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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, not gonna do much tonight, but I'll at least start the Symphony proper.

Seems it was deliberate they only had three playables. One for each main time era of the game. So, gonna follow the timeline and begin with the past era. So that means it's... getting Partitio first. Alright then...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What's the other argument? I seem to recall Sorike detractors having another argument.

Not sure. Ike/Elincia chemistry in the western PoR localisation? Ike's RD endings with Soren and Ranulf clearly establishing them as mere roommates?

10 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Everyone knows that Chrom canonically died in Awakening's prologue. Everything he did afterwards was actually done by Garrick, but he was replaced by Chrom as the main character because IS thought he was more marketable.


♪♪ Brave, brave Sir Garrick, Sir Garrick led the way. Brave, brave Sir Garrick, Sir Garrick ran away! ♪♪

Seems like he's made some bad life decisions somewhere on the path between the Sword Coast and Ylisse.

(I just realise that I cropped his name on the screenshot, but this, too, is Garrick)

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I disagree. Garrick is way more handsome.

Eh, 15 Charisma isn't that great for a bard

(it's the minimum value for the class, even)

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I've already headcanon Elincia as having a Russian accent and made several Russian Revolution references earlier so this is perfect.

I imagine that at the end of your FE journey, you will have headcanoned every female lord into 1910-20 St. Petersburg. Eirika is the naive liberal who supports the revolution in general, but is then completely swept aside (and most likely disappeared) by the Bolsheviki.



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8 hours ago, ping said:

I imagine that at the end of your FE journey, you will have headcanoned every female lord into 1910-20 St. Petersburg. Eirika is the naive liberal who supports the revolution in general, but is then completely swept aside (and most likely disappeared) by the Bolsheviki.

Just aggressively try and explain how the plot of every Fire Emblem game is actually an allegory for the Russian Revolution.

Now allow me to go into detail how the plot of Fates Birthright is totally a retelling of the Russo-Japanese war from a completely unbiased Japanese perspective.


Obviously Hoshido is Japan and Nohr is some variant of fantasy Europe which I'll get to. Firstly I'll make the definitely not absurd claim that Mikoto is Emperor Meji. Japan in this period was going through what we call now as the Meji Restoration as the old military government of the Shogunate was overthrown by the royal dynasty, placing them back in power after generations of Shogun rule. Mikoto similarly was of royal status but not actually the head of state until after her very militaristic husband Sumaragi was killed. Now in making this comparison am I saying that Mikoto played a role in her husband's death just so she could get in power? Wellll we see Garon kill Sumaragi which I choose to read as Britain supporting Meji in the Boshin War (The War that overthrew the Shogunate) This is all from a Japanese perspective after all so Europe blends together a bunch in this allegory. There's no evidence to suggest that Mikoto actively encouraged this to happen but in her 3 seconds of screen time she doesn't display much affinity for her dead husband and is in fact killed by his ghost, so...

Also there's the design. Mikoto has black hair, like Meji. Now you may think that an odd claim to make when of course Meji has black hair, most Japanese people have black hair, but isn't it curious that out of all the characters in Fates only three have black hair? And how she's the only Hoshidan to have black hair?

"Wait but isn't Mikoto not even from Hoshid-" It's also interesting how some parts of her robes look like an abstraction of the coat Meji is typically seen wearing in photos. The floral pattern on the shoulders look very similar and they both have a flower pin on the right side of their chest.

Shame they didn't go full military coat for her design, I love a woman in uniform.

Meji, like Mikoto, died just before their western neighbor tried to invade.


In this comparison that also implies that Garon is Tsar Nicholas Romanov, the last of his dynasty.

Now in terms of similarities, they're both oppressive monarchs and they both have rad facial hair, they both wear a sash around their chest in the same way as well.

Personality wise however, I almost want to point to Xander as a more accurate comparison. Xander is stubborn and delusional, much like Nicholas, so much so that even when faced with incredible opposition he refuses to stand down, to his detriment. Truly a period of autocracy, orthadoxy and nationality for Russia like we see in Fates for Nohr. Nicholas often prayed to God for guidance, especially during tough times much like how Garon prays to his God Anankos. And Garon is very interested in crushing rebellions, something that Nicholas is all too familiar with. Rebellions are like seeds after all.

The context of the Russo-Japanese war is essentially that Nicholas was being a dumbass and didn't take Japan as seriously as he probably should've, but the details on what the real war was about isn't as important to this allegory as it's lasting impact. You see it was this war that made western powers be like "Woah..." to Japan, many not seeing it as anything other than some poor Asian country that could never stand up to a western power. And it's that legacy I believe Fates is trying to retell.

Japan obviously won that war pretty easily and Hoshido in both Birthright and Conquest is a force to be reckoned with. You get the sense that while the Nohrian army, like the Russian army at this time, is demoralized and disorganized because of growing revolutionary sentiment back home which is shown in how easy it is to defeat Nohr in the Birthright route, in Conquest the Hoshidan army is strong and challenging, befitting that of Japan's recent Industrialization.

And who couldn't be happier that that Russia/Nohr is losing the war?


The revolutionaries! Scarlet is trying to resist and rebel much like the Communists in Russia at the time. Her color scheme is red and gold like the Soviet Flag and she talks about having a flower pin that's very important to her creed, almost like the flower of SOCIALISM?!?

It's one in the morning as I write this, I need to go to bed.

I don't know what Corrin or Azura represent and I choose to completely ignore Valla so feel free to add your own interpretations.


Edited by GuardianSing
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10 hours ago, Armchair General said:

Anyone knows if Wargroove 2 is any good? Holiday shopping starts tomorrow and  I'm just endlessly scrolling through the list of games on GameStop and Amazon.


Idk, I kind of hate most JRPGs in this day and age, and my family is calling me weird for saying stuff like that.

Imagine only hating JRPGs in this day and age instead of generally for being a really boring genre.

10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Try making screenshots in windowed mode. Seems that if you do it in fullscreen, the Steam screenshot feature will take more from the image then what is meant to be shown on the screen. But it works fine to me in windowed mode.
Just don't switch modes during a battle animation. That always crashes the game for me.

Eh, I think I can live with the weird stuff. If needed I can always just edit it out, it's less of a hassle than changing modes.

10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

As for Lucius, he is the king of Rivell. And that's about all we know about the place. The two nations in the Northwestern part of Vestaria haven't really played an on-screen role yet. But Rivell has invaded Vesta by the time of the ending of VS2, following the attack of the Netherdrake Qurodor. While Qurodor has been repelled by Eddard, the Rivell forces have not.

Lestia has a bit more going on, being the country Merida is from. So there is quite a bit of exposition about it in the wake of her capture during chapter 16.
This is also where Accorte's dad ended up and helped with a resistance against the Margulite controlled forces. Until he was murdered by his own son. This allowed the moonmaiden Princess Marien he was protecting to get captured and further weakened the seals on the netherdrakes, allowing them to roam free on the overworld by the time of the endgame of VS2.

Always the Kaga expert. Thank you for the clarification! I can only hope Kaga will be able to wrap Vestaria up in his lifetime, with all this crap going on. Though who knows if he even wants to. By the looks of it, he's just having fun writing a ton of lore for his world.

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


You know, I'm starting to think this guy looking like Hitler wasn't entirely a coincidence

Fire Emblem isn't exactly known for its subtlety.

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I genuinely laughed out loud. I was beyond the point of taking him seriously in the previous game and now it's almost like he's not even of this world or story.

But he's the best villain in Fire Emblem, that's not allowed

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's just Fell Xenologue with extra steps.

More like Fell Xenologue with less extra steps. FX does so many mental gymnastics and plot contrivances to make murdering everyone morally justifiable.

3 hours ago, ping said:

Not sure. Ike/Elincia chemistry in the western PoR localisation?

They can be friends. Why shouldn't they?

3 hours ago, ping said:

Ike's RD endings with Soren and Ranulf clearly establishing them as mere roommates?

If we abided by that sort of thing, gay people wouldn't exist.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Okay I won't lie, I was fully engrossed in your metaphor but when these two images popped up together I just sort of started dying of laughter.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

The revolutionaries! Scarlet is trying to resist and rebel much like the Communists in Russia at the time. Her color scheme is red and gold like the Soviet Flag and she talks about having a flower pin that's very important to her creed, almost like the flower of SOCIALISM?!?

That does explain why she gets majorly screwed over by the game in two of three routes. The developers hated her. Filthy capitalists...

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I don't know what Corrin or Azura represent and I choose to completely ignore Valla so feel free to add your own interpretations.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Also Camilla is given this very Russian inspired outfit in some official art, I forgot to mention that.

She looks so much better in that.

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Okay, so chapter 3 has bugged out. I can get Zayid's prf, but I can't get Sheela's. So Sheela is doomed to uselessness. Until VS2, of course.

...Really not helping your case against your successor here, VS1...

EDIT: Okay wow, I'd forgotten this happens. Halfway through wittling down the boss, Tyron, who is equipped with a hammer, he gets a 3-range morningstar given to him, as well as an elixir that heals him back up to full. Then on his turn, he gets to attack your unsuspecting 2-range attackers. But wait! Theodel starts with enough bulk to survive a hit from the morningstar, and my Athol has exactly 1 defense which exactly saves her from it, letting her swoop in and heal anyone who is injured in Tyron's range. I can still save this!

...The morningstar deals effective damage against magical units.

This is actually hideous. Holy shit, this game is so much worse than VS2 it's not even funny... Still a fine game on its own right but yeesh, now that VS2 is available to us its flaws are far more glaring.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh, I think I can live with the weird stuff. If needed I can always just edit it out, it's less of a hassle than changing modes.

Editing is less of an hassle than simply pressing a key?

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19 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Editing is less of an hassle than simply pressing a key?

Yes, because due to the change in resolution, the screen goes dark for a solid 2 second and if I'm trying to screenshot combat or something like that, it's going to be long gone by the time I'm able to take the screenshot. Not to mention I then have to wait another solid 2 seconds to get back into fullscreen. I know it sounds like I'm an impatient bastard, and I am, but it interrupts gameplay. I'd rather take a moment and a couple clicks to remove it when I'm not actually in the game.

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On 12/5/2023 at 6:38 PM, GuardianSing said:

He's gay, ma'am


I make my jokes but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some of the writers and artists of this game were experienced in "yaoi" related media. The influence there feels prominent and I swear it's not just me.

Ah yes Ike's most popular potential husband. Tellius is surprisingly queer, but coy about it at times, with Ike noticeably having paired ending only with men, and with Kyza not being localize properly...


On 12/5/2023 at 6:38 PM, GuardianSing said:


Both Telius games are gayer than the games that actually allow gay relationships and I stand by that.

So many of them feel so begrudging with their singular gay character.


On 12/5/2023 at 6:38 PM, GuardianSing said:

Wait, brother?! I knew about Almedha but who is the-



Oh it all makes sense now

Its so easy to forget about the last minute twist about Rajaion.


On 12/5/2023 at 6:38 PM, GuardianSing said:


Enough order and stability makes it easy to forget the troubles of the world. As long as the average person is comfortable with their position they might be terrified of any kind of chaos, even if it means letting those less fortunate suffer under a mountain of apathy.

...At least that's my interpretation of this scene.

I like that interpretation of things, it feels true.


On 12/5/2023 at 6:38 PM, GuardianSing said:



Okay I didn't plan this out properly because only four of these units can reliably fight.

Oops...eh Tibarn is probably strong enough to solo most maps anyway, as long as you are careful about crossbows.


On 12/5/2023 at 6:38 PM, GuardianSing said:




Lol, I am not surprised you  missed that she got that added to her skill list quietly between parts. At least you can remove it if you want to, and unless you plane on powerleveling some particularly useless unit, you really do want to remove it.


On 12/6/2023 at 4:07 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I think I'll replay Vestaria soon. It's been long enough and I could use a bit of cozy familiarity as I wait for this absolutely terrible year to finally end. And it gives me an excuse to replay VS2 afterwards!

Ooh, have fun...that reminds me, I don't think I ever got around to finishing that old screenshot LP of a Vestaria 1 ironman. I forget what distract from it...perhaps I will get back to it after this round of TeeHee linked ironman.


21 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is missing the other half of the point being made, though - The deaths have zero impact on the characters. They might mourn for like five minutes before being interrupted, but afterwards they're seldom ever mentioned again, their deaths have no impact on the characters and you don't feel the character's presence after their death.

I think the side lords of FE7 in Hector mode are an interesting exception to this. Both have parents that died before the game, and yet they have a bit of a talk about the scars those deaths left on them on the ship, with Lyn admitting that her hatred of Fargus's charming band of pirates stems from her parents (and much of her tribe) having been murdered by bandits, and seeing pirates as basically the same kind of beast. Meanwhile Hector talks about how he felt like he couldn't let other see him grieve, couldn't let other see that weakness in him, even at the funeral, and how torn up he was inside that his efforts worked so well that he couldn't cry even in private, even when he wanted to with all his heart.


17 hours ago, ping said:


Although I think "Priam is fucking dumb, so I don't even consider his existence" is still my favourite way to go about it. Canon is a bourgeois concept, etc.pp.

To be fair, all the Spot Pass chapters are very, very stupid from a canon perspective, and unless you consider them non-canon they make everything worse.


15 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Personally I think it's just a lack of imagination because in a world with blood pacts I have no trouble believing that Ike and Soren could have a beautiful love child together.

Lol, I like this magical Mpreg alternative. Let Soren's magic fill Ike with their loving child


14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


No that can't be, that's not biological. Biology is very important in my escapist fantasy, you see. Fucking cowards shoulda done it


Just point out the definitely magic induced canon inclusion of Ena getting impregnated by a long dead Rajaion in her ending.



11 hours ago, GuardianSing said:




I genuinely laughed out loud. I was beyond the point of taking him seriously in the previous game and now it's almost like he's not even of this world or story.

Darth Vader's inclusion in Tellius was a funny decision, but I think he works in Path of Radiance at least. His inclusion in Radiant Dawn feels very odd throughout though.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so chapter 3 has bugged out. I can get Zayid's prf, but I can't get Sheela's. So Sheela is doomed to uselessness. Until VS2, of course.

...Really not helping your case against your successor here, VS1...

Getting Sheela's personal is difficult in general, due to you being unable to trade the statue...

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5 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


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Just point out the definitely magic induced canon inclusion of Ena getting impregnated by a long dead Rajaion in her ending.

Don't know if joking or not, but just in case...


It's very much implied Ena got pregnant before Rajaion died. Three years pregnancy isn't weird when you consider the Laguz, specially dragons, live MUCH longer. So a longer gestation period isn't too far off.


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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Don't know if joking or not, but just in case...

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It's very much implied Ena got pregnant before Rajaion died. Three years pregnancy isn't weird when you consider the Laguz, specially dragons, live MUCH longer. So a longer gestation period isn't too far off.



And yet we watch Rajaion's return to sanity, and near immediate death, with no real time in between to do the deed. Additionally, there is no indication even three years after his death, of her being pregnant in Radiant Dawn. Are we supposed to assume years are equivalents to weeks in the gestation time of a dragon or something?


The only thing that implies Ena got pregnant at that time is that we don't have fertility magic in our world, and assume Tellius must work similar to our own in that regard. How Ena got pregnant is left up to the imagination, and most are too lazy to think beyond their expectations.


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Just now, Eltosian Kadath said:
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And yet we watch Rajaion's return to sanity, and near immediate death, with no real time in between to do the deed. Additionally, there is no indication even three years after his death, of her being pregnant in Radiant Dawn. Are we supposed to assume years are equivalents to weeks in the gestation time of a dragon or something?


The only thing that implies Ena got pregnant at that time is that we don't have fertility magic in our world, and assume Tellius must work similar to our own in that regard. How Ena got pregnant is left up to the imagination, and most are too lazy to think beyond their expectations.



Well, we kinda stop seeing Rajaion's condition after the final battle of PoR. Could've happened after that, with him dying not long after. Or Ena... did it when he was still feral... uh huh...

They're a fantasy race which we still know relatively little about, so anything goes, really. And that includes gestation period, yes.


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33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I got reminded how when Fates was first announced, there were actually a lot of Communist Nohr jokes. Because Xander's name in Japan is Marx. And Leo being Leon, as in, Trotsky.

That moment when you add up all the coincidences and come up with a pattern.

I can't believe Garon is an allegory for Joseph Stalin.

22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

So many of them feel so begrudging with their singular gay character.


I mean, I like Niles, I think he's entertaining and interesting, but when he's the only one... Aside from Rhajat, who has her own issues from being a bootleg Tharja.

22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ooh, have fun

So far I am. The game's good. It's placement on my tier list is looking pretty fair so far, and it's very much in my list of good FEs. It's just... well, Karajan Saga: Sacred Tome Of Nocturne is insanely good. And insane.

22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

that reminds me, I don't think I ever got around to finishing that old screenshot LP of a Vestaria 1 ironman. I forget what distract from it...perhaps I will get back to it after this round of TeeHee linked ironman.

If you do, I'll check it out. I don't remember if I was following it at the time or if I had other things on my plate.

26 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I think the side lords of FE7 in Hector mode are an interesting exception to this. Both have parents that died before the game, and yet they have a bit of a talk about the scars those deaths left on them on the ship, with Lyn admitting that her hatred of Fargus's charming band of pirates stems from her parents (and much of her tribe) having been murdered by bandits, and seeing pirates as basically the same kind of beast. Meanwhile Hector talks about how he felt like he couldn't let other see him grieve, couldn't let other see that weakness in him, even at the funeral, and how torn up he was inside that his efforts worked so well that he couldn't cry even in private, even when he wanted to with all his heart.

Eliwood also benefitted from his dad having an actual role in the game. All in all, 7's not amazing but it's definitely better than the average FE dad experience like, y'know, fucking Fado.

35 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Darth Vader's inclusion in Tellius was a funny decision, but I think he works in Path of Radiance at least. His inclusion in Radiant Dawn feels very odd throughout though.

RD generally suffers from bringing back all the old glories and having no idea what to do with them. Still feel Ike is way worse for it though, at least the Black Knight is kind of an interesting role reversal when he unexpectedly joins your team. Though really, he should've just died in PoR, he's nothing more than a mostly pointless distraction in RD.

27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Getting Sheela's personal is difficult in general, due to you being unable to trade the statue...

Yeah but that's not the issue, I successfully got her to retrieve the statue and bring it back to the elder. The elder just doesn't recognize her, he gives her the generic response and the flame axe everyone else gets.

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Oh my God I had forgotten Kaga went there. He straight up dropped "the 1%" in there. Or the localizers did, anyway.

This game. Of course, there's still a good one-percenter that we need to save who happens to be Zade's brother-in-law. Can't be too transgressive here.

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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh my God I had forgotten Kaga went there. He straight up dropped "the 1%" in there. Or the localizers did, anyway.

This game. Of course, there's still a good one-percenter that we need to save who happens to be Zade's brother-in-law. Can't be too transgressive here.

Well, I can't read Japanese but I can tell that the Japanese script literally has "1%" written in the narration.

Though maybe it's talking about growth rates. Can't exactly rule that out.

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14 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Well, I can't read Japanese but I can tell that the Japanese script literally has "1%" written in the narration.

Though maybe it's talking about growth rates. Can't exactly rule that out.

Hahahahaha! Kaga, my man. You go places.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:





Aslanne is really the key to killing those two. Crit immunity + Critical Reprisal with the Doyenne lets her safely murder Beron. And Marlena can do nothing against hit and run Doyenne attacks under the cover of the nearby houses.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay I won't lie, I was fully engrossed in your metaphor but when these two images popped up together I just sort of started dying of laughter.

I mean I was aiming to do that since the first line so I'm glad.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That does explain why she gets majorly screwed over by the game in two of three routes. The developers hated her. Filthy capitalists...

Perhaps, but it is interesting how the only route where she succeeds is with the Hoshidans in Birthright, which could be read as Japan beating Russia in the Russo-Japanese war being inadvertently the cause of the Russian Revolution. Maybe her death followed by possession in rev represents how the progressive Communist ideas of the Soviet Union quickly turned to the same autocracy they tried to overthrow.

Who knows, maybe the writers are voters in the JCP (Japanese Communist Party)

Then again, even capitalists will sell communism if they think it'll be profitable.

Which side tangent, apparently the JCP is the oldest political party in Japan. It's funny looking at the other major parties and seeing how they were formed or changed in the 70s and 80s meanwhile the JCP has been the same party for over 100 years, surviving both World War 2 and the Cold War somehow.

And I know reading about a particular political party's ideology on wikipedia is probably not the best way to get an accurate idea of what a party stands for but for what it does say there, the modern JCP is like...one of the few communist parties I've read about that isn't weird about it.







I'd vote for them.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She looks so much better in that.

Sexual aspect aside. That outfit is just way more unique and thus interesting than her game design. You have what, 3 out of 4 royals in Nohr who have the exact same dragon like black and purple armor when the Hoshidan royals all get unique outfits? Slavic Camilla is way better than what we got.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I got reminded how when Fates was first announced, there were actually a lot of Communist Nohr jokes. Because Xander's name in Japan is Marx. And Leo being Leon, as in, Trotsky.


3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

So many of them feel so begrudging with their singular gay character.

You have the two token gay characters in Fates, one of which can only be obtained by getting a child soldier of yours married. And Three Houses being pretty casual with it's lesbian representation (At least for Dorothea and Edelgard) but would rather die than have two men kiss.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh my God I had forgotten Kaga went there. He straight up dropped "the 1%" in there. Or the localizers did, anyway.

This game. Of course, there's still a good one-percenter that we need to save who happens to be Zade's brother-in-law. Can't be too transgressive here.

So does this imply that the other countries aren't oligarchies ruled by the rich aristocrats?


Edited by GuardianSing
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Jesus Christ Steam takes some seriously crusty screenshots for this game.

Well, whatever. It's done. Funnily enough, on the second attempt the doyennes missed and Zade couldn't pull off the kill... But I tried a Hail Mary and he got a crit. Guess we can call it even, Zadey.

2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Aslanne is really the key to killing those two. Crit immunity + Critical Reprisal with the Doyenne lets her safely murder Beron. And Marlena can do nothing against hit and run Doyenne attacks under the cover of the nearby houses.

Meanwhile me, sacrificing Aslanne to pull Marlena closer.

Zayid handled Beorn. Bit of RNG involved because I was a moron and sent the bliss ring south. If I hadn't been a moron he would've been just fine.

1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

Then again, even capitalists will sell communism if they think it'll be profitable.

"Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead…"

- Disco Elyisum

2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Sexual aspect aside. That outfit is just way more unique and thus interesting than her game design. You have what, 3 out of 4 royals in Nohr who have the exact same dragon like black and purple armor when the Hoshidan royals all get unique outfits? Slavic Camilla is way better than what we got.

Yeah, that's a very good point. Ushankas make everything better.

2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

You have the two token gay characters in Fates, one of which can only be obtained by getting a child soldier of yours married. And Three Houses being pretty casual with it's lesbian representation (At least for Dorothea and Edelgard) but would rather die than have two men kiss.

Never forget that two of three male gay S supports are... not actually gay, you just sort of get a platonic S support because they're both married old men. Thanks a lot, IntSys.

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

So does this imply that the other countries aren't oligarchies ruled by the rich aristocrats?

Of course not. The rest are monarchies. Totally different thing.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jesus Christ Steam takes some seriously crusty screenshots for this game.

Well, whatever. It's done. Funnily enough, on the second attempt the doyennes missed and Zade couldn't pull off the kill... But I tried a Hail Mary and he got a crit. Guess we can call it even, Zadey.

Yay! Now you can murder Sujata in chapter 18 and reunite the whole family in hell.

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7 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

And Three Houses being pretty casual with it's lesbian representation (At least for Dorothea and Edelgard) but would rather die than have two men kiss.

Fair enough, I almost added a disclaimer about Three Houses, but felt too lazy...and remember how much the game cucked us with its gay men options.


5 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

You have the two token gay characters in Fates, one of which can only be obtained by getting a child soldier of yours married.

One in Conquest, and one in Birthright...Also I love that no one has noted Echoe's Leon, who has the misfortune of not having a player avatar to date, and must instead pine after a straight man.


10 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

So does this imply that the other countries aren't oligarchies ruled by the rich aristocrats?

Mostly monarchies, as opposed to a "Republic" where the rich merchant Oligarchs vote on which of them should rule as Dolge


8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Jesus Christ Steam takes some seriously crusty screenshots for this game.

Damn, really going after some tragic and unusual events on this run.


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8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Now in terms of similarities, they're both oppressive monarchs and they both have rad facial hair

Nah,Garon still has him beat in that department


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Imagine only hating JRPGs in this day and age instead of generally for being a really boring genre.

That, too. But the OST is usually worth listening to.

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