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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Awfully balanced cast? Check. lmao

Dawg this is still more balanced than Melee, a game where five characters max were competitively viable. Ultimate has issues but you can generally get away with using anyone.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Dawg this is still more balanced than Melee, a game where five characters max were competitively viable. Ultimate has issues but you can generally get away with using anyone.

... Have you watched competitive Ultimate at all? That is not how the game works at this point.

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Because anyone with common sense realises that Ganon vs Sonic is not worth the headache for the Ganon player, so why not use a character that actually stands a chance? lol

Sonic vs most the cast in Ultimate ends that way, actually. XD Him and Steve both! lol

There is a reason most players tier Ganon at the bottom. Not cause he is "viable" by any means.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait they're still updating Smash Ultimate? News to me lol, I thought they stopped outright when the DLCs ended.

It's a special thing due to being the game's 5th anniversary.

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The Order is uncharacteristically well equipped for this encounter. Tanking that initial fire breath is bad, but they got Mind Blank active. And it turns out they still have Resist Energy spells left, even after Durkon spend several for the encounter with Redcloak and the acid room just now.
Of course after a whole book about vampires, I think everyone is still rather tired of the cast constantly getting disabled by Domination magic.


I wonder if at this point it would still be possible to put Calder back into stasis if Sunny were to close their eye.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

The Masae one hurts the most. It's not just that she appeared in his videos before, they were collabing all the time.

This whole thing sucks because it's like finding out Steve from Blue' Clues was a scumbag the whole time.

This is why it's important to understand that you never truly know a celebrity. I'm not saying don't follow or even like a content creator ever, I've a share of creators I like to be sure, but it's important to acknowledge that there's always a chance that what you see is just a front.

Celebrities have a lot of power and reach that is very easy to abuse. Whether it be by taking advantage of vulnerable fans or by weaponizing the fanbase into a defensive wall against consequences, it's undeniable that they have power. That's why it's important to bring these cases to light - I sincerely doubt that this will significantly damage, let alone ruin Chugga's career. You know, like all the other times people got accused of stuff like this or worse, and nothing happened to them. However, if (when?) he tries to fall back into old habits and creep on someone, there's a chance they'll have seen this mess unfold and will know to be wary of him.

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I wonder if there are other item effects that are compatible with horses.
Like, can I give a horse the Miracle Charm effect, so that it automatically dies if the rider takes a lethal blow? That would be funny.

I most certainly would like to get some more stuff out of horses. They are a very underused mechanic, I think.

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7 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I wonder if there are other item effects that are compatible with horses.
Like, can I give a horse the Miracle Charm effect, so that it automatically dies if the rider takes a lethal blow? That would be funny.

I most certainly would like to get some more stuff out of horses. They are a very underused mechanic, I think.

Miracle horse would be an absolutely hilarious concept. Or tragic.

...Honestly, more tragic when I think about it. Poor horsie taking the killing blow for its rider...

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15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Bro with Thyrsus he can attack me from Fog and i can't see where he attacked me from lmao

This makes the cowardly addition of warp to the Emblem all the more frustrating. Right here is a mechanic unique to Byleth that is interesting in the fog, without lazily Frankensteining two emblems together.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

ngl this map turned me off the whole run lol

Yeah, I was feeling that from the sidelines with the last lazy double emblem to keep a "gimmick" that fundamentally was just the Emblem you were facing originally.


14 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


This was one of the worst FE experiences ever

if not straight up the worst

Anyway i lost everyone on that map except Veyle lmao

Oof, sorry the ironman ended so poorly.


9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



"Oh he's trying to retake the capital? Fucking finally, we can use that as an excuse to annex the entire place then."

That is certainly how some will perceive it.


9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



A female captain of a pirate band? That's spicy even for modern Fire Emblem.

Not that I expect this game to be particularly interesting with it...

Wait til you meet Lamia, and her all female mercenary band...well really Lamia is a much more minor character than Brigid, and I am probably the only one that cares about her in the slightest. Plus Brigid is fairly cool anyway.


9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I mean considering on average this gal can deal more damage to the average foe than most of our team I feel like all we need to do is give her a horse and have Arden take care of Seliph or something.

Curse Sigurd and his misogynistic view on gender roles.


9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

RIP Mitan.

Eh, there is a bit of a difference between a bandit and a pirate, no matter what Lyn says 😛


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, what do you know.

The part of the apology I expressed concerns about might have been a complete lie.

There are only two possible scenarios here:

I wasn't paying much attention to this youtube celebrity drama, having never had much interest in Chugga, and having completely ignored twitter a bit of the way into Elon's reign, but it is sad to see Lady Emily was dragged into all this nasty drama, especially after having to endure his unwanted attentions in the first place.


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Battle Network too? Although if it's a rogue like I'm not playing, it seemsike every deck building RPG is a rouge like these days. It's why I passed on One Step to Eden.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is why it's important to understand that you never truly know a celebrity. I'm not saying don't follow or even like a content creator ever, I've a share of creators I like to be sure, but it's important to acknowledge that there's always a chance that what you see is just a front.

That's true but also this is a guy a lot of people have been watching since single digit age.


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37 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I wasn't paying much attention to this youtube celebrity drama, having never had much interest in Chugga, and having completely ignored twitter a bit of the way into Elon's reign, but it is sad to see Lady Emily was dragged into all this nasty drama, especially after having to endure his unwanted attentions in the first place.

Well, to be pedantic, she wasn't dragged into the drama, she started it by bringing his behavior towards her to light. Which, considering she did it in response to watching legions of internet dwellers swearing fealty to him and nobody else was speaking up against him at the time, took some guts.

What's really sad is that she had to endure countless insults and accusations of being a cancelling clout-chaser for daring to speak up against the "wholesome bean with only green flags" throughout the 12~ hours it took for Chugga's apology to fall apart. And no doubt she'll have to endure more even now. People are so desperate to latch on to the slightest hope that their internet funnyman wasn't the dipshit this made him out to be.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That's true but also this is a guy a lot of people have been watching since single digit age.

Indeed! Doesn't change anything. In fact, this just goes to prove even the longest-running celebrities can very easily have kept skeletons hidden for straight up decades. And that nostalgia is foolish.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I have no idea who these people are or what this drama is about but in other news, several lawmakers in my state of Oregon are trying to back peddle drug decriminalization laws.

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Episode 36

  • The heroes head for Cusco. Since they intend for it to be only a brief stay and the ruins ought to be lightly defended, the heroes enlist resistance and Federation help to create diversions that'll keep the Interstellar Alliance's main forces away.
  • Upon reaching the ruins, only a handful of Bemborgs defend it, as expected. To activate the Seal of Grados, one must be half-Earthling half-Gradosian, which Julia is and so Eiji brings her into the ruins after the defenders are eliminated. As Julia begins to activate the seal, the C.U.B.E. in Akimi's unit begins to resonate, it seems the Seal of Grados indeed uses C.U.B.E. as its power source.
  • However, Le Caine gets word of the attack on Cusco and refuses to pass up the opportunity, while brushing aside any magical ruins garbage. When he makes it to the battlefield and Roanne decide to attack in two waves. The first, lighter wave to the northwest is the Demon Death Squad yet again, including Gosterro who broke out of his prison cell. The objective changes to including defending the square of ruins in the map's center.
  • Federation forces are around the same time Le Caine gets the news, are shown carrying out a diversion at Jaburo. General Nesia of Zarl gets report of the attack at Cusco, only now realizes what she just experienced was a trick, and believes the good guys are there for the ruins which therefore she can't let them have.
  • After defeating the Demon Death Squad for what might be the last time, Le Caine to the northeast and Nesia to the southeast arrive at the same time. They agree to carry out an encirclement together. Le Caine tells Roanne he'll personally deploy, and entrusts Roanne as the chosen one with literally the seat of authority, he does "..." text box at being told this.
  • Julia then deeper in the ruins hacks into global transmission networks and states the hidden truth of Grados and that use of the Seal of Grados will create a barrier separating the Solar System from the rest of the universe. Anyone who wishes to return home must do so now. This catches even the heroes off guard, she didn't tell them that in advance.
  • Meanwhile, some distance away from the battlefield ...was Roanne really doing a "fool my friends to fool my enemies" schtick this entire time? SRW must've invented that.🤨 With Gradosians bewildered by what Julia said and the battleship he's on rigged with explosives, Roanne declares for the Liberation Front. This sends the Gradosian forces into disarray and General Nesia is angry that half the encirclement is collapsing, but tells her soldiers to aggressively push on anyhow. Le Caine in this clusterduck has no choice but to fight on as well.
  • I defeat Le Caine, ceremonially giving the final blow, as I did with Gosterro, to Eiji via a V-Maximum. Even though he betrayed him, Le Caine tells Roanne he still entrusts him with his ideals and everything. Le Caine also swears that he'll return, even if it sounded like he was totally dying. Given J's "Yurika & Akito sent him back in time on Mars, traveled back to the present with the ancient Martians' help just in time to rush Genesis with his remnant forces", I will not rule out the possibility that Le Caine will indeed, return. General Nesia's defeat dialogue also suggests that she in fact, died. Voider and Kabuto were jealous of her replacing them, not so much now methinks. 
  • In the calm following the battle, certain characters- Daba, Prince Mito, the two guys of the Gale who get any story dialogue, are struck with panic about what Julia said. They can't go home now?😲 -Julia is still tranquil however. There is one thing that can bypass the barrier, a "key" that possesses the same wave cycle as the Seal of Grados, and the heroes have this- Akimi's C.U.B.E.. While Julia is unfamiliar with the term, she does say that indeed, the ancient Gradosians were familiar with it and used it (C.U.B.E.s are natural Fairey said maybe one scenario ago). Use of the C.U.B.E. will still let them ignore the seal and travel to other parts of the cosmos. Julia ends her explanation by reminding everyone she did not activate the Seal for the sake of creating more conflict -fight to end fighting, not to fight again, please.
  • With this in mind, the heroes realize they've gained a massive advantage over their enemies. Any Interstellar Alliance aliens left here are stuck here and no more reinforcements can arrive. Meanwhile, the White Base and Gandor can invade other star systems and not have to worry about the Earth anymore. It's the Gan Eden System, but better. This being so, the heroes decide they should clean up any troubles left on Earth before making their second deep space journey.
    • Akimi and Fairey then have a conversation alone. Akimi realizes that if Gadisword has a C.U.B.E. then they too can penetrate the Seal of Grados. Which means they accidentally just weakened the Interstellar Alliance while giving the Extradimensional Union a huge advantage. Fairey, unconvincingly to me, thinks the Union somehow might not realize this.😐
  • Speaking of troubles on Earth, elsewhere, the Federation reports something terrible is happening in Antarctica. Nothing good comes out of Antarctica in SRW. With sea levels rising and glaciers breaking off, Emperor Gore having long abandoned democracy owing to its utter inability to resolve climate change, launches his Dinosaur Empire attack. With the Extradimensional Union having possibly retreated (the heroes haven't spoken of it at all), and the Interstellar Alliance's Earth forces devastated, I guess the old lizard thought it was time.

I see the trajectory on which things are headed now.😀

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Hey, if anyone wants something to do for an hour.


My score. Cleared Thracia, Elibe, Magvel and Lythos in their entirety. Completely blanked on Lysithea and Xane's existence, otherwise Fodlan and Archanea were complete as well. Beyond that, I mostly forgot Hoshidans, kids I cared less about, a few of Awakening and Tellius characters and, primarily, a bunch of FE4 characters.

For anyone who wants to try it, beware that, while the test eats up quite a few alternate spellings, one of Engage's characters is misspelled. If you try to input their name and it doesn't work, try changing the first syllable to "ze."

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I have no idea who these people are or what this drama is about

Just the usual, content creator turned out to be a sex pest. Truth be told, I have very little knowledge of this Chuggaconroy fella myself, but I think celebrity worship needs to stop already, this just keeps happening.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

several lawmakers in my state of Oregon are trying to back peddle drug decriminalization laws.

...Oh, dear.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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This one popped off

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I have no idea who these people are or what this drama is about but in other news, several lawmakers in my state of Oregon are trying to back peddle drug decriminalization laws.

Hey man, here in Florida we're trying to take away workers rights for minors. That's right Johnny, you'll be working 8 hours on a school night.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Indeed! Doesn't change anything. In fact, this just goes to prove even the longest-running celebrities can very easily have kept skeletons hidden for straight up decades. And that nostalgia is foolish.

This is true, but having faith in people isnt a bad thing, either.

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8 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

This is true, but having faith in people isnt a bad thing, either.

It's one thing to have faith in people, it's another to have blind faith in people you do not know just because they made videos that you found funny. That's a nice way to set yourself up for disappointment if they later turn out to be a crappy person taking advantage of the power provided to them by the legion of people blindly putting their faith in them.

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4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

This makes the cowardly addition of warp to the Emblem all the more frustrating. Right here is a mechanic unique to Byleth that is interesting in the fog, without lazily Frankensteining two emblems together.


Tbh tho, i am more pissed off about 3 stacking instances of damage mitigation  + 1 instance of straight up nullification

How is that any fun??

56 minutes ago, Armagon said:


And even with that idiocy she's still one of the smarter ones in that game lol

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I tried to do that yesterday

got bored after 10 minutes and closed the window XD

I think i got a 100 or so?

Maybe i will try it again sometime



Hmm i think i should take a FE break

that, or New Theory of Thracia - will see where my mood will land

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Oh, no.

His model changes based on the armor he wears.

...Welp, guess I'm inevitably foregoing stats when I find something whose look I actually like.

In other news, this game doesn't have an ingame quest tracker. By this I mean, you don't get a "GET X FOR Y GUY" thing to remind you of all the recruitments you got going on. So, I'm doing it the old fashioned way and keeping track of stuff with a text file.

"Get the recipy to Dan at the vampire club
Find Carlos's contacts in the sewers
Find the Book of Fairies for Aldo
Find Pooch for Lulu
Get Bligh's pipe from the pointy-hatted gobling
Get a flower for Dennis
Get back at Garcia for saving his friends from the cave"

Funny thing is, half of these are already fulfilled, I just have no idea where these people spend most of their day lol

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Hmm i think i should take a FE break

that, or New Theory of Thracia - will see where my mood will land

Hey I know of this one hack, it's FE6 but it's better and you play as the bad guys--

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey I know of this one hack, it's FE6 but it's better and you play as the bad guys--

yh but it's FE6

it's my least fav. game in the series, so it needs be quite a bit more than FE6 but better

That said, i do see your hack receiving a lot of Praise, so Kudos!

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27 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yh but it's FE6

it's my least fav. game in the series, so it needs be quite a bit more than FE6 but better


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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

> Eldigan: Camus archetype. Automatic idiot.

> Reinhardt: Camus archetype, automatic dumbass.

> Ishtar: Camus archetype, automatic dumbass.

 @Armagoni love this xD


"But my loyalty" mfers when I show them that following orders is not a valid defense.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's one thing to have faith in people, it's another to have blind faith in people you do not know just because they made videos that you found funny. That's a nice way to set yourself up for disappointment if they later turn out to be a crappy person taking advantage of the power provided to them by the legion of people blindly putting their faith in them.

Of course those aren't the same thing. But if someone says they can be a better person, I want to believe in them. If they can't prove themselves to be better, thats something else.

Nothing to do with their reputation.

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