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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Byleth/Edelgard only run is the goal.

Harem route activate

But oh yeah. Nevermind.

Guess that’s what Silver Snow is for

You’ll love chapter 11 if you remember it from AM.

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Reached "final".

Idk how long it is though.

Hopefully not too long that I will be able to finish it tomorrow.

I need a break now after playing fours hour without a break.

Regardless how the final dungeon and boss will be, CSIV was everything but a disappointment.

My worries were unjustified.

Edited by Kasumi Yoshizawa
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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Should i upload? xD

Why not? 👍

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

tbh I feel like every FE is good. Even PoR.

You drinking? xD

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Although I still don't get why TH is as popular as it is in terms of story... Ah well, AM time soon.

It's not the story as much as it is the characters.

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

The person on the right looks like F!Corrin

How dare you compare any character to Corrin?!


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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

's not the story as much as it is the characters.

I mean, I don't get why they're popular either. Thus far, I've liked maybe five?

But whatever, unless AM is good, it's clear that I'm not gonna enjoy TH, so it's probably not worth debating with me on it...

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Due to 'popular' demand and me being nostalgic, i recorded a fight from a series i thought i will never touch again

Major Spoilers ofc

To anyone who watches this 20 minute long fight, i hope you enjoy xD

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The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 3 got me like



Anyways, i was playing Xenoblade 2 last night, continuing my BoC run. I gotta say, now that i've played Xenoblade X extensively, i've really come to appreciate Elma's DLC appearance in Xenoblade 2 a lot more now. Not that i i didn't appreciate it before.

Anyway here's pretty pictures of Tantal in clear weather, which given the nature of the area is something that rarely happens.





5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

As for Path of Radiance, that was the game that got me into Fire Emblem, and I probably wouldn't be here if I didn't like it to at least some degree. And I do like Path of Radiance quite a bit.

Me with Awakening. Yeah i'll pick it apart every now and then but i also spent like 200 hours on it so....

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Only PoR and 3H did supports fine, and even then i still find the system meh. Atleast 3H supports were great though

I personally think Echoes did it the best. Kept it small and some were story-locked so it felt like there was actual progression. Didn't really run into the character reset problems of AwakeFates and Three Houses

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Being too ambitious is better than playing it safe imo.

You say this but Kingdom Hearts exists.

4 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

The only students I've ever recruited were Lysithea and Marianne. I never bothered trying to recruit any others.

I recruited everyone that i was allowed to because i couldn't bring myself to kill them.

I made Annette kill her dad tho. 

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

My order was AM -> VW -> CF and I think that order is great!

Yeah CF is the best route.

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Tbf, I haven't played VW, but Claude always felt like he didn't have as much of a place as a proper lord like Dimitri and Edelgard did. It felt like it was their conflict and Claude was just a side character. Again, I haven't played VW, so I can't speak completely about his character, but that's just how it felt to me.

Nah i played VW and i did end up feeling that he was the weakest of the three Lords. I know many will disagree but that's how i feel.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Verdant Wind has the best endgame in the series for me

I really wanted to like the VW endgame because God-Shattering Star is amazing but to me, VW endgame just felt like worse Echoes endgame. Mainly because even without the buffs, the final boss is just way, way too beefy. Anyone that wasn't Byleth or Claude, he was either OHKO'ing or ORKO'ing. I only won because Byleth got a lucky crit and Lysethia followed up with Luna.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Best thing about CF

no ch13 of other routes

because seriously, fuck that map

Yeah. I also like the context of CF's Ch.13 because it gets right to the point as opposed to the other routes where it's "lol bandits".

30 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Oi...apparently I have to do a video call for a potential remote internship.

I'm so nervous I feel like I can't think straight.

Buena suerte! That means good luck in Spanish.

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

tbh I feel like every FE is good. Even PoR.

Benice has been hacked.


Although I still don't get why TH is as popular as it is in terms of story... Ah well, AM time soon.

The story itself is good, just not the storytelling.

At least, imo.

If it’s any consolation, imo you’re playing on the route with by far the weakest characters and story. Well far for characters, Silver Snow and Verdant Wind are too similar for that to be considered “far”.

Why are you playing AM anyway? I thought you didn’t like the game.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

The person on the right looks like F!Corrin

How dare you insult the game Shrimpy likes like that?? /s

1 hour ago, Benice said:

I mean, I don't get why they're popular either. Thus far, I've liked maybe five?

Dorothea and Edelgard


But whatever, unless AM is good, it's clear that I'm not gonna enjoy TH, so it's probably not worth debating with me on it...

Have fun with the best route!

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Pft. That's like saying ñ has no place if you can just use ny. Which I think that's the case in parts of Spain proper. Like with the Catalan.

I mean ñ is (maybe) an easier way of writing that and people are far more used to it (I think), ¡ is an addition onto something when the meaning would have already been present and so just redundant.

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Not redundant. The reason ¡ and ¿ exist is that we don't change the sentence's structure. So one can't know if they're reading a question or a statement unless you have the symbol telling you beforehand. Or look ahead, but why do that when you can have a telling symbol beforehand. And on the subject of doings things our way...

Pain in the ananas: etymology maps | News | theguardian.com

I still chuckle at this.

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