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@Acacia Sgt Even though it has been four years, and presumably some steep sales along the way, I'm still surprised by this figure. Wasn't aware the franchise had that kind of popularity, given how little I hear of it in general.


4 hours ago, Armagon said:


You ever think about how Catholic architecture just goes incredibly hard?

Hence the Reformation. -But the plainness of Protestant houses of worship don't attract the same attention centuries later, do they?😛

I'm aware there was a period during the early Counter-Reformation where the Catholic Church took the schismatic critique seriously and curtailed the ostentation. However, that was but a passing phase (during some intense panic I take it). Catholicism regained its self-confidence, carried out some internal reforms, and then boldly and unabashedly reaffirmed good old grandiose decor & ritual.

-Thanks for sharing the photos BTW.😀 Sorry I haven't commented on them before.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:


Those points jutting out from the corners of the fortress are a hallmark of Early Modern European fortresses.

As one of the plaques you took a picture of says, the technical term for one of these would indeed be a "Bastion Fort"; or "Star Fort", or Trace Italienne to be fancy. Though not all fortresses were built in this manner, from the Italian Renaissance to the French Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars, Bastion Forts were the quality stronghold standard (including in European colonies).

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

@Acacia Sgt Even though it has been four years, and presumably some steep sales along the way, I'm still surprised by this figure. Wasn't aware the franchise had that kind of popularity, given how little I hear of it in general.

It is popular... just not among TeeHee Squad in general. Smh for my narrated playthroughs...

Which reminds me I still need to get it. Now if we could only get a proper Electrosphere release overseas as how it was intended to be...

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

You ever think about how Catholic architecture just goes incredibly hard?

Decidedly the best thing to come out of the Catholic church. Those buildings are amazing.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:


This reminds me I saw the holy grail a couple weeks ago.

...Well, it was a super ornate golden cup, contrary to what Indiana Jones would have you believe, but it was thought to be the holy grail by the monks around the place, so.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

There's a quote said by Espartero himself: "Barcelona should be bombed every 50 years".


Oh, dear...

2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Maybe I should familiarize myself more with the official soundtrack versions. Was not aware that After the Rain has this nice little intro that is not used in the in-game version.


That is really nice. Not all the official arrangements are good, but this one, golly...

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You might be a redneck if your house has wheels. 

Those of us here in the US like @Armagon and @AnonymousSpeed might know those jokes. 

You might be a redneck if you go to family reunions to find dates. 

You might be a redneck if you have more guns than friends. I think I qualify on that basis... 😁

”Captain what are you talkin about”?

Well, you might be a Fire Emblem fan if you find yourself whistling Fire Emblem tunes while you’re working... which I do too now. 😎

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5 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

You might be a redneck if you go to family reunions to find dates. 

Sweet Home Alabama~

6 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

You might be a redneck if you have more guns than friends. I think I qualify on that basis... 😁

Oh, we know those jokes overseas too. We just replace "redneck" with "American" lolololol Gunland

6 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Well, you might be a Fire Emblem fan if you find yourself whistling Fire Emblem tunes while you’re working... which I do too now. 😎

Soon you'll dye your hair blue and become the protagonist of trucking.

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I know that FE Heroes is a huge money-maker for Nintendo, but I am curious why they went so out of their way to program these crazy complex skills for the game only for the mainline games to be... The opposite?

If they have the talent, why not use it in more cases? Perhaps new age FE games would be more appreciated if they did? 

Honestly the LONG descriptions of things can get weary, to be fair. Not that its a good excuse not to by any means either.

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I think it's due to the gacha model, as it's not uncommon.

I only need to look at Another Eden. Some of their skill descriptions and effects are also like that, heh.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sweet Home Alabama~

I recall reading sometime in the past decade that somebody Iceland invented an app to check and see if the person you're dating is a cousin -for the sake of avoiding the inbreeding issue.😛 Iceland be remote, small population.

-And as we speak, the southwestern corner of the island could 🌋 at any moment now. A small fishing village was evacuated a week ago, earthquakes tore a couple holes into the town. Tourist-popular hot springs have also been closed and a geothermal power plant has been barricaded against potential incoming lava. It shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruption that seriously affected transatlantic air travel, in this case the magma won't even be coming out of a volcano.


26 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I know that FE Heroes is a huge money-maker for Nintendo, but I am curious why they went so out of their way to program these crazy complex skills for the game only for the mainline games to be... The opposite?

The FEH skills started simple enough. But then, gatcha demands a constant inflow of new characters and skills that try to be distinct, and very often stronger than what came before, for the sake of getting people to play and spend money.

Even outside of gatcha, the same thing I've seen in the Civilization franchise. Civ4 I've read had very simple differences between the various civilizations, Civ5 keeps them mostly simple, but went a little further and actually made them all unique. The initial, release batch of Civ6 civilizations were largely readily understandable, if still more complicated than Civ5's civilizations, and by the later DLC additions and changes of Civ6, you had stuff like Canada where civ abilities take heaping paragraphs to describe (the text difference between Greece or Germany and Canada is HUGE).

I'd also probably say Smash might be not dissimilar. Earlier characters are simpler, later additions not infrequently get special mechanics/gimmicks given to them to make them distinct from everything that came before them.

Personally, I say keep the word bloat out of mainline FE. When it sees big-text skill descriptions, my brain becomes a helicopter that runs of out fuel mid-flight and proceeds to spiral into a crash.🤯 It simply can't process them.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Personally, I say keep the word bloat out of mainline FE. When it sees big-text skill descriptions, my brain becomes a helicopter that runs of out fuel mid-flight and proceeds to spiral into a crash.🤯 It simply can't process them

This is why I says a degree is required to play the game the "right" way lmao.

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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

I know that FE Heroes is a huge money-maker for Nintendo, but I am curious why they went so out of their way to program these crazy complex skills for the game only for the mainline games to be... The opposite?

If they have the talent, why not use it in more cases? Perhaps new age FE games would be more appreciated if they did?

Honestly the LONG descriptions of things can get weary, to be fair. Not that its a good excuse not to by any means either.

Powercreep's to blame. If the new units aren't meaningfully stronger than the ones you have now, you won't use your orbs to get them unless you seriously like the characters. If you don't use your orbs to get them, that means you have little incentive to throw real money at IntSys to get more orbs. Thus, every new wave of units needs to be stronger than the ones that came before. To "incentivize" (read, force) players to keep spending and gambling to stay afloat with the ever-changing meta.

Fast forward a few years and now we have entire novels worth of skills because stuff like "brave effect" or "has a chance to instantly kill" or "deals effective damage against horses" is the equivalent of a bronze sword in the new order of Heroes. There's no actual intent or "talent" involved there, it's nothing more than a tactic to get the players to spend money on the game.

48 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I recall reading sometime in the past decade that somebody Iceland invented an app to check and see if the person you're dating is a cousin -for the sake of avoiding the inbreeding issue.😛 Iceland be remote, small population.

The cockblock app, as it were. No doubt it led to a lot of heartbreak, a lot of frustration and perhaps a few broken phones.

48 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-And as we speak, the southwestern corner of the island could 🌋 at any moment now. A small fishing village was evacuated a week ago, earthquakes tore a couple holes into the town. Tourist-popular hot springs have also been closed and a geothermal power plant has been barricaded against potential incoming lava. It shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruption that seriously affected transatlantic air travel, in this case the magma won't even be coming out of a volcano.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But the plainness of Protestant houses of worship don't attract the same attention centuries later, do they?😛

That continues even today. I can instantly tell a Catholic church from a Protestant one at a glance from the outside. Modern Catholic churches usually look like, well, a church. Modern Protestant churches 9 out of 10 times will just look like an office building or some shit.

On the subject tho, I forgot to mention this but on Day 2, we did learn something about Barcelona's Jewish history, as we passed by what was historical a Jewish district. There used to be a sizable population of them in Barcelona but when the Black Death hit, some Christians noticed that Jews were dying less (relatively, Jews were cleaner by medieval standards so they died less). So they assumed witchcraft, cornered off the Jewish districts and set them ablaze. The survivors were forced to convert to Christianity.

There was a time where descendants of Spanish Jews could come to the synagogues (there's like one or two in all of Barcelona) to see if any documents from the time survived that proved they were descended from those same Jews and if they did, automatic path to Spanish citizenship. Not anymore but Portugal still has the program active.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As one of the plaques you took a picture of says, the technical term for one of these would indeed be a "Bastion Fort"; or "Star Fort", or Trace Italienne to be fancy. Though not all fortresses were built in this manner, from the Italian Renaissance to the French Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars, Bastion Forts were the quality stronghold standard (including in European colonies).

When I was there, it felt like I was in a bigger version of San Marcos. 

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh, dear...

"How dare the people not like taxes"

3 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

You might be a redneck if your house has wheels. 

Those of us here in the US like @Armagon and @AnonymousSpeed might know those jokes. 

You might be a redneck if you go to family reunions to find dates. 

You might be a redneck if you have more guns than friends. I think I qualify on that basis... 😁

”Captain what are you talkin about”?

Well, you might be a Fire Emblem fan if you find yourself whistling Fire Emblem tunes while you’re working... which I do too now. 😎

I have never heard any of these jokes ngl.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The cockblock app, as it were. No doubt it led to a lot of heartbreak, a lot of frustration and perhaps a few broken phones.

Skill issue /s

Edited by Armagon
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47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Powercreep's to blame. If the new units aren't meaningfully stronger than the ones you have now, you won't use your orbs to get them unless you seriously like the characters

But you can boost older gen characters without actual payment. Xd

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's no actual intent or "talent" involved there, it's nothing more than a tactic to get the players to spend money on the game.

Forgot this, but im fairly certain this applies to most games, hence evolution. If games didnt improve, what reason would there he to purchase them?

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54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fast forward a few years and now we have entire novels worth of skills because stuff like "brave effect" or "has a chance to instantly kill" or "deals effective damage against horses" is the equivalent of a bronze sword in the new order of Heroes.

Just tell me when they add a skill that calculates local home insurance rates.🥱

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Human civilization meets geological activity/the power of nature is keeping me attentive to this. ...Although I have to keep in mind I'm watching it safely from afar.🤨 And it hasn't been entertaining whatsoever for the few thousand residents of the fishing village who had to evacuate, and only like a day or three ago were allowed to return home to quickly gather belongings, just in case (it's not guaranteed the town will get leveled).

Iceland, as you see...


...is literally split between two major plates. The resulting geothermal hot spot (although not all of them are on plate borders- e.g. Hawaii) is the reason for the island existence.


28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

On the subject tho, I forgot to mention this but on Day 2, we did learn something about Barcelona's Jewish history, as we passed by what was historical a Jewish district. There used to be a sizable population of them in Barcelona but when the Black Death hit, some Christians noticed that Jews were dying less (relatively, Jews were cleaner by medieval standards so they died less). So they assumed witchcraft, cornered off the Jewish districts and set them ablaze. The survivors were forced to convert to Christianity.

-Only to be faced with continued discrimination and the Spanish obsession with blood-purity and pork consumption born of the centuries-long Reconquista.

I did read of accounts elsewhere in Europe of people saying they saw Jews put something in the water supply right before the Black Death struck. Blaming the Jewish community for this purely-natural biological disaster during this time was one common "solution" in Europe. I had also heard many German Jews migrated eastward into Poland-Lithuania during this time (King Casimir III had affirmed unusual tolerance and legal protection to the Jews a decade earlier, which was still in effect). The tragic irony the 20th century would bring.

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3 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

You might be a redneck if your house has wheels. 

Those of us here in the US like @Armagon and @AnonymousSpeed might know those jokes. 

You might be a redneck if you go to family reunions to find dates. 

You might be a redneck if you have more guns than friends. I think I qualify on that basis... 😁

”Captain what are you talkin about”?

Well, you might be a Fire Emblem fan if you find yourself whistling Fire Emblem tunes while you’re working... which I do too now. 😎

Do you know what a room full of rednecks is called? A full set of teeth.

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32 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

But you can boost older gen characters without actual payment. Xd

How much grinding does it take? Ultimately, gachas profit from being just inconvenient enough to manipulate people to pay up.

17 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Forgot this, but im fairly certain this applies to most games, hence evolution. If games didnt improve, what reason would there he to purchase them?

I really don't see how Heroes powercreep can in any manner, shape or form be classified as "improvement" lol

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Human civilization meets geological activity/the power of nature is keeping me attentive to this. ...Although I have to keep in mind I'm watching it safely from afar.🤨 And it hasn't been entertaining whatsoever for the few thousand residents of the fishing village who had to evacuate, and only like a day or three ago were allowed to return home to quickly gather belongings, just in case (it's not guaranteed the town will get leveled).

Iceland, as you see...


...is literally split between two major plates. The resulting geothermal hot spot (although not all of them are on plate borders- e.g. Hawaii) is the reason for the island existence.

If only we'd known about tectonic plates hundreds of years ago, we wouldn't be having some of these problems.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

If only we'd known about tectonic plates hundreds of years ago, we wouldn't be having some of these problems.

I dunno about that.😐 Florida is still among the leading states that people from other states are moving to. Despite the well-known issue of hurricanes/flooding/sea-level rise, which has become so bad that private flood insurance companies are abandoning at least parts of the Sunshine State. Also, sinkholes in west-central Florida, but those aren't so threatening.

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50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Only to be faced with continued discrimination and the Spanish obsession with blood-purity and pork consumption born of the centuries-long Reconquista.

Some would be accused if being false converts. The Inquisition would place them on a scale, with the Bible on the other, and said "if the Bible weighs more, you are a true believer". You can imagine how this went.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If only we'd known about tectonic plates hundreds of years ago, we wouldn't be having some of these problems.

I mean, it's not like you can live anywhere free of Mother Nature's wrath.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How much grinding does it take? Ultimately, gachas profit from being just inconvenient enough to manipulate people to pay up.

Not much really.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

really don't see how Heroes powercreep can in any manner, shape or form be classified as "improvement" lol

The same way as RD's mastery skills.

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