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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

At least it's on the same continent *cough* France having a country-sized territory in South America for no reason *cough*.

But also uh...."tiny"


This is without Mercator projection.

I'm actually having a hard time visualizing this myself but yeah, Alaska is basically a subcontinent tbh.

Tiny by North America standards. Sure, it's as big as six European countries. It's also like a sixth of Canada and entirely disconnected from the US.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fate is some wild shit

Medb is an absolute dogshit name.

7 minutes ago, gnip said:

The land north of Portugal used to be its own kingdom (Galicia), which I think was always closely connected to Leon and Castille. I do support its annexation by Portugal for the sake of clean borders, as well as Canadian Alaska, independent Hawaii, and, to heck with it, an independent kingdom of Aragon for a nice tricouleur on the political map of Iberia.

Galicians are a proud people. They'd sooner become their own nation.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Who is the most x cha-

Who is the most bearded character?

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12 minutes ago, gnip said:

In 1640, a Portuguese pretender declared for the throne while the Spanish were busy fighting the French

Spain must've been really distracted at the time for them to let that go by.

12 minutes ago, gnip said:

I do support its annexation by Portugal for the sake of clean borders, as well as Canadian Alaska, independent Hawaii, and, to heck with it, an independent kingdom of Aragon for a nice tricouleur on the political map of Iberia.

Let's do that and also have the glorious return of Gran Colombia


The dream has fallen.....but it can be returned. Manifest Destiny (South American version).

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's also like a sixth of Canada and entirely disconnected from the US.

We just need to steal a bit of British Columbia and we can connect to Alaska.


8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Medb is an absolute dogshit name.


Irish legend

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Galicians are a proud people. They'd sooner become their own nation

Same as Catalans apparently.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Spain must've been really distracted at the time for them to let that go by.

The Habsburgs, basically. They dragged Spain to involve themselves heavily on the continent... to a detriment. Specially since all that New World silver/gold went to fund wars instead of being invested in the country itself for the most part.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, as the powers bested onto me as the Emperor of the Shrimps, on this very birthday, i shall send you all the rain i am able to


Sorry! I wasn't sure what you meant earlier.😅 I thought I'm the only one here who goes subtle with mentioning their bday.😆

So, happy birthday!🎂


-Collab art from a gatcha that I saw recently.


39 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Spain must've been really distracted at the time for them to let that go by.

To elaborate on @gnip's point.

King Sebastian I of Portugal died at the age of 24 fighting in Morocco in 1578. His successor was his uncle Henry ...who was a cardinal, and the Pope refused to free this old man from his vows. Thus died the royal House of Avis/z of Portugal two years later, which had reigned during Portugal's golden age of navigation and global trade.

So, everyone who cared then reached for the dusty old genealogy charts. Looking at them, things were narrowed to two contenders: the Portuguese noble House of Braganza, or the Spanish Habsburgs.

Spain at the time was ruled by Philip II, great-grandson of the famed Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. This was at the peak of Spain's prominence on the world stage. Thus, the aristocracy and other elite of Portugal were very willing to accept Philip II, who did a little invasion to press his claim. The Portuguese nobles thought that this would allow them to trade within the Spanish global empire, and thus make them wealthier.

Fast-forward to the 1640s. The union of Portugal to Spain was a purely personal one, a shared king and that was it. The Portuguese weren't allowed privileged access to the Spanish Empire they had discovered. Thus, the descendants of the men who had accepted the union, decided to rebel and choose the formerly unchosen House of Braganza option. Having a viable Portuguese kingly alternative + a rebellion in Catalonia + Spanish losses against the Netherlands + fighting in the Thirty Years' War, Philip IV saw Portugal go goodbye. There were also depopulation in Aragon, longstanding debt issues spiraling out of control (including several prior defaults), and Phil 4's chief minister Duke Olivares was very unpopular -the Spanish Empire was positively on the decline at this point.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The Habsburgs, basically. They dragged Spain to involve themselves heavily on the continent... to a detriment. Specially since all that New World silver/gold went to fund wars instead of being invested in the country itself for the most part.

Didn't notice this when I was typing the above. But from what was argued in one book I read, the American silver, as illustrious as it was and important in an age on a gold-silver standard, didn't actually bring in that much yearly income for the Spanish crown. The argument went that Spain's credit system rested on future silver income and the reputation of the Crown, but that it didn't actually pay for much on a daily basis. It was largely taxes from Aragon (but not the rest of Spain) and the European possessions + the "Three Graces" from the Catholic Church, that payed for what the loans backed by silver did not.

Of course, the Spanish New World silver output eventually declined (partly because of improved working conditions I think, also other Europeans attacking the treasure fleets). And the interest alone on the debt gradually became a behemoth expense (not unlike France on the eve of the Revolution, and increasingly, the debt of the present-day United States).

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56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

the Spanish Empire was positively on the decline at this point.

And then Citizen Kane framed them for the Maine and that finished off the Spanish Empire for good.


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MOVeLOT is Developing a Real-Life Patlabor Ingram - Siliconera

@Acacia Sgt Looks Grendizer and the Gundams will have a new friend.


45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And then Citizen Kane framed them for the Maine and that finished off the Spanish Empire for good.


Well there's Charles II that king tragically afflicted by the debilitations of generations of incest. And then the War of Spanish Succession that sees Philip V of the House of Bourbon installed. And then we skip ahead a century to Napoleon's invasion of Spain, which saw him install his older brother Joseph on the throne, but Spain is usually described as an ulcer for Napoleon, so his bro Joe got kicked out and moved to New Jersey. And then the Spanish Empire crumbled on the American continents.

...And then we get to the Spanish-American War.😛

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24 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

MOVeLOT is Developing a Real-Life Patlabor Ingram - Siliconera

@Acacia Sgt Looks Grendizer and the Gundams will have a new friend.


We need to step up our game. We must build our own Tequila Gundam, pronto!

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Gaelic Twitter has declared war.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..And then we get to the Spanish-American War.😛

Yes i know, i'm saying that was the final blow. Before then, Spain still had some island territories but they lost them to clickbait.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Gaelic Twitter has declared war.

Ruben should better watch out.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yes i know, i'm saying that was the final blow. Before then, Spain still had some island territories but they lost them to clickbait.

I mean, Canarias, Ceuta, and Melilla still makes them intercontinental... kinda.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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58 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, this is interesting...

Haha, of course there'd be rabbits there if the moon was involved. Anemos Rabbits?

I know it's unfinished, but the rabbits look a little too silly for Golden Sun. The anime girl was the goddess is fine, just not the minions.

Shame Dark Dawn didn't include it like it did Crystallux the commercial summon. Maybe they wanted to save a lunar goddess for whenever they got around to possibly maybe going to the Moon itself (Sheba being speculatively a moon child after all). ...But ofc the franchise died well before it could do that. (Actually, with Boktai in my head, I'm reminded of how that series factored in Moonlight as an element. Moonlight being separate from Darkness, but related, serving as a kind of neutral element between Darkness and Sol. Not exactly able to purify Darkness, but capable at least of sealing it.)


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

@Interdimensional Observer time's ticking on those Reward Tickets.

And here I just assumed online play died with the end of the eShop.

Well, there goes Yggralith Zero and the T-Plume. Farewell Global Nemeses! I liked the concept of them, they were very MMO/multiplayer gatcha, like the Squad Tasks and Missions. The problem was only two Nemeses made for lacking variety, if there were a few more it would've been better.

Oh, and anyone who wants to make an Ares 90 is going to need to horde the 5000 100% Survey Tickets now. To buy the Golden Yggralith Hearts that Pharsis the Everqueen doesn't drop. (Except you won't need the 90 if you can complete the Survey b/c you've already bested the Endbringer.)

On the positive side- early April means anyone who wants to can go ahead and hack away without qualms. Just give yourself 99 Crude Neilnail Masks and avoid the tedium of grinding the Twin Dolls of Mystery/using Tickets. (Or hack in the level 60 Skells and superweapons if that's the easier option.)

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well there's Charles II that king tragically afflicted by the debilitations of generations of incest.

9 instead of 16 great-great-grandparents. European royalty truly is the OG Alabama.

Thank you for elaborating, as always, as my historical knowledge tends to be rather big picture, which is to say I generally don't know the details of why something shaked out the way it did. :lol:

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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

too many to count

No examples?

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Be thankful no one here is Irish... maybe.

Dayni is, but he's not been around these parts for a while. I am safe.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Hey, I'm just saying, they could've called her something else. Like, say. Lieselotte. That's a great name, right there.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Same as Catalans apparently.

The Catalans wouldn't "rather", they are trying to become their own nation. Or at least, a subset of them. A subset that gets to pick who governs, because their handful of seats at congress are vital to any attempt at government, the way things are looking.

Or, we go to elections in January. Unlike Feijoo, Sanchez has announced he'll settle for nothing less than a long-term agreement, sustainable for a full four year legislature. If the coalition looks too unstable, we'll go to elections - or so he claims, of course. Politicians do politice. But in this instance I believe him. A shaky alliance wouldn't be any good, they wouldn't be able to do anything and it would be a pretty poor look if they went to elections a year into the term. Best to risk it again now.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The most evil thing i've seen all year and i am not even joking


It's just an anime girl.

You're so right, yes.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ruben should better watch out.

Me? Wha?

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, Canarias, Ceuta, and Melilla still makes them intercontinental... kinda.

Very, very kinda, but yes. We do have two towns on Morocco and a handful of islands left. Not entirely sure why we were allowed to keep those, to be honest.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Man, I have such fond memories of Luigi's Mansion's 2's online mode. Would've liked to try 3's, but well, NSO. Too bad.

Just sayin', Team Fortress 2 on the PC is still alive 15 years later. That one has no risk of "online functionality being discontinued" or "pay to be able to use the online connection you paid for." Wanna know why? Cause PC masterrace.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:
time's ticking on those Reward Tickets.

I don't know what you mean by "reward tickets," but my advice?

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To buy the Golden Yggralith Hearts that Pharsis the Everqueen doesn't drop

Even if she did, you'd have to beat her more than once.

Xenoblade X drop rates in general are kinda stinky from what I've noticed so this just sucks as a whole.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, I'm just saying, they could've called her something else. Like, say. Lieselotte. That's a great name, right there.

>Irish legend

>Called a German name instead

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The Catalans wouldn't "rather", they are trying to become their own nation. Or at least, a subset of them. A subset that gets to pick who governs, because their handful of seats at congress are vital to any attempt at government, the way things are looking.

I looked up the origins

"In 1931, Estat Català and other parties formed Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Republican Left of Catalonia, ERC). Macià proclaimed a Catalan Republic within Spain in 1931, subsequently accepting autonomy within the Spanish state after negotiations with the leaders of the Second Spanish Republic. During the Spanish Civil War, General Francisco Franco abolished Catalan autonomy in 1938. Following Franco's death in 1975, Catalan political parties concentrated on autonomy rather than independence"

Ah of course. Franco was connected to it in some way (he got rid of it). Makes sense why Catalans want to get their thing going again, since they actually did have it and then Franco said no. Now that he's dead and buried, they see a chance.

But 1975 was 48 years ago too so how much steam does this movement have left?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Very, very kinda, but yes. We do have two towns on Morocco and a handful of islands left. Not entirely sure why we were allowed to keep those, to be honest.

Probably for the same reason America owns Guantanamo Bay and at one point owned the Panama Canal. Persuasion /s

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Man, I have such fond memories of Luigi's Mansion's 2's online mode.

Well you can do it again with the remak-*gets shot*


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