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Feh Channel, February 2023

Fire Emblem Fan

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~CYL Results: Ohey Robin and Corrin are finally in! And then we got Gullveig, probably should have seen that coming, and then... who the hell is that? What's a "So-ren"?

~6 years... man.
Free Floret! Also free Celestial Stone. Neat.
The GHB units up to Death Knight have all been given weapon refines, so everyone after them should be the next GHB refines for the next year, assuming no arbitrary skipped months.
Colorless looks the least dud-y among the freebie seasonals. Hope I get someone I don't have yet!
"Who do you think will come out on top this year?" Probably someone from Engage.

~Valentines of Fate! Weird that for how much I've decided I don't like Three Houses, I'm totally okay with Fates and Awakening... well, for the most part from Awakening...
Takumi, Leo, Hana (demote), Effie (TT unit) who... huh, surprisingly thinner than I thought... as well as the obvious duo of Elise and Sakura. Kind of wish they were swapped around so Sakura got a little extra love, but I guess Elise was already a backup unit...

~Legendary focus not only maximizes the score you get, and you even are allowed a free kill... greeeeeat, glad using one of them is "required" now...
Finally Lilith is out of the 5* summon pool! You would not believe how many times she appeared off-focus for me... like 5 or 6 times, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened that many times.
Thrasir and Peony getting remixed. Cool, wonder if Peony is gonna upset the Dancer meta with her refine? Cross Spur Res is... eh. At least I didn't waste that Cross Spur Atk on her?
Oh good Focus Charges! How many banners have I summoned on where I've gotten nothing but off-focus heroes no matter how many summons I do...?

...and that's that. Maaan, I know they're never the focus, but I wish they'd at least tease the next refine batches...

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Finally Lilith is out of the 5* summon pool! You would not believe how many times she appeared off-focus for me... like 5 or 6 times, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened that many times.

I am so envious... wish you could give me your merges!

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So... Yeah... The theme of the Day of Devotion is usually family, or family-like relations. While this makes some sense if the focus is specifically on Sakura and Elise, I feel like they could have gone a different route since there are SO MANY RELATIVES in Fates. So, for me, the retainers feel out of place. That said, I do like the designs here (and I appreciate the suit on Effie.) THAT said, I feel like my ladies' muscle beach dream banner just got shot. Also, as much as I like the designs and as much as I like the Day of Devotion theme, I think I'll pass this time. At least that means I can save up for the kids' banner and the fallen banner. 🙂

I feel like I had other takes too, but that's it for the most part from me this time, I think.

Edit: Also, oh yeah, AHR. Hmm... Not sure who to pick there. Anyone have any ideas? There's not a thread up for it yet.

Edited by Mercakete
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On 2/1/2023 at 9:15 PM, GuiltyLove said:

Looks like @Landmasterhas a new addition to her team~

Le finally~

23 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Poor @Landmaster... She has to summon for 12 Duo Elises: 11 to have a +10 copy, and one extra to have fodder for OG Elise.

Surely they will put it on another Healer not named Elise


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51 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

So... Yeah... The theme of the Day of Devotion is usually family, or family-like relations. While this makes some sense if the focus is specifically on Sakura and Elise, I feel like they could have gone a different route since there are SO MANY RELATIVES in Fates. So, for me, the retainers feel out of place. That said, I do like the designs here (and I appreciate the suit on Effie.) THAT said, I feel like my ladies' muscle beach dream banner just got shot. Also, as much as I like the designs and as much as I like the Day of Devotion theme, I think I'll pass this time. At least that means I can save up for the kids' banner and the fallen banner. 🙂

I feel like I had other takes too, but that's it for the most part from me this time, I think.

Edit: Also, oh yeah, AHR. Hmm... Not sure who to pick there. Anyone have any ideas? There's not a thread up for it yet.

For AHR, I remember seeing talk about trying to set up an all-red banner. Personally I want Embla, and I can see other fun options in red like Legendary Veronica, Ninja Camilla, and Halloween Duma. More broadly, any recent elemental or duo hero is probably a fine pick.

Edited by Othin
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57 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Edit: Also, oh yeah, AHR. Hmm... Not sure who to pick there. Anyone have any ideas? There's not a thread up for it yet.

I'm throwing my votes at Rearmed heroes. Not only are all of them good in their own rights, but they also have some of the best fodder skills in the game: pseudo-Prf weapons.

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To be totally honest, I only vote on AHR for the wallpapers. I know the Edelgard fanbase is going to run rampant with getting at least one version of her in there, and whatever the newest and hottest great skills are are gonna get in, so...I just go for wallpapers for my phone.

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I'm actively choosing to not vote in AHR. With the exception of COMMON POOL EDELGARDS the fanbase as a whole is pretty good at choosing units I don't have that I wouldn't mind having.

Edited by Sunwoo
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17 minutes ago, Othin said:

For AHR, I remember seeing talk about trying to set up an all-red banner. Personally I want Embla, and I can see other fun options in red like Legendary Veronica, Ninja Camilla, and Halloween Duma. More broadly, any recent elemental or duo hero is probably a fine pick.

10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'm throwing my votes at Rearmed heroes. Not only are all of them good in their own rights, but they also have some of the best fodder skills in the game: pseudo-Prf weapons.

I see. Yeah, these are some good ideas. Thanks. Hmmm Ascended Veronica would be nice. I don't have her yet. And as for the rearmed ones, I think I only have Lif (who has proven to be AN EXTREMELY GOOD INVESTMENT) and Alfred (I just really liked his circlet, but he actually has some amazing def.)


7 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

To be totally honest, I only vote on AHR for the wallpapers. I know the Edelgard fanbase is going to run rampant with getting at least one version of her in there, and whatever the newest and hottest great skills are are gonna get in, so...I just go for wallpapers for my phone.

OH SHOOT I FORGOT THAT THIS IS THE WALLPAPER EVENT! Okay, voting purely based on wallpaper again this year. Thanks for the reminder! 😄

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As a staunchly anti-armour person, even I have to admit that Summer Edelgard is the best unit they released last year. She absolutely trivialises so much content, and that's with my -Atk one. While I don't particularly need a second copy, she's surely going to be in the top 8, and I wouldn't mind saving some IVcados. I would then say Winter Cordelia second and maybe Legendary Shez third.

Of course, AHR is about units I want, not units I have, so my wishlist contains, hmm, let's see: Desert Linde, Legendary Veronica, Ninja Laegjarn and Elice (kidding, but I haven't pulled a single copy and that makes me sad). I have forgotten what some earlier units like Flame Tana, Summer Thorr and Spring Sonya do, I assume something good and I'd assume I'd want them, just not sure what their niche is.

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Picking Rearmed units seems weird to me personally even though they aren't in the common pool, since we all recently had the chance to spark them. Same deal with Winter Cordelia.

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Fair statement, I was only scrolling through the list of units on the wiki, sorted chronologically, picking out which of them I had most fun using. Didn't really consider the spark angle at all, so it's just by chance I also didn't mention units like Ascended Eir and Florina (who's also very fun to use). I did forget to mention Thief Nina though, who's also been good to me and would be a reasonable vote.

On the Rearmed heroes, besides the spark angle, they're not really what I'd vote for as I'd want the winner to be someone to use, not to fodder off. I personally haven't been actively using any of my Rearmed heroes because I simply don't find them interesting enough to be in the small core of units I use. A canto-less cavalry, a save armour, an enemy phase melee infantry, an infantry mage, a statball lance cavalier, eh, whatever.

I did also almost forget literally everyone has gotten a Seidr for free...

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First-day AHR results published, the pragmatic-minded would probably want to select from these for their future votes if influencing the free unit is a priority. Zero green units this year to contrast the green sweep last year, ha.


Edited by Humanoid
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8 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Surely they will put it on another Healer not named Elise


I watched your video. I am sorry that you are disappointed with the new Elise. I really hope her Prf staff doesn't inflict Gravity on foes after combat, or else that would be a big slap in OG Elise's face.

11 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

First-day AHR results published, the pragmatic-minded would probably want to select from these for their future votes if influencing the free unit is a priority. Zero green units this year to contrast the green sweep last year, ha.


Geez... Why is Fallen Edelgard here? Edelgard knows she always loses Round 1 of AHR VG, so she is making sure this time by going twice.

I am a little surprised to see Alear there. The rest was expected honestly. No green though... I thought we would see a Ganglot at least, although she is ehh.

Units I am surprised to not be in this list: Winter Cordelia, Ascended Tiki, Brave Seliph.

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Eh. I intended to give a vote to Arcane Lif anyway, so I'll do that at some point. Wallpaper priorities, though.

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Fallen Edelgard again? And Alear and Corrin who are currently available to spark! Come on!

I'm missing Embla, Veronica, Shez, Askr, Fomortiis, Laegjarn, and Camilla. I'd be happy with any of them, but Embla is still my top pick, followed by Fomortiis if he keeps eluding me on the current banner. Red sweep is still on the table, but no sign of Duma.

Edited by Othin
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I'd like to say that I'm surprised to see Fallen Edelgard here, but I'm absolutely not at all. The Edelgard simps are just straight up crazy. Like, who even cares that Fomortiis is just better at everything except for Galeforce shenanigans?

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8 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Like, who even cares that Fomortiis is just better at everything except for Galeforce shenanigans?

Everyone that uses Edelgard for Galeforce shenanigans, perhaps, considering Edelgard is still one of the best Galeforcers in the game?

I find it silly to compare two units that have completely different roles. Like, Duo Hilda is better at everything compared to Bride Fjorm except for inflicting Isolation (and inheritable skills with HP comparisons, but those are rarely ever used), but the entire point of using Bride Fjorm is to inflict Isolation, and Hilda literally can't do that. The fact that Hilda is better at everything else is entirely pointless because Fjorm isn't used for anything else.

The only real argument involving Fomortiis and Fallen Edelgard is that Edelgard should stop running Savior builds in any situation where Fomortiis can also be used, with that condition existing because being a defense Mythic Hero does limit his usability pretty significantly.


My only complaint about Fallen Edelgard being here is the fact that she's in the standard summoning pool, which is the same complaint I have with Alear.

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35 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Everyone that uses Edelgard for Galeforce shenanigans, perhaps, considering Edelgard is still one of the best Galeforcers in the game?

I find it silly to compare two units that have completely different roles. Like, Duo Hilda is better at everything compared to Bride Fjorm except for inflicting Isolation (and inheritable skills with HP comparisons, but those are rarely ever used), but the entire point of using Bride Fjorm is to inflict Isolation, and Hilda literally can't do that. The fact that Hilda is better at everything else is entirely pointless because Fjorm isn't used for anything else.

The only real argument involving Fomortiis and Fallen Edelgard is that Edelgard should stop running Savior builds in any situation where Fomortiis can also be used, with that condition existing because being a defense Mythic Hero does limit his usability pretty significantly.


My only complaint about Fallen Edelgard being here is the fact that she's in the standard summoning pool, which is the same complaint I have with Alear.

doesn’t the duo skill inflict isolation?

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Everyone that uses Edelgard for Galeforce shenanigans, perhaps, considering Edelgard is still one of the best Galeforcers in the game?

I find it silly to compare two units that have completely different roles. Like, Duo Hilda is better at everything compared to Bride Fjorm except for inflicting Isolation (and inheritable skills with HP comparisons, but those are rarely ever used), but the entire point of using Bride Fjorm is to inflict Isolation, and Hilda literally can't do that. The fact that Hilda is better at everything else is entirely pointless because Fjorm isn't used for anything else.

The only real argument involving Fomortiis and Fallen Edelgard is that Edelgard should stop running Savior builds in any situation where Fomortiis can also be used, with that condition existing because being a defense Mythic Hero does limit his usability pretty significantly.


My only complaint about Fallen Edelgard being here is the fact that she's in the standard summoning pool, which is the same complaint I have with Alear.

But there's a much better Galeforce armor! And she's also an Edelgard!

(Also Duo Hilda can inflict Isolation, but only on certain turns.)

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15 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Edit: Also, oh yeah, AHR. Hmm... Not sure who to pick there. Anyone have any ideas? There's not a thread up for it yet.

 This year I think that lots if people will freak out with the "Red Dream" or idk how they'll wanna call it ("green dream" really had a better ring to it) with units like Summer Edelgard, Alear, L!Veronica, Embla, Ninja Camilla, Halloween Duma.... (see? I typed this last night and now that I saw how red has twice as much heroes than any other color here, individually, although halloween Duma isn't here which is a pity since I really wanted him way more than L!Veronica, Embla, Ninja Camilla, and maybe eben Alear... I have all of those but Alear)

 I personally think that in the end, if the winner is red it'll be either Embla or Ninja Camilla but I really hope that it's not either since I have them both. Maybe it'll be summer Eldelgard though, or if it's of another color then duo Askr or L!Shez, and if it's them I'm fine since they're still missing in my barracks, with the esception of Shez.  please dont be Formortiis too, I already spent a ton of orbs to get him.


6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

First-day AHR results published, the pragmatic-minded would probably want to select from these for their future votes if influencing the free unit is a priority. Zero green units this year to contrast the green sweep last year, ha.


 The results are pretty expected for most part, I might vote for reamerd Líf or Ophelia, probably, since I really wanted both and didn't get any o their banners. I already have 8 of the heroes that are here so the chances of a unit I don't want wins is of 50%, assuming that now everyone is gonna mainly vote for these 16 heroes instead of anyone else.

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