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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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13 minutes ago, BrightBow said:


Devs realise that and take advantage of it, i have no doubt. I dont post that image of CS' Crow saying the quote "if we dress the girls skimpy enough, guys'll break the doors down to get in!" For no reason.

Do I hold that against them? No, nobody would, its good business.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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7 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Devs realise that and take advantage of it, i have no doubt. I dont post that image of CS' Crow saying the quote "if we dress the girls skimpy enough, guys'll break the doors down to get in!" For no reason.

Do I hold that against them? No, nobody would, its good business.

Realize what? Your posts just keep getting more and more mysterious.

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Realize what? Your posts just keep getting more and more mysterious.

That you will as a consumer pay for those sorts of things, and gacha is no different stype of pandering.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm genuinely curious about that, actually. How is that? What makes this forgettable fanservice character from a late-stage gacha so special that it's singlehandedly made this person into a passionate feminist? I know my wording sounds very sardonic but I'm being absolutely serious.

Idk man, this is just the new "Dimitri doesn't just kill women. He murders them" tweet. Bird App isn't real.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not just check all the boxes to make as much money as possible.

I'll say I do think Heroes making money in between IntSys' projects is good overall. I don't know much about their internal affairs or how they use that money and not every studio that has years between releases needs to make extra money in the meantime......but extra money is always good anyways. I'd rather they use the profits they make from Heroes to make the next FE better.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You really think some indie creator selling their niche game for 10 bucks on Steam expects to make a million dolans?

I mean if they want to make a living out of it, they expect it to sell enough to break even at least.

Thinking about that dev who quit cause people bought his game and then refunded it after beating it cause the game's just short enough that it can be beaten under Steam's 2-hour return policy. Guy nearly went bankrupt. Game barely costed that much either iirc.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It'd genuinely be worse for Game Freak to make good Pokemon games, because then it'd take 3 or 4 years to release the next Pokemon instead of churning them out every year, and the same amount of people would buy them in the name of brand loyalty.

Most of Pokemon's money really comes from the merch and the anime and whatnot. They legit have the time to spare a few years making the next game but their commitment to brand synergy is their downfall.


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I can't wait to see how many states are gonna be like "Wait, you can just do that?" in response to Colorado.

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'll say I do think Heroes making money in between IntSys' projects is good overall. I don't know much about their internal affairs or how they use that money and not every studio that has years between releases needs to make extra money in the meantime......but extra money is always good anyways. I'd rather they use the profits they make from Heroes to make the next FE better.

I have empathy for the consumers of these games and their abusing of people's gambling addictions, though at the very least Heroes seems a bit more generous with it's in game currency than most other Gachas. Not as though the bar was significantly raised or anything but still.

And in the topic of fanservice, from the art I've seen it seems to go half and half and appeal to the bisexual gaze so it's a-okay in my book.



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Beatrice, please don't try to wack the Moonlight Butterfly with your catalyst. I know it's stats. It might be longer than the standard catalyst but it's still not a striking weapon. That's what the Tin Banishment Catalyst is for.

I don't know if people generally consider it cheating to summon her for the Moonlight Butterfly. But like, it's a dumb boss. Basically like a boss from the dark age of Zelda games. You just dodge the same 3 attacks for two minutes until the boss allows you to whack it for a few seconds. Rinse and repeat.
The boss is cute the first time, but it really doesn't hold up on any successive run. Better to just get it over with as fast as possible.

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54 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


I can't wait to see how many states are gonna be like "Wait, you can just do that?" in response to Colorado.

Tells you how often they read their own Constitution.

Though seriously, using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment has already been proposed since January 6 itself happened, pretty much (brought up as an alternative over doing the second impeachment, even). It's just that only now it's actually being done.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I imagine that the DS Castlevanias probably gave me a bit of a resistance to this casino "gameplay" of gachas.

I was always someone trying to turn over every rock in a game and see everything there is to see.
But in those games, this meant entering the same room over and over to kill the same enemy over and over. The same procedure for hours until an arbitrary attempt results in the desired drop. As if by doing something 100 times I proved anything that I didn't already prove the first time.
At the time the option of spending real money to bribe the almighty RNG to bless me with the desired rewards would probably have been really tempting.

It took me way too many hours to realize that I simply wasn't having fun with that busywork.
That's just the power of addiction, I suppose. It keeps you going with something you don't enjoy until you end up gaslighting yourself that you actually do, in an attempt to justify to yourself all the time that you wasted. I'm glad I experienced that effect in an environment where no actual money was involved.

So hey, thanks Konami.

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Not sure why people are suddenly talking about Gullveig, but personally I am not a fan.

For one thing, it requires a Bandit Axe to craft. And for whatever reason, this is the one weapon among all the crafting requirements that cannot be bought anywhere nor does anyone drop it. It's also very much an early-game weapon and all the good ways to reliable capture come in later.

And also, nobody with access to axes has the Throw skill for that juicy extra accuracy (well, except Derrick). Which is like half the reason to even use those 0-1 range weapons. The Angon is only an average spear at 0 range, but with Throw it's accuracy is effectively tied for the highest accuracy among Spears. But axes don't get to really benefit from that.
Spears are also just more useful for 0-1 range in general in order to do save hit & run attacks. But no mounted class has axe access, so that doesn't matter for the Gullveig.
And in terms of stats, the Gullveig is basically just a Broad Axe without the crit bonus.

Not sure how I would buff it with the Randomizer either. It just doesn't seem very useful on a fundamental level.

Edited by BrightBow
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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Idk man, this is just the new "Dimitri doesn't just kill women. He murders them" tweet. Bird App isn't real.

Elon Musk says it's X.

...Actually, no, he doesn't. I can't find it now but he's gone on record calling it Twitter while ranting about something or other.

Anyway, what the heck is that Dimitri thing? First I'm hearing.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'll say I do think Heroes making money in between IntSys' projects is good overall. I don't know much about their internal affairs or how they use that money and not every studio that has years between releases needs to make extra money in the meantime......but extra money is always good anyways. I'd rather they use the profits they make from Heroes to make the next FE better.

The money is certainly nice for FE proper, but...

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I have empathy for the consumers of these games and their abusing of people's gambling addictions, though at the very least Heroes seems a bit more generous with it's in game currency than most other Gachas. Not as though the bar was significantly raised or anything but still.


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I mean if they want to make a living out of it, they expect it to sell enough to break even at least.

Thinking about that dev who quit cause people bought his game and then refunded it after beating it cause the game's just short enough that it can be beaten under Steam's 2-hour return policy. Guy nearly went bankrupt. Game barely costed that much either iirc.

It's really not a good idea to expect to live off of indie game making lol. Thunder in a bottle is not something you can set out to achieve. You make your game, share it, and it luck favors you... But it should be something you do for fun and the joy of sharing a creation with the world, first and foremost. Otherwise you should make a gacha.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Most of Pokemon's money really comes from the merch and the anime and whatnot. They legit have the time to spare a few years making the next game but their commitment to brand synergy is their downfall.

That may be, but undeniably, they make more money from selling games every year than every 4 years. Don't underestimate corporate greed. That little bit of extra profits is enough for them to be willing to gut the quality of their games.

2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

I imagine that the DS Castlevanias probably gave me a bit of a resistance to this casino "gameplay" of gachas.

I was always someone trying to turn over every rock in a game and see everything there is to see.
But in those games, this meant entering the same room over and over to kill the same enemy over and over. The same procedure for hours until an arbitrary attempt results in the desired drop. As if by doing something 100 times I proved anything that I didn't already prove the first time.
At the time the option of spending real money to bribe the almighty RNG to bless me with the desired rewards would probably have been really tempting.

It took me way too many hours to realize that I simply wasn't having fun with that busywork.
That's just the power of addiction, I suppose. It keeps you going with something you don't enjoy until you end up gaslighting yourself that you actually do, in an attempt to justify to yourself all the time that you wasted. I'm glad I experienced that effect in an environment where no actual money was involved.

So hey, thanks Konami.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'll always be glad that Ecclesia has no mandatory portions of this fashion. Getting the merman meat is always so stupid...

1 hour ago, Shaky Jones said:

Gacha fans when their gaslighting corporation bf doesn't give them a medal for defending their malicious practices (they just discovered abusive relationships)


I like how you didn't even bother to get a proper screenshot of it, just some scummy photo of a screen.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Not sure why people are suddenly talking about Gullveig, but personally I am not a fan.

For one thing, it requires a Bandit Axe to craft. And for whatever reason, this is the one weapon among all the crafting requirements that cannot be bought anywhere nor does anyone drop it. It's also very much an early-game weapon and all the good ways to reliable capture come in later.

And also, nobody with access to axes has the Throw skill for that juicy extra accuracy (well, except Derrick). Which is like half the reason to even use those 0-1 range weapons. The Angon is only an average spear at 0 range, but with Throw it's accuracy is effectively tied for the highest accuracy among Spears. But axes don't get to really benefit from that.
Spears are also just more useful for 0-1 range in general in order to do save hit & run attacks. But no mounted class has axe access, so that doesn't matter for the Gullveig.
And in terms of stats, the Gullveig is basically just a Broad Axe without the crit bonus.

Not sure how I would buff it with the Randomizer either. It just doesn't seem very useful on a fundamental level.

You know, I didn't even realize the bandit axe is not droppable. It's so common that I always seem to get a stray crippling on some brigand or other and nick one without even trying.

I often make it just because its materials aren't super contested, so once the other axes are done I can usually just get it out of the way.

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3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

though at the very least Heroes seems a bit more generous with it's in game currency than most other Gachas. Not as though the bar was significantly raised or anything but still.

Heroes does let you buy a decent selection of blorbos outright for $5 a piece. But it's locked behind the pass, they locked a paywall behind a a paywall, that's cringe.

Still tho, there is an element to Heroes that let's you get what you actually paid for. I gotta give credit where credit is due.

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, what the heck is that Dimitri thing? First I'm hearing.


30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's really not a good idea to expect to live off of indie game making lol.

At the same time, not everyone wants to work for Triple A Studio 3000. So it just depends on what you're trying to achieve.

Either way, do not make your dream game as your first game.


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33 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I mean, I get the difference they're trying to imply, but the wording is dreadful. And, of course, the super intense reaction to what they themself describe as "haha funny fun jokes" is the cherry on top.

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

At the same time, not everyone wants to work for Triple A Studio 3000. So it just depends on what you're trying to achieve.

To make a living out of videogames... Yeah you basically have to work for Triple A Studio 3000 or take a huge gamble and risk getting nowhere if your game doesn't pick up traction. Sad, but that's the life we live in. It's best to have it as a hobby and make a living somewhere else, not even necessarily the videogame industry.

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Either way, do not make your dream game as your first game

This, too. Making videogames is incredibly difficult, it's important to start small and keep your ambitions tempered.

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52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Either way, do not make your dream game as your first game.

Is this a jab at Xenogears?


13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To make a living out of videogames... Yeah you basically have to work for Triple A Studio 3000 or take a huge gamble and risk getting nowhere if your game doesn't pick up traction. Sad, but that's the life we live in. It's best to have it as a hobby and make a living somewhere else, not even necessarily the videogame industry.

While "creative products" and "intellectual contributions" are different -self-expression for fun vs. the revealing of True Knowledge for the sake of humanity- it's a not-dissimilar story.

If you're science guy/gal doing research on the lives of red Malay beetles (to invent a species nobody would care about), going out into the field and collecting evidence over years, the findings of which you then get published in a scientific journal, don't expect it to bring in any money. If you're a historian writing a book about the history of gender in Central America, maybe the proceeds from book sales will buy you lunch, once.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Still tho, there is an element to Heroes that let's you get what you actually paid for. I gotta give credit where credit is due

I suppose this depends on the buyer, personally the only thing I "paid" for (I had gift cards to purchase) were I wanted any Lucina alt.

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4 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Go to heaven and tell the devil that I’m drunk!

Peace, love, beer, and video games. What better way to spend a quiet Friday nite? 😎

10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Just peeked in after readin another site, saw that, and looked for the “like” button before I remembered there aint one. Lol

That there’s a cool pic

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ITo make a living out of videogames... Yeah you basically have to work for Triple A Studio 3000 or take a huge gamble and risk getting nowhere if your game doesn't pick up traction. Sad, but that's the life we live in. It's best to have it as a hobby and make a living somewhere else, not even necessarily the videogame industry.

This, too. Making videogames is incredibly difficult, it's important to start small and keep your ambitions tempered.

Had my sister tellin me that growin up

”gee, you should try making those games”

Nah.... I just wanna play em, not make em. Hell, I knew that back in the 80’s. Lol

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Got back to RF5, only felt like doing two ingame days. Will continue tomorrow.

Will say that one little criticism I have now is the uselessness of so many monsters. You only need three battle monsters at most, for which I've been using the fire, earth, water elementals I've found, a holdover from Tides of Destiny where they were amazing. I don't remember non-Buffamoo/Cluckadoodle/Wooly monsters producing items before, but I do like it that some do in RF5, I just wish more did, given allllllll the monster barn room I get. I don't use monsters for fieldwork, since I like doing that myself and  it doesn't take long.


Was also thinking about finishing Berwick, wouldn't feel right moving on to Engage if I didn't. Need to get my bearings though, given it has been over a year-and-a-half since I froze it. Inventories are still a total mess, since I hoard almost everything. Everyone permanently recruited except the tiny handful that can't be yet. Not sure why a whole bunch of characters have 99 EXP. I didn't need to be reminded of who I actually used, though I ponder if it's worth giving Faye or Marcel (I wanted to train him as my one little pet project and choice of heavy tank unit, have doubts he'll reach level 15 and shed his unexplained movement penalty) more EXP.

Only seven maps remain if I'm counting right, I'm not that far from finishing. Nonetheless, given the experience Berwick became for me that added up to the hiatus, I'm plenty 😬 about what each remaining battle will be like.

Next one, the penultimate optional, is desert & dragons. Hmm... Nine unit slots. Judging from the scales, Perceval will be a must (he has 20 uses on Dire Thunder, and the spare is not yet craft, though I'd hate to waste Dire charges). The one fire dragon mixed into the windy bunch, does that necessitate Aegina, or could I let Perc borrow Windstorm from her? Bring Enid for two Thunder slingers? The dragons fly, so I have to remember that physical units can't reach the dragons, irrelevant given their massive Def. Bandits aren't packing many throwing axes or arrows, so Larentia time? A searchable spot means I need one of the searchers, probably Axel since he's the only one I've trained (I regret not giving either thief any real use, but they're squishy and can't deal real damage). Obviously need a healer slot (probably Izerna), and the rest can be surefire physical combatants.

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