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15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh lol, so this is Sterk Sterky Sterkenburg Cranach! He was Number One, Mr. Krabs!

Sterk the chad.

If you're playing Rorona, easiest tip i can offer is to simply make a save at the start of each exam period. That way, if you fuck up, you won't have to go back too far. Some of the requirements can just be store bought to begin with.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Sterk the chad.

If you're playing Rorona, easiest tip i can offer is to simply make a save at the start of each exam period. That way, if you fuck up, you won't have to go back too far. Some of the requirements can just be store bought to begin with.

Oh, yeah, I already have that kind of habit whenever there's stuff like that in games. So no worries there.

Haha, I'm loving this game already...

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Haha, I'm loving this game already...

I still remember when i first played it. Wasn't really sure what to expect but certainly not that it'd become my second favorite JRPG series it used to be Trails but Atelier games actually come out.

If you jump into Totori after this at any point tho, be warned, Totori lacks a lot of the QoL. Because Rorona DX is taken from a version of the game that came out after Totori, whereas Totori DX is just Totori but with DLC or whatever.

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I like the battle theme, it's so funky. Also lol, I wasn't expecting Cory's servants would pull out guns! XD

Ah, I don't think I have the time to explore, so I guess I'll put that for next time. Still, this is fun, but I guess this will be kind of a long game to go through, haha. It won't take me eight years to finish...

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Oh look at Micaiah, against biochemical warfare.

Imagine if Fates had such a scene.


"That's why I make sure to up my light magic by an extra 500 volts so that my enemies wont even feel their critical innards be fried"

Or... whatever happens with light magic. Lightening magic is a separate type after all.


Ahh shit... The next king is racist.

Is this how British folks feel?


That's good, Tellius needed a few more goths.


How many fucking characters are going to be in this game?!


Wow, you suck.

I'm going to use you for the rest of the game and you will be the one to land the killing blow on the final boss.


Honestly I would be fuckin' ecstatic if the next Fire Emblem was purely focused on inner political intrigue inside of one country and an eventual Civil War.



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45 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Wow, you suck.

I'm going to use you for the rest of the game and you will be the one to land the killing blow on the final boss.


Fiona is unironically fairly decent in the endgame... if you manage to train her up, that is. Her capped stats are quite good, and both her innate skills are kinda nice to have. Imbue with her decent Mag stat is not bad at all, and if I remember correctly, being able to rescue without stat loss means, at worst, that she can carry a support partner around for free. Plus, Earth support is always good.

Good luck getting her there, though.

45 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


How many fucking characters are going to be in this game?!



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I have been playing a little bit of a Pokemon fan game called This Gym of Mine, all about being a Gym leader, which is a fun little premise.

Although seeing @Interdimensional Observer posting about Etrian Odyssey 4 is tempting me a little to get back into that game, but I seem to remember being a bit stuck on a major boss, and the "bosses" of the side quests remaining.


18 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



How many fucking characters are going to be in this game?!

Far, far too many of them. I think the only one they actually dropped from the last game is Largo (and I guess they also drop Devdan...or is it Danved. I always forget), and you can already see how happy they are to add more. Admittedly part 1 does have the most new units introduced.


12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



Wow, you suck.

I'm going to use you for the rest of the game and you will be the one to land the killing blow on the final boss.

Good luck with that one. Not only is it impossible to train her, but even if you bother, mounted Knights don't really get the stat caps you want for endgame.

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10 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Far, far too many of them. I think the only one they actually dropped from the last game is Largo (and I guess they also drop Devdan...or is it Danved. I always forget), and you can already see how happy they are to add more. Admittedly part 1 does have the most new units introduced.

And of course this just so happens to be the game where IS decided they should just get rid of all that pesky character development.


Yamagami: Other than the dialogue scenes, which are integral to advancing the plot, there are also other scenes that, for example, reveal the kind of connection two characters have with each other. While these kind of scenes may be highly enjoyable for the Fire Emblem enthusiasts, for new players they might seem completely unnecessary, having no effect on how much they will enjoy the game.

In other words, by taking out the scenes concentrating on character building, we hope that players new to the series will be able enjoy the game more by just concentrating on the main story. We’ve heard from the more casual players that the storyline was too hard to follow in our previous games, so we’ve thought out this new structure and have found it to be the best solution to this problem.

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2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Ahh shit... The next king is racist.

Is this how British folks feel?

As I recall, he just doesn't know any other word for them. You know, like Ike at the start of PoR. Keep in mind the closest thing to a father he has is Izuka, of all people. If anything it's a miracle he isn't more of an asshole.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


That's good, Tellius needed a few more goths

I wish I could say something about Vika, but there's just nothing. Despite being in the same franchise as Archanea, she manages to be the most empty character of them all. At least the Archaneans have FE12. This girl never had a chance.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Wow, you suck.

I'm going to use you for the rest of the game and you will be the one to land the killing blow on the final boss

There's a good Quetzal. I used every scrub in the game in my RD run. It was so worth it.

You know though, it is speculated that Fiona was meant to be level 1, but they fucked up. It would not surprise me, her bases are just so questionable.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Good luck with that one. Not only is it impossible to train her

It just takes a little imagination.

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32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know though, it is speculated that Fiona was meant to be level 1, but they fucked up. It would not surprise me, her bases are just so questionable.

I want to say that it's more likely that these were supposed to be her Lv.1 stats, but she was supposed to be auto-leveled to Lv.9 from there:


But these numbers would arguably be a bit too high, even ignoring the capped Res at "base". They're a bit better than Jill's bases (at Lv.14) - same-ish Str/Skl/Spd/Def, +4.6 HP, +6.2 Mag, +7 Res - so while she would hardly be overpowered (it's not like base Jill without transfers is a terror), it would be unusual to have a stat total that much higher than that of other characters.

So my final answer is "I have no idea what they were thinking". Given that in the plot, Fiona is somewhat of a leader herself, she doesn't really strike me as an Est-y character, not when fuckin' Meg joins at Lv.3 three chapters / four maps earlier than her. It kinda feels like Fiona was given placeholder stats at a point when they hadn't shaken out unit balance at all, and then they never remembered to adjust them.

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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Still, this is fun, but I guess this will be kind of a long game to go through, haha. It won't take me eight years to finish...

Game's actually pretty short. This was back when Atelier had multiple character endings but was rather tricky to get them all in one run, so the idea back then was that you'd rerun the game multiple times. Totori and Meruru are slightly longer but it's the same idea.

To clarify, character endings never went away but since then, the games have allowed you to get them all and choose or simply have one main ending and make the character endings the ending to their respective side stories.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


That's good, Tellius needed a few more goths

Vika is hot but she has such piss poor availability.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

How many fucking characters are going to be in this game?!


6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Honestly I would be fuckin' ecstatic if the next Fire Emblem was purely focused on inner political intrigue inside of one country and an eventual Civil War.

The trick would be to give both sides nuance and not just have the bad guys be the alt-right *cough* Cold Steel 1-2 *cough".


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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although seeing @Interdimensional Observer posting about Etrian Odyssey 4 is tempting me a little to get back into that game, but I seem to remember being a bit stuck on a major boss, and the "bosses" of the side quests remaining.

Referring to the postgame? Yeah, since the "story" is over, EO extra-doesn't hold back when it gets to that. 

EOIV is considered easy by Etrian's high standards, but even then it's far from a complete cinch.


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Or... whatever happens with light magic. Lightening magic is a separate type after all.

Hmm... Thunder magic is electrocution, light magic is probably more like lasers? -Although there are so many explosion spells in the light category, and I don't know if a laser explosion could actually be a thing.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know though, it is speculated that Fiona was meant to be level 1, but they fucked up. It would not surprise me, her bases are just so questionable.


Nolan Fighter Lvl 9 HP 29 Str 12 Mag 0 Skl 11 Spd 10 Lck 7 Def 9 Res 3
Fiona Lance Knight Lvl 9 HP 25 Str 8 Mag 6 Skl 8 Spd 10 Lck 7 Def 8 Res 6

Comparable at the same base level as Nolan (the -4 Str is OOF! though). You know, the older guy who happens to be considered one of the Dawn Brigade's better units.

The core issue- Nolan joined what feels eons ago when those bases were acceptable. This isn't Blazing Blade where enemy stats stagnate forever and unpromoted units show up into the penultimate non-secret battle, Radiant Dawn -initially at least- moves up the enemy stats fast. And Fiona has availability issues too.

The boss of Fiona's appearance chapter is a level 16 Lance Knight, if we auto-leveled Fio and gave her her lvl 16 bases to match (she is supposed to be the ruler of an autonomous county and the daughter to a famed general)- +3 HP, +2~3 Str, +2~3 Skl, +4 Spd, +3~4 Lck, +3~4 Def, then I think she'd be plenty usable at base. Not amazing of course, but not stuck in such a joining rut. It's a fairly simple fix too.

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7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Oh look at Micaiah, against biochemical warfare.

Imagine if Fates had such a scene.

Iago, probably:

Great RPG Villains: Kefka (Final Fantasy 6) | Switch RPG

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


"That's why I make sure to up my light magic by an extra 500 volts so that my enemies wont even feel their critical innards be fried"

Or... whatever happens with light magic. Lightening magic is a separate type after all.

Light Magic likely means photons.

Photons... photonic energy...

Mazinger Z', la serie original de 1972 ya está disponible en Netflix en  México y Latinoamérica

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


How many fucking characters are going to be in this game?!

I don't remember if this game or New Mystery had the largest cast ever. Either way, both have like over 70's playable characters.

SRW still beats them.

Anyway, as mentioned already, everyone but Largo returns.

Seguro le dijeron, "¡Largo!", y se largo.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Wow, you suck.

I'm going to use you for the rest of the game and you will be the one to land the killing blow on the final boss.

Yeah, about that regarding the killing blow...

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Honestly I would be fuckin' ecstatic if the next Fire Emblem was purely focused on inner political intrigue inside of one country and an eventual Civil War.

Something something Fodlan something something

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7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Honestly I would be fuckin' ecstatic if the next Fire Emblem was purely focused on inner political intrigue inside of one country and an eventual Civil War.


And like every FE, plot will get somehow hijacked by evil plot dragon of plot destroying doom

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And like every FE, plot will get somehow hijacked by evil plot dragon of plot destroying doom

Turns out the Beautiful Nice Voice-Of-Peace Lady whom all warring sides acknowledge as an honorable individual is in fact a cult leader. You only find out coincidentally when her ex-cult sister bumps into her again and brings it up. Then it turns out the evil god feeds on the regret, and thus civil war, wherein the warring parties kill their countrymen, generate oceans' worth of compatriot murder-regret.😛

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turns out the Beautiful Nice Voice-Of-Peace Lady whom all warring sides acknowledge as an honorable individual is in fact a cult leader. You only find out coincidentally when her ex-cult sister bumps into her again and brings it up. Then it turns out the evil god feeds on the regret, and thus civil war, wherein the warring parties kill their countrymen, generate oceans' worth of compatriot murder-regret.😛

Finally, Otome Villainess FE.

Would be a change from typical FE setting atleast, so gimme

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