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Actually @Shrimpy -Limited Edition-, I just realized can just get the same download link I sent to the judge on FEU and repost it here lol, no need to get back at the computer.


There it is. Don't expect much. Just put together some events, wrote a few lines to varying degrees of edginess and put my very questionable artistic skills to use. It was fun making it, if nothing else.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually @Shrimpy -Limited Edition-, I just realized can just get the same download link I sent to the judge on FEU and repost it here lol, no need to get back at the computer.


There it is. Don't expect much. Just put together some events, wrote a few lines to varying degrees of edginess and put my very questionable artistic skills to use. It was fun making it, if nothing else.

Thanks 😄

Well, let's give it a spin!

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Thanks 😄

Well, let's give it a spin!

You tell me what you think. Seeing the sheer creativity and tech tricks in the publicly available entries, I'm kind of embarrased of my super mundane chapter. But, I had my fun.

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You tell me what you think

If i have to say something

Thiefs op XD

The ignore def gimmick doesn't exactly work when they are running around with 7+ Atk with units around ~20 hp. Makes them hella strong

Nice little chappy tho

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The story is, uh... It exists. If you don't mind a simple, not-too-deep adventure and woefully unearned, drawn-out melodrama scenes, you can turn off your brain and get some decent enjoyment out of it. The characters are pretty enjoyable, though. Some surprisingly high quality support chains in there. And the game is really funny when it wants to be, I even wish it went harder on the comedy in the main plot.

Gameplay is what you should play this game for, tho. Best gameplay in the series, bar none. Also, Sommie

I'll probably like it then.🦊 and I'm glad the gameplay is good.

Edited by Wartortle94
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@Saint Rubenio first sound stopped then game crashed after this message

It just...suddenly happened?


Also, i don't think to lock side stuff to certain characters and then have them just move around, like the shop -> Arena -> Shop thingy. I know Kaga likes that, but it's imo more a chore. Instead of locking it to a certain character + Backtrack, try to make it a bit more..dynamic?

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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I haven't grown tired of this yet.




The power of Hades compels me!



And now I see why the Puzzle Robo before this battle had nuclear missiles. Since there was no "reduce to under 10% of Max HP but do NOT destroy" condition, busting like two-dozen nukes was thrilling.😄 I didn't expect the Freedom and Justice to get Mobile Armors, but I'll take 'em.

Why doesn't the Eternal count as a must-deploy battleship? Feels like it's wholly obligatory and b/c the Archangel and Nadesico already make two. Still going to replace the Blue Earth as my second Repair & Resupply bot, over 13k in HP does that.

As amusing as SEED's weapons of mass destruction being used by both sides are, when presented with the final route split, I chose to return to Earth. For the simple reason of- "What is Orphan?". I know I missed one Brain Powerd battle earlier, but I still don't feel like I have a good grasp on this ominous world-threatening organic thingy, I don't even know what it looks like. It has been slowly chillin' as war rages all around, presumably threatening all life on Earth, but it has been ignored and the Reclaimers Elma you have some explaining to do! have been pretty silent for a long time.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's so fucking over man, I HAVE FINALS NEXT WEEK COME ON

Patience, patience. Monolith Soft shall not question your loyalty if you delay.😉

It'll be all the sweeter when you're finally free from academic labors, look at it that way.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Also uhhhh @Interdimensional Observer and anybody else who hasn't played Xenoblade 3 and wants to. Don't watch that trailer tbh.

I haven't and have no intention to. I'm good at keeping my head in the sand. I did unintentionally glimpse like two still images of the returning protags (I wish I hadn't, but oh well), but that's all I've seen over the months. I haven't watched an XC3 trailer since its initial announcement.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I wasn't sure if I was going to get it at launch but hmm...

There are a few things to unpack here (spoilers):


More Trinity Processor lore? I have been waiting... waiting for this day!

Our six characters are Matthew (maybe N's great-grandson?), A (Alvis's "daughter"? Seventh founder?), Nikol, Glimmer, Rex, and Shulk. I was expecting the two mystery founders to be playable, but it appears we won't see them. The last founder is called Na'el (maybe Matthew's sister), who appears to not be playable.

Glimmer is probably Pyra's daughter and she inherited Pneuma's hairstyle, all is right in the world, while Nikol may or may not be related to Shulk.

Behold the true chad king


Oddly Z appears to be on Shulk and Rex's side? Hmm...

Additionally, Pyra and Mythra's amiibo will release in July (and give Noah their respective swords), while Noah and Mio are getting amiibo at some point in the future.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And now I see why the Puzzle Robo before this battle had nuclear missiles. Since there was no "reduce to under 10% of Max HP but do NOT destroy" condition, busting like two-dozen nukes was thrilling.😄 I didn't expect the Freedom and Justice to get Mobile Armors, but I'll take 'em.

And keep in mind you don't have Great Zeorymer, hehehe...

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why doesn't the Eternal count as a must-deploy battleship? Feels like it's wholly obligatory and b/c the Archangel and Nadesico already make two. Still going to replace the Blue Earth as my second Repair & Resupply bot, over 13k in HP does that.

It's certainly curious. Not the only time SRW would do something like that, as it were.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As amusing as SEED's weapons of mass destruction being used by both sides are, when presented with the final route split, I chose to return to Earth. For the simple reason of- "What is Orphan?". I know I missed one Brain Powerd battle earlier, but I still don't feel like I have a good grasp on this ominous world-threatening organic thingy, I don't even know what it looks like. It has been slowly chillin' as war rages all around, presumably threatening all life on Earth, but it has been ignored and the Reclaimers Elma you have some explaining to do! have been pretty silent for a long time.

Oh, you're in for a treat.

Do you recall when I told you that one branching path of Alpha 2 had Char wanting to use Orphan to kickstart his "force humanity into space by wrecking the Earth's biosystem"? Yeah, hold that thought once you see the big reveals of the Brain Powerd finale.

Although, I think I did explained, but if you don't recall... then it's fine, you're about to remember anyway, heh.

31 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Also uhhhh @Interdimensional Observer and anybody else who hasn't played Xenoblade 3 and wants to. Don't watch that trailer tbh.

Well, you know me when it comes to stuff I'd eventually want to play.

Spongebob Squarepants - Patrick's Glasses - YouTube

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The mandatory sidequesting required to progress the story

This suggest meaty game but curious that they didn't announce it's being sold on it's own like Torna. Maybe because unlike Torna, you actually would want to play this after Xenoblade 3.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

t'll be all the sweeter when you're finally free from academic labors, look at it that way.

I don't think i can resist.

9 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

t'll be all the sweeter when you're finally free from academic labors, look at it that way.


What's curious is that Alvis is namedropped in the trailer but his art has him as "?", suggesting the "Alvis" we see isn't Alvis actually. He does look a lot more emotionless too.

Glimmer is also flat out Rex and Pyra's daughter. Her design takes elements from Pyra's beta design, which i think is neat.


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So I went back and played a bit of Civ 5 today to test out a mod that alters the appearance of units to better fit the nation you are playing as and man, I do not remember warfare being this difficult. It's one thing to attack and capture cities with an army but it's another thing to make sure you have the gold reserves and happiness to be able to support said army, it's like I have to capture only one city every 50 turns lest you bankrupt your country and cause way too high level barbarian units to spawn at random and raid the countryside.

You pretty much have to already have a functioning healthy nation to wage war properly, which is odd, you'd think it'd be the other way around.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And that's the crux of the matter.

If they truly cared for the lives of the children that would be aborted, then they'd also support policies to help them and their families as they grow... but then that's the very things they want to axe too. So it truly makes their cries of being pro-life quite hollow.

And considering the amount of Republican politicians and priests who get outed as being gay and/or pedophiles, also some insane projection.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Conservatism always loses eventually. I believe Republicans know that and are desperatly trying to cling to power.

Not to sound like a centrist trying to "two side" the situation but I once scrolled through the r/conservative subreddit and saw someone describe conservatism in a way that I found interesting, basically saying that conservatism is accepting that human nature can never be changed and thus any strives for egalitarianism will always end up in disappointment because you cannot fundamentally change human nature.

Now this idea is absurd, especially when you consider history and how it used to be the majority opinion that monarchies, racial hierarchies, and religion is fundamentally part of human nature and couldn't be changed, but I can definitely see why people would believe it.

...Granted, that was only one guy and I doubt that's the core of the philosophy of most right-wingers.

Also on that same subreddit I saw a person say that the real enemy is not the gun-stealing liberal but the wealthy elite as well as a post talking about how the real core of gun violence is teenagers with no love and support in their lives, so that made for a good laugh.

They're just so close to getting it...


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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

And considering the amount of Republican politicians and priests who get outed as being gay and/or pedophiles, also some insane projection.

Not for nothing they're the GOP.


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The Xenoblade 3 OST artwork


The artwork for Future Redeemed.

You know, i was previously opposed to a prequel story but after that trailer, i realized i needed to shut up and let Takahashi cook lol.


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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And keep in mind you don't have Great Zeorymer, hehehe...

I am not immune to laughing like an evil maniac.😈 That 36-battle wait until it's in my possession will be killer. And then it will be the killer.😄

Regular Zeorymer isn't invincible, but then it doesn't have to be. All it needs is to be very very very good with moderate thinking placed into its use, I consider that to be "practical brokenness". In the midgame, I didn't realize how to properly utilize the Zeo so it languished, now in the late/endgame, oh boy I do. It helps that getting to 150 Will for a MAP Hades Attack is easier later on than earlier.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, you're in for a treat.

Do you recall when I told you that one branching path of Alpha 2 had Char wanting to use Orphan to kickstart his "force humanity into space by wrecking the Earth's biosystem"? Yeah, hold that thought once you see the big reveals of the Brain Powerd finale.

Although, I think I did explained, but if you don't recall... then it's fine, you're about to remember anyway, heh.


Hopes for tomorrow's events. 📈🤗


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

So I went back and played a bit of Civ 5 today to test out a mod that alters the appearance of units to better fit the nation you are playing as and man, I do not remember warfare being this difficult. It's one thing to attack and capture cities with an army but it's another thing to make sure you have the gold reserves and happiness to be able to support said army, it's like I have to capture only one city every 50 turns lest you bankrupt your country and cause way too high level barbarian units to spawn at random and raid the countryside.

You pretty much have to already have a functioning healthy nation to wage war properly, which is odd, you'd think it'd be the other way around.

Having played Civ 5 (Emperor and below is easy enough, Immortal and Deity aren't so beatable to me, especially for war), I get your issues. The restrictive Global Happiness mechanic forces the player to be very selective in which cities they can keep (the enemy capitals and maybe a couple others with some nice Wonders). Civ 6 makes keeping basically any city you take pretty easy, Civ5 forces you to take it slow on the conquest until at least the later game. Raze any second-rate cities you might take. Financing an early army is also difficult indeed.

Though my biggest problem with Civ 5 warfare is the fact that cities have the city-strike ability and you can garrison an archer or siege unit in a city. That makes it too easy for enemy cities to kill your besiegers and cities. It's good when you're under assault, but no fun when you're assaulting. Cities are just plain too durable until nukes roll around.

For an easier Civ 5 domination attempt, try Arabia on a Pangaea map or something also land-heavy. Settle your two or three self-founded cities with the goal of securing a bunch of Horses (ally with a city-state with Horses if you can). Then make two or three Horsemen and keep them as Horsemen, do not upgrade them when the time comes. As you do this, rush to Chivalry, and spend the rest of your Horse supplies on making Camel Archers. Abuse your Camels strength, range, high move and hit & run, you can safely delete enemy units and whittle their cities health down to zero, when your Horsemen move to capture them. Your Camel Archer become dangerously obsolete once the enemy has Great War Bombers, but you ought to be able to seize half the world or more by then. 


23 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Hopefully it'll have some of that lovely flavor dialogue for the various species that XCX's had. I liked those entries.

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Okay, getting all the souls as I go has not been as bad as I thought it'd be. I managed to do the glide to the room with the Catoblepas... haaa, trying to get its soul will be something.

Well, for now, stopping for tonight. Will continue tomorrow.

Wow, a lot of the souls are the Bullet kind. So many stuff to throw, heh. I guess that's why Hearts aren't a thing here, instead just using MP for everything.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I am not immune to laughing like an evil maniac.😈 That 36-battle wait until it's in my possession will be killer. And then it will be the killer.😄

Regular Zeorymer isn't invincible, but then it doesn't have to be. All it needs is to be very very very good with moderate thinking placed into its use, I consider that to be "practical brokenness". In the midgame, I didn't realize how to properly utilize the Zeo so it languished, now in the late/endgame, oh boy I do. It helps that getting to 150 Will for a MAP Hades Attack is easier later on than earlier.

Yeah, if it was truly invincible it'd be a bit boring... unless you never get tired of getting a kick of throwing the unit and see it solo maps and stuff. XD

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