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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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On 11/17/2022 at 10:31 AM, Edelguardiansing said:

I've never actually done the Ophelia chapter before. That was interesting to see.

I'll get on doing child paralogues soon but as it stands they are still quite the difficulty spike.

How hard the child's paralogue is depends on when the fixed parent is recruited. Robin, Lissa, Miriel and Sully all have easy paralogues for their kids; they mostly have unpromoted enemies, with some promoted ones sprinkled in among them. On the flipside, the children of Olivia and Cherche have the hardest paralogues (complete with additional rewards that require conditions).

Edited by Shadow Mir
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8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I'm presently trying to blitz through Atelier Iris 2.


The game shouldn't take more than about 35 hours to complete, and I'm already like 22 through.

Dayni hasn't returned from his Engage-induced self-imposed exile. Although I know I still have one or two chapters to clear before I reach the next checkpoint. I could complete one tomorrow no problem, if desired. I'm still slightly salty to have lost Oboro due to the linkage when she was on the cusp of promotion. But I shouldn't feel that way b/c Birthright is easy and others have much harder games here.

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I am hungry for more FE

You finished Engage within the past 24 hours.😐 Aren't you aware that research shows that fasting leaves to a better and longer lifespan?😛

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45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm presently trying to blitz through Atelier Iris 2.


The game shouldn't take more than about 35 hours to complete, and I'm already like 22 through.

How do you like Poe the butt monkey?

Also, anything particularly hard?

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11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

@Eltosian Kadath @Edelguardiansing @Interdimensional Observer @Punished Dayni

How're y'all feeling?

I am hungry for more FE

I am game for continuing, although I might be a bit slow going at first as I have been intentionally taking my time with Engage.

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>Realises we just called for a return to Teehee ironmanning

I'm up, I'm up

On 2/5/2023 at 8:07 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

@Eltosian Kadath @Edelguardiansing @Interdimensional Observer @Punished Dayni

How're y'all feeling?

I am hungry for more FE

Well, on the one hand I've been open to continuing since I got to my checkpoint and am currently waiting.

On the other hand, I have Engage and I've been..... certainly experiencing it. Wouldn't stop me continuing this, just letting SF know I have it and am currently in a minor bind.

And yes, jeez what am I doing coming back to SF with this post and not the thing I should have done? Or having finished Engage?

I think I'll hold off the Teehee comeback before the former then :P, pretend my being here is non-canon

On 2/6/2023 at 4:41 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Dayni hasn't returned from his Engage-induced self-imposed exile. Although I know I still have one or two chapters to clear before I reach the next checkpoint. I could complete one tomorrow no problem, if desired.

Well, I'll still be off Engage spoiler talk, but it's easy to limit my browsing to this topic until it's done.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So maybe we should wait until everyone finishes their current games?

It's not an issue on my part.

I mean, Engage is kinda at issue at the minute, but that'd mean getting into why skirmishes of all things feel like harder battles than main maps and me and my mistakes with Engage is frankly comedic.

That's ignoring the stresses in reality that plagued the last few days and the things that'll need to be done in the coming weeks from that, but my word.

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So maybe we should wait until everyone finishes their current games?

I am fine with starting up again, it will help keep me from rushing through Engage too much (trying to limit my self to 1 map a day, 2 at most, to avoid what happened with Three Houses) although I think the one we are waiting on at the moment is IO.


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5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So maybe we should wait until everyone finishes their current games?

I finished AI2 within the past three hours. I'll sleep tonight and begin working on catching up tomorrow. I promise.


On 2/6/2023 at 12:28 AM, Shadow Mir said:

How do you like Poe the butt monkey?

I'm of two minds with him.:

  • I dislike philanderers out of principle.
  • Poe was very entertaining, best character in the cast.😆 His portraits were expressive, the dialogue excellent, the voice acting perfectly aligned with that script.👌
    • Helps that Poe was basically "harmless" as a flirt. He never did anything pervy, he was never a true menace to womankind, he was too pathetic for that. Getting punished with the shackle of marriage kept him further under control.
On 2/6/2023 at 12:28 AM, Shadow Mir said:

Also, anything particularly hard?

Pretty easy, too easy actually. Only the final boss presented a serious challenge. All other bosses were all very manageable, and random encounters were only a problem if the enemies were strong, numerous, and packed stuff like mass-sleep atop of good damage.

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27 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

@Interdimensional Observer If you want Oboro Hisame, before Ch17

Drat, I got impatient while waiting for your answer and did C17 already.😆

Oh well, I was hoping I'd be able to make him an impromptu replacement for Oboro's loss, yet I'll be fine. Not like BR kids have goodies to give, and EXP isn't a problem right now.

I'll post my log for the three relevant chapters tonight (C18 BR is 95% mindless) and we'll be able to proceed again tomorrow.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Getting punished with the shackle of marriage kept him further under control.

I can think of cases where that didn't stop someone from cheating.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh well, I was hoping I'd be able to make him an impromptu replacement for Oboro's loss, yet I'll be fine. Not like BR kids have goodies to give, and EXP isn't a problem right now.

Would there be an issue with doing the paralogue right after? I wouldn't have thought so.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

we'll be able to proceed again tomorrow.

Well, how awkward, me talking up being able to go ahead and now I'm apart from my 3DS until Sunday, pfft.

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5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Would there be an issue with doing the paralogue right after? I wouldn't have thought so.

I thought I had until either before or after C18 b/c that's the next checkpoint chapter for Fates, but if the deadline in this instance was C17, my bad.😆 Again, not like I need Hisame.

5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I can think of cases where that didn't stop someone from cheating.

...And he went out for an "errand", ended up at least hundreds of kms away. Bumped into a certain somebody, and then emotionally ran off, proceeding to call himself "Useless!" while ramming himself against a wall until stalactites fell from the cavern's ceiling.

As I said, Poe is pretty harmless.


@Shrimpy -Limited Edition- Double-checking, you've only finished up to and including C17, right? Don't you have to clear C18 as well before we're all at the checkpoint? I don't see a C18 log from you. And I'm unsure if @Eltosian Kadath is done with 18 as well. 

Regardless, getting a dose of Fire Emblem in me is making me crave more.😆 You can fire on all cylinders now, I'm done being as still as a bog mummy. I'll keep pace.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Oh yeah, might as well post Chapters 16 and 17 Birthright then.😅 No casualties.



Chapter 14 Birthright was a bad exclusive map, 15 is okay, 16 is actually kinda good? The location being labeled a “Pleasure Palace” leaves me a tad concerned about what has been going on inside. What I’m not concerned about, is a total absence of some semblance of challenge. A good old chest rush compels me to keep moving forward, but the enemy quality is enough to be sorta threatening. Rooms none too big and narrow hallways keep the threat level under a measure of control.

For the team, the loss of Oboro (who I MyCastle grinded one rank to S Hinata) and Takumi’s absence for this battle means I could field the rest of my old reliables and both prepromoted fliers, plus Setsuna to begin trying to make her Ryoma’s wife. So in total: Corrin, Silas, Saizo, Azama, Felicia, Orochi, Sakura, Ryoma, Reina, Scarlet, and Kagero-RInkah-Setsuna as wife-backpacks. I didn’t Tonic anyone this time.

Turn 1 is restricted by the two DS’ed Knights. Vanquishing them was done, and Ryoma killed another Outlaw and blocked the first door. I’m not concerned about wasting EXP on him for this fight. Orochi with a Reina OS killed a Fighter and two Dark Mages on the EP, while Ryoma took more damage than I was anticipating when killing two Dark Mages ahead, Orochi’s placement might have been what saved his life.😅 Scarlet killed those two Knights behind the starting position with a Hammer.

Turn 2 had Felicia kill both the Sorcerer with OS while her Replica helped Scarlet kill the Hero, and all the other nearby enemies were slain too. Azama baited and slew the Maid, and then turn 3 killed the Outlaw reinforcement aiming for the chests, while baiting the Sorcerer with a Dual Guard ready. Saizo moved toward the nearby chest room and everyone else moved north. Orochi killed the Sorc, Scarlet EP’d the two Fighter reinforcements, and Silas choked the entrance to the next room with a Guard Naginata on Turn 4, but the Valkyrie oddly chose not to attack.

Turn 5 saw the two DM reinforcements cleared, bringing Orochi to level 20 (she promoted to Sorcerer two turns later), and Azama killed the Valkyrie. Turn 6 was extremely cautious as I hadn’t baited that next Silver Axe Hero and I needed to do that now, and I forgot if Ballistae and Magic Orbs ignore the user’s Str/Mag. Felicia survived a Fighter with 2 HP b/c I was being stupid on Turn 7.😬 (Maybe typing this while playing isn’t the best idea.) The rest of the map was a brisk cleanup of enemies, getting Kagero to the others chests (Silas OHKO’ed the Outlaw heading there), and then dispatching Iago’s bunch to seal the deal. He and the map were done on turn 15 as I was uncertain of Iago's potential movement and was worried about eating a hit from the Sorc paired with a General at the entrance to his room, followed by a fatal smack from Iago himself.

Level Ups:

  • Orochi:
    • Mag/Skl/Res (And she learned Heartseeker thanks to Dark Mage reclass)
    • HP/Mag/Lck/Def/Res (And Malefic Aura.)
    • Mag/Spd/Def
  • Felicia:
    • Str/Mag/Spd
  • Rinkah- Str/Mag/Skl/Spd
  • Reina- HP/Res
  • Sakura:
    • Mag/Spd
    • Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Res (capped level)
  • Corrin- Str/Lck/Def/Res (And Heartseeker.)
  • Silas- HP/Lck/Res
  • Saizo- HP/Skl/Spd/Def (Already has Str capped.)



The Ice Tribe for Birthright is… weird. Sure, just hide all the enemies except the boss! Makes prepping for this not so easy if you can’t see what you’re fighting in advance. Same team as before, but I ditched Setsuna and brought back Takumi with his one-chapter absence over. No tonics were applied, no items purchased.

I visit the first village with Corrin, and it’s six enemies some distance away, one with a much-needed Master Seal and another with a lovely Surefire Yumi. I kill the first two, bait the Fighters with Silas, and have Felicia replicate while baiting the Sorc & DM with a Corrin OS. I choose to ignore freezing the lake, and go counterclockwise visiting the villages. I wait until Turn 3 for the second village b/c it’s safer that way. Corrin visits again (they’re sufficiently tanky and their offense isn’t amazing b/c slow, a safe pick), five enemies, two on my southern flank, three safely northward of my position, all unpromoted. …And then I realize on Turn 4 that you have to use the DV or fliers b/c ice crystals block the northern path.😐

Corrin unfreezes the lake on Turn 5 then, and I proceed towards the south-westernmost village. I move Silas directly below the ice sculpture in the center, and 16 enemies arrive, thankfully none immediately threatening. Ryoma uses a blind spot to kill the maid one tile northeast of him; everyone else was either moved beforehand or intentionally kept away from the spawned enemies. -Except for Scarlet who survived a Sorcerer with 4 HP.😦 I kill a few enemies that moved out, while baiting others. Saizo caps level and promotes to Master Ninja on the following turn.

More stuff is killed and Corrin visits the SW village on turn 8. Six additional enemies, all Fighters save for one Maid. They’re vanquished and I begin baiting Flora’s stationary guards, visiting the village nearest her on Turn 10, five more unpromoted enemies. Silas reaches the north-central village on Turn 11, knowing it is the lone good village with 10k gold, and Flora is slain immediately thereafter.

Level Ups:

  • Felicia:
    • Lck/Res
    • HP/Mag/Spd/Lck/Res
  • Saizo:
    • HP/Mag/Spd/Lck
  • Orochi- Mag
  • Azama:
    • Str/Skl
  • Takumi- HP/Str/Lck/Def (Caps level and Lck for some reason.)
  • Reina- HP/Str/Spd/Def
  • Ryoma- HP/Str/Skl/Def/Res (And Astra.)
  • Scarlet- Str/Spd

Easy, yet fun for me.

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Time for the much maligned chapter 17, so called Ninja Hell...


Time for some mention of some key preps, first the meal


And I will gladly take the Skill bonus as well


Plus Gunter, but it felt silly to add another image for a unit I am not using. I did also spend more than I should have on tonics, most notably 10 speed tonics, and 7 defense tonics passed around just in case. By the end I think that was overkill, but its not the biggest deal in the world.


How convenient...I will definitely field him for funsies.


If you say so...I really wish Fates was consistent about what is and isn't Hoshido and Nohr, or how these places like Mokushu is related to Hoshido.


As this kinda gives away how much nonsense calling Mokushu part of Hoshidan territory is.


Kotaro definitely did his homework on what would be a good lie for this crew.


And talks us into doing his dirty work


And that one really defies belief, especially after her death...in my...run...sorry


Oh the melodrama. The Fate's soap opera will be continuing shortly.


I do always appreciate those cute little swear replacements, like mutt here.


Kotaro is spitting out truths none of them want to hear.


Surprised Pikachu Face


Biggest switch up in the deployment was leaving Odin behind, as this is one of his worst chapters, and bringing Kaze as a unit whose sole purpose is being a units whose best action is always locktouch utility, which is extra useful thanks to


the Caltrop traps.


My opening was to get some enemy phase kills with Mozu and Charlotte


And Mozu gets a great level from it.


While the Wyverns finish off the one that couldn't reach, and Mozu continues the enemy phase slaughter


I am also intentionally baiting the silence staff onto units that I don't care if they are silenced.


 I decided to let Niles get in on some of the enemy phase action, but I am so rusty at Fates that I accidentally pumped his defense too high for them to attack him.


Which makes thing a bit awkward next turn, as they can now get a free melee hit off on him, and debuff him enough that he doesn't kill one of the promoted one, which the range staffer heals. Also in my goof I let Saizo get close enough to attack stuff...sigh that was an embarrassing pair of turns.


Well I guess I can get a Charlotte kill, and feed Beruka the promoted kill, to get her closer to level cap, but she doesn't quite reach it, and


I can get her to a state where it is safe for her to say on the front lines for next turn as well. Also Soleil trivializes the north.


Alas Mozu has been debuffed into a state where she would have to work to pull off the kill on a promoted foes, but fortunately that makes it easy


To feed the kill to...well I decide on feeding it to Rusty, as Beruka can level off of a lower valued kill, and he also needs to promote (after sheltering Mozu for space). Speaking of which


Beruka manages an awful levelup on her last unpromoted level. Makes me feel like I wasted my time getting her that last level.


I feel uncomfortable enough about Ophelia being in enemy range that I give her a pairup. Also I haven't mentioned it yet, but Soleil is trivializing the north, and Beruka's defenses are high enough that she wont be attacked.


WHY WOULD YOU ATTACK SAIZO WHEN THERE IS A SQUISHY OPHELIA IN YOUR...sigh. This irritates me far more than it should, as now Saizo steals a promoted kill from me.


And that is Beruka promoted to Wyvern Lord.


Elise continues to get Skill levels, and she has caught up with the level of her older brother that I have almost only used for shelter...


I am mostly doing this to distract Saizo for a few turns...


Plus I can sneak my best units out to secure this area, and have Xander head over to the southern DV to lock that one in Saizo's face as well.


Heh, Mozu got crit, and is still clowning on these fools.


Well that is a bit of a complication. You might have noticed the one Beruka injured for a level fleeing, and wasting the enemy's ranged healing staff, well he has now blocked off the Dragon Vein, and has just enough health that Silas need something more to kill him.


*Face-Palm* Well that is another goof on my part. I just looked at Mozu with her shuriken, and legitimately thought she could clear out the trap like all the other ninja characters, and just waited in them like a goofball instead. Oh well, that just wastes a little extra time


As that takes care of the only enemy in that area that can actually reach this crew with the trap still in place.


I did also manage to pairup, move, and transfer Beruka over to Silas to get this kill


And he gets an excellent levelup on his last unpromoted level.


But now that I have it cleared off, I think I will wait another turn for the DV use.


Like so.


I might regret this, but I went with Great Knight for Silas.


And we start streaming out to the main part of this map, with only Charlotte doing any enemy phase action


And I will gladly take that kind of level from her.


Next Niles clears out those traps Mozu tried to so long ago, while drawing in some easy foes for us to slaughter next turn


With good old Rusty getting a bland levelup in the slaughter.


Also Kaze is grabbing that northern chest, as the next step


Is to lock Saizo in that little treasure room.


Like so. That SHOULD secure me the speed wings, but I have bungled this strat before. Then again given how many stat boosters I have sitting in my convoy, its not that biggest deal if I miss it either.


I kinda remembering these reinforcements showing up earlier than this, but I should be able to draw them in just fine with Niles...and like an idiot I let Saizo attack these fools in doing so. At least it didn't lead to enemies lunging him back out of his locked room.


At least Soleil got a nice levelup while beating the rest of them.


I also got Ophelia rather injured going for a fancy double kill using shelter-transfer-switch strats. Charlotte is also going to draw some more enemies in,


but I don't want to feed these kills to Charlotte,


Like giving this great one to Ophelia


After that group is slaughtered my next plan is to get the drop on those two Sword masters by


clearing out the traps so my movement isn't restricted any more


That should chip him down enough for


This fancy little kill, with the lunge so he isn't taking up better space for the kill on the other one, which earned Rusty a fabulous little levelup from it.


And Ophelia gets this levelup killing the other one.


Rusty's stats are just odd enough that it makes sense to me that he should be a Malig Knight


Fun fact, I am so rusty at Fates that I took me three turns to setup this attempt to draw in the enemies, as I got him far too defensive the first time, forgot to account for them losing damage from lack of rank bonus from WTD on the second turn, and forgot to account for my own weapon ranks being high enough to decrease damage by one from WTA...


And Now Rusty can lunge to draw in the next ones


And even kill them while working on his tome rank.


And that is a kinda garbage levelup from healing with Elise.


Huh, I seem to remember these reinforcements being location based, but it seems they are linked to drawing in some of that enemy group to the right there instead (I did that by aggroing and killing one of the ninjas from across the wall). Unfortunately this guy's range make me play things a little more conservatively


Using Rusty to draw the ranged ones across the wall (while still working on his tome rank), and Charlotte for some of the swordies.


And after these kills Charlotte can draw in the southern reinforcements with a handaxe instead.


Meanwhile Beruka and Soleil are mostly blocking up the north, as the only one that can damage these two (in this position at least) is the lunge swordmaster


and with him going for Beruka instead of messing up the positional buffs of Soleil, that means the rest wont bother to attack us.


And that is a very Charlotte levelup on enemy phase.


And now the sword master is dead, the north is won...eventually.


Niles then gets this garbage levelup while I deal with the ones to the south


And this little lunge lets me chip this guy, avoid the next enemy's range, increase tome rank, and get him in position


to give this nice little levelup to Mozu.


Meanwhile Soleil gets a free kill on these swordies with her personal ax.


Continuing on, Beruka gets this nice little levelup killing one of the fish in her barrel.


While I block off the last little bits of enemies to the south while working on tome rank.


And Silas levelups getting the kill next turn.


This sword master is being a little shy, so I have to do that same clear the trap trick to jump him


And then Charlotte accidentally crit kills him on the first hit. No big deal but I intended to give the kill to somebody else.


So instead I get this little levelup on Rusty


by sending a few folks down to the south


I will take this little TeeHee level she got supporting people, as it helps her survive.


And that is everything cleared except the boss room, but it will take a few turns of planning for that little quagmire.


And I start with a lunge to reposition one of these Ninja off their avoid boosting terrain, and the thing can't even damage her.


This is kinda minor, but I like to capture folks every now and then just in case I need a replacement unit, and this is an easy Master Ninja grab.


Truth be told Charlotte can one round this guy, but with Rusty applying his debuff first makes it slightly safer if she mises, as now


She takes 0 damage, and gets higher accuracy.


And that clears out the debuffing floors for us, but I do waste another turn positioning before going for the kill, and the first step


Is to safely applying Rusty's Dragon Hex debuff on him (and one of those even hit)


That lets me safely get the boss conversation between Shura and Kotaro for the fun of it. Honestly its solid, and if you want to see it, I will put the whole thing in another spoiler box here





And with that little vanity play out of the way, time for


Ophelia to get the kill for this solid levelup


Yeah, I took this one rather slow.


The hollow value of revenge.


Sorry Saizo, but poor Kagero is already dead. At least you can go back and help IO on their run.


Honestly, you were an inconvenience on this run Saizo, as I way over prepared for it.


Saizo, I don't want to indirectly lose more troops from killing any of my linked friends.


And that is the power off locking him in a room.



We made it out with all the loot, and no deaths, so onto chapter 18

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Welcome to Valla. After his adventures in Elyos, Emblem Corncob returns to his home world to face his own Evil dragon!




Kaze cap'd stength after last time. Time to promote.






Laslow with the exact crit kill


I think this might be the best Niles lvlup i've ever gotten, and y'all know how much i played Fates


Oh shit

Man, i got used too much to Engage targeting lines lol


Never fucking punished. I almost caused our ironman to end xD




This makes the Ruben happy


Sniper time


20 Def as a pegasus knight is something lol


Go Lukina!


She won't lose!






Time to go all in




We let Beruka get the boss kill to make her ready for promotion next chap

and finish the battle

...aside from that one moment where the ironman almost ended, that was easy

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The catchup continues, with all sorts of hells:


Hell is ornery would-be co-workers:

Labyrinthine Hell:

On 2/10/2023 at 5:28 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turn 2 had Felicia kill both the Sorcerer with OS while her Replica helped Scarlet kill the Hero

I forgot you have a Replicate Felicia, sweet.

On 2/10/2023 at 5:28 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Turn 5 saw the two DM reinforcements cleared, bringing Orochi to level 20 (she promoted to Sorcerer two turns later)

Seriously, I am letting slip seeing the fun stuff here and not seeing the potential.

Frozen Hell:

On 2/10/2023 at 5:28 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

And then I realize on Turn 4 that you have to use the DV or fliers b/c ice crystals block the northern path.😐

 I thought there was a path between the two of them, but that could be conquest exclusive.

On 2/10/2023 at 5:28 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

everyone else was either moved beforehand or intentionally kept away from the spawned enemies. -Except for Scarlet who survived a Sorcerer with 4 HP.

Sheesh, that was close.


Ninja Hell:

24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


If you say so...I really wish Fates was consistent about what is and isn't Hoshido and Nohr, or how these places like Mokushu is related to Hoshido.

  It does confuse me that Cyrkensia is apparently not part of Nohr and seemingly similar situation with the Tribes in Hoshido but Rinkah working with Hoshido so easily does lose me.

25 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And that one really defies belief, especially after her death...in my...run...sorry

She's gained eldritch powers in death, this makes more sense now.

26 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I do always appreciate those cute little swear replacements, like mutt here.

Replacement may not be the right word, but insults like this are nice and to the point.

Albeit calling a noble of the army a military dog seems more petty than accurate 😛

27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Which makes thing a bit awkward next turn, as they can now get a free melee hit off on him, and debuff him enough that he doesn't kill one of the promoted one, which the range staffer heals. Also in my goof I let Saizo get close enough to attack stuff...sigh that was an embarrassing pair of turns.

Ah now, slipping like this can be expected and at least you didn't lose someone to it.

30 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Is to lock Saizo in that little treasure room.


31 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I kinda remembering these reinforcements showing up earlier than this, but I should be able to draw them in just fine with Niles...and like an idiot I let Saizo attack these fools in doing so. At least it didn't lead to enemies lunging him back out of his locked room.

They are triggered by how far along the map you are, after a column I think you've passed in this pic.

  So yeah, faster play would have them show up earlier.

47 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


This is kinda minor, but I like to capture folks every now and then just in case I need a replacement unit, and this is an easy Master Ninja grab.

I personally go for the +Mov guy earlier on.

49 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And that is the power off locking him in a room.

Saizo fuming that Nohr helped save in and took his revenge while being locked behind some rocks is a funny image.


Welcome to Hell Valla

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I think this might be the best Niles lvlup i've ever gotten, and y'all know how much i played Fates

  That's pretty sad to be honest.

That's real rough. Is your game hacked?

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Oh shit

Man, i got used too much to Engage targeting lines lol

I get what you mean, even if 3H did tend to be more predictive (sometimes not working as intended, but very rarely for me) than Engage saying "Hey, you should know you're in range of twenty guys. Hope you know what you're doing."

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Never fucking punished. I almost caused our ironman to end xD

Almost RIP.

13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:





The stars are really in her favour.

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6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I forgot you have a Replicate Felicia, sweet.

I messed around with KageroxJakob on Rev once. I decided to the same via SaizoxFelicia here. It works well for both of the servants, taking advantage of their unique early skill acquisition, whilst the Ninja line avoids the reclassing E rank weapon problem Awakening and Fates. Felicia has been great with Replicate and Shurikenfaire; nobody can have enough raw offense to replicate the effects of the first skill, 2x actions per turn can't be imitated, you either have it or you don't.

6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Sheesh, that was close.

I didn't notice the Sorc until they slammed her.😅

She's... Tatiana for you. Yeah that''d be problematic, but what use is Fortify if you don't have more than two units to heal?.

6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Welcome to Hell Valla

How about Vallahalla?😛


9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


the Caltrop traps.

I get why they're in a ninja den, it's underhanded "trickery", but not having these on an open field of battle is slightly strange, considering caltrops were meant to stop cavalry.

9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Yeah, I took this one rather slow.

I don't have a problem with that.😉 It's not like Garon will start complaining his kids are taking too long to conquer Hoshido and start randomly executing their soldiers.

Good to see this one wasn't too hairy for you. The tight confines I suppose keep it from being the most challenging of CQ battles.






Infinite Heart Seals are a mere three chapters away, they shouldn’t be difficult… I opt to purchase both of the two presently buyable. The first makes Azama a Great Master (level 20/4 with 68 EXP presently), he wants Renewal and can get it in two levels, the other goes to Felicia, she’ll take a dip in Strategist for Inspiration. While I don’t like buying Master Seals, they’re cheap and Takumi needed one, which the next fight wouldn’t provide, so I went ahead and did, as vanilla a solid Sniper as it gets. Saw Setsuna was running the armory so I bought the Dual Yumi for him too.

The Slaughter Swamp:

Ahh, Chapter 18- Leo. This is the map where BR’s midgame(-late?) goes completely kaput!

Swarms of Faceless spawn on the start of the first turn, 15 of them. Legions more followed as reinforcements over the turns, including a handful that move on the turn they appeared summoned via Leo using Dragon Veins. All of these with a mere 21 Atk! 21 Def or close to it is very readily achievable by non-fragile units, and the Faceless aren’t fast either, 13 Spd. The not-so-mean greens maybe have one mediocre skill each like Quick Riposte, they, don’t have a cocktail of Poison Strike/Grisly Wound /Savage Blow, Breakers, and Seals you would see on Conquest. They amount to toothless hordes.

Leo himself is a sad sight at only 31 Atk factoring in Malefic Aura, Odin is even worse (thanks for the free Horse Spirit BTW!). and Niles has 10 Str for a total of 19 Atk I'm sure generic Outlaws. A very easy map. I benched Kagero b/c she hit S with Azama (and I only after this do I remember that she died from linkage, so I don’t think I can recruit Mitama now😅), and the extra deployment slot this time let me bring Setsuna and Mozu so the Hoshidan princes could try to wed before the game is over without MyCastle, maybe.

It was mindless, some of my army was literally invincible, those who weren't like Saizo, Ryoma and Takumi and even Reina can survive an enemy phase no problem. Only Felicia, Sakura, and Orochi needed to be positioned properly to stay safe. I also kept away from Leo's attack range, killing him terminates this fight.

I choose to “play” this “map” until the Faceless run out and Leo and his bedroom buddies move towards me without entering their ranges. This happens on the enemy phase of Turn 13. I off Niles with Orochi and Scarlet, finish the last Faceless, have Saizo dispatch Odin, and Takumi ORKOs his parallel prince to end this charade. If I made a mistake here, it was bringing Sakura, she did absolutely nothing. I should’ve given her slot to some unused unit (not like there’s a lot of decent options b/c linkage) and see if I could feed them some EXP into a potential teammate.

Level Ups:

  • Silas- Skl/Lck/Def/Res
  • Saizo:
    • HP/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck
    • HP/Mag
  • Reina- HP/Skl/Lck (And Air Superiority.)
  • Azama- HP/Str/Mag/Lck/Def (And Rally Luck.)
  • Felicia- HP/Skl/Spd/Lck (And Rally Resistance.)
  • Takumi:
    • Skl/Spd/Lck/Res
    • HP/Skl

MyCastle Invasion 2:


As a Fire still burned within me after that unsatisfying skirmish in the woods, I opt to tackle the second Invasion battle, I don't know when it unlocked, but it looked doable now. On BR, it consists of two Wyvern Lords, two Adventurers, and one Dark Knight to the left. To the right is one Dark Knight, two Adventurers, and two Malig Knights. To the south are five Falcon Knights with Silver Naginatas and Sun Festals, two Great Knights, two Bow Knights, two Adventurers, and the boss is a Silver Yumi & Naginata Knishi Knight with Pavise and Bowbreaker.

The left side is almost pure physical, the right is very hybrid, the south pure physical. To the left I place Ryoma paired with Setsuna to build support points. He kills the Dark Knight on the first turn and leaving enemies with WTD against him behind. Silas with a Guard Naginata is almost invincible in the pure physical south, 30 Def and the boss hits once with 35 Atk pre-WTA for the Yumi, but he can’t ORKO anything. Takumi, Saizo, Azama (who pops a Def Tonic I had laying around for 27 Def with the Brass Naginata) and Felicia will have to carefully help him out.

To the right, I place Orochi with Corrin as a backpack. With a Horse Spirit and Corrin (+6 Def), this 20/3 Orochi has 27 Def and 29 Res, I think Corrin’s Supportive personal skill adds another two points of universal damage reduction. 10 Spd sans Horse Spirit ain’t so terrible now, backed by 29 Mag buffed by Mag +2, 3 from Defensive Stance, and another +2 from Malefic Aura. Doing the math, my now 20/5 Sorcerer Orochi’s 18 Def is 4 points above where it should be.

The presence of destructible terrain that the AI loves to destroy means things don’t go exactly as you’d expect. The presence of unexpected reinforcements to the sides on Turn 3 EP also got in the way. Followed by more on Turn 4 to the south. A Fimbulvetr!Malig Knight over two turns dropped Azama to 10 HP.😬 More side reinforcements on Turn 5 EP, and some of the south army moving north b/c Azama abandoned the middle-bridge chokepoint (I’m using the Wind Tribe castle design), created a sticky situation. It led me to retreat everyone not Silas northwestward for their personal safety, to the part of the map Ryoma had entirely secured and which I could reach despite my intentionally-impeding MyCastle statues & buildings placement.

The harmless invaders did some more property damage, and then sat in front of the throne of Orochi, Hoshidan Baroness-Consort of Somewhere, and her royal husband. No Lunge on any enemies meant I could do that and not lose. The bad guys henceforth did nothing but heal each other because they couldn't scratch the Sexy Serpentine Sorceress. I took things overly cautiously as this unfolded and finished on Turn 15.

Level Ups:

  • Ryoma:
    • HP/Skl
    • HP/Skl/Spd/Res
  • Setsuna- HP/Res
  • Orochi:
    • HP/Mag
    • HP/Mag/Skl/Res (And Vengeance.)
  • Corrin- HP/Str/Skl/Lck/Def/Res
  • Silas:
    • Str/Skl/Lck
    • Str/Skl/Spd/Def (Yes, Spd! And Defender.)
  • Rinkah- Str/Skl/Spd
  • Saizo- Skl/Lck
  • Takumi- HP/Skl/Spd/Def
  • Felicia- Skl/Spd/Lck/Res (And Inspiration.)

More of a challenge than I thought it'd be. Could've resulted in casualties if I were more daring with my unit positioning, thankfully I lucked out.😄

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35 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

She's... Tatiana for you. Yeah that''d be problematic, but what use is Fortify if you don't have more than two units to heal?.

It's Celica's side that's in trouble, not Alm's.

35 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I messed around with KageroxJakob on Rev once. I decided to the same via SaizoxFelicia here. It works well for both of the servants, taking advantage of their unique early skill acquisition, whilst the Ninja line avoids the reclassing E rank weapon problem Awakening and Fates. Felicia has been great with Replicate and Shurikenfaire; nobody can have enough raw offense to replicate the effects of the first skill, 2x actions per turn can't be imitated, you either have it or you don't.

Yeah, that's certainly something I've never really tried to appreciate.

37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How about Vallahalla?😛

That implies anything good goes there.

51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Niles has 10 Str for a total of 19 Atk I'm sure generic Outlaws.

I think my main concern with that map is getting to those two before Leo kills himself off me.

@Shrimpy -Limited Edition- This your Niles?

53 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I choose to “play” this “map” until the Faceless run out and Leo and his bedroom buddies move towards me without entering their ranges. This happens on the enemy phase of Turn 13.

I clearly play with too much in the way of squishies/unpromoted units for this to be my play.

It's nice to be getting examples to compare to my foolish play is what I'm getting at.

55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

then sat in front of the throne of Orochi, Hoshidan Baroness-Consort of Somewhere, and her royal husband.

Imagine if you could get Nosferatu on BR.

56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

More of a challenge than I thought it'd be. Could've resulted in casualties if I were more daring with my unit positioning, thankfully I lucked out.😄

Invasions have a tendency to surprise me as well, not helped by reinforcements that often cause more of a scene than I'd like.

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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's Celica's side that's in trouble, not Alm's.

I was thinking more the final battle when I typed that. Fortify is the perfect countermeasure for Duma's Upheaval.

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I think my main concern with that map is getting to those two before Leo kills himself off me.

Which is partly why I kept Leo highlighted, I could've crept to left and right just beyond his range and rushed his retainers dead in a single turn with high mobility units had I wanted to. And again, they move when he finally does, so as long you have units off to both sides, you can kill them easily once they approach.

Even if I needed two turns, surrounding and surviving Leo isn't a problem. He doesn't have the offense to ORKO the average trained full-health unit.

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I clearly play with too much in the way of squishies/unpromoted units for this to be my play.

It's nice to be getting examples to compare to my foolish play is what I'm getting at.

Let's use this Fates average stats calculator. And go conservative with level 15/0 averages with default classes all the way (children in C18 come at 20/0 without an Offspring Seal, so this would appear to be low.):

  • Corrin (+Lck -Spd for a neutral Def growth)- 12 Def + Dragonstone = 16, + Tonic = 18. 3 Damage taken per hit.
  • Hinoka- 11 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 18. 3 Damage taken per hit. (You can have two Guard Naginatas by this point, Hinoka brings one, you can buy the other.)
  • Silas- 14 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 21.
  • Oboro- 15 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 22.
  • Subaki- 13 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 20.
  • Ryoma- His base Def is 16 - 1 b/c katana use (unless you hand him the Steel Sword Silas defected with) + 2 from Tonic = 17, 4 damage taken when he has 36 HP. Pair him with a lower-level unit for another +2 Def from Bushido. He ought to dodge a few hits too.
  • Scarlet- 22 base Def. Only the Nohrboys bother her.
  • Rinkah- 17 Def + Tonic = 19. (She is more likely to be used as a Defensive Stance backpack. Oni Savage is +2 Def, she provides another point with C-rank Support.)
  • Hinata- 14 Def - 1 (katana) + Tonic = 16.

This isn't everyone, mages, staffers, archers, kitsune, ninjas, Hana, Azura, and Reina are still fragile. Yet it's more than enough I think. Everyone above can reach at least 30 HP with an HP Tonic, so even in the worst case, Hinata, it's a 6HKO (well, 7HKO for him, 34 HP), the Faceless surely can't double any of the above.

Lunatic would likely bump up the Faceless Atk and Spd a little, yet it was never enough for me to not remark on the sheer ease of this map.

You can also make a box along the edge of this map and benefit from Gentilhomme/Demoiselle/Quiet Strength (Sakura) for another -2/4 damage taken, the Faceless can't hadoken or rocket punch to attack your barricaded squishes at range 2. A box also makes it more perfectly fine to place Saizo or Azama (13 Def + Tonic = 15 for both of them at 15/0; Hayato can reach 15 with a purchased Horse Spirit and Tonic only 23 HP pre-Tonic though) since they can survive 2 or 3 hits in a single turn just fine and be healed the next. You wouldn't necessarily even need a closed box on all sides, as Faceless aren't terribly mobile and they only emerge from poison marshes.

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Imagine if you could get Nosferatu on BR.

I am willing to use BP MyCastle rewards, even if the only thing IIRC I've seriously used from that massive treasure trove is the Nohrian Blade and its +3 Def. I could grab the Nosferatu. However, Birthright has been so easy that I haven't had to exploit those bonuses. Shura, Camilla 2, Iago, or Garon could change that, maybe, partly depends on who remains at that point.

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