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Okay, reached Chapter 3. Gonna stop here, however. Will continue next time.

Hmm... the fanfic writer in me do wonders, what would've happened if she hadn't... hmm...

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14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Finally the use of Seaking has the added benefit of meaning you will be one of the few people to actually see Seaking's signature move in Gen 1, Waterfall...



...maybe if you'd get access to the better rods sooner than like five minutes before you get the Surf HM. (although I suppose it's going to be a PP saving option, since I have Agility written down as one of Seaking's eventual moves and it only gets that at Lv.54)

Beedrill is holding up pretty well, by the way, to no small part because Bug is super effecive on Poison types. There really is a lot of those running around. Heck, neutral damage on Gastly/Haunter was still useful in the tower in order to preserve Dig PP.

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Finally completed Future Redeemed! It was good, there were some things i was disappointed with, but overall good enough for the price!

Spoilers for the DLC!!


The Xenosaga reference at the end of the game, what does it mean!? They mentioned Dmitri Yuriev and the Coalition Gov, and when i seen the symbol on the Radio, i knew it had something to do with XS! I was extatic!


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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Decided to scratch the AW itch with a map of Days of Ruin. It still all clicks for me.😄 I think I'll do another. RF5 is great, but I wanted something noncommittal to change it up, AW is good for that. One quick engagement and then it's over, a fine side to the long, devoted courtship of Rune Factory.

My problem is that I only have the four stock COs. Gotta beat the campaign to get Jeigan and Funnyman and the rest. I mean, I could get a save file, but eh...

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...Well, it's your time, use it as ya see fit.😛

Why are you always so scared of me trying games you like? We got a good track record man, Covenant was a massive success!

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Who? -Oh you mean Brown!🇯🇵

Brenner O'Brian Brown... maybe he should be renamed "B-Man"?

Let's call him Benny-boy.

...I'm still undecided on which version to play when the time comes. The European version is ~faithful~ and I kinda prefer the names for stuff here (except Carter, Forsythe is just cooler, and the fighter switch-up is a bit confusing), but the American version seems to have more flair in its script and I've never really been one to prefer purism in translations when it just leads to a drier script, sue me. Hmm.

12 hours ago, BrightBow said:

The Dark Conflict CO system is such a joy after the previous 3 games had been such an obnoxious CO power tennis because losing units makes you charge up your CO power faster than blowing up enemies. Pretty much the reason I'm not too hot to jump into ReBoot. That and the 60€ price tag. That's quite a lot to ask for two games I only sorta like.

If only the game didn't wait until like the last 3rd of the campaign to enable the actual CO mechanics. Hard to appreciate something the game won't let you use. At that point you might well have jumped to the conclusion that different CO abilities aren't even a thing in that game.

Right? That weirds me out too. They used it in a pretty neat plot moment, but like... They didn't have to wait until that moment to introduce the mechanic to use it like that, did they?

Also makes it really weird how they chose to make the old guy a playable CO in the other modes, but not Banditman or... the other guy, the one with the cap. Old man has a single battle of screentime without CO zone. Banditman has the entire earlygame to himself, also without CO zone. Old man's playable and Banditman isn't. I mean, I'm glad, the old man's exactly my sort of character, but why not both?

55 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Something about the fact that the Metal Gear Rising credits just list Senator Armstrong as "Steven" is kinda funny to me.

And ingame his health bars are labelled "Senator." There has to be some kind of inside joke there.

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To go a bit more in depth with my opinions on Future Redeemed:


The story: Their base was fine, consistent enough with XC3 to where i could connect the dots. To be honest though... Some of the characters did not have nearly enough lines (spending most of the scene just standing there and doing nothing) and not adding to the overall plot in any manner. (Namely Glimmer and Nikol here) I have high hopes that XS might be more relevant in the plot now! 

This is a shame in Glimmer's case especially since she had so much personality a base.

Shulk and Rex's inclusion was a bit of a letdown as well. It didn't feel as though they "belonged" to me, and Shunban was starting to get wearisome quickly.

It felt like they had a "comfort zone" for the most part and tried to stay in it, which led to some "bland" moments.

The gameplay: 

Holy shit Rex is broken as heck. He could use some toning down or some of the others the opposite. He felt far and away the best character. (I don't mean this in a positive way, either) (Why did Double spamming Edge need to make it's return?)

I like the unity idea much more than the Ouroboros system! Was fun to mess with the skill setups of the unity teams.

Roles were much better setup due to lack of class switching.

Shulk needs to find his identity cause Shunban in combat doesn't work for me, either.

Edit: to clarify on this, i have nothing wrong with him honoring Dunban, that's great. But Shulk had a good enough base to where they didn't need to "erase" him i guess. But his personality is one thing, but why are his attacks all of Dunban's? (anim wise, not names) They aren't "Shulk's" style to me.

Besides that it was basically just XC3 to me. (combat wise)


They could stand to make the load times better: i ended up staring at a black screen at least 30 seconds sometimes before it loaded (worst case was about 1 1/2 a minute) This is annoying with constant warp-searching.

Camera could also use some adjustments i think. It was really wild in some areas.

Need more voice lines when things happen (such as completing a battle or simply in battle quotes) since XC3 didn't have this i hoped FR would, it didn't. Hearing the same few lines is... eh.

We need more Glimmer. Seriously, she was amazing. Wasted potential and best character.


Edited by Lightcosmo
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So uh, I tried to watch Marni's funny scene, but then Zephia started walking and I became worried that my parents would pick this exact moment to walk by, so I'm just listening to it.

Great, though. Fuck you for all you put me through, pinkie.

Still like the best plot moment in the entire game don't @ me

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I'm still undecided on which version to play when the time comes. The European version is ~faithful~ and I kinda prefer the names for stuff here (except Carter, Forsythe is just cooler, and the fighter switch-up is a bit confusing), but the American version seems to have more flair in its script and I've never really been one to prefer purism in translations when it just leads to a drier script, sue me. Hmm.

The Cutting Room Floor oddly enough happens to have chapters 1-9 in both translations, if you wanted to compare.

To post one of the War Room/Briefing Room advice exchanges.:

Chapter 08

US Europe
Lin: You know, Will, you should be grateful that I'm such a nice instructor. Lin: You know, you should be grateful that I am acting as your teacher, Ed.
Will: Oh? Ed: Why do you say that?
Lin: Mmm-hmmm. When I was in the Rubinelle military academy, I had very strict instructors. If you missed a question, they'd have you doing push-ups and running laps. You're practically on vacation in comparison. Lin: When I was in the Laurentian Military Academy, I had much stricter teachers. If you didn't pay attention when they spoke, they'd have you doing push-ups... Really, you have it very easy.
Will: Wow. Well...thanks for being so nice. Ed: I'm very grateful, First Lieutenant Lin.
Lin: Once I forgot how many ball bearings are in a tank thread, and my instructor screamed at me. Not nice screaming, either. Nasty stuff. Things you're far too young to hear. Lin: Why, once when I got a question wrong in class, I was screamed at for ten minutes. Those teachers didn't mince their words either. My ears were ringing for days...
Will: Ok, now I'm scared. Ed: I really do appreciate your teaching methods!
Lin: Don't go storming across that bridge. Let the enemy come to you. Build some indirect-attack units to weaken them as they approach. Use transport copters to move soldiers into distant cities and factories. Then focus on producing additional tanks and indirect-attack units. Once your force is ready, move east as a group and engage the enemy. Lin: There's no need to rush to cross the bridge. Wait for oncoming enemy units. It would be a good idea to produce indirect attack units for this job. Use Helicopters to transport Infantry units to capture cities and factories. Focus on producing additional Tanks and indirect attack units. Then go east and engage the enemy!
Will: Understood! Ed: Understood!
Lin: Now give me a thousand push-ups! Lin: Now give me twenty push-ups!
Will: Uh...OK? One...two...th-threeeeeee... Ow ow ow...F-f-f-foooourrrr... Ed: Wh-What?!
Lin: Will? You can stop. I was kidding. Lin: Just my little joke...
Will: ...Huh? Oh! Oh yeah, I... I knew that. Ed: I was worried for a second...
Lin: Stop by again if you want more tips. ...Or exercise. Lin: Come and visit the Briefing Room again when you want more tips.


While I was looking here, I -surprisingly for the first time- discovered this.:


Olaf -er Whip, looked a little different. Apparently, later versions of Whip lost the cap, but his beard was always by default white in Japan, not brown.


Catherine, Mop, Kikuchiyo, and Asuka don't look the same. -Asuka though actually does make sense, 'Comet is the Japanese country, "Sonja" in retrospect doesn't blend in with that. -Odd that her name was changed to something not-Japanese, when "Kanbei" very much is.

And Grit, er Billy, had a cowboy hat, the one thing Re-Boot Camp keeps from the Japanese.

The other name differences are.:

  • Ryo-Andy Gotta make it Amurican! for relatability, right Ryu Suzaku? -I mean Rick Wheeler! You too Phoenix Wright, the real Ryuichi Naruhodo!
  • Domino-Sami
  • Hell-Bonze (Japanese for "Buddhist monk/priest")/Strum.
  • Ewan-Colin
  • Hannah-Jess
  • Kong-Flak-Helmut (in Europe)
  • Cat-Lash
  • Snake-Adder
  • Hawke is "Maverick" in Europe.
  • Wittmann-Javier
  • Kouzou-Grimm
    • In English, it says in his profile that he likes donuts. In Japan, Kouzou likes takoyaki- grilled octopus-flavored dough balls. Popular as street food, and associated with the major city of Osaka. So, loosely comparable to donuts.
  • Candle-Kindle-Candy
  • Chakka-Koal-Zak
  • Zipo-Jugger
  • John-Jake
  • Von Bolt is "Herr Bolt" in Japanese.

Everyone else not listed here or named above is the same in all languages. So: Max, Eagle, Hachi, Sensei, Rachel, Sasha.

-I shouldn't single out AW though, not like you weren't complaining about how broken Kamui was yesterday. Fire Emblem is no stranger to completely dissimilar name changes.😛

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Anyway, Spoiler 1 got. I'm not sure quite what to make of him, to be honest. Saphir, Ivy and Seadall are all the sanity I require in this team, I have to reclass him into something funny.

...He does have really balanced magic and strength. Maybe I could make him a second Martial Master lol

Spoiler 2 is getting instabenched again because I am petty.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Cutting Room Floor oddly enough happens to have chapters 1-9 in both translations, if you wanted to compare.

To post one of the War Room/Briefing Room advice exchanges.:

Chapter 08

US Europe
Lin: You know, Will, you should be grateful that I'm such a nice instructor. Lin: You know, you should be grateful that I am acting as your teacher, Ed.
Will: Oh? Ed: Why do you say that?
Lin: Mmm-hmmm. When I was in the Rubinelle military academy, I had very strict instructors. If you missed a question, they'd have you doing push-ups and running laps. You're practically on vacation in comparison. Lin: When I was in the Laurentian Military Academy, I had much stricter teachers. If you didn't pay attention when they spoke, they'd have you doing push-ups... Really, you have it very easy.
Will: Wow. Well...thanks for being so nice. Ed: I'm very grateful, First Lieutenant Lin.
Lin: Once I forgot how many ball bearings are in a tank thread, and my instructor screamed at me. Not nice screaming, either. Nasty stuff. Things you're far too young to hear. Lin: Why, once when I got a question wrong in class, I was screamed at for ten minutes. Those teachers didn't mince their words either. My ears were ringing for days...
Will: Ok, now I'm scared. Ed: I really do appreciate your teaching methods!
Lin: Don't go storming across that bridge. Let the enemy come to you. Build some indirect-attack units to weaken them as they approach. Use transport copters to move soldiers into distant cities and factories. Then focus on producing additional tanks and indirect-attack units. Once your force is ready, move east as a group and engage the enemy. Lin: There's no need to rush to cross the bridge. Wait for oncoming enemy units. It would be a good idea to produce indirect attack units for this job. Use Helicopters to transport Infantry units to capture cities and factories. Focus on producing additional Tanks and indirect attack units. Then go east and engage the enemy!
Will: Understood! Ed: Understood!
Lin: Now give me a thousand push-ups! Lin: Now give me twenty push-ups!
Will: Uh...OK? One...two...th-threeeeeee... Ow ow ow...F-f-f-foooourrrr... Ed: Wh-What?!
Lin: Will? You can stop. I was kidding. Lin: Just my little joke...
Will: ...Huh? Oh! Oh yeah, I... I knew that. Ed: I was worried for a second...
Lin: Stop by again if you want more tips. ...Or exercise. Lin: Come and visit the Briefing Room again when you want more tips.

...Yeaaah honestly, it may be more faithful, but Dark Conflict's writing (that I've seen) just feels plain worse. Not even drier, just worse. "Just my little joke..." is a pretty horrendous line. Heck the entire punchline part is shoddily written in general, for some reason. Some very "PS1 translation" lines there.

Also Will instantly snapping to actually doing the push-ups is amazing. Yeah I think I'll stick with that, thanks. Shame about O'Brian and Sigismundo, but I guess nothing's stopping me from calling them that anyway. Or maybe I could call Greyfield Franco

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

While I was looking here, I -surprisingly for the first time- discovered this.:


Olaf -er Whip, looked a little different. Apparently, later versions of Whip lost the cap, but his beard was always by default white in Japan, not brown.

Oh yeah, I knew that lol. It's fucking hilarious. In the west he looks like a proper military commander, but here he looks like he's off to bed five minutes after the battle. I know the reference is meant to be Santa Claus, but with the color scheme it really just looks like he's leading armies in his PJs.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Catherine, Mop, Kikuchiyo, and Asuka don't look the same. -Asuka though actually does make sense, 'Comet is the Japanese country, "Sonja" in retrospect doesn't blend in with that. -Odd that her name was changed to something not-Japanese, when "Kanbei" very much is.

I won't lie, straight improvements in all cases.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Grit, er Billy, had a cowboy hat, the one thing Re-Boot Camp keeps from the Japanese.

Kinda like the little Russian hat better, to be honest. The cowboy hat just makes him look really generic. In fact, all the OG designs suffer from being generic. And Japan doesn't even want the series so who cares what they think

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The other name differences are.:

  • Ryo-Andy Gotta make it Amurican! for relatability, right Ryu Suzaku? -I mean Rick Wheeler! You too Phoenix Wright, the real Ryuichi Naruhodo!
  • Domino-Sami
  • Hell-Bonze (Japanese for "Buddhist monk/priest")/Strum.
  • Ewan-Colin
  • Hannah-Jess
  • Kong-Flak-Helmut (in Europe)
  • Cat-Lash
  • Snake-Adder
  • Hawke is "Maverick" in Europe.
  • Wittmann-Javier
  • Kouzou-Grimm
    • In English, it says in his profile that he likes donuts. In Japan, Kouzou likes takoyaki- grilled octopus-flavored dough balls. Popular as street food, and associated with the major city of Osaka. So, loosely comparable to donuts.
  • Candle-Kindle-Candy
  • Chakka-Koal-Zak
  • Zipo-Jugger
  • John-Jake
  • Von Bolt is "Herr Bolt" in Japanese.

Everyone else not listed here or named above is the same in all languages. So: Max, Eagle, Hachi, Sensei, Rachel, Sasha.

Some of these names are hilarious. H E C K, Cat and John Protagonist being some of my favorites.

Also was Javier a Spanish reference in Japan too? If so, kinda beats me why they'd give him a German name lol

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-I shouldn't single out AW though, not like you weren't complaining about how broken Kamui was yesterday. Fire Emblem is no stranger to completely dissimilar name changes.😛

Never forget Harold becoming Arthur, even though Arthur had already been used twice in the series (with a minor corruption in Artur's case but still). Some might argue that Harold is just too silly a name. I would counter by pointing to the character it belonged to.

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Eh, we know a good localization would keep the accurate of the script while also embellishing it with purple prose and/or adapting it for the other target audiences.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Eh, we know a good localization would keep the accurate of the script while also embellishing it with purple prose and/or adapting it for the other target audiences.

I'd argue there's a difference between completely altering vital plot points or characters, and changing something so innocuous as Lin's joke to be funnier. Original scripts aren't sacred texts, and it's a lot easier to improve on them when they're already done and you're going through them after the fact. Small alterations like these to less important exchanges, or rephrasing of scenes to get the same message across in a different way, go a long way to making scripts a lot more enjoyable to read. That's what the ideal localization should strive to do, even if it requires a few liberties here and there. Or at least, so I've come to humbly believe.

Tl;dr: Making jokes funnier good. Ruining entire villain's backstory by mistranslating his death quote bad.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Finally completed Future Redeemed! It was good, there were some things i was disappointed with, but overall good enough for the price!

Spoilers for the DLC!!

  Hide contents

The Xenosaga reference at the end of the game, what does it mean!? They mentioned Dmitri Yuriev and the Coalition Gov, and when i seen the symbol on the Radio, i knew it had something to do with XS! I was extatic!



It's ultimately Easter Eggs tho, I don't think it literally connects to Xenosaga in that way.


1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

but why are his attacks all of Dunban's? (anim wise, not names) They aren't "Shulk's" style to me.


He literally lost his arm.




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Just now, Armagon said:
  Reveal hidden contents

It's ultimately Easter Eggs tho, I don't think it literally connects to Xenosaga in that way.






But the ending world (the dream one after the lightning strikes) looks similar to Lost Jerusalem from EP III. 

And Alpha kinda takes the same role as Heinlein in resetting everything. 


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1 minute ago, Lightcosmo said:


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But the ending world (the dream one after the lightning strikes) looks similar to Lost Jerusalem from EP III. 

And Alpha kinda takes the same role as Heinlein in resetting everything. 



Lost Jerusalem is Earth. But as far as the actual lore goes, there'd be too many contradictions for it to actually be connected to Xenosaga.

  • XS Dimitri Yuriev was born several centuries later (Klaus happened sometime in the 21st Century)
  • The Zohar experiment that messed up Earth was done by Grimiore Verum
  • XC2 KOS-MOS and T-elos canonically predate the Conduit experiment


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also makes it really weird how they chose to make the old guy a playable CO in the other modes, but not Banditman or... the other guy, the one with the cap. Old man has a single battle of screentime without CO zone. Banditman has the entire earlygame to himself, also without CO zone. Old man's playable and Banditman isn't. I mean, I'm glad, the old man's exactly my sort of character, but why not both?

This reminds me, he doesn't even have a CO Power. Making him playable could most certainly be something they cobbled together at the last minute.

Could also explain why he uses a weird midi track with the Radiant Dawn instruments as his theme. The actual composers might have already been done with the project, so they needed something they had laying around.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or maybe I could call Greyfield Franco

I'll have you hanged for this!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Some of these names are hilarious. H E C K, Cat and John Protagonist being some of my favorites.

Also was Javier a Spanish reference in Japan too? If so, kinda beats me why they'd give him a German name lol

Not sure on Javier, but given he wears a literal suit of armor over his clothes, I would think it should be the same.

However, about the underlined. I haven't read any directly-translated lines, but Jake and John aren't the same I've heard secondhand. Jake uses his headphones to slack off listening to music and has a stereotypical rapper flair. John is supposedly more serious and uses his headphones for military communications as one would expect. A personality rewrite, plain & simple.  

-Thus I can't entirely rule out the possibility that Wittmann's personality differs from Javier's.

Oh, and apparently, Grit is "Kid" in Europe. Probably as in "Billy the Kid", it's like Europe thought it knew what the Japanese name was referencing, and ran with the other half of the cowboy allusion. -Although if you don't pick up on the reference, "Kid" does look rather weird.

Another thing I didn't point out but could be seen in the above images. The COs are called "Shoguns" in Japanese. Which isn't incorrect, "sho" means "army", "gun" means "commander"; it's perfectly normal Japanese. However IRL, outside of Japan, "shogun" tends to mean specifically the highest leader of the historical samurai, the feudal warlord who ruled Japan on the Emperor's behalf from 1185-1868, the full Japanese title for them being Sei-i T/Daishogun. (The term "shogunate" for their form of government is a purely foreign phrase. The Japanese equivalent is bakufu, which means "tent government", as in "army commander governing from a tent in an army field camp".)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also Will instantly snapping to actually doing the push-ups is amazing.

The War Room/Briefing Room is excellent in DoR/DC, IMO. Not so much because of the gameplay advice, but because of the fluffy dialogue surrounding it.😆 Even if you don't need the tips, it's worth giving it a check at the start of every mission.

BHR and Dual Strike had the COs give you some advice -but only if you lost the mission. Upfront, optional, and delivered with a little zest make DoR a massive improvement on this front.

I kinda wish Fire Emblem had the War Room. Wouldn't it have been nice had Garon given you words of wisdom during the opera house battles of Birthright and Conquest? -But, it simply wouldn't work for FE. Advance Wars has you building a new army from scratch every mission, with some of the War Room advice being basically "These are the units you should make". For Fire Emblem, unique characters who carryover from battle to battle, with EXP and other investments being very important for usability. This means FE is less about "make an army to fit to the map", and more "How do I play this map in a way that fits my preexisting army?", which isn't something generic advice can help with. Not to mention some FEs have such nonexistent map design that any advice-giving would be almost impossible.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Never forget Harold becoming Arthur, even though Arthur had already been used twice in the series (with a minor corruption in Artur's case but still). Some might argue that Harold is just too silly a name. I would counter by pointing to the character it belonged to.

The alternative was sticking with "Asseray". Let me ass you, you think that name would've been fine left ass is?😛

Harold is a real name. The man who William the Conqueror defeated to become King of England was named Harold Godwinson. And Harald is a legitimate Scandinavian name, as the Danish and Norwegian kings Harald Bluetooth and Harald Hardrada would indicate. The latter actually died in battle to the brother of Harold Godwinson not too long before he perished the same. It's fair to say 1066 was a very unlucky time for Har*lds in England.

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The alternative was sticking with "Asseray". Let me ass you, you think that name would've been fine left ass is?😛

Assuming, of course, that it's meant to be Ashley/Ashleigh.

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

This reminds me, he doesn't even have a CO Power. Making him playable could most certainly be something they cobbled together at the last minute.

Ehhh having seen what he has and opinions online, it doesn't seem bad. Sure, no CO power, but this is a game where those aren't as important (see, Lin and her godawful power that doesn't matter), and boosting every single unit inside a ginormous area for both power and defense can be pretty nice for day-to-day combat. He's not going to wow anyone, but he's far from the worst, and his gimmick is a nice, creative usage of DoR's unique quirks.

Honestly, Tasha feels way more cobbled together than Forsythe. Her tiny CO zone and movement boosting seems to misinterpret fliers' favored playstyle. And ol' Grey, but in that case it feels purposeful, since he's meant to be a useless idiot hiding behind a lot of pomp and screaming.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Could also explain why he uses a weird midi track with the Radiant Dawn instruments as his theme. The actual composers might have already been done with the project, so they needed something they had laying around.

...This, on the other hand... Yeah, even taking the super odd IDS themes, his stands out. But I mean, it fits him. They were going for a pretty blatant Camus vibe with him, so it makes sense his music is almost knightly. He's no barbarian, like the rest. And c'mon, giving the old man a rock theme wouldn't have fit. Everyone knows old people don't rock. Right?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Who did it better


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll have you hanged for this!

He doesn't murder folks by firing squad on the side of roads anymore because bullets are too valuable in the apocalypse.

Hey, here's a fun factoid for y'all: In Spanish, the act of executing by firing squad has a dedicated verb, fusilar. Much like France and defenestration, this probably says something about our history.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not sure on Javier, but given he wears a literal suit of armor over his clothes, I would think it should be the same.

However, about the underlined. I haven't read any directly-translated lines, but Jake and John aren't the same I've heard secondhand. Jake uses his headphones to slack off listening to music and has a stereotypical rapper flair. John is supposedly more serious and uses his headphones for military communications as one would expect. A personality rewrite, plain & simple.  

-Thus I can't entirely rule out the possibility that Wittmann's personality differs from Javier's.

Perhaps originally he was a more nondescript type of "mad knight" gag, before the localizers realized "hey that's literally Don Quijote" and decided to lean more heavily on that.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh, and apparently, Grit is "Kid" in Europe. Probably as in "Billy the Kid", it's like Europe thought it knew what the Japanese name was referencing, and ran with the other half of the cowboy allusion. -Although if you don't pick up on the reference, "Kid" does look rather weird.

lol now I'm picturing him running into Colin in the morning.

"Hey, kid."

"Hey Kid!"

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The War Room/Briefing Room is excellent in DoR/DC, IMO. Not so much because of the gameplay advice, but because of the fluffy dialogue surrounding it.😆 Even if you don't need the tips, it's worth giving it a check at the start of every mission.

Yeah, when I get around to this game I'm definitely checking them all out. I know there's lots of fun quips to be had.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

BHR and Dual Strike had the COs give you some advice -but only if you lost the mission. Upfront, optional, and delivered with a little zest make DoR a massive improvement on this front.

Lin sass >>>>>>>> anything else.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I kinda wish Fire Emblem had the War Room. Wouldn't it have been nice had Garon given you words of wisdom during the opera house battles of Birthright and Conquest? -But, it simply wouldn't work for FE. Advance Wars has you building a new army from scratch every mission, with some of the War Room advice being basically "These are the units you should make". For Fire Emblem, unique characters who carryover from battle to battle, with EXP and other investments being very important for usability. This means FE is less about "make an army to fit to the map", and more "How do I play this map in a way that fits my preexisting army?", which isn't something generic advice can help with. Not to mention some FEs have such nonexistent map design that any advice-giving would be almost impossible.

Pretty much, yeah. They tried it in FE7 with the augury and it was woefully incorrect at the best of times lol

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The alternative was sticking with "Asseray". Let me ass you, you think that name would've been fine left ass is?😛

Harold is a real name. The man who William the Conqueror defeated to become King of England was named Harold Godwinson. And Harald is a legitimate Scandinavian name, as the Danish and Norwegian kings Harald Bluetooth and Harald Hardrada would indicate. The latter actually died in battle to the brother of Harold Godwinson not too long before he perished the same. It's fair to say 1066 was a very unlucky time for Har*lds in England.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I kinda wish Fire Emblem had the War Room. Wouldn't it have been nice had Garon given you words of wisdom during the opera house battles of Birthright and Conquest? -But, it simply wouldn't work for FE.

Garon could suggest what enemies you should adopt.



Porygon is working fairly well - not amazing since its SPECIAL is pretty mediocre (75 base compared to e.g. Clefable's 85), but setting up with Agility is pretty nice. Pictured above is BRobot sweeping the Giovanni fight at Silph.


And speaking of set up and sweep...

I was hoping for some stupid AI decisions so that Willie (Beedril) could've done this, but Kadabra was having none of that and just nuked him with Psychic immediately. Against DUX, however, it used Disable and 2x Recover, so he could just destroy Sabrina's entire team with +4 ATTACK and +2 SPEED.

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