the text intact except for two supports, so this story that they're afraid of Nintendo is false.

Yeah, this is what I'm saying. Kind of. Nintendo, Twitter or whatever - all in all, it's clear they were just afraid of some manner of backlash. Backlash that I earnestly believe would never have happened. It took the very serious and very jailable accusation of Cee Pee to get Pornhub, and Pornhub alone - the biggest and most well known porn site - to nuke its servers in order to keep their sorry behinds out of prison. What was something as ultimately trivial as this ever gonna do to these people?

...Do I dare ask what is Varis?

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Since when have porn sites given half a shit about "virtue signalling"? Signal what virtue? Porn sites don't care about virtue, they have no PR to worry about and no mainstream audience to appease. They are very straightforward places - they offer fun stuffs to horny people, and that's it. What you say makes sense for Gamebanana, a general mod site with a reputation to maintain, not for the porn site.

I know that PornHub does some educational PR stuff on the side to draw people in. Other than that, they're mainly apolitical. 


Everyone else just hosts their shit and complains about the takedown notices

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Home sweet home!

Not really didn't enjoy Scotland enough and Monday is coming

Mein Beileid.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What did i miss?

Virtuous and/or political pornography, it seems (which is to say 'probably nothing important').


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8 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Something about the modding community refusing to host the translated script of Engage

Ah the hypocrisy continues i guess (the sparks already started before i left)

7 minutes ago, ping said:

Mein Beileid.

The english with their disorder cucking me out of Scotland is very english tbf

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And Agnea’s chapter 3 also doesn’t have any gameplay whatsoever. These design choices are interesting.

It’s fun tho because the side characters introduced are fun. And it basically confirms the choices you’re making are for song lyrics. Two of the choices kinda matched, and one of them was pretty out there. Only one choice was thematically relevant, tho, so I picked it.

…and man, Agnes’s theme is so good. I also found out that you can buy the main characters’ themes at the stores of each of their starting towns to play on the jukeboxes in taverns. So that’s cool.

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