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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Correct me if i am wrong, but isn't Thracia Staff AI set to not target Leafy boy? atleast i remember reading it somewhere

They will do that eventually. I once tried to prevent Salem from using his Sleep Staff through a combination of only using magic units, magic boosters and rescuing. I was hoping that Leaf wasn't going to get targeted, but it turns out that if he is the only target available, it will still happen. But he is clearly the lowest priority target.

And I would imagine that by the time all your other physical units have been put to sleep, Leaf also getting put to sleep is likely not what forces a reset.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You said the same thing about TS gimmick girl iirc 😛


Hardy har har. Well, see, the thing about that one is, she hit things on the head with a racquet and was humorously bad. This triggered my "bad unit good" response. A magical wonder girl though? No chance, she's probably going to be very powerful because kiddy strong is a known trope.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hardy har har. Well, see, the thing about that one is, she hit things on the head with a racquet and was humorously bad. This triggered my "bad unit good" response. A magical wonder girl though? No chance, she's probably going to be very powerful because kiddy strong is a known trope.

Probably stronger than magical girl Hoelun at least.

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5 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Probably stronger than magical girl Hoelun at least.

Pfft. Oh you bastard. I'll have you know, she's being kinda useful! Kinda. Sorta. Very slightly. It's impossible to be completely useless when every magic type is effective against something, see. She can one-shot and one-round a good few things.

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Not to mention the ability to keep fighting while paralyzed. Also the ability to halve incoming damage if you bought her a divine tome in 15x.

The only other unit on Cyltan's side who can do that is Siegfried. But he is also completely locked to the extremely rare Divine tomes.
And Lyttia, technically. For whatever that's worth.


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Oh God, I had a feeling I was supposed to be getting a special bow for Cyltan in this map.

Welp, guess I have to beat Adonsphair with blows of single-digit damage a pop. Woo. I really hope this is actually beatable, 30 HP recovery per turn might be a ticket to restarting over an hour of progress because I forgot the obscure line of things you have to do to get the super bow and I really would rather not do that.

3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Not to mention the ability to keep fighting while paralyzed.

The only other unit on Cyltan's side who can do that is Siegfried. But he is also locked to extremely rare Divine tomes.
And Lyttia, technically. For whatever that's worth.

It's just a shame her stats are a tragedy. But she can do things, magic is very good in this game.

3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:


There she is. Kaga's only major female villain.

And of course she's Kaga'd, because it's Kaga we're talking about

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I don't even know how I'm going to structure this. I could post it ins spoilers but that would be a bitch to reply to but I also don't want to create a giant wall of image and text.


Pretty sure when I started this it was 5 PM in the afternoon

...I finished it at 1 in the morning.


Some real "I beat the king of Grado and ended the war" type shit.


And all of them are on the Welsh flag.





It's very exaggerated here but being mixed race in real life does make it so you lose a sense of cultural belonging. Instead of belonging to both cultures you feel as though you don't belong to any and stand out like a sore thumb when trying to fit in with one or the other.


This was the justification for forbidding race mixing in real life as well, particularly with the idea of white and black couples back in the day within the United States and something that Martin Luther King Jr went to great lengths to try and disprove, the myth that the bible condemned race mixing of any kind.


Yep, pretty much.


Happens a lot, you'd be surprised.

...Or maybe you wouldn't.


Even though they're not doing much in the story, I do still find this compelling, especially Almedha's fall into depression from the loss of her son.


Ena: "Hey don't worry, you aren't at fault for my husband's death"

Nasir: "Hey just popping in to say literally everything is your fault, including her husband's death."


"Few spellcaster can master these powerful dark spells, also here are the test answers for learning how to master these powerful dark spells."

Also am I going insane, because I swear to god I checked every unit and not a single one can even use dark magic.


Micaiah needs some eye candy for the long road ahead.


You know, Rafiel is probably the better choice mechanically but I there's no way I'm not bringing my beautiful baby bird boy Reyso-


Okay I went into the tower forgetting that I only had 15 out of 16 units so I reloaded the save and grabbed Nailah in which case I had to bring Rafiel as well. She needs something to play with in the long road ahead.



I'm so sad I couldn't get Lethe with Jill in this final chapter, because even though these are all remain the same regardless of who their partner is I can't help but find it adorable.


Welp, everyone pack your bags. Guy is using light magic, he's clearly on the right side of history.


I'm sure there's some insightful conversation to be had between this guy and Rafiel.

...Shame he died before Rafiel could reach 'em.


I like that the Daein characters have unique conversations with him, that's cute.


The true enemy to racism is lesbians


Obligatory joke about how that's what the writers should've done to the script when they wrote in the blood pact.


Oh fuck you.


That's why I like social history so much, I think.


I was going to make a joke about it being a meal from Burger King or something but I've never actually been to that place in the entirety of my life.


I have several questions.


Okay I see why Nihil is a useful skill now.


A battle won from pure skill

...And Ike's collection of Elixer's.


I like how the revenge aspect of this side plot has just faded out entirely.


The voice acting is...uhh.


So just in case Ike didn't have enough cool weapons all for himself.


A question I think most everyone should ask in regards to history.


I forgot that Micaiah ages differently because of the-

This makes it slightly weirder, I retract all my previous jokes.


This game is honestly quite radical for Fire Emblem.


"Dueling at Dawn" huh? Is that what they call it here?


If atrocities continue to be committed even without a great war, is it really a thousand years of peace?


Authoritarianism does that to ya.


Dammit all, he's an echo-fasicst.

Still hot though


Ironic, saying that to someone who is living proof of the opposite of hatred between Laguz and Beorc


The end is nigh.


Amen brother.


As you do trying to kill god.


Oh Fiona, I wanted you to be the one to kill her, but your lack of hit chance remained your most terrible flaw till the very end...


Swear to god, if he gets booted from the records because of this...


Okay after killing Ashera over an over again I apparently had to do with Ike, which I swear I already did and thought that wasn't the solution but whatever.


And thus the woman with the most violent army takes the throne.


Everything was meaningless, I might as well restart the entire game. My victory was worthless.


Jesus Christ, this game doesn't know when to stop


That sounds nice.


And they were lovers. No ifs or buts.


And after 46 hours and 52 minutes, the game is finally complete after like three months.

I have many thoughts but in general I really loved it. More than Path of Radiance I'd say, even with it's somewhat stuffed story. Tellius took about a year for myself to complete which felt fitting for how much really was in here.

As for the next Fire Emblem game I'll play? Well, I imagine it'll be quite the...genealogy.

...Anyways, I'm off to work because I'm already 5 minutes late writing this, byeeee.




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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh God, I had a feeling I was supposed to be getting a special bow for Cyltan in this map.

Welp, guess I have to beat Adonsphair with blows of single-digit damage a pop. Woo. I really hope this is actually beatable, 30 HP recovery per turn might be a ticket to restarting over an hour of progress because I forgot the obscure line of things you have to do to get the super bow and I really would rather not do that.

Yeah. The failsafe bow seems to assume the Am Solis is much stronger than he actually is, seeing how it seems to be designed for the case that the Am Solis is missing. But I don't think that even an optimal Clytan is going to do all that well with it against the dragon.

If you have Dune with his pref, you should be fine. That one is much stronger. Both the bow and Dune.

If not, the way this works is that if the Am Solis is either gone or not on Cyltan, one of the chests in the South East will contain the Withered Bow. Otherwise it's another Ring of Bliss.
Once Adonsphair awakens, and assuming the Am Solis is still either gone or simply not on Cyltan, the Withered Bow will turn into Ceddica's Bow. A bow strong enough that supposedly even base Cyltan, Hoelun and Dune can take out the dragon with it.

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Ah, nah, yeah, that was pretty simple. Aynellia + formalithe staff + bow of Aragoth sealed the deal pretty swiftly.


Dune's not even promoted!

7 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Yeah. The failsafe bow seems to assume the Am Solis is much stronger than he actually is, seeing how it seems to be designed for the case that the Am Solis is missing. But I don't think that even an optimal Clytan is going to do all that well with it against the dragon.

If you have Dune with his pref, you should be fine. That one is much stronger. Both the bow and Dune.

If not, the way this works is that if the Am Solis is either gone or not on Cyltan, one of the chests in the South East will contain the Withered Bow. Otherwise it's another Ring of Bliss.
Once Adonsphair awakens, and assuming the Am Solis is still either gone or simply not on Cyltan, the Withered Bow will turn into Ceddica's Bow. A bow strong enough that supposedly even base Cyltan, Hoelun and Dune can take out the dragon with it.

Yeah Dune can handle that. I forgot the withered bow did anything so I just sent it to the stockpile lolololol

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Ena: "Hey don't worry, you aren't at fault for my husband's death"

Nasir: "Hey just popping in to say literally everything is your fault, including her husband's death."

Thanks a fucking lot, Nasir.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Also am I going insane, because I swear to god I checked every unit and not a single one can even use dark magic.

Haha, yeah, see... There are two units who can use dark magic.

They're only available on second playthroughs. Wah wah.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Micaiah needs some eye candy for the long road ahead.

Consider that this is Yune saying that.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


You know, Rafiel is probably the better choice mechanically but I there's no way I'm not bringing my beautiful baby bird boy Reyso-


Okay I went into the tower forgetting that I only had 15 out of 16 units so I reloaded the save and grabbed Nailah in which case I had to bring Rafiel as well. She needs something to play with in the long road ahead.

Poor Reyson... And poor Rafiel, considering this move would later cause him to lose a leg.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


I'm sure there's some insightful conversation to be had between this guy and Rafiel.

...Shame he died before Rafiel could reach 'em.

He has a lot of very insightful conversations, actually.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


So just in case Ike didn't have enough cool weapons all for himself.

The entire endgame is basically "let's worship Ike a bunch for no reason" on the designers' part.

...I hate it.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Oh Fiona, I wanted you to be the one to kill her, but your lack of hit chance remained your most terrible flaw till the very end...

That, and only Ike can kill her. Because fuck Ike.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


And they were lovers. No ifs or buts.

You said it.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I have many thoughts but in general I really loved it. More than Path of Radiance I'd say, even with it's somewhat stuffed story. Tellius took about a year for myself to complete which felt fitting for how much really was in here.

More than PoR, eh. Nice.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

As for the next Fire Emblem game I'll play? Well, I imagine it'll be quite the...genealogy.

Oh boy. Here we go!

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5 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Some real "I beat the king of Grado and ended the war" type shit.

Wouldn't surprise me if this was meant to be an actual map, but a battle in the fanciest city on the continent just wasn't in the budget.

7 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Also am I going insane, because I swear to god I checked every unit and not a single one can even use dark magic.

Only on New Game+, I am afraid.

It's also not worth the wait, sadly. It's almost as bad as Thunder.

9 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I like that the Daein characters have unique conversations with him, that's cute.

When it comes to convos, Jill, Haar, Astrid, Tanith and Sigrun are great to bring along. Well, besides the obvious choices in the Laguz Kings. But it's not like one needs much convincing to bring them along.

10 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Obligatory joke about how that's what the writers should've done to the script when they wrote in the blood pact.

And to the dumped down script.

Which to be fair is still better than anything else since then.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Oh fuck you.

Btw, in the Japanese script (not specifically the "extended one") Naesala says that killing Lekain and destroying his blood pact doesn't actually lift the curse on Kilvas, but he is confident that as long as he keeps control of the paper things will work out. But no such thing is said in the international version.

My guess would be that this was meant to be a sequel hook, but once the sales numbers came in they realized that a Tellius sequel was just not gonna happen, so they might as well wrap this up properly. But of course, conjecture.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They're only available on second playthroughs. Wah wah.

And only in Part 4. Woho!

19 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

So just in case Ike didn't have enough cool weapons all for himself.

It's just a normal SS rank sword. Swords get to have 2 of those. So you could also give it to Mist, for example.

22 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Okay after killing Ashera over an over again I apparently had to do with Ike, which I swear I already did and thought that wasn't the solution but whatever.

Very random too, considering it's hardly the only weapon blessed by God at this point. It's not even the only weapon present that can be blessed by both of them. Considering the Alondite is also around.

They just needed to justify the cutscene, I suppose. Probably no deeper reason for it than that.

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36 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


And they were lovers. No ifs or buts.

The bestest roommates.

They also have a convo in endgame that requires a PoR A support.
And is New Game+ exclusive, on account of also needing to meet the arbitrary requirements to unlock a 2nd secret character. So even if you did transfer a PoR save, you wouldn't have seen it anyway.
Video quality is actually much better than the preview would suggest. Still an old video, though. But it gets the job done.


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I aint replying to all this. Not separately.


Thracia might be the best bad game ever, well at least for FE. 


Guardsong did a thing. Congrats. I dont know who your endgame team was, but you should know the the alondite was clearly given to the player specifically for Meg to use. If you didn't do that, you played the game wrong. 

Pobre Fiona. 

I should probably ignore teehee for the entire duration of the inevitable genealogy run and have ruben notify me whenever you're being negative. I already have gnip's fe4 run to dread, at least when I finally get a working laptop again and can reply to things. 

53 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Okay I see why Nihil is a useful skill now

Wait, you removed nihil?

54 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

And Ike's collection of Elixer's

Wait, you struggled?

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:-

And after 46 hours and 52 minutes, the game is finally complete after like three months.

I have many thoughts but in general I really loved it. More than Path of Radiance I'd say, even with it's somewhat stuffed story. Tellius took about a year for myself to complete which felt fitting for how much really was in here.

A journey that was worth taking GuardianSing.

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22 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Even so Rubenio, it must be stated:


Hey, how dare you compare me to Count Farquad. Count? Duke? Wait what was his rank? Was it just Lord? Well, whatever the case, yeah.

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Anyway, VS1 endgame time. Last time it must've taken me like 4 hours. I don't remember enough to expedite the process, not to mention I have no Eddard. Ah, whatever, let's just see what happens.

...I must say, big BS that I don't get to trade items to Rastelle and Cromwell. Why, Kaga? What's the point?

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, VS1 endgame time. Last time it must've taken me like 4 hours. I don't remember enough to expedite the process, not to mention I have no Eddard. Ah, whatever, let's just see what happens.

...I must say, big BS that I don't get to trade items to Rastelle and Cromwell. Why, Kaga? What's the point?

Is it incredibly long or are you just that hopeless without my genius recommendations?

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Reading the new Unicron Overdrive info.


Ah yes, Support Rapport Conversations. Even following the CBA format, except that it seems to be going the Echoes route where not everyone gets the full three. I was joking about it being Vanillaware Fire Emblem before but now it just actually is. Including



S-Supports lmao. I mean, only for the Lord this time like in Engage but haha, this really is Vanillaware Fire Emblem. The info states it can be between anyone Alain maxes out Support with. 

@Interdimensional Observer you saw it already probably but gay marriage has been directly confirmed here. @Saint Rubenio you'll probably be allowed to marry old man Josef, i know that's what you really want.


Observer, i also recall you saying that you were a bit disappointed the dishes didn't have names but that was probably just a place holde-wait


High Entia?


Oh his class actually just is Lord lmao. Yeah this is basically FE18 at this point. I also like that you can see how much you need to reach the next Rapport level. Surprised that FE doesn't have the same QoL after like a dozen games tbh.



2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

It's very exaggerated here but being mixed race in real life does make it so you lose a sense of cultural belonging. Instead of belonging to both cultures you feel as though you don't belong to any and stand out like a sore thumb when trying to fit in with one or the other.

I know it's anecdotal and this is more culturally-mixed rather than race-mixed (given my Italian and Indigenous ancestry was generations ago, i have no connections) but I myself have never felt "torn apart" so to speak. Raised in the Venezuelan culture sure but most of my family is in Venezuela, not here. In a way i'm the most gringo of my family lmao but that sort of led me to become the most famous member. Not exaggerating when i say that basically everyone close enough in the family eagerly looked forward to my arrival each summer back when i was a kid and to this day, i still get asked when i'll visit again.

But that's just my experience. I was a lucky, the way i was raised let me feel both parts equally American and Venezuelan as opposed to leaning one way or the other. 

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Unrelated but Curb your Enthusiasm announced Season 12 will be the final season. And here i thought that shit ended ages ago.

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