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9 hours ago, Shrimpica said:

Not really a fan, but more like i finally wanna play the game i watched so much in my kiddie days xD

Totally understandable!

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I think I can say that Berseria actually feels darker than Shin Megami Tensei at this point. As in, a livelier, more personal darkness. SMT has always had bleakness defining its worlds, always had acts of inhumanity, but the bleakness is macrocosmic, and the franchise has long suffered from having flat casts. If I choose Chaos for the ending over Law in SMT, it's a rather unemotional decision.

Berseria lightened up after its striking prologue, it gradually went into a midgame where the possibility of "embracing the darkness" turned out to end in a night illuminated by a gentle full moon, a bright dark blue, not pitch blackness. Nearly done methinks however, the heroes are still saving humanity, but it's closer to a cloudy moonless night than I was thinking it could've ended up being. The heroes are certainly owning their decision, the ramifications, and the reputation it'll give them. Agreement with the premise of bringing chaos come not entirely from removed philosophical discussion, but from their lived reality. SMT tries showing that in its stories, but Berseria has done a heckuva better job at it.

Also, the heroes admitting they're being selfish. Not the first time I've seen this in a JRPG, FFVII comes to mind as having made this point at the end. Yet, since Berseria makes what the good guys are doing only the much lesser evil, but still an evil (albeit only an extreme antidote for an extreme villain-induced poison), I think the point works better here. Likewise, this isn't the first game I've played where the heroes turn into fugitives from the rest of society, it's a major point of FFXIII for one. But FFXIII was littered with problems that means it felt nothing like Berseria presently does. 

It is interesting seeing Tales go further into the deep end than I imagined like this. And it's got a good enough cast that it could make doing this work, that's quite important. Even if the tea has a note or two tad too bitter for me, I can still appreciate the whole.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think I can say that Berseria actually feels darker than Shin Megami Tensei at this point. As in, a livelier, more personal darkness. SMT has always had bleakness defining its worlds, always had acts of inhumanity, but the bleakness is macrocosmic, and the franchise has long suffered from having flat casts. If I choose Chaos for the ending over Law in SMT, it's a rather unemotional decision.

Please tell me you didn't do this


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4 minutes ago, Venger_06 said:

Please tell me you didn't do this

...It varies with the SMT I've played.:

  • SMTIV- Did all four endings, thanks to NG+. The order was White, Chaos, Law, Neutral, I think.
  • SMTIV: Apocalypse- I did Bonds, never went back to see the Massacre ending. Nor the two premature endings.
  • SMT1- Being a Super Famicom game originally, three fresh playthroughs wasn't that huge a timesink. Did Law, Chaos, and lastly Neutral.
  • SMTIII: Nocturne- I picked the restoration ending. My first PS3 died so I never got to do any of the others.
    • -Nocturne doesn't have a traditional Law-Neutral-Chaos divide. If one exists, it's arranged differently, this also applies to Devil Survivor 2.
  • SMT: Strange Journey- Never finished it. I was intending to do them all in the order of Law-Chaos-Neutral.
  • Devil Survivor Overclocked- Did all five endings and the 8th Days, including both variants of Naoya & Kaido's 8th. The sequence started with Yuzu's, ended with Gin's. I forget how I arranged the other three, but I think it was Amane-N&K-Atsuro. 
  • Devil Survivor 2- For the DS version I saw all five endings. For Record Breaker, I did do three of the old endings, plus one of the three new Triangulum ones. I had intended to eventually go back and do the other endings I didn't for completion's sake -but I haven't.

-I'm inclined to use NG+ to see all of an SMT's endings, if I've the mood for doing so. And as a rule, I like to make the last ending the Neutral one.

Barring Nocturne, where the True Demon Ending is totally the ending, Atlus favors the Neutral ending. As Neutral is the official canon with regards to the direct continuities of SMT1 > SMT2 and SMTIV > SMTIV: Apocalypse. I think one could deduce that SMTII possibly also canonically ends Neutral. -But Nocturne established the Amala Universe is a thing, and subsequent games have bought into the existence of a multiverse too. So really, all endings are canon somewhere in the nigh-infinite number of worlds.


56 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Tales? Complex story? Xd

Vesperia is a mess, Zestiria is too simplistic, Graces is underbaked. However: Xillia's is okay, Symphonia's is pretty traditional JRPG stuff -but with sorta good execution, and Abyss has moments of strength.

It's not a total surprise that Berseria could tell a decent Tales.😛

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's not a total surprise that Berseria could tell a decent Tales.😛

Funny enough, I feel its one of their weaker storylines. They force the revenge scenario way too hard imo. And that loop of "ill kill Artorious!" Gets annoying as all hell lmao

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Just now, Lightcosmo said:

Funny enough, I feel its one of their weaker storylines. They force the revenge scenario way too hard imo. And that loop of "ill kill Artorious!" Gets annoying as all hell lmao

I did see another criticize the concept of "a plot that revolves around the world making the protagonist miserable". So I don't think you're alone.

The revenge doesn't feel that bad to me though. Artorius's confrontations with the heroes are rather limited, he doesn't get tiring as villain because they don't overexpose the player to him. And for all her internal rage, Velvet keeps it enough under wraps, she could've aggressively snapped in an antisocial way a lot more than she actually does. Plus, traditional Tales antics permeate enough of the story after the prologue and before the last stretch that, for a journey founded on torment leading to hate, it's hardly a fun-free one.

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They have way too much "we follow the path but never reach the destination" going on as well, I think. Dragging things out too much at times.

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5 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

They have way too much "we follow the path but never reach the destination" going on as well, I think. Dragging things out too much at times.

I think I can see that? Tales does tend to be bloated. I was feeling that at points with Berseria, though it sure seems like the final act is thankfully on the shorter side. I'm not sure what should be cut from Symphonia, but I'm know somewhere could be (and possibly even somebody- Presea and Regal specifically). And for Abyss, part three is usually criticized as being repetitive.

Although, at least with Berseria, I can feel a sense of build-up, progress, discovery. My issue with Zestiria was, if I remember correctly, "The midgame is almost over? Where did it go?". The heroes did stuff, but I didn't feel much in the way of development for a sizable portion of the game, it turned out to be an empty journey.

And my first of my issues with Graces, was that the two regions beyond Barona were underutilized. That was primarily to Hubert's and Malik's losses, since they're the ones with ties to those places. The second was partly rooted in the player being smarter than the protagonists, because the player will likely be familiar with certain fantasy tropes. As in- "How can you guys not see it?!?!? Richard is POSSESSED!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️". Which resulted in Sophie and Asbel repeating "Richard is my friend" too many times, and the story barely moving past that. -Or at least, that's my lingering memory of Graces.

...Can't think of anything wrong with the adventure pacing of Xillia.😆 Well, maybe we didn't spend enough time on the other side of the Schism(?), but that'd be about it.

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I like Phantasia's story. Has to be my most favorite when it comes to Tales, probably.


Okay, went through the Great Wall and reached Uruk Canyon. Not much to do here but save some guy's wife, but we are rewarded with the Abydos Pass, allowing full access to the city. Though first we are directed to talk to Imhotep, who tells us to talk to Anubis, who tells us to get the Sacred Crown of Abydos, which is owned by the Abydos Mayor. Before going there, I went to Heliopolis Point and did another running minigame. Now I'm back at Abydos, but I'll continue next time.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I like Phantasia's story. Has to be my most favorite when it comes to Tales, probably.

While I played Phantasia, and remember the biggest points of it, I actually otherwise completely forget it.😅 Maybe because it lacks skits and non-combat voice-acting. And since I haven't played anything else pre-Symphonia, the 2D origin of the franchise feels very alien to everything else I've played (though not in a bad way). Maybe if I filled in the gaps in the fossil record that sense of isolation would decline.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

While I played Phantasia, and remember the biggest points of it, I actually otherwise completely forget it.😅 Maybe because it lacks skits and non-combat voice-acting.

The PSX version added those.

If one is to play Phantasia, the best versions to play would be either the PSX or PSP ones.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

And since I haven't played anything else pre-Symphonia, the 2D origin of the franchise feels very alien to everything I've played.

Though yeah, even the PSP version keeps the 2D gameplay.

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Just now, BrightBow said:

I thought the GBA version was the only version that got localized.

Oh, no, PSX version got a fan translation.

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If one is to play Phantasia, the best versions to play would be either the PSX or PSP ones.

-Certainly not the GBA version!😆 

Though if I'm going to dive into Tales fanslations, I feel like Destiny Director's Cut would be the top priority. Even if I mostly forget Phantasia.

16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Though yeah, even the PSP version keeps the 2D gameplay.

It was quaint, I'll give it that. Seeing the source of at least the combat (and some recurring objects and the Summon Spirits). Back when it was one controllable physical guy and a bunch of uncontrollable spellcasters + archer. 

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It was quaint, I'll give it that. Seeing the source of at least the combat (and some recurring objects and the Summon Spirits). Back when it was one controllable physical guy and a bunch of uncontrollable spellcasters + archer. 

For its worth, versions past the original SNES one did tweaked a few things. Like actually allowing you to control someone other than Cress, Chester having actual artes to learn, adding Suzu to the playable cast, etc. But yeah, they always kept the 2D format.

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Oh, I finally got Margaret to ask about having a child. I actually said no. I'm still not fully sure how the whole "festivals get harder as time passes" thing works exactly. I already jumped one year when finishing Act II, and it seems universally agreed it still counts as time passing. Maybe I'm just being overly cautious, but considering it's late Autumn, with so few festivals left to get the trophies, I figure it won't hurt delaying the kid just once. I think next time the question pops up, I can safely say yes by then.

Speaking of festivals, it's the Handicraft one now. I came prepared with a Level 10 Platinum Mail that I upgraded with just Scrap Metal, pft. I think the game doesn't actually care how it reached level 10, it just checks the item level itself when calculating the points. Well, either way, I think I can still win this one easily.

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Okay, time to go through Leon Karnak again. I feel I need to get better equipment first. Well, that'd be for next time.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

where does this fit in the SRW lore?



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Posted (edited)

Looks like the final dungeon is all that remains. The Throne of Artorius, yet again. Berseria's development began about six months as soon after Zestiria's had released, so the dungeon name came before the villain was even conceived I take it.

I do like the choice to make a distant prequel here. Made right after the original game's release, so the same creative minds wrote both stories and had the prior fresh in their mind when they moved on to the latter. Zestiria did have good magical lore, Berseria continuing to use it has been cool. While Zestiria played it straight since it was the introduction to all the concepts, Berseria's re-presentation of the existing ideas has been spun fairly well the whole time.


41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Acacia Sgt @Interdimensional Observer where does this fit in the SRW lore?

Kirby is the Super Strongest Ultra Invincible Heavy Electromagnetic Martian Aura Metal Matchless Beast Galaxy Demon Armor Machine King of the Brave Justice God Express Commander Mobile Suit Steel Battler Fighter Police Man of the Arm Brain Slave Successor Blade Powerd Heavens.

Now as to the design of Mecha...


Mecha's V-shaped headpiece is totally Gundam-inspired, but with the shape bent enough to avoid a lawsuit. The orange part above the V looks as if it could be used as a cannon (even though it isn't), which reminds me of Double Zeta Gundam specifically. -But my Gundam knowledge is limited, so it might more closely resemble something else.

The palms being able to emit flames however, if that's a reference, it's to Shining/God Gundam. I doubt it could be a nod to anything else. 

Now, the dual-use of a jetpack as cannons is something I've never seen before. However, if Kirby had shoulders, those cannons when firing would be over Kirby's shoulders. And shoulder-mounted cannons on a humanoid mech goes back at least to the original 1979 Mobile Suit Gundam with the Guncannon, created in the same military project as the original Gundam. Shoulder-mounted twin cannons (be it solid-ammo or energy-based) would go on to become a staple design for mecha with long-range bombardment capabilities.


...Moving on to how Mecha plays in Return to Dream Land. I liked Mecha as a brand-new addition, and they included plenty of opportunities to acquire it. It's similar to Jet (which KRtDL doesn't have), with its awesome aerial mobility, but more diverse in its attacks. Plenty of range, plenty of options. -Although I actually thought it was kinda weak against bosses.😆

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Dad and I are planning a trip to the UK (for now). I'm gonna call the consulate tomorrow though to get full clarification if my dad can enter the country with his green card.

See, the Schengen Zone lets in Venezuelans without a Visa. And it's Schengen, not EU, so Ireland is still gonna ask him for a Visa. But, my dad is also a legal US resident. Hence, the bit of confusion, especially because Canada, Mexico, Colombia and DR at least all let him in without a visa because his green card took priority. 

I told him it depends on the country but i'm gonna call tomorrow anyways.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now, the dual-use of a jetpack as cannons is something I've never seen before

I have


33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although I actually thought it was kinda weak against bosses.😆

Makes up for it with sheer versatility at least.

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Okay, gonna play for a little longer.

Huh, I don't remember it could start to snow this early. It's only Autumn 21.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Makes up for it with sheer versatility at least.


...Completely unrelated aside that popped into my skull.:


Seeing his opening, Dharga [protagonist of the light novel] just about sprung up to flee. Grahf’s hand shot out and grabbed him by the face.

“Damn you...”

“Quit wasting our time. I could twist your head off your shoulders in an instant if I desired.” The force of his grip was unbelievable; effortlessly, Grahf lifted Dharga up off the ground and stared into his eyes. His piercing gaze left Dharga unable to move, paralyzed by fear or some other intangible force.

“Don’t be surprised,” Grahf continued, “This shall be the irrefutable proof that you are not one of the chosen ones.”

Suddenly, everything went dark. Dharga could not see, feel, or hear a single thing. There was nothing.

“There we are. I have removed your senses, the only thing you will be able to perceive is my voice piercing your soul.”

Even in such a state, Dharga could not help but try to escape. Against his complete numbness, he tried to do something, anything, to break out.

“Hah hah hah, as expected, just another weak human. Perhaps I shall leave you like this for a while; surrounded by nothing until you cry out, begging for my voice in desperation to feel anything.”
“Shut it! If you think this’ll make me tell you anything you’re mistaken.”
“Oh ho! What spirit! Your endurance is impressive. Even if we cannot use you, perhaps I should keep you around as entertainment.”
With that, Grahf left, and instantly, Dharga was overcome by a crushing feeling of loneliness. Within his mind, Dharga created an image of himself, and with it, entered a defensive stance.

“An interesting technique, but alas, it is useless before me.” The mental barrier Dharga had formed was shattered by those words.

“Let’s change things up a bit. This is everything I seek.”

With Dharga’s defenses broken, he was helpless to resist the flood of light Grahf poured into his psyche. As it enveloped his body, Dharga found that this “light” was something more.

Within the void of his mind, a long, strangely shaped metal ship appeared. On it, there were countless people, though the ship seemed to be steered by some other force. Suddenly, the void was illuminated by a sphere of light. As it took shape, the lives of dozens of passengers were snuffed out. This continued until the ship itself was enveloped by that light, before finally, it all faded. Following that, the void beneath became filled with the rounded shape of the planet. On it, he saw a small group of people; survivors from that ship, presumably. Years passed in the blink of an eye, as those people slowly built up a civilization, though it wasn’t long they lived in peace. Dharga watched as history repeated itself again and again.

As if he were watching a movie, scene after scene of tragedy, era after era appeared before Dharga; an endless loop, continuing until the end of time. Over and over, he experienced each person encounter the joy of birth, the fear of living, and finally, the somber ecstasy of ceasing to exist. Those emotions of uncountable people throughout time tore through Dharga’s mind. A single mind could not possibly contain humanity. It was unbearable.

“Now, do you understand my purpose? I exist to break this endless cycle. You, on the other hand, are just another of the elements comprising this endless flow of time.”

Once again, light appeared before Dharga. This time, however, it was the light of the camp, he had returned.

“Now, are you ready to tell us?” As those words left his mouth, Grahf released Dharga from his grip. Unable to support himself, Dharga collapsed as he hit the ground. Shakily, he crawled to his knees, breathing heavily.

“What... what in the world did you do to him?”

“Nothing much, my good lord Terrun. While to you, mere seconds have passed, our guest here has felt the passage of thousands of years.”

...I don't think I posted before, this passage from the (not canon for some reason) XG side story novel? -But I like it.😄

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