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Happy New Year's too!🎉

Celebrating temporal measurements, based on astronomic phenomena, with an arbitrarily-chosen point in space to mark beginning and end, is sorta silly when you think about it. -But then there isn't anything wrong with such a human construct and related cultural customs.😄

If I'm going to make a New Year's resolution I'll inevitably break, I'll keep it simple- change. Find and follow a way to alter my cozy, easy, yet on some level existentially regrettable, inertial state. -I don't mean to be a downer saying this. I luckily haven't felt a surplus of black bile at the end of a 365-unit cycle this time. But, it would be nice to finally break free. Because it's kinda sad how *ahem* powerful my thoughts have gotten in the past few days concerning Reinhard & Martin, and yet I'm 30.🤣

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I won! But only since I got more Bonus Stars, pft.


Hmm... lots of views/hits (though Fanficiton.net seems to still have a problem displaying them... I think), another Bookmark and a couple Kudos in AO3... but no comments. Well, mostly what I expected, I guess.

Hmm... what to write next. Next chapter of CoS, most likely.

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9 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

But thats only due to their shitty balancing. That doesnt mean that it cant work, it just cant with them behind the wheel, which can be said for most anything.

I mean, yeah. That's why in later games they removed the need to have a skill for such vital abilities as doubling. Nobody was knocking skills as a whole, though, but rather their implementation in FE4 and, more specifically, the Pursuit skill in FE4.

9 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Lex who cant do either is amazing as a unit.

Only with his secret brave axe. Without it he's middling at best.

9 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Sylvia who cant is also broken as a unit.

Because... she's the dancer? A unit for whom combat doesn't matter ever? She could have 0 in every stat and she'd still be one of the best units in the game. Let's compare combat units, for whom having or not having Pursuit actually matters very much.

9 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Levin doesnt have pursuit at base and Azelle does yet Levin is superior.

Because Lewyn pretty much instantly receives Forseti.

Ngl pretty bad examples. I feel Quan would be a much better one, he doesn't have Pursuit but thanks to his legendary, strong stats and Adept to get by, he can get some stuff done. Still, you'll notice that every unit that doesn't have Pursuit requires a legendary or some other kind of fancy weapon or non-combat utility (such as dancing or staffing) to carry them, otherwise they're doomed to mediocrity because being unable to double is really bad. It doesn't matter what your stats are, you're inevitably doing half the damage a unit with Pursuit can deal.

Pursuit is also a really static thing. You have a single ring (that is impossible to get if playing blind, at that), and otherwise anyone who doesn't get it naturally will never get it. This all turns the skill essentially into a "this unit is a good unit" sign.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Well given what you said of the first 11 mission being easy, I'll hold off there.😛

But, I am aware the last time to shop is Chapter 13. By then I'll unleash it by the start of then for sure. -Although I'm not sure how much fighting the last two chapters have, as I mentioned before, I did watch this one utterly-ancient Berwick LP on YouTube many years ago (well before it got translated, don't accuse me of impatience). I didn't watch all of it, but I did skip to the last two battles. I don't remember the enemy counts on these maps well, but my vague impression was they weren't the most action-packed.

They're not the most action-packed maps in the game, but they do have some action.

I would worry more about chapter 13 itself.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Do they tho? It's one of the most straightforward things about the series.

Well, it does mean speed is the best stat bar none and any units that have bad speed will inevitably be worse than any units with good speed, which isn't something you can really influence aside from feeding someone all the speedwings, or reclassing to a faster class in the modern games.

It's not an awful system, certainly not as bad as FE4's, but it could perhaps use a bit of tinkering.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Doubling is a necessity anyways, if the entire game played one hit at a time, things would go extremely slow.......like Berwick.

If you don't use the gooder stuff the game gives you, sure

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

There's a multitude of reasons.

I'll admit, the animations could be faster. It's not as hilarious as TearRing Saga but there definitely should've been a "just show me numbers going up or down" setting.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Doubles Ruben's heartbeat.


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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, yeah. That's why in later games they removed the need to have a skill for such vital abilities as doubling. Nobody was knocking skills as a whole, though, but rather their implementation in FE4 and, more specifically, the Pursuit skill in FE4

Ah yes, because PoR Resolve is so much better. Xd

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Only with his secret brave axe. Without it he's middling at best.

Nah, Paragon alone as a pass down skill is amazing. And he ensures his children will have decent DEF.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Because... she's the dancer? A unit for whom combat doesn't matter ever? She could have 0 in every stat and she'd still be one of the best units in the game. Let's compare combat units, for whom having or not having Pursuit actually matters very much.

Huh... I guess she didnt "need Pursuit" to be good, strange.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Because Lewyn pretty much instantly receives Forseti.

Ngl pretty bad examples. I feel Quan would be a much better one, he doesn't have Pursuit but thanks to his legendary, strong stats and Adept to get by, he can get some stuff done. Still, you'll notice that every unit that doesn't have Pursuit requires a legendary or some other kind of fancy weapon or non-combat utility (such as dancing or staffing) to carry them, otherwise they're doomed to mediocrity because being unable to double is really bad. It doesn't matter what your stats are, you're inevitably doing half the damage a unit with Pursuit can deal.

Pursuit is also a really static thing. You have a single ring (that is impossible to get if playing blind, at that), and otherwise anyone who doesn't get it naturally will never get it. This all turns the skill essentially into a "this unit is a good unit" sign

His skillset is fine without Pursuit and Forseti ls late for him anyways.

It only seems that way because Sigurd has Legendary stats and equipment anyways? You wont see Alec doing 25x 2 anytime soon. 

Again, Arden will never be good, with or without Pursuit. You have to reach the enemies for the skill to do something. 

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, it does mean speed is the best stat bar none and any units that have bad speed will inevitably be worse than any units with good speed, which isn't something you can really influence aside from feeding someone all the speedwings, or reclassing to a faster class in the modern games

This isnt always true, you dont need SPD to follow up in FE8 lol. 

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4 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

And whoever created RD's mastery skills clearly was smoking something lol

On this we can agree. All those tier 3 skills might as well have been the same skill, considering they are all effectively just various flavors of Lethality.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

On this we can agree. All those tier 3 skills might as well have been the same skill, considering they are all effectively just various flavors of Lethality.

There WOULD have been a certain satisfaction gained from lowering enemy SPD to nothing (or half, cant remember) but too bad it always kills them. Xd

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On this we can agree. All those tier 3 skills might as well have been the same skill, considering they are all effectively just various flavors of Lethality.

Unless you are a magic user, because Radiant Dawn mages can't have anything nice.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, it does mean speed is the best stat bar none and any units that have bad speed will inevitably be worse than any units with good speed, which isn't something you can really influence aside from feeding someone all the speedwings, or reclassing to a faster class in the modern games.

There are units with middling speed that can still work tho. Either because they hit hard as hell or have some unique skills or something.

It's kinda like what you said about certain FE4 units but the difference is that units with poor speed can still double on occasion (especially lower difficulties), whereas anyone lacking Pursuit can't at all. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If you don't use the gooder stuff the game gives you, sure

I was using Dean or whatever his name was, he was amazing, best unit in the game, until he took an arrow to the knee and became a useless sack of meat for the rest of the chapter because healing staffs don't work on broken bones.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Huh... I guess she didnt "need Pursuit" to be good, strange.

I mean she's not fighting to begin with.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I was using Dean or whatever his name was, he was amazing, best unit in the game, until he took an arrow to the knee and became a useless sack of meat for the rest of the chapter because healing staffs don't work on broken bones.

Don't tank with light infantry. Bare flesh is not a good defense against sharp metal objects.

Although Dean does have enough meat that he should be able to take one solid hit without risking a cripple.

Only times I ever saw Dean get crippled is when I deliberately set him up for a 100% vengeful proc by letting him get hit for 34+ damage. Not really a good strategy, but it's fun seeing Dean launch things into orbit.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I was using Dean or whatever his name was, he was amazing, best unit in the game, until he took an arrow to the knee and became a useless sack of meat for the rest of the chapter because healing staffs don't work on broken bones.

Weren't you using the battle-save system at all? If that happens, you usually go back to a previous save or just bear it and move forward (i had the same thing with Deen in the chapter where you recruit Larentia instead though)

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I will say that healing SHOULD logically give you some defence against injury/cripple all things considered. Especially since healers have trash... well basically everything and are mostly a liability.

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The more of your current HP you lose in one round of combat, the higher the chance for a cripple.
But if you make sure you don't take more than half your current HP in damage in a single round of combat, there is no chance to ever get crippled.
So you want to make sure everyone's HP bars are always filled as much as possible. This isn't a case of "The only hitpoint that matters is your last one".

Characters with Robust are more flexible in that regard and only need to worry about never falling below 1 HP.


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49 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Happy New Year

Happy new year, Wraith! May it be filled with as little drinking as possible!

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Now that I have both maps fresh, I can say with confidence that Lever Hell does not deserve that moniker (though it is quite catchy) and that it's decidedly a better paced VS1 chapter 20.

I can point out the reason, too. In VS1 chapter 20, you have Zade's team, you charge inside, you move all the way up, branching out a bit to do things, but for the most part you move as one group through the one path (two for infantry) toward the destination. Then Cyltan's team arrives, very late, and you have to play catch-up with them, until they merge with the group.

VS2 chapter 24 is almost as big and even more complex, but the action is divided into four different sections. This means a lot more's going on at once, and if one squad's done for the nonce, you can leave them on standby while waiting for pathways to be opened up. You don't need to have the entire roster of the game run up a massive tower turn after turn. Combine that with the fact that each lever always opens something up for a different group, and you have a very dynamic map where there's almost always something for everyone to do, that doesn't last nearly as long as VS1 chapter 20.

Honestly, might be my favorite map in the game. It works smooth as clockwork, and there's something really satisfying about gradually opening up the entire castle and watching the four squads progress simultaneously and kick some Margulite butt.

2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Unless you are a magic user, because Radiant Dawn mages can't have anything nice.

Mages in Tellius got shafted so hard. Which, to be fair, isn't such a bad idea, magic is quite powerful in most FEs... but archers in Tellius are still about as bad as they are in half the series, and ranged axes and lances are as good as they are in half the series, so.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

There are units with middling speed that can still work tho. Either because they hit hard as hell or have some unique skills or something.

It's kinda like what you said about certain FE4 units but the difference is that units with poor speed can still double on occasion (especially lower difficulties), whereas anyone lacking Pursuit can't at all. 

Yeah, like I said, it's not awful and it doesn't guarantee that low speed units are always going to be awful, but it does make speed a rather centrilizing stat.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I was using Dean or whatever his name was, he was amazing, best unit in the game, until he took an arrow to the knee and became a useless sack of meat for the rest of the chapter because healing staffs don't work on broken bones.

lol skill issue, if it was me I would've simply applied Ward, who is the Endgame Ready Beard, to Zalius instead of Dean, who is amazing but does only have 4 defense.

...Nah but honestly, while it's probably a bit more RNG than it should be, I do appreciate how it gives tanks a further use. Minimizing the chance of disaster is the name of the game for Berwick, and units that in other games would just break the game by dodging everything always have that sword of Damocles with a red cross engraved into its hilt hanging over their heads. Meanwhile, the more heavily armored units are a lot less likely to take half their healthbars from one hit, even without Robust.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Happy new year, Wraith! May it be filled with as little drinking as possible!

Hey it's not a drinking "problem", it's a drinking solution.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

lol skill issue, if it was me I would've simply applied Ward, who is the Endgame Ready Beard, to Zalius instead of Dean, who is amazing but does only have 4 defense.

3 defense actually.
It's nice that units actually do different things instead of the only differencing factor being how hard it is for them to hit the stat thresholds that make enemies melt on contact.

Also Zalius? Just lure him onto a cliff hex and sylvis him. Or kite him with Elbert and sylvis him. Either way, sylvis him.

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Happy New Year folks 😀

New year’s resolutions anyone? I don’t usually bother because I believe in fixin what aint broke, but this time I resolve to play more VGs, especially now that I got a gaming laptop with a few hundred of em installed 

Also gonna play the PC version of Blood Omen and make @Sidereal Wraith happy 😎

But first I gotta finish Might and Magic Clash of Heroes

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