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39 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

That's also a possibility, Natives discovering Europe. I don't even think I could give an educated guess on how that would turn out

Like the official CK2 DLC that adds an Aztec invasion from the seas late into the game...


9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would -but I'd want to buy the first game first. Considering how often it goes it on sale, I keep giving it a pass, simply b/c there is no rush.

Fair enough. Seeing the announcement for We ❤️ Katamari: Reroll was what got me to get around to picking up the Katamari Damacy: Reroll from a Steam sale.


3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Having runs in all of these games but lacking the energy to do any of them is peak neurodivergence.

Play the Pokemon one.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

think it had more to do that the Americas didn't had the conditions to make its inhabitants be generally resistant to diseases like the Europeans were by the time contact was made

So the unsanitary conditions of medieval Europe ended up being a benefit in the end then?

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sure, it's more isolated, but what would stop them from building ships and sailing across the oceans? Or land exploration across the Bering Strait for that matter?

Curiosity could've taken hold yeah. They got to the Galapagos. They could've kept going.

But it may also have to do with the Americas being more "compact". Columbus thought "man sailing from Spain to India takes too long, let me just go the other way". There's no comparable distance like that in the Americas unless it's like sailing from "California" to "New York" but following the coast.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

China might have, the Ming Dynasty is already theorized to have discovered the continent before Colombus, they just didn't do anything.

An incredible feat because they're not even close geographically.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

That's also a possibility, Natives discovering Europe. I don't even think I could give an educated guess on how that would turn out

This would put them on the same technological level so I think at that point the Europeans would have their minds shattered but go "huh neat". Sure they could try to conquer the Americas then. But waging war against an equal opponent on their home terf an ocean away is not viable at the time.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The fact it, the specific genetic structure of viruses and bacterium matter, and these things mutate very quickly. Thousands of years of isolation was a big deal.

That's true although it's worth noting that we can technically produce all the antibodies ever possible because viruses and bacteria are so basic they can only have so many different forms. We just need to find it first.

This is why the Black Death only wiped out a third of Europe and not everyone.


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And done! Chapter 2 over. And that's it for tonight.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So the unsanitary conditions of medieval Europe ended up being a benefit in the end then?

In a way, yeah. As the saying goes, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Even vaccines operate on this logic, since their purpose is to give us controlled infections so our antibodies can learn to fight the virus/bacteria without actually putting our bodies to the usual risk.

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Well, I've got an hour or two until we go to the funeral home.

I suppose I'll bind some blade to keep entertained. I have to get the Armads, give Raigh a couple of levels and train Cath. Somehow.

9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

My condolences on your loss. Not sure if this is entirely appropriate, but I will leave a classic song here


It's fine. Thanks for the sick tunes.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Engage manga has made an interesting manuever



Lumera isn't actually dead (yet). She's just out of comission.

@Acacia Sgt in your rewrites, you would've made it so Lumera dies at The Funny instead. Since the manga doesn't have the time crystal present, i have a suspicion they may do just that.

So instead of a FE parent, she's Symon Triangle Strategy. There's potential there. I have to wonder why they didn't do that in the game. Look, there's even people in Lythos. The country doesn't have a population of five. Why is none of this in the game?

...I've seen a couple more screenshots, and it also seems like, instead of dying and then inexplicably coming back to life 15 chapters later, Abyme is spared by Alear and she tells him about the Four Hounds. Then I imagine she escapes, explaining her later return. Interesting. Again, why is this not in the game?

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm sorry to hear that. You have my condolences. Wish I had anything better to say...

Don't worry. That's all one can say, really.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Wonder what he was thinking about those last few days, if he was ready to go. It's an unimaginable feeling.

Who knows. The man could barely even communicate, in the end. Whether he knew it was coming or he still held on to hope for recovery, we'll never know, and I don't know that we want to know.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

A loss like that is never easy to go through, best wishes to your family ❤️

Thanks for the kind words.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

May he Rest In Peace.🕊️

I do have a relative, I haven't seen them in years and we were never close, who has been the hospital for probably a month now. They might yet survive... but with what quality of life? All the stories I've been hearing secondhand... none of them are good. So, I might have an idea of how it has been for your family.

Indeed. I almost have to wonder if it wouldn't have been better if he passed in January. Ever since all he's done is lay there and wait for the inevitable. But at least now, he won't have to suffer anymore.

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Alright, in just one month I'll become a wizard.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So instead of a FE parent, she's Symon Triangle Strategy. There's potential there. I have to wonder why they didn't do that in the game. Look, there's even people in Lythos. The country doesn't have a population of five. Why is none of this in the game?

...I've seen a couple more screenshots, and it also seems like, instead of dying and then inexplicably coming back to life 15 chapters later, Abyme is spared by Alear and she tells him about the Four Hounds. Then I imagine she escapes, explaining her later return. Interesting. Again, why is this not in the game?

Well, being a manga, it doesn't have gameplay, so they have to focus on the story if it wants to be a workable media.

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I think I'll be leaving, guys.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My grandfather has passed away. It was not unexpected. He was severely weakened after the scare in January, if you recall that, and only got worse from there. For a couple of weeks now he had barely been eating, drinking or speaking. We knew it would happen any day now, and well, two days ago it happened. His condition suddenly worsened, he was hospitalized and sedated, and a few hours ago he passed.

Just figured I'd mention it. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. At least, after the nearly four years he spent bedridden, he can finally rest now. And so can my grandmother, who so tirelessly cared for him all that time.

Wojak Cry Hug Meme Generator - Imgflip

For you and your family, take care.

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16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My grandfather has passed away. It was not unexpected. He was severely weakened after the scare in January, if you recall that, and only got worse from there. For a couple of weeks now he had barely been eating, drinking or speaking. We knew it would happen any day now, and well, two days ago it happened. His condition suddenly worsened, he was hospitalized and sedated, and a few hours ago he passed.

Just figured I'd mention it. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. At least, after the nearly four years he spent bedridden, he can finally rest now. And so can my grandmother, who so tirelessly cared for him all that time.

My condolences.

I suppose if things are drawn out like this, it gives you time to get used to the idea that the person won't be around anymore. But it sure sucks waiting for the inevitable, knowing that there is not a damn thing that can be done about it.
I can probably call myself lucky in the case of my grandmother. She was always very adamant about the fact that she didn't want to stay alive long enough for her mind to decay. She was prepared and passing away in her sleep in her home is how she wanted to pass on, and that's how it ended up. I knew the only thing I could ultimately do for her is looking out for myself so that she wouldn't have to worry how things would go without her around. It's just the kind of person she was.

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This game is going to give me a goddamn heart attack

12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Like the official CK2 DLC that adds an Aztec invasion from the seas late into the game...

Old Paradox used to just do shit, huh?

12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Play the Pokemon one.

I'll return to it eventually, I promise.

In fact I'm making a promise to myself to not start any new games until I'll clear all the ones I have going already.

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That was a fruitful chapter. Cath got a ton of strength. Good for her, she's almost decent. Raigh got a couple of boosters, because I'm biased. He put that 15% def growth to use, though.

I find it funny how both the Ostian Scrub Squad and Raigh and Cath have easy gaidens that seem designed for them to train... And then Maximum Scrublord Sophia joins and she gets two bolting sages. Coulda thrown an armor or two her way.

As for everyone's favorite growth prepromote...


...yeesh. At least Dieck can promote now. Keep up with him for supporting purposes.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, being a manga, it doesn't have gameplay, so they have to focus on the story if it wants to be a workable media.

That's true. You could probably fit Engage's barebones text in three or four volumes.

Still some of this could have been in the game and it would only have benefitted it. Lumera specifically would've been a huge improvement.

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

I think I'll be leaving, guys.

Leaving where?

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

Wojak Cry Hug Meme Generator - Imgflip

For you and your family, take care.

Thanks, anime man. Appreciate it, truly.

9 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

My condolences.

I suppose if things are drawn out like this, it gives you time to get used to the idea that the person won't be around anymore. But it sure sucks waiting for the inevitable, knowing that there is not a damn thing that can be done about it.
I can probably call myself lucky in the case of my grandmother. She was always very adamant about the fact that she didn't want to stay alive long enough for her mind to decay. She was prepared and passing away in her sleep in her home is how she wanted to pass on, and that's how it ended up. I knew the only thing I could ultimately do for her is looking out for myself so that she wouldn't have to worry how things would go without her around. It's just the kind of person she was.

Your grandmother sounds like she was a great person. You have my sympathies.

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15 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or land exploration across the Bering Strait for that matter?

Just remembered this but horses didn't exist in the Americas until the Spaniards brought them over. Horses+the wheel was enabled the expansion of Europe and Asia in the first place. Before then the natives didn't really have a friendly and viable animal to help them move around. It was really just llamas and alpacas for them, which those living in what would become the US and Canada didn't even have. Although those living in the far north probably used dogs for sleighs. They had those right?

It's actually insane how Europe just had the monopoly on farm animals until the Spaniards came.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Again, why is this not in the game?

Since we know the plot was just made to give context for the game, something like that wouldn't have worked for the manga. They had to do more.

Look excited Ruben, they're gonna give Hyacinth and Seforia actual content this time.


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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Just remembered this but horses didn't exist in the Americas until the Spaniards brought them over. Horses+the wheel was enabled the expansion of Europe and Asia in the first place. Before then the natives didn't really have a friendly and viable animal to help them move around. It was really just llamas and alpacas for them, which those living in what would become the US and Canada didn't even have. Although those living in the far north probably used dogs for sleighs. They had those right?

Dogs? Yes, dogs were in the Americas.

I think there was some kind of horse ancestor that did lived in North America, but it died out long before the arrival of the Europeans.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's actually insane how Europe just had the monopoly on farm animals until the Spaniards came.

That was also a factor for the disease resistance.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Since we know the plot was just made to give context for the game, something like that wouldn't have worked for the manga. They had to do more.

Look excited Ruben, they're gonna give Hyacinth and Seforia actual content this time.

I certainly look forward to see what best girl Ivy is gonna get.

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18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My grandfather has passed away. It was not unexpected. He was severely weakened after the scare in January, if you recall that, and only got worse from there. For a couple of weeks now he had barely been eating, drinking or speaking. We knew it would happen any day now, and well, two days ago it happened. His condition suddenly worsened, he was hospitalized and sedated, and a few hours ago he passed.

Just figured I'd mention it. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. At least, after the nearly four years he spent bedridden, he can finally rest now. And so can my grandmother, who so tirelessly cared for him all that time.

I’m sorry for your lose Rubenio.

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14 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Having runs in all of these games but lacking the energy to do any of them is peak neurodivergence.

Starting things is easy- war, negotiations, a diet & exercise routine; it's bringing them to a (successful, completed) conclusion that is hard.

So, I feel ya!

-Well, it's less energy, more "the attentiveness certain games "deserve"". Playing video games generally provide the good old Blue Light-Stimulated Temporary Alertness, but I'm still overly concerned (more than I think I should be) about having enough in the evening/night to "truly appreciate" certain games. Which also makes me feel old.🙁 Like, I have a bedtime on playing video games? Nonononono. Let the nocturnal resilience of youth endure in me yet longer!

And to think that earlier this very year, I more or less no-life'ed though the Atelier Iris trilogy + the first Mana Khemia and SRWJ. I'm binge and purge, feast and famine, everything and nothing, dysentery and constipation. A little frustrating this is.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

In fact I'm making a promise to myself to not start any new games until I'll clear all the ones I have going already.

I'm trying to that, on a limited basis. Rune Factory is keeping Maglam Lord sealed away, Xenosaga Episode III must be finished before I can start either Xenoblade Chronicles 3 or 13 Sentinels. I'd also like to trap the second run of SRWJ behind Episode III's completion as well.

As for how this is working out... I'm of mixed feelings about it. I haven't broken these limitations yet, with minimal desire to do so. I'm slowly getting through Episode III now, which is good.

But, I skipped playing Ep. III  this morning. It was splendidly cool outside and I decided to spend the early hours reading (mostly about mixed-race children of the Belgian Congo who got abducted and sent to religious boarding schools and then off to Belgium when independence came) instead. That, and I was so filled with self-loathing that I wasn't sure if I could play XS as much as I simultaneously wanted to. Really made me to crack open SRWJ ASAP, but I'm afraid that doing so and delaying Ep. III's completion will paradoxically create more of the self-criticism it would hopefully provide some relief from. Part of me would like to watch Episode III to its conclusion because it'd be real quick and easy. But then a supermajority of me would totally absolutely positively 100% regret doing that because I have been genuinely enjoying the game quite a bit despite any little bumps in the way, even if my pace of play is so dang slow that it feels like it'll be approaching autumn by the time I finish it.

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

She absolutely was. Thank you.

Best of luck to you and your family.

Thanks. For starters, we intend to take my grandma to my apartment at the city where I work, spend a few days there, visit places. After all these years, she more than deserves a vacation.

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Since we know the plot was just made to give context for the game, something like that wouldn't have worked for the manga. They had to do more.

Hey IntSys, how about you patch the game with manga stuff and make the story good?

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Look excited Ruben, they're gonna give Hyacinth and Seforia actual content this time.

Hyacinth better get a prolongued fist fight. They completely wasted his utterly hilarious affinity for martial arts, since he always used Lyn in combat. The only fist fighting we got to see him do was against a heavily armored, towering mountain of a man. That was never going to work.

As for Seforia, I'd just appreciate a bit more Seforia content. She deserves it.

45 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I certainly look forward to see what best girl Ivy is gonna get.

Ivy, a ton, I would expect. I'm more curious to see if Timerra will get completly shafted again.

36 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I’m sorry for your lose Rubenio.

Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


This game is going to give me a goddamn heart attack

Old Paradox used to just do shit, huh?

I'll return to it eventually, I promise.

In fact I'm making a promise to myself to not start any new games until I'll clear all the ones I have going already.

I know that feeling. I’m a little bit into Breath of Fire 2, but it aint doin that great of a job of holding my attention 

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10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I think I'll be leaving, guys.

Take care, and feel free to return whenever you wish


7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Starting things is easy- war, negotiations, a diet & exercise routine; it's bringing them to a (successful, completed) conclusion that is hard.

Speaking of which, I should finish the NG+3 run of Sekiro for the last achievements...



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Oh sorry, were we not conquered enough to count?

Also I totally didn't save scum and leave Moldavia to die just to avoid fighting the Ottomans.

I may avenge them some day! ...Just in a war where I can call in other allies.

On 6/1/2023 at 9:36 PM, Armagon said:

This would put them on the same technological level so I think at that point the Europeans would have their minds shattered but go "huh neat". Sure they could try to conquer the Americas then. But waging war against an equal opponent on their home terf an ocean away is not viable at the time.

Well maybe, but it's theorized that the Romans totally had the technology to make a similar voyage, they just didn't, and this is further supported by the fact that Lief Erikson and his men reached Newfoundland 500 years before Colombus from Scandinavia.

Fun fact, Norse people and Native Americans did meet and traded goods for a good few years so that's neat.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Starting things is easy- war, negotiations, a diet & exercise routine; it's bringing them to a (successful, completed) conclusion that is hard.

So, I feel ya!

-Well, it's less energy, more "the attentiveness certain games "deserve"". Playing video games generally provide the good old Blue Light-Stimulated Temporary Alertness, but I'm still overly concerned (more than I think I should be) about having enough in the evening/night to "truly appreciate" certain games. Which also makes me feel old.🙁 Like, I have a bedtime on playing video games? Nonononono. Let the nocturnal resilience of youth endure in me yet longer!

It's a mix of the two for me. Combined with the fact that my brain just doesn't produce enough dopamine to fully enjoy even things I enjoy

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