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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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37 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber.

Conquest was a nice game to return to while I was gone from my computer. I didn't beat it since I was mostly busy with things like human interaction while I was away, but I'll probably continue playing it on the sidelines while I keep playing Radiant Dawn.

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.


Welcome back, and I am glad to hear about thing progressing towards improving your well being.

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17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

My strongest unit is the healer...who controls Wyverns in her squad. She just decimates the game lol

Didn't knew Cherche was in that game.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That... actually makes a lot of sense, and all things considered, he was very wise to do it. Good on you, Cailan.

Says the man who then allowed Cailan's wife to kill Alistair anyway

Semi-related: I looked up the possible outcomes of the Landsmeet and I was a bit surprised that it's impossible to get both Loghain and Alistair killed. I would've expected that Anora would feel rather vindictive in this scenario, but I guess the writers needed the second warden for the Archdemon talk (and Morrigan's... suggestion, especially if Heroofferelden is female). The only other impossible outcome is to have Loghain survive while making Alistair rule alone, but that one makes more sense, right of conscription be damned.

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@Shrimpy -Limited Edition-




Another Ys merchandise lottery. Chibis of all the playables from VIII and IX.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber.

Conquest was a nice game to return to while I was gone from my computer. I didn't beat it since I was mostly busy with things like human interaction while I was away, but I'll probably continue playing it on the sidelines while I keep playing Radiant Dawn.

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

Welcome back!😃

And nothing better than a sound mind in a sound body free of existential anxiety, or at least making progress towards one.😄


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Roy definitely will have to at least promote earlier in a remake. You know, like in every rebalancd that ever was.


...Well, Marth was given an extra 10 levels and some increased stat caps in 11 & 12. Though until it happens, I'll not assume Roy's promotion gets moved (to end of Chapter 16 or 16x) out of IS's liking for "faithfulness" in its remakes.

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holy shit, Reinhilde's damage though. Every time I use her the stopping power of that little crossbow never ceases to amaze. @Interdimensional ObserverWe were talking before about the manner in which Auguste should've helped Valmur with politics after retiring. How he'd come in, crumble a boulder to dust and put the fear of God in any jerks trying to bully his son?

Well, better him than Reinhilde. Reinhilde would just turn them into a splatter on the wall lol

Yeah, I read that when you look at the data, Reinhilde has like the highest damage modifiers or close to it in the entire game, held in check only by a limited raw attack stat and other details.

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still way cool, though I hesitate to call him the coolest with a wife like that. Best couple?

A good couple is a very good thing indeed. It requires twice the amount of good characters than an individual, with the potential to be more than the sum of its parts. And even better Auguste & Reinhilde are a distinctive older couple, the world has always sidelined mature lovers in favor of the stupidity of youth.

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a hilarious concept, I like it.

I'm sure a healer's dragon either breathes the breath of life on allies, or it does what many animal do and lick wounds. Maybe it even swallow allies whole and lets them rest up in their stomach for a while, protected from danger by thick dragon skin.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sure a healer's dragon either breathes the breath of life on allies, or it does what many animal do and lick wounds. Maybe it even swallow allies whole and lets them rest up in their stomach for a while, protected from danger by thick dragon skin.

So basically Ymir from FE Heroes. As in Life Dragon.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Random opinions that nobody asked for:

  • Shale is good and fun and has more depth than her comedic murderlust would make you believe
  • He's a good boy.
  • As I said earlier, Sten used to be my favourite (or at least compete with Shale), but he goes down a bit because he expects you to be far more open to his philosophy than he is willing to be towards yours.
  • Honestly, I like Alistair. Good dude, more open to his emotions than warriors in fantasy games tend to be allowed to, bit of a goof, but also a bit of a pushover and the writing recognises the problems that can come with that.
  • (Leske from the Dwarven Commoner origin) Honestly a bit of a shame that Duncan didn't bring him along. Shows a lot of character, considering how short he's around.
  • Total bitch, 9/10
  • (Ma Cousland) Overly prim and proper lady, who as it turns out was a bit of a fighter herself in her youth, and is immediately ready to pick up her bow when it becomes necessary.
  • (Gorin) Makes the best out of just being the Dwarf Noble's loyal retainer.
  • Leliana's nice. But a bit more boring than her concept made me hope. But nice.
  • Jowan's a total bitch, as well, just in a different sense of the word. He's a bit whiny, but it's not like he doesn't have good reason to be so. It's... something to watch him make the wrong decision at literally every possibility.
  • Come to think of it, Daveth is really similar to Leske. Rogue and cutpurse, bit of a unsuccessful womaniser, but the heart mostly at the right place. The tier difference shows my bias towards the Dwarf Commoner origin, I guess.
  • I like Loghain, but I don't think he gained that much as a companion to what he already was as an antagonist.
  • Wynne's preaching can get a bit old, honestly.
  • (Jowan's girlfriend) Not a lot to say about her, really. Mostly just part of Jowan's gallery of fuck-ups, not that much of a character in her own right.
  • Interesting concept - married to a legendary figure, but estranged from her; she leaves the city for an expedition into Certain Death; he becomes a violent drunk and pariah after killing somebody in a duel; when he finds his wife thanks to Heroofferelden, she turns out to have become the most evil person in the world. Uuunfortunately, he's treated more as a joke characters, and the jokes aren't that funny.
  • Ser Jory, the cowardly knight. 's okay. Daveth has more charisma. Serves a a good demonstration that the Grey Wardens are not nice.
  • As I said, Zevran's unrepentant murderer shtick didn't really click with me.
  • Some guy from the Human origin. Forgettable.
  • I think he's one of the two guys in the Dwarf Noble origin who goes on the expedition with you and then makes a false testimony to frame you for killing your brother..? What a douche.
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1 hour ago, gnip said:

Says the man who then allowed Cailan's wife to kill Alistair anyway

I mean, listen to me: it was funny.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Semi-related: I looked up the possible outcomes of the Landsmeet and I was a bit surprised that it's impossible to get both Loghain and Alistair killed. I would've expected that Anora would feel rather vindictive in this scenario, but I guess the writers needed the second warden for the Archdemon talk (and Morrigan's... suggestion, especially if Heroofferelden is female). The only other impossible outcome is to have Loghain survive while making Alistair rule alone, but that one makes more sense, right of conscription be damned.

Honestly, I do feel like letting you screw yourself into a bad scenario where basically your only option is to kill yourself to beat the Archdemon would've been well in line with the spirit of the game. Alas...

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I like her hair.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...Well, Marth was given an extra 10 levels and some increased stat caps in 11 & 12. Though until it happens, I'll not assume Roy's promotion gets moved (to end of Chapter 16 or 16x) out of IS's liking for "faithfulness" in its remakes.

If they stay "faithful" and keep all the obviously improveable aspects the same, there's a good chance people will call the remake worse than the mountains of rebalances that already exist. And that'd just be really sad on IntSys's part lol

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yeah, I read that when you look at the data, Reinhilde has like the highest damage modifiers or close to it in the entire game, held in check only by a limited raw attack stat and other details.

She does indeed have the highest damage multipliers. It's really something, isn't it. This is a game with a selection of bonus postgame characters that are all meant to be better to their regular counterparts, multiple of whom are straight up deities, among them the Goddess that created the world and everything in it - literally God! And... None of them can outdamage the old woman with the portable ballista. She beats her husband, soldiers in their prime, gods and God in strength.

Why don't more games have characters like this?

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A good couple is a very good thing indeed. It requires twice the amount of good characters than an individual, with the potential to be more than the sum of its parts. And even better Auguste & Reinhilde are a distinctive older couple, the world has always sidelined mature lovers in favor of the stupidity of youth.

They're an old married couple that doesn't hate each other and, in fact, share a really healthy and supportive relationship. Forget anime teens saving the world - that's the real fantasy!

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sure a healer's dragon either breathes the breath of life on allies, or it does what many animal do and lick wounds. Maybe it even swallow allies whole and lets them rest up in their stomach for a while, protected from danger by thick dragon skin.

That's an... interesting image.

53 minutes ago, gnip said:

I like Loghain, but I don't think he gained that much as a companion to what he already was as an antagonist.

The good thing about that is primarily that you recruited the main antagonist. That's just absolutely fucking hilarious and I love him just for that reason.

Beyond that, he looks like Snape and is about as much of a dick. He did shit because he believed he'd be better than Cailan and was probably correct, but he's not all that amazing at ruling either.

54 minutes ago, gnip said:

As I said, Zevran's unrepentant murderer shtick didn't really click with me.

"Haha I'm a horrible person, isn't that funny."

"Very, now let's fuck."

"Wait hold on I didn't say anything about--"

Chastity cage

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe it even swallow allies whole and lets them rest up in their stomach for a while, protected from danger by thick dragon skin.

I just got reminded. In the SRW games where Shin Dragon works as a battleship, that is pretty much the mech equivalent. Put mechas in the belly of the mecha "dragon", and they get repaired.

Also the Gundoll from Dancougar in the rare cases it's playable. Being a dragon-shaped battleship.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I do feel like letting you screw yourself into a bad scenario where basically your only option is to kill yourself to beat the Archdemon would've been well in line with the spirit of the game. Alas...

...actually, yeah. It's not like you're actually soft-locking yourself out of anything, your Heroofferelden just dies at the end of the game and you'll have to roll a new character if you want to play the DLCs within the same timeline. The only big thing that this would lock you out of is even just learning of Morrigans plan/mission, since there isn't much reason for her to reveal her secret machinations when there's nothing that you would be able to do about it (By the way, her verbally abusing Alistair at every turn becomes a lot funnier when you're playing a female and know that she knows that she will eventually have to tap that and that she hates that. And him.)

No, wait, Morrigan's last resort would be to try to very quickly seduce that Orlesian Warden. Which would be funny because she's not the masterful seductress that she thinks she is.

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31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He did shit because he believed he'd be better than Cailan and was probably correct, but he's not all that amazing at ruling either.

Whoops, missed that at first.

I think the immediate motivation was his (admittedly not unfounded) hatred and distrust towards Orlesians. Cailan had invited their Grey Wardens to support his fight against the Darkspawn, the Wardens would've brought a few regiments of regular Orlesian knights with them, and to Loghain, that was a bigger immediate threat than the horde of semi-intelligent monsters about to flood the country in order to kill, torture, and/or eat all inhabitants. So, get Cailan killed, grab power, use the Darkspawn as a very convincing reason why people should unite behind him, beat the Darkspawn and (if necessary) the Orlesians. And maybe transfer power to Anora eventually. Maybe.

The funny part is (spoiler for the Return to Ostagar DLC)


it is implied that Cailan was planning to marry the empress of Orlais to seal an alliance between the countries. You find three letters in his tent - first one a formal letter from Empress Celene to Cailan about the blight; second one from Arl Eamon suggesting to divorce Anora because she still hasn't born an heir; third one an informal letter from the Empress where she just calls him by his first name and suggests to delay "further discussions about a permanent alliance" until the Darkspawn have been dealt with.

So nothing explicitly confirmend, but certainly very HMMMMM-worthy.

I doubt that Loghain knew anything, though, no way it wouldn't had been brought up elsewhere if he had. But I can understand why 06 was a bit mad when I played Return to Ostagar before the chance to recruit Loghain.


Edited by gnip
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So I finished the last case of pw: aa and as such the game itself. The case got super crazily insanely good… eventually. Which is kind of the problem because the beginning was so boring and the end was so good. I have no idea how to feel about it, looking back. Damon Gant is now my favorite murder bro, because unlike the last guy who they painted as an untouchable elite who uses the justice system as he wishes, this is guy is actually it. I mean who else plays boss music when they’re on the stand? And his gentle personality made it hard to predict. It’s also funny that his entire plan was exposed because he made his made the passcode to his safe his detective ID number. Not because that allowed Phoenix and co to get into the safe, but because that allowed them to prove his ID number. Never reuse your numbers guys.

But there’s other good stuff. Ema killed that one dude? Great. Lana’s entire motivation and actions in the past? Amazing, although it doesn’t make any sense why she got a defense attorney still. Jake wanting Justice for his brother? Awesome. Edgeworth and Phoenix actively working together still continues to be phenomenal.

The game itself was okay. The beginning felt overall pretty slow and not super interesting but there was better stuff towards the end.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I was mostly busy with things like human interaction


7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

 It’s great that you’ve been in a pretty good mood.

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13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So I finished the last case of pw: aa and as such the game itself. The case got super crazily insanely good… eventually. Which is kind of the problem because the beginning was so boring and the end was so good. I have no idea how to feel about it, looking back. Damon Gant is now my favorite murder bro, because unlike the last guy who they painted as an untouchable elite who uses the justice system as he wishes, this is guy is actually it. I mean who else plays boss music when they’re on the stand? And his gentle personality made it hard to predict. It’s also funny that his entire plan was exposed because he made his made the passcode to his safe his detective ID number. Not because that allowed Phoenix and co to get into the safe, but because that allowed them to prove his ID number. Never reuse your numbers guys.

Congrats on finishing! Don't worry, the cases do get shorter after this game. In fact, though the "three-day" rule remains in place, cases never(?) last past two days after the first game.

Haha, truly, Damon Gant was an interesting character. It's amazing how despite how prepared he can be, he still make mistakes. Though to be fair, it's not like ID numbers are known publicly. You only find out because it's the last number left unknown on the visitors log, and it's partly intuition to try it on the safe.

13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But there’s other good stuff. Ema killed that one dude? Great. Lana’s entire motivation and actions in the past? Amazing, although it doesn’t make any sense why she got a defense attorney still. Jake wanting Justice for his brother? Awesome. Edgeworth and Phoenix actively working together still continues to be phenomenal.

You mean when she thought she did? Because she truly didn't, you know.

13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The game itself was okay. The beginning felt overall pretty slow and not super interesting but there was better stuff towards the end.

It's certainly one of the most popular cases of the series, that's for sure.

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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Thracia was modeled after Spain, while Leonster, in the north, was modeled after Italy. That’s why Leonster appears more highly-civilised and polished in comparison."



dare you, old man.

I'm going to grab my Berwicksign and beat him over the head.

I'm guessing because Italy was the heart of the largest empire to ever exist and Spain was not the heart of the largest empire to ever exist. Spain also fought a (collective) 784 year war against itself.

But what if that didn't happen

what would Kaga man base Thracia off if Spain's entire history past a certain point was different?

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

here's no way that's right, I got to a point where I reached 110 and I didn't look as bloated as Trumpet boy. The man's actually only a few centimeters shorter than me, he has to be at least 110. At least.

I was 212 pounds not too long ago (i've lost a bit of it since) and i'm basically an average build.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like I told Acacia yesterday, part of the problem here is that if I were John IntSys himself, if I had to make a FE6 prequel, I would've set it in the Scouring, not 20 years before FE6 where absolutely nothing noteworthy is established to have happened.

The thing is, FE7 only happened literally because of Smashy Bros. Everything in FE7 was designed to remind the brand new audience "hey this is what Fire Emblem is like" and a relatively self-contained, more personal story was a good way to do that. Given that Melee had Binding Blade trophies in it, the choices were either make another Marth game or make another Elibe game.

You're looking at it with hindsight.

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

he bigger problem when Binding Remake happens is that it'll turn out units don't start at 0% HP and the game isn't about having Roy spend four turns to do one attack that sends all adjacent enemies flying off the map. Smash has developed an unsustainable international Roy cult and the fact is... he probably isn't the glorious character people have come to think he is. Roy is incredibly unremarkable as an FE lord and a remake would need to light a fire under his butt to liven him up. ...Who am I kidding? Rois Ma Boi Bois will still somehow, stay overexcited.

They'd probably recharacterize him a little bit tbh. Make him more like in Heroes and Engage.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber.

Conquest was a nice game to return to while I was gone from my computer. I didn't beat it since I was mostly busy with things like human interaction while I was away, but I'll probably continue playing it on the sidelines while I keep playing Radiant Dawn.

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.


Welcome back.


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Oh 2024 is gonna be funny (yes these are apparently real billboard ads being set up).

Like it's incredibly hilarious that this all started because Chinese propaganda came out to make Biden look bad.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Don't worry, the cases do get shorter after this game. In fact, though the "three-day" rule remains in place, cases never(?) last past two days after the first game.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You mean when she thought she did? Because she truly didn't, you know.

Yeah that whole plot point.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's certainly one of the most popular cases of the series, that's for sure.

I can see definitely why, but the beginning is just so meh.

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She does indeed have the highest damage multipliers. It's really something, isn't it. This is a game with a selection of bonus postgame characters that are all meant to be better to their regular counterparts, multiple of whom are straight up deities, among them the Goddess that created the world and everything in it - literally God! And... None of them can outdamage the old woman with the portable ballista. She beats her husband, soldiers in their prime, gods and God in strength.

Why don't more games have characters like this?

How long until you edit her into a fanhack?

I did read that we have the shopping lists of a well-to-do-but-not-rich family in England from the War of the Roses (1455-1487). These lists, complied by the lady of the house, include all your usual groceries- food, clothing, other household necessities. The lists also includes two or three poleaxes, a supply of leather jackets to provide a measure of protection against swords and arrows, and some crossbow bolts.🏹 The War of the Roses was a civil war, sometimes the private armies of the local elites raided civilian households, and if the menfolk happened to be absent that day, the job of home protection fell to their wives (in this particular family's case, the men were usually away in London on business, sometimes fulfilling the wife's shopping list). Handheld guns (in the form of the matchlock/arquebus) would require a few more decades to become widespread, so if the patriarch or matriarch had to "greet" some "guests" at the door circa mid-1400s, it would've been with a loaded crossbow.


6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I do like the choice of a sundress for Dana. If you're throwing females into summer attire, I cynically expect bikinis. The sundress is unexpected summer modesty and elegance. The hibiscus for Krysha is fitting and lovely too. Double water guns for Hummel is fun. A nice set of twelve charming chibis all-in-all.😄

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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 ¿Quién te ha visto, amigo, y quién te ve?
¿Cómo te va la vida? A mí me ha ido bien
Tan lejano el paraíso aquel
Estoy acostumbrado a vivir al este del Edén ♫


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14 hours ago, gnip said:

...actually, yeah. It's not like you're actually soft-locking yourself out of anything, your Heroofferelden just dies at the end of the game and you'll have to roll a new character if you want to play the DLCs within the same timeline. The only big thing that this would lock you out of is even just learning of Morrigans plan/mission, since there isn't much reason for her to reveal her secret machinations when there's nothing that you would be able to do about it (By the way, her verbally abusing Alistair at every turn becomes a lot funnier when you're playing a female and know that she knows that she will eventually have to tap that and that she hates that. And him.)

No, wait, Morrigan's last resort would be to try to very quickly seduce that Orlesian Warden. Which would be funny because she's not the masterful seductress that she thinks she is.

"Hello, forgettable man. Let us fuck."

"Ah, I am flattered. Nobody has ever said that to me before. Sadly, I wasn't programmed to be capable of fuck."


"They didn't program a personality in me either, sorry. I'm a plot device."

14 hours ago, gnip said:

Whoops, missed that at first.

I think the immediate motivation was his (admittedly not unfounded) hatred and distrust towards Orlesians. Cailan had invited their Grey Wardens to support his fight against the Darkspawn, the Wardens would've brought a few regiments of regular Orlesian knights with them, and to Loghain, that was a bigger immediate threat than the horde of semi-intelligent monsters about to flood the country in order to kill, torture, and/or eat all inhabitants. So, get Cailan killed, grab power, use the Darkspawn as a very convincing reason why people should unite behind him, beat the Darkspawn and (if necessary) the Orlesians. And maybe transfer power to Anora eventually. Maybe.

The funny part is (spoiler for the Return to Ostagar DLC)

  Hide contents

it is implied that Cailan was planning to marry the empress of Orlais to seal an alliance between the countries. You find three letters in his tent - first one a formal letter from Empress Celene to Cailan about the blight; second one from Arl Eamon suggesting to divorce Anora because she still hasn't born an heir; third one an informal letter from the Empress where she just calls him by his first name and suggests to delay "further discussions about a permanent alliance" until the Darkspawn have been dealt with.

So nothing explicitly confirmend, but certainly very HMMMMM-worthy.

I doubt that Loghain knew anything, though, no way it wouldn't had been brought up elsewhere if he had. But I can understand why 06 was a bit mad when I played Return to Ostagar before the chance to recruit Loghain.




Inb4 Loghain did know and that's the real reason he murdered Cailan. Nobody cheats on my girl.


10 hours ago, Sooks said:

So I finished the last case of pw: aa and as such the game itself. The case got super crazily insanely good… eventually. Which is kind of the problem because the beginning was so boring and the end was so good. I have no idea how to feel about it, looking back. Damon Gant is now my favorite murder bro, because unlike the last guy who they painted as an untouchable elite who uses the justice system as he wishes, this is guy is actually it. I mean who else plays boss music when they’re on the stand? And his gentle personality made it hard to predict. It’s also funny that his entire plan was exposed because he made his made the passcode to his safe his detective ID number. Not because that allowed Phoenix and co to get into the safe, but because that allowed them to prove his ID number. Never reuse your numbers guys.

But there’s other good stuff. Ema killed that one dude? Great. Lana’s entire motivation and actions in the past? Amazing, although it doesn’t make any sense why she got a defense attorney still. Jake wanting Justice for his brother? Awesome. Edgeworth and Phoenix actively working together still continues to be phenomenal.

The game itself was okay. The beginning felt overall pretty slow and not super interesting but there was better stuff towards the end.

That's a fair summary. And I suppose there's no doubt that Gant was the character I was talking about before. Gant hard carries this case lol

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'm guessing because Italy was the heart of the largest empire to ever exist and Spain was not the heart of the largest empire to ever exist

...I mean, maybe by a metric of historical recognition the Roman empire is more like, iconic? But the Spanish empire was a fair bit bigger than the Roman empire, and also lasted longer. It's not the biggest empire, but there aren't many that beat it and the Roman Empire certainly doesn't.

Not that it's anything to brag about, considering the biggest reason is that we had dibs on the Americas and we all know what a can of worms that was, but... yeah.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

what would Kaga man base Thracia off if Spain's entire history past a certain point was different?

It's the same except Travant wears a turban

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I was 212 pounds not too long ago (i've lost a bit of it since) and i'm basically an average build.

I mean, to be fair, maybe Trump has lied about his height too.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

The thing is, FE7 only happened literally because of Smashy Bros. Everything in FE7 was designed to remind the brand new audience "hey this is what Fire Emblem is like" and a relatively self-contained, more personal story was a good way to do that. Given that Melee had Binding Blade trophies in it, the choices were either make another Marth game or make another Elibe game.

You're looking at it with hindsight.

That's a very good point I hadn't considered. They could've just localized FE6 instead lol

9 hours ago, Armagon said:


Oh 2024 is gonna be funny (yes these are apparently real billboard ads being set up).

Like it's incredibly hilarious that this all started because Chinese propaganda came out to make Biden look bad.

Is that official memes?

...Yeesh, some serious "hello fellow kids" energy there. The messages are nice though.

I believe we had similar things here in Spain. Apparently the leftmost party Sumar started releasing some memes prior to the election. I didn't see them, but a friend told me that they even used TF2 memes. He expected me to become enraged, but frankly, I just found it rather flattering that ancient relic TF2 is so big that political parties use it for their lame campaign memes lol

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How long until you edit her into a fanhack?

I mean, I'd have to add Auguste as well. And Fauxnel. Can't forget Fauxnel.

Clearly there is only one solution. My third hack - Fire Profile: Covenant of the Emblem

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did read that we have the shopping lists of a well-to-do-but-not-rich family in England from the War of the Roses (1455-1487). These lists, complied by the lady of the house, include all your usual groceries- food, clothing, other household necessities. The lists also includes two or three poleaxes, a supply of leather jackets to provide a measure of protection against swords and arrows, and some crossbow bolts.🏹 The War of the Roses was a civil war, sometimes the private armies of the local elites raided civilian households, and if the menfolk happened to be absent that day, the job of home protection fell to their wives (in this particular family's case, the men were usually away in London on business, sometimes fulfilling the wife's shopping list). Handheld guns (in the form of the matchlock/arquebus) would require a few more decades to become widespread, so if the patriarch or matriarch had to "greet" some "guests" at the door circa mid-1400s, it would've been with a loaded crossbow.

"Everyone, down on the ground! This is a robbery! We'll take all the money, food and clothes you have! Move and you'll be--"

"Your next step shall be your last!"

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

"Not the fair wage, anything but the fair wage"



Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a very good point I hadn't considered. They could've just localized FE6 instead lol


  • Binding Blade Japan: 29 Mar 2002
  • Smash Melee North America: 3 Dec 2001

Why do I bring these dates up? I'm being reminded of another GBA SRPG.

  • Super Robot Wars Original Generation Japan: 22 Nov 2002
  • Super Robot Taisen (IDK why they left "war" untranslated) Original Generation North America: 8 August 2006

Massive regional release date gap. Yet they did it anyhow. Binding had no "too late" excuse.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I mean, maybe by a metric of historical recognition the Roman empire is more like, iconic? But the Spanish empire was a fair bit bigger than the Roman empire, and also lasted longer. It's not the biggest empire, but there aren't many that beat it and the Roman Empire certainly doesn't.

I also don't think when Kaga called Manster District/North Thracia Italy, that he meant Rome. I think Kaga meant Medieval/Renaissance Italy instead. Why? Well, Med-Ren Italy would've been contemporary with Spain, the Holy Roman Empire (Grannvale), France (Augustria), and post-Vikings Scandinavia (Silesse). The Roman Empire preceded all of these by centuries of course.

Also, Renaissance Italy was divided into various city-states (and coincidentally, the powerful city-states were all in the center or north of the country, and economically Italy to this day  has a strong north and weak south)  that competed with each other as much as they did external threats. What's the fatal weakness of the Manster District? Quan! Autonomous small kingdoms in political disunity. ...Admittedly, that is also the weakness of Grannvale, but only because that was true of the Holy Roman Empire as well. The Unholy Roman Empire -for all the would-be usurper emperors who gathered an army and marched on Rome- hadn't the same kind of normalized disunity as post-Roman Italy and the HRE, it just died instead.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not that it's anything to brag about, considering the biggest reason is that we had dibs on the Americas and we all know what a can of worms that was, but... yeah.

Don't feel too much "national original sin" weighing down on you. Just think of how it came to be that the British love curry. Or, how the US's film industry is centered in Los Angeles.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But the Spanish empire was a fair bit bigger than the Roman empire, and also lasted longer. It's not the biggest empire, but there aren't many that beat it and the Roman Empire certainly doesn't.

Water doesn't count. In terms of continuous land, I found out the Mongols had the biggest empire (though in the end, they were beaten by the Brits if you take water into account).


The Romans don't even crack the top 20 bruh.

But yes the Romans were definitely the most influential.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

that official memes?

Biden has fully embraced the Dark Brandon persona.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



We should go to space.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or, how the US's film industry is centered in Los Angeles.

California cities be like "Spanish name, another Spanish name, Spanish name 3".

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