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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
Well, he is a total Husbando just like Finn i can confirm

It didn't help the girl looked like she could be a member of the Freeige family, heh. I did missed the pointy ears at first.

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14 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

For a moment I thought that was Finn, haha.

He does look identical to Finn lol

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, he is a total Husbando just like Finn i can confirm

Eh. Hicks better.

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Hachi has nice COP visual flair.

Looks like Nell, Sturm, and Hachi unlock differently now. I forget the original requirements in both games, but in Re-Boot you don't need to touch the Challenge Campaigns to obtain these three special COs.

Also, I glimpsed the ingame Gallery.:


There are some differences between the old (not included in the game just to clarify) and the renewed.


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Having hear plenty of K3D's theme over the many Kirby games, I like the direction they took in KatFL. Not a "natural progression" so much as that could be a thing, but an completely unexpected explosion of unapologetic unhesitant flavor. Not for everyone or every occasion, but a great plate of grub regardless.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There are some differences between the old (not included in the game just to clarify) and the renewed.

I like how the big main difference is Olaf photobombing himself in the shot.

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Been trying out the Sifu arenas now. Remember that? I may've mentioned it, it was a separate mode that I never got around to trying out when I first played the game, months ago. Yeah, after 45 hours of game, I had yet to touch the side mode because I was too busy exploring the five levels of the main game and eating every crumb of content I could find. And then some people whine about paying 40 bucks for a game they can beat "in one afternoon." Anyway, I never did try the arenas after all, but I knew the devs were still working on finishing the last few arenas. They did a few weeks back, and thus the time has come.

Instead of long, handcrafted levels where every situation, every nook and cranny is finely tuned to make for memorable and distinctive gauntlets full of unique situations, leading up to difficult bossmen to put your skills to the test and minimal plot tying the entire package together, the arenas are a plethora of shorter challenges with variable objectives. A more low-stakes, high-fun mode that I suspect will still get ball-kickingly difficult down the line.

Also, if there's any Matrix fans around, the very first arena had me recreating the famous scene from Matrix 2. You know the one. Except Agent Smith was bald here, and I was too skilled to get under a big pile of agents. Suck on that, Neo.

Did I ever say that this game's a dream come true? Because it's a dream come true. What a fucking masterpiece for the brawler lover.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I wouldn't have noticed him if @Acacia Sgt hadn't mentioned him.

Fucking Olaf in the background of the shot. That's priceless. Someone should probably tell him he's about to parachute straight into the line of fire of his tanks, though.

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I lost an air to air battle against Kohga....

I should be ashamd of myself...



The more i play TotK the more u like it, but the more i hate the fact that Zelda isn't playable. Such a wasted opportunity..


Playable past Sections with Zelda would've been too much Raw Kino i guess


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Belated Re-Boot Black Hole Rising Final Battle Log:



Time to end the Black Hole Rising.


Lash seems barely fearful of Sturm. She is obedient, but bold enough to display feeling annoyed by the demanding commander.


Stinging insult from Sturm.


And it's on!🤪


30 days or the world get ICBM’ed. On a big map against Sturm. This may prove difficult.

I thought a bit about who to bring here. I originally went with on Max in the center, Sensei to the left, and Eagle to the right. I don’t have time to turtle, so I thought direct combat would be better. But after a few Days, I decided to restart the mission with Sensei swapped out for Grit.

To win, I have to destroy the Deathray:


It deals 8HP damage to all your units within that area at the start of every 7th enemy phase.

The Deathray is only an occasional concern for the center army. Yet it, combined with the two Black Cannons, make fighting in the center of this map very difficult. Therefore, you want to break the pipe seams directly north of the western and eastern armies, you can optionally destroy the Black Cannons after you do so.


Unique quote the first time he uses Meteor Strike. Cool.

Also, Sturm uses a more grandiose, slightly orchestrated version of his theme for this map. Adds some new gravitas.

...Sturm has three ways to split his army. On my brief first attempt, Sturm seemed to evenly split his finances between all the fronts, while on the second, the left side got battered at first, with only light forces in the center and west. Later, he focused his forces near Max’s territory, the right side was almost ignored. Nearly 30k in income, with incredible day-to-day abilities, yet splitting it three ways with the AI being flawed in multi-front wars as it is, ended up undermining Sturm. I was afraid of being crunched for time when I began, it suddenly felt very different.

Once I secured the westernmost and easternmost airport & bases, the fighting had died down in the west and east while Max fought on. The Mini-Cannons fall one tile short of covering those deployment facilities, and you needn’t waste time destroying them. The Missile Silos in the farthest north are basically decorative, the AI ignores them and it’d take too long for you to reach them for them to be useful.

I then had Eagle amass 2-3 Bombers, which OHKOed another four pipe seams, reaching the bases, airports, and roads-laden north-central Deathray area, which was quite undefended. Even when I entered it, he build Missiles as the solution, no Fighters, no Anti-Airs, just the most fragile anti-aircraft units there is, useless without proper protection. Sturm’s lack of any real defenses for his precious Deathray allowed Eagle to end it in a single blow on Day 19.


It twas done.


They started playing the non-Super CO Power Theme during this BTW. Zesty and kinda befitting, since the heroes know they are pulling off a certain victory.


Things got serious fast!


And this is why Andy got the label "the boy who saved Macro Land" in his Dual Strike description. Even though BHR is an ensemble cast.


Sweet, animation time! How they all fit in that one tank?


Hawke did this in GBA Black Hole Rising just the same, albeit we couldn’t see how it happened. This moment felt weird to me years ago, and it’s just as weird now. CO Powers are acknowledged ingame, but for Hawke to actually use this bizarre bit of magic and kill Sturm with it is… 😵 …a total suspension of this relatively realistic world.


Hawke is… some kind of brooding anime

And Eagle "continue this fight until I'm satisfied despite the last clash with evil being over", reminds me of him and AW1.


Adder’s reaction seems utterly bewildered by this turn of events and now his inner sycophant is desperately trying to figure out how to cope, and hastily decides to align himself with the new Black Hole leader. Flak seems scared s***less. And why wouldn't he be? The vice-commander came out of nowhere and did the unthinkable of murdering their liege. Flak and Adder alike are stuck with nowhere else to go b/c all the other countries hate the two for invading them. Yet the man F&A are stuck with has shown himself to be very, very, very scary because if he'd commit treason of the highest degree, there is no telling what else he might do.

...The above are Flak's & Adder's last words. They never appear in Dual Strike's plot even though Hawke and Lash do. Datamining evidence indicates they were the last COs added to DS, an afterthought, and gameplay-wise they had slightly better gameplay clones in the form of Jugger and Koal replace them.

As for Lash, she is happy in the end. Her self-centered attitude lets her spring back pretty easily, treason probably doesn't bother her at all, unless someone betrayed her.


Word of advice Hawky Boy- don't accept help from a lady with hair that looks like a cranberry wreath fragrant candle! It'll bite ya later!





I expected that terrible Power score, Eagle barely fought anything, he didn’t even get enough meter buildup to use a Lightning Strike. But, I had gone back and gotten a perfect 300 on Drake’s Dilemma, so I had buffer to end the campaign with an overall S rank.

And so...


...the story ends.


A roll of every mission played again. A new square on the board lighting up with each additional mission that is displayed.


And the credits again too.


Then it was the CG I posted before.

Checking the Gallery, it looks like completing AW1 and 2 on the Challenge Campaigns unlocks the last two CGs.


Speaking of. The medal for AW2 jumped immediate from nothing to bronze to silver owing to having won the Campaign and clearing all its missions.


This wasn't expected. ...Looking at the BHR requirements, Hachi demanded you complete the Hard Campaign. Now I get the CO who is cheap as heck because he is gets units cheap as heck much sooner and easier!

...I wish they retroactively had added playable Hachi to AW1 here, with Barter as his CO Power and retaining his 10% discount on unit prices. -They didn't, unfortunately.🙁 I get not adding anyone else from AW2, but Hachi was in AW1, he just wasn't a CO.


This immediately followed Hachi announcing himself.

I wasn't expecting Sturm would talk back.😆

...I noticed I was still missing Nell though. I had a hunch why.

So, the morning after the day I finished BHR, I went back to AW1 and cleared some unplayed Max & Andy Green Earth battles. Which upon completing the last of them...


Doing that made Rivals! appear.

A post-final battle for AW1, unlockable in the original game by using Sami during all the Green Earth battles where she is available. A little duel between Andy and Eagle.

I hesitated, because I'm aware this map is considered diabolical.


...But this is on Advanced/Challenge Campaign. On Normal/Classic...


No FoW, just three Infantry for starting enemies.

Nice new sunset waters aesthetic BTW! They aren't used anywhere else.

Massive Eagle property lead, but the AI doesn't utilize it properly. You can neglect building Tanks and other ground troops for a few turns. It'll take a little time for Eagle to build attack forces, and even then the forward bases take a turn or two to reach your starting position. That spacing allows you to start with some Transport Copters and a Fighter or two. Taking the disconnected islands in the middle are a good starting action. Between Eagle, that central airport, and the bridges and water, this map does have a fairly strong aerial presence.

Elite players can win with a 9-Day HQ capture. I didn't do that. I just fell back on good old routing.


I won in 21 Days, 20 is the maximum permissible for 100 Speed, so close.

Thanks to this, the badge thingy for AW1 on the profile ID upgraded to silver. And...


...the one missing Commanding Officer was enlisted. Now I have all 11 COs (+Andy Clone) of AW1, and the 19 COs of AW2. The whole rosters are mine to play with.😄

Hachi, Nell, and Sturm all cost 1000 points each, 100 more than every other CO.

Although, while Hachi and AW2 Sturm (AW1 Playable Sturm is quirky yet balanced) are broken, Nell... she's an unreliable one. Berwick Saga's knives come to mind to describe her, or Berwick's crits, although Nell doesn't pierce Defense, or maybe it does, I'm not entirely sure.😅 I know she can do ridiculous things under her SCOP like take 6HP off a Neotank with just one Infantry, but this is literally a mechanic called Luck. So well Nell has no outward weaknesses, her reliance on greater Luck than the average CO is itself a kind of weakness, since Luck is fickle.

And after doing one match each messing with the last three COs, I'm really feeling some Re-Boot Camp fatigue at last.😆 What a shame, this game has been so helpful to me for the past month.

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This trend's been going around


Everything is ordered until Tropical Freeze, after that it's a constant state of flux tbh.

11 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Fun fact, I learned recently that Kissinger is canonically a templar in the Assassin's Creed universe apparently, which is fucking hilarious considering the bastard is still alive.

I feel like every historical figure is a templar in Assasin's Creed. Is Simon Bolivar one?


He's not. Series is cringe.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


There are some differences between the old (not included in the game just to clarify) and the renewed.

I like the art of the original but i like the faces of the new one. Fits the vibes better.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

lost an air to air battle against Kohga....

I should be ashamd of myself...

You weren't OSHA Forklift Certified.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

lost an air to air battle against Kohga....

I should be ashamd of myself...

It would've been cool but tbh, i don't know how exactly they would've implemented that.

You should've seen pre-release tho. Years of speculating that Zelda might be playable because "they made her hair shorter for better collision".

Edited by Armagon
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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I feel like every historical figure is a templar in Assasin's Creed. Is Simon Bolivar one?


He's not. Series is cringe.

If I recall about those Templars... isn't that a good thing, then?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

It would've been cool but tbh, i don't know how exactly they would've implemented that.

You should've seen pre-release tho. Years of speculating that Zelda might be playable because "they made her hair shorter for better collision".

Smh, why even change her hair then...

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If I recall about those Templars... isn't that a good thing, then?

Idk what a templar is in this context. All i know about Assassins' Creed is the first four games are good and then it went to shit or something. Also this

Oh it's age-restricted fuck off. It wasn't age-restricted when i watched it at 11 years old (it's the AssCreed 3 trailer but the "America Fuck Yeah" song plays).

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Idk what a templar is in this context. All i know about Assassins' Creed is the first four games are good and then it went to shit or something. Also this

I think they were some kind of Illuminati-esque secret group controlling society from the shadows or something like that. Or were seeking some world-controlling artifact... I think. Something Eden and Golden Apples? I think...

I recall one game had an ending where Washington finds one such artifact, gets corrupted by it, and now he's Emperor of America and proceeds the Manifest Destiny the whole world... something like that.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Did I ever say that this game's a dream come true? Because it's a dream come true. What a fucking masterpiece for the brawler lover.

Always wonderful to hear!😄

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fucking Olaf in the background of the shot. That's priceless. Someone should probably tell him he's about to parachute straight into the line of fire of his tanks, though.

What I find odd is that they added Olaf, and just him.

Like, if you were going to reinterpret the old art and add things that weren't there before, why not add more? The image is a little empty to the right, why not add like a Fighter with Eagle's head visible in the cockpit? 


24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I like the art of the original but i like the faces of the new one. Fits the vibes better.

I agree. Max's face in particular is pretty poor.

And as for the art as a whole, yeah, the WayForward reinventions of certain pieces of old key art:


The new is a lot less rough & gritty (contributing to a certain vibe regarding war), also a loss of detail and details. Brighter the WayForward stuff too. -Maybe not as charming as the old, but it's not bad. On the positive- again with the faces. Andy looked fine in the old, but Max and Sami appear to be kinda there, while WayForward gave them some warmth and attention.

...Now thoughts of Harvest Moon 64 and Back to Nature are springing to mind.😆 Their old art had similar admirably rough character, and the newer, cleaner Friends of Mineral Town remake art didn't have the same nostalgic spirit (though I did get used to the change there). Pokemon -even setting aside the poor image quality misconception the West until recently had- certainly has had the same kind of aesthetic change too.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


The new is a lot less rough & gritty (contributing to a certain vibe regarding war), also a loss of detail and details. Brighter the WayForward stuff too. -Maybe not as charming as the old, but it's not bad. On the positive- again with the faces. Andy looked fine in the old, but Max and Sami appear to be kinda there, while WayForward gave them some warmth and attention.

No photobombing Olaf. 0/10

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Now thoughts of Harvest Moon 64 and Back to Nature are springing to mind.😆 Their old art had similar admirably rough character, and the newer, cleaner Friends of Mineral Town remake art didn't have the same nostalgic spirit (though I did get used to the change there). Pokemon -even setting aside the poor image quality misconception the West until recently had- certainly has had the same kind of aesthetic change too.

I suppose it makes sense since for FoMT the characters were redesigned, not just changed artstyle.

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Stinging insult from Sturm.

How dare he. Kill him.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


What flesh, there's no flesh in you buddy

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Okay but look at Olaf being all worried. Tsundolaf is real.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hawke did this in GBA Black Hole Rising just the same, albeit we couldn’t see how it happened. This moment felt weird to me years ago, and it’s just as weird now. CO Powers are acknowledged ingame, but for Hawke to actually use this bizarre bit of magic and kill Sturm with it is… 😵 …a total suspension of this relatively realistic world.

Honestly, probably would've been better if he just shot Sturm with a rocket launcher lol

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Doing that made Rivals! appear.

Ah yes, the "let's sacrifice dozens of our soldiers' lives to a pointless game" mission.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Always wonderful to hear!😄

Always wonderful to see. Love it when games turn out like this.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What I find odd is that they added Olaf, and just him.

Like, if you were going to reinterpret the old art and add things that weren't there before, why not add more? The image is a little empty to the right, why not add like a Fighter with Eagle's head visible in the cockpit? 

Riddle me this: When you have Olaf, who else do you need?

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The new is a lot less rough & gritty (contributing to a certain vibe regarding war), also a loss of detail and details. Brighter the WayForward stuff too. -Maybe not as charming as the old, but it's not bad. On the positive- again with the faces. Andy looked fine in the old, but Max and Sami appear to be kinda there, while WayForward gave them some warmth and attention.

Honestly, "rough and gritty" does not suit this series, at least until Days of Ruin. And they did Sami so wrong in the old CGs, she looks bored out of her mind in all of them for some reason.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

, i don't know how exactly they would've implemented that.

Get a Tear -> Zelda section Totally not like Ys 8 Dana

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

This trend's been going around


Kinda ordered but not really. The 2 first rows are very close to each other, and so are the other 3

Consolidated some entries so they don't take half the list *cough*Trails*Cough*

Maybe i should consolidate more lol. Like the Ys or the command and conquers 🤔

TotK might make the list the way it's going

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

You weren't OSHA Forklift Certified


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




Y'know... i do not understand the hype behind Tales of Berseria. I played it and it was alright, but the story felt lacking and the gameplay was seriously lacking i felt.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Get a Tear -> Zelda section Totally not like Ys 8 Dana

See like on paper you think "yeah that could work" but i feel like you'd have to rewrite the glyphs to actually, justify a playable Zelda within the context.

But also would that break the gameplay loop the devs were going for? It's not like the Shrines where it's bite-sized puzzles using your abilities, now you have a whole other part of the game where you are actually playing as someone else. Then you'd have to come up with a brand new set of abilities that are only used in those parts of the game.

I think maybe in a different game, it could've worked. Like Spirit Tracks but more fleshed out.

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Rauru: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer



You know it's really Ganon when laugh

The TotK one is the only one here with the context (but you saw that already).

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Fair enough. I'll try the top 25 thingy. Click to make bigger if needed.


I don't think it's arrogance to say this has to be the weirdest top 25 videogames anybody has ever done.

Completely unordered. I love each of these games for vastly different reasons and comparing them would be pointless. Instead, I included a helpful little snippet about why these games are here.

You might be wondering what FE6 is doing there when it's not even on my top 5 FEs according to the ranking. Well, I gotta credit it as the game truly set in stone my love and interest for this series. FE7 may've been my introduction, but when I picked up FE6 there was no going back. I played it so much, I unlocked Guinivere normally, and I still come back to it from time to time. For that I can only call it one of my favorite games of all time. Games like Engage and Conquest might be the superior games, but I can't call them that when I can barely make it through one run without getting burned out. This makes sense in my head.

I kind of ran out of ideas around 22 or 23 games, so I ended up including a couple that I'm a bit more iffy about. But fuck it, Exit Fate being there means I can say I put a freeware RPGMaker game with stolen assets into my top 25 videogames period, that's great. Apparently this game that showed up in the latest direct is being made by the creator of Suikoden, the games that inspired Exit Fate. Who knows, might be the one to take EF by storm... Or perhaps only be another to fall short to this unlikely titan.

So uh. Yeah.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:



Anime everywhere

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Somehow, less anime than I would've expected.

Also I love how Berwick Saga isn't even official art lol

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*Wakes up, sees it's already 10:30.*

My irrational melancholy-induced staying up late has gone too far.😦 -And almost as quickly I start feeling a powerful surge of 😱.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, probably would've been better if he just shot Sturm with a rocket launcher lol

They had no problems with Sturm about to blow everyone up, they had no problems with Adder actually detonating an explosive intended to kill the three Comet COs that failed.

But when the time came for a successful murder, the game had to abandon reality and go with magic.

Also, I recall you though of Hawke as being like Murdock before. I had this in mind when you said that, b/c Murdock wouldn't exactly ever do something like this.😆

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, the "let's sacrifice dozens of our soldiers' lives to a pointless game" mission.

I'm sure it's all paint rounds (which I'm told still hurt, can draw blood if they hit exposed flesh). And the artillery shells have been set to "stun", I think you can do that.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, "rough and gritty" does not suit this series, at least until Days of Ruin. And they did Sami so wrong in the old CGs, she looks bored out of her mind in all of them for some reason.

Well, anything is better than Famicom Wars's box art.:


And yet...

-Just watch the first 52 seconds. And maybe the end at 1:01:24.

A certain silliness has always been present from the start.

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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sure it's all paint rounds (which I'm told still hurt, can draw blood if they hit exposed flesh). And the artillery shells have been set to "stun", I think you can do that.

I think in some simulated wargames they just do stuff like:

"Tank X, you were hit and sustained crippling damage, remove yourself from the battlefield."

As in, not even using fake rounds. Just simulate firing, simulate if the shot hits or not, simulate damage, and just tell anyone to leave if they sustained enough simulated damage. Or so I think.

Game certainly doesn't portray it that way, though, that's for sure. Still, perhaps changing it up for just one map wasn't worth it, perhaps.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fair enough. I'll try the top 25 thingy. Click to make bigger if needed.

>new mystery favorite game

>not Engage

4 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Y'know... i do not understand the hype behind Tales of Berseria. I played it and it was alright, but the story felt lacking and the gameplay was seriously lacking i felt.



Got the Ace Attorney trilogy for PS4. Currently making my way through the first game.

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