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Fire Emblem Engage General Questions Thread


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Seeing as more people are getting a hold of the game (and that it comes out tomorrow) I thought it would be ideal to create this thread so that people could ask any questions they may have here!

Reminder, keep spoilery questions in spoiler tags.

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1 minute ago, Naoshi said:

Thank you for making thread!

I do have a question, what time the game is playable as digital?

I believe it's available at midnight in your time zone

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Im curious about something. I really like the critical hit from Fogado as sentinel but i find really flat and boring on his advance class. Is it possible to downgrade to the basic class but keeping the higher stats from the advance class? 

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2 minutes ago, azaleo said:

Im curious about something. I really like the critical hit from Fogado as sentinel but i find really flat and boring on his advance class. Is it possible to downgrade to the basic class but keeping the higher stats from the advance class? 

You can use a second seal to reclass into the class you are already in once you reach level 20. However you don't gain any stats by doing so, it does allow you to start from level 1 again retaining any stats you had gained by level up

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Just now, Naoshi said:

I heard it was 9pm pst/12am est so thats not true then?

I can't say for sure, however I have heard of people who have managed to get it at midnight in their timezones so I assume that would be the case for everyone.

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I had the game in front of me, but the clerk said "sorry release is tomorrow, come back then" and refused to sell it to me. Maybe I should've committed grand theft emblem.

Anyway, just one question from me: When do the Emblem paralogues begin to unlock? As soon as you get the rings, at a set point in the game, when they've been with you a few chapters...?

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2 hours ago, Naoshi said:

I heard it was 9pm pst/12am est so thats not true then?

That's what I thought it would be. When the new Pokemon games came out a couple months ago, I was able to play mine around 11pm (I think it was like, 11:05pm when it let me in), since I'm in US Central. I know they have different developers, but since they're both released by Nintendo, I thought they'd probably be 9pm PST/12am EST. Can't say for sure, though!

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I thought the cliff notes regarding Engage versus Three Houses was that they toned back the extraneous busywork between chapters, but I just did a Google search for "Engage base activities" and it seems there are just as many filler activities as ever. For example, an IGN article lists the following:

- My Room
The Entrance - Forge and Shops
- Ring Chamber - Emblem Ring and Bond Ring Management
- Arena
- Tower of Trials
Friend Socializing
Cafe Terrace - Eating Meals Together
- Gift Giving
Animal Farmyard
- Fishing
- Strength Training
Sommie the Pet
Fortune Teller
Wyvern Ride Target Practice

I was kind of shocked to see that massive list, and mildly concerned about it. So I suppose the question is, how long do the activities actually take in comparison to Three Houses?

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2 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I was kind of shocked to see that massive list, and mildly concerned about it. So I suppose the question is, how long do the activities actually take in comparison to Three Houses?

Depends on activity (farmland is "click the animal", some others are minigames). As far as I understand they are highly optional - leaks said that people were dropping many of them without any problems. Also base is much smaller than monastery which will definitely help.

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So Chloe just dealt 5x2 delivered per Javelin to the Ridersbane armored knight with 19 Def in chapter 5?

She has 8 STR, the Jav has 6 might (14 dmg), was next to Alear for +3 (17 dmg) as well as a total of 3 m/f pairs for her PS (+6 = 23 dmg) of which she herself would have been a part of... her skill stacks and she herself is also target for this skill? Am I seeing this right? Am I just out of the loop here?

Dunno where the last point of dmg would come from - she doesnt have any supports.

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Am I blind or is there no way to see a weapon's weight in battle? I'm looking in unit details and it shows me the weight penalty on their stats, but no weight stat on the weapons in inventory. That seems.... limiting

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1 hour ago, Imuabicus said:

So Chloe just dealt 5x2 delivered per Javelin to the Ridersbane armored knight with 19 Def in chapter 5?

She has 8 STR, the Jav has 6 might (14 dmg), was next to Alear for +3 (17 dmg) as well as a total of 3 m/f pairs for her PS (+6 = 23 dmg) of which she herself would have been a part of... her skill stacks and she herself is also target for this skill? Am I seeing this right? Am I just out of the loop here?

Dunno where the last point of dmg would come from - she doesnt have any supports.

Pretty sure it's because of her and Alear's personal skills. Note that isn't +x Attack, but it is true damage. "Unit deals +x damage if..."

So if she isn't meeting the threshold to deal any damage at all, but both Divinely Inspiring and Fairy-Tale Folk are active, then there's your 5 Damage

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48 minutes ago, Lynsanity said:

Am I blind or is there no way to see a weapon's weight in battle? I'm looking in unit details and it shows me the weight penalty on their stats, but no weight stat on the weapons in inventory. That seems.... limiting

Only time I found weight was in the shop I think...

Same thing with only showing the stats in the full unit tab.

39 minutes ago, Coreyographed said:

So if she isn't meeting the threshold to deal any damage at all, but both Divinely Inspiring and Fairy-Tale Folk are active, then there's your 5 Damage

That seems pretty darn strong.

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1 hour ago, Lynsanity said:

Am I blind or is there no way to see a weapon's weight in battle? I'm looking in unit details and it shows me the weight penalty on their stats, but no weight stat on the weapons in inventory. That seems.... limiting

Ok I found it, you have to go into a unit's Items menu, or Item Selection before a combat, and press X to switch the info from "In use" to "Performance". Why they hide it there is beyond me.

This UI is going to take some getting used to. We've fallen so far from the 3DS touchscreen.

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9 hours ago, Azz said:

Can you equip class skills outside of their classes or do you have to be in the class to use its class skill?

So far seems to be class skills are uninhabitable. So basically you only get 2 skill +class and personal.

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Can someone explain how natural proficiencies work? I have tried to understand the rule but it seems very inconsistent concerning the boost of the weapon rank. Examples I found: Vander as an axe paladin has S axe (normally A), Etie as a warrior has a B in bows (normally C), Chloé as griffon has S lances.

Louis as royal knight has A lances, Etie and Alcryst as bow knights have A bows (no boost) and Celine as mage knight has A tomes. However the "secondary weapon" works, since eg. Lapis as bow knight has B swords (but only A as a hero). And even then wolf knights break this pattern since wolf Yunaka gets S daggers.

Edited by yarin
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1 hour ago, yarin said:

Can someone explain how natural proficiencies work? I have tried to understand the rule but it seems very inconsistent concerning the boost of the weapon rank. Examples I found: Vander as an axe paladin has S axe (normally A), Etie as a warrior has a B in bows (normally C), Chloé as griffon has S lances.

Louis as royal knight has A lances, Etie and Alcryst as bow knights have A bows (no boost) and Celine as mage knight has A tomes. However the "secondary weapon" works, since eg. Lapis as bow knight has B swords (but only A as a hero). And even then wolf knights break this pattern since wolf Yunaka gets S daggers.

So, it'll vary from class to class, but in general, (outside of something like Wolf Knight, I think) all non-unique classes that have more than one weapon type are locked to A-Rank Cap on the primary weapon. Vander has S-Rank in axes due to his natural proficiency and Paladins only having one weapon type. If he went Hero, he would have A-Swords and B-Axes instead of C-Axes because that is the secondary weapon and his natural talent would boost that one level. If he went Warrior, he would stay A-Axes and have C-Bows because there are two weapon types and his natural proficiency does not boost bows like Etie.

The reason I am specifying weapons is because Staves do not seem to count toward that A-Rank cap on weapons, as seen with Griffon Knights and Sages and Martial Masters who each can reach S-Rank weapons while also having Staves as as option. (I am not far enough in the game to be able to test Royal Knight's caps myself)

It seems that Daggers might also be the outlier on this, but I am not far enough to test this myself. Unsure if S-Rank is reached on Wolf Knights myself to know if Daggers also ignore the usual cap, which would honestly not surprise me with how few options there are to use them.

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