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13 minutes ago, vikingsfan92 said:

Surprised flame tribe Lyn isnt on the list considering Lyn's popularity. Also she has some really good fodder.

Probably helps that she's on the current Engage AHR. Although Corrin made it on in spite of that.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

But there's a much better Galeforce armor! And she's also an Edelgard!

Harmonized Edelgard has the issue that she can't really be built to function on both player and enemy phase simultaneously due to Distant Storm eating her bulk extremely quickly and Distant Ferocity significantly weakening her player-phase performance.

She's also significantly easier to wear down on enemy phase due to having much fewer defensive skill effects.


1 hour ago, Othin said:

(Also Duo Hilda can inflict Isolation, but only on certain turns.)

Which subsequently gets reduced to "only after the enemy is already dead" in Aether Raids due to Duo's Hindrance preventing you from using Duo skills.

Aether Raids is the main game mode where Isolation is relevant, though I suppose it can be used in the Arena if you're running into too many dancers or Chroms.


3 minutes ago, vikingsfan92 said:

Surprised flame tribe Lyn isnt on the list considering Lyn's popularity. Also she has some really good fodder.

I'm also surprised, though I'm blaming myself in jest for it because I'm alternating voting for Corrin and Lyn, but started with a vote for Corrin on the first day.


1 minute ago, Othin said:

Probably helps that she's on the current Engage AHR. Although Corrin made it on in spite of that.

Lyn is also significantly further down the list. Corrin is 29th. Lyn is 42nd.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Everyone that uses Edelgard for Galeforce shenanigans, perhaps, considering Edelgard is still one of the best Galeforcers in the game?

Everyone that seriously uses her for Galeforce shenanigans have also already max merged and invested into her a long time ago.

I know this is a simple line of thinking, but F!Edelgard and Fomortiis are both annoying ass stone wall beasts armors. To me, that’s all that really matters even knowing that they have different roles.

3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

My only complaint about Fallen Edelgard being here is the fact that she's in the standard summoning pool, which is the same complaint I have with Alear.

F!Alear has Engage bias (the first of many instances to come in FEH) and excellent skill fodder backing her. Her being here is way more understandable compared to Fallen Edelgard.

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While I'd never vote for her, I would probably find Fallen Edelgard to be a more useful addition to my barracks than Formortiis would be, to be honest. I can't remember when Saves were added, but to date I still haven't built a save team, and my experience with saves is pretty much restricted to levelling the few units that come with it that I've unintentionally pulled.

For maybe the first two years of FEH I probably could make decent judgements of how an enemy phase engagement would go. But not these days, not even close. Half the time, I guess that a unit would take next to no damage from an attack then watch them die. The other half, it's me making a mistake and expecting a unit I've mispositioned to die, only to have them easily survive. I just have no clue anymore, and so save teams and enemy phase units in general just don't work out for me. Maybe it would be acceptable if I was permanently subbed to FEH Pass for the undo feature. 😛

Edited by Humanoid
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57 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Everyone that seriously uses her for Galeforce shenanigans have also already max merged and invested into her a long time ago.

I know this is a simple line of thinking, but F!Edelgard and Fomortiis are both annoying ass stone wall beasts armors. To me, that’s all that really matters even knowing that they have different roles.

I disagree with the top line even unmerged you can still pull off things no other unit can with Edelgards with raging storm/ Fallen Edelgard's weapon that no other unit can. Even the soon to be remixed Legendary version can still put in work against Aether raids offense with low merges because alot of them have squishy support units that can't always be covered by savior units.  While I am by no means at the top tier of AR you would be surprised how many teams cant deal with triple actions from one unit which is also why Ninja Lyn and Ninja Corrin have similar effectiveness in AR provided you can get rid of duos hindrance. And the fact that you don't have to worry about the hindrance structures for the second attack is a big perk for the Edelgards. Also just saying but any week of Three houses/Radiant dawn resonant battles is pretty trivialized by Harmonic Edelgard regardless of merge levels who doesn't even care about the anti-special charge functions to clear out a side easily.

I think people are realizing more and more how strong galeforce is and having success with it. Raging strom just happens to be a match made in heaven for it regardless of how merged Edelgard is.

That being said Fallen Edelgard I want off the Hero rises list and no where near the top 20 personally.

Edited by vikingsfan92
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I don't understand Edelgard voters. Summer Edelgard is fine, but Fallen again??? So high up? Didn't they already get the "wrong", non-limited Edelgard into CYL back in one of the previous years into the top 8?

We sure Fallen Edelgard voters aren't just trolls?

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I am caught in the Fomortiis wave for one simple and personal very biased reason: I have Ash & Ullr. I have Nótt. And I have Reginn & Seiðr, but as of now, I have no fancy Special Aether Slot Anima Mythic...not yet anyways. Oh hey, look, there's one in the Top 20.

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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5 hours ago, vikingsfan92 said:

I disagree with the top line even unmerged you can still pull off things no other unit can with Edelgards with raging storm/ Fallen Edelgard's weapon that no other unit can.

Where did I say that Fallen Edelgard needed to be max merged to do all her Galeforce stuff? The point I was trying to make there is that anyone that seriously wants to use Fallen Edelgard (for PvP or PvE) should have already gotten everything they need / want for her (merges, skill fodder, floret, etc.) by this point. Thus, they have literally no reason to vote for her in this AHR.

Sorry if I didn't make that clear for anyone.

2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Didn't they already get the "wrong", non-limited Edelgard into CYL back in one of the previous years into the top 8?

Yeah, CYL Edelgard got into 2021's top 8 instead of Legendary Edelgard (though she just missed the cut at 9th).

CYL Edelgard also ranked higher than Legendary last year too (though neither made it to the top 8). 

Edited by Tybrosion
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38 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The point I was trying to make there is that anyone that seriously wants to use Fallen Edelgard (for PvP or PvE) should have already gotten everything they need / want for her (merges, skill fodder, floret, etc.) by this point. Thus, they have literally no reason to vote for her in this AHR.

Not everyone who wants to use a character has the character, even if they've tried to pull for them. For units in the standard pool, if you miss the release banner, you're usually SoL for another chance at a spark and are subject to the whims of the gacha gods.


I still think it's silly to vote for anyone in the standard pool, but at least Fallen Edelgard is probably still the best unit in the standard pool to actually vote for.

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30 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Where did I say that Fallen Edelgard needed to be max merged to do all her Galeforce stuff? The point I was trying to make there is that anyone that seriously wants to use Fallen Edelgard (for PvP or PvE) should have already gotten everything they need / want for her (merges, skill fodder, floret, etc.) by this point. Thus, they have literally no reason to vote for her in this AHR.

Sorry if I didn't make that clear for anyone.

EH this is a Gacha game after all and luck and probability are not always kind. Some of the voters may not have even pulled her once despite going for her or want a second copy to get rid of a bane. I am sure you have a unit that you have tried to pull but haven't for a long time despite putting in numerous orbs. Even streamers who pull alot still tend to have white elephant units that they just never pull despite countless attempts.

Granted I still don't want Fallen Edelgard anywhere near top but I think people being unlucky and voting for a unit is more common than people think. Especially for lower budget players.  Not everyone takes the best for everyone approach to a hero rises no matter what people argue. I personally think that everyone is free to do as they wish as I find a lot of the "best for everyone option" to contain a lot of personal tastes in them. I do think seasonal are better value but I am not going to spend time trying to put down what someone else wants.

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I love the 5-star charge system. That would have been immensely useful on the last banner I spent significant orbs on. I summoned SEVEN other 5-star characters before Hot Springs Elise. It took around 30-40 summons to get Elise, and most of these 5-star characters weren’t good or were characters I already had and don’t have useful skills to pass onto other characters. Oddly enough, I got most these 5-star units in a clump in the first 10 summons.

And now we have another Elise! I’m so glad Elise is the main character; I greatly prefer her to Sakura and didn’t want her to be secondary in two Duo Heroes.

I like the look of the new Day of Devotion banner, although it means the child banner almost certainly won’t be Fates. For a second, I thought the silhouette on the left was Jakob (I didn’t think Leo was that tall,) but I’m not upset it’s Leo, as I’m also very fond of him and he was also overdue for an alt. I hope this Leo is a great unit with minimal investment, and cavalry archers rarely disappoint. I’ll probably go for Elise and Sakura as well if I have the orbs and depending on who is on the next (hopefully Tellius) New Heroes banner. 

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2 hours ago, Magenta Fantasies said:

I love the 5-star charge system. That would have been immensely useful on the last banner I spent significant orbs on. I summoned SEVEN other 5-star characters before Hot Springs Elise. It took around 30-40 summons to get Elise, and most of these 5-star characters weren’t good or were characters I already had and don’t have useful skills to pass onto other characters. Oddly enough, I got most these 5-star units in a clump in the first 10 summons.

And now we have another Elise! I’m so glad Elise is the main character; I greatly prefer her to Sakura and didn’t want her to be secondary in two Duo Heroes.

I like the look of the new Day of Devotion banner, although it means the child banner almost certainly won’t be Fates. For a second, I thought the silhouette on the left was Jakob (I didn’t think Leo was that tall,) but I’m not upset it’s Leo, as I’m also very fond of him and he was also overdue for an alt. I hope this Leo is a great unit with minimal investment, and cavalry archers rarely disappoint. I’ll probably go for Elise and Sakura as well if I have the orbs and depending on who is on the next (hopefully Tellius) New Heroes banner. 

 Lol, luck is weird (I don't believe in luck per se as in a superstitious way, by luck here I mean well... what it is, I don't know a better word in the context... maybe I'll call it Gacha Gods since we don't use the term RNG for feh...), sometimes I can up to more than 40 summons without getting who I want (and then whine because I wish I had the feh pass) while others I get unbelievably lucky, for example on Embla + Veronica banner I managed to get FOUR 5+ units during a single summon section!


 About Leo being that tall, he doesn't have an official height so I guess this was just the artist's interpretation (I for one, never saw him as tall, I tend to picture both him and Takumi as being kinda on the short end, for men, and if I had to draw Leo that's how I'd probably do it, I must have gotten this impression of Leo because on his OG alt art he looks way stumpier and on his official art of Fates he doesn't look tall at all too), I don't think that the artists get any indication about the characters' heights when they're commisioned to do the art (I mean... look at Altina on her summer alt, she's barely taller than Edelgard, who is 158cm/5'2 inches tall, do you think that Altina is really supposed to be that short? Specially if you assume that she isn't much taller than 1,58cm and then compare her height on the christmas alt to Sanaki's, how short would that kid have to be if she only reaches Altina's chest??) so there's lot of room for intepretation and even for inconsistencies (since most characters don't have canon heights in FE + different people draw the same character), other thing that tends to be inconsistent on the characters because of this is for example, if they're right or left handed.

What I really appreciate though is that when the characters DO have canon heights, they seem to be kept in mind on FEH, look at Marianne and Hilda's age gap on their summer alt, it seems to be around what should it be (around 10cm/3 or 4 inches) or Roy and Eliwood's (I was surprisingly delighted that they neither made Roy almost as tall as Eliwood just to avoid making him look short or made their height gap be ridiculously big because "I guess that Roy is a kid and Eliwood is an adult so it's not strange if they have a 50cm height gap", if you keep in mind that Roy is 165cm tall their age gap looks very natural, I don't know if on their case it was intentional but at the very least it looked like they thought "Roy is a teen that doesn't look like an adult yet at all so he probably shouldn't be as tall as his dad, but also he's obviously not a 10 years old so let's think of something that makes sense") or how they seemed to have kept in mind that Alm is canonically left handed on every single one of his alts maybe with the exception of his Legedary (surprisingly, even his resplandescent and the valentines alt respect it, and in every one of the arts for each alt!).



 Completely changing the subject but I can't wait for the results of AHR anymore, I decided to wait at least for the top 8 before getting my free 5* but seeing that banner there each time I open the game, asking me to get my free hero, while I know that it'll be smarter if I wait some days before claiming it, is KILLING me!

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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49 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

or how they seemed to have kept in mind that Alm is canonically left handed on every single one of his alts maybe with the exception of his Legedary (surprisingly, even his resplandescent and the valentines alt respect it, and in every one of the arts for each alt!).

Bows can have a handedness, and even if you're left-handed, if your bow is right-handed, you should use it in a right-handed configuration (arrow in right hand, bow in left). Since Luna Arc isn't made specifically for Alm and is rather fancy (making it unlikely to be ambi-handed), it's likely to be a right-handed bow.

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My guess is for why Alear is in the top 16 may be because:

  • She became a liked character since Engage released. I actually like Alear in Engage, to a point of maybe voting for them in CYL next year. I would still not vote for her in AHR though.
  • People that skipped the Engage banner? I mean, skipping the entire of January's banner selection is pretty common, when your focus is on saving orbs for the Anniversay's Hero Fest, Valentines (which likes to introduce strong units) or even saving for AHR Banner for months.

For Fallen Edelgard, it could be a mix of people still liking her with she is the most tapped unit in the colorless, so people may vote for her thinking she is the mkost voted one? Similar to Legendary Lyn situation in AHR 2018.

Or, you know... Edelgard knows she always loses in Round 1 of the AHR Voting Gauntlet, so she is going there twice to increase her chances.

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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Bows can have a handedness, and even if you're left-handed, if your bow is right-handed, you should use it in a right-handed configuration (arrow in right hand, bow in left). Since Luna Arc isn't made specifically for Alm and is rather fancy (making it unlikely to be ambi-handed), it's likely to be a right-handed bow.

Bows are made that way because of eye dominance not for what hand you are dominant. My dad was left handed but right eye dominant so he had to shoot a bow/gun right handed.  more people are right eye dominant which is why there are more right handed options then left handed.  your dominant eye has a lot to do with how you view distance and so on so makes a huge difference in being able to hit a target.  I am left handed and left eye dominant which makes it much harder to find a decent bow that I can use because of my dominant eye.

Anyway as to  AHR I think I will just keep voting red since I would like an all red banner and I am missing more of the good reds then other colors.

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55 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Bows are made that way because of eye dominance not for what hand you are dominant. My dad was left handed but right eye dominant so he had to shoot a bow/gun right handed.  more people are right eye dominant which is why there are more right handed options then left handed.  your dominant eye has a lot to do with how you view distance and so on so makes a huge difference in being able to hit a target.  I am left handed and left eye dominant which makes it much harder to find a decent bow that I can use because of my dominant eye.

Anyway as to  AHR I think I will just keep voting red since I would like an all red banner and I am missing more of the good reds then other colors.

I'm left-eye dominant, but still shoot right-handed. I don't have the musculature in my left arm and shoulder to repeatedly draw a bow anywhere near the same weight and the same number of times I can with my right. (I fenced back in high school and college, and so my right arm has noticeably more strength and stamina than my left.)

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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm left-eye dominant, but still shoot right-handed. I don't have the musculature in my left arm and shoulder to repeatedly draw a bow anywhere near the same weight and the same number of times I can with my right. (I fenced back in high school and college, and so my right arm has noticeably more strength and stamina than my left.)

You can shoot that way though you normally have to wear a patch over your dominant eye to make it easier.  As a kid my dad bought me a really nice right handed compound bow sadly I never could use it since my dad didn't believe in using eye patches unless you had to.

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12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Bows can have a handedness, and even if you're left-handed, if your bow is right-handed, you should use it in a right-handed configuration (arrow in right hand, bow in left). Since Luna Arc isn't made specifically for Alm and is rather fancy (making it unlikely to be ambi-handed), it's likely to be a right-handed bow.

Hmmm that makes sense, I said that "maybe" with the exception of Brave Alm exactly because I was considering that there was a chance Alm could have his right eye be dominant or whatever (I didn't know much about shooting arrows at all with the exception of the very little I read online, but since both you and @EricaofRenaisseem to know about the subject and confirmed what I read online then I guess we're good), but in any case It also makes a lot of sense if he had to shoot with his right handed because of the bow.

 I for one, never tried archery and if I ever did I have no clue of how I'd do it, I'm ambidextrous (it doesn't mean I know how to do everything with both hands equaly, some stuff I can do with only one of them and the problem is that you usually don't know which will be before you try the new task, I had a pretty hard time with this when I started to play voleyball or I started to play Snooker, or when I was a kid and thought that I was left handed just because I wrote with my left hand so I tried to use left handed scissors and couldn't and only a lot of time later I found out that it's because I could only use school scissors with my right hand regardless if they're made for southpaws or not) and I have absolutely no clue of which of my eyes is the dominant one (I'm also nearsighted so I'm not sure if I can even shot arrows with glasses on or if they'd get in the way, requiring me to use lens for it or whatever)... But in any case, it's an activity I always had quite some interest for. 


 About the AHR banner, on the first day I forgot to vote and yesterday I voted for R!Ophelia, I guess I'll vote for her again, maybe until the end of the event (I was thinking about either her or Rearmed Líf but I like her skills better and I'm a sucker for red tomes, if I got R!Líf I'm not even sure to who I'd give all his stuff and I don't really need him as well, so in the end I'd probably end up voting only because I like Líf and that's not something I wanna do for the AHR) but I don't really mind if someone else wins as long as it's not an unit I already have

7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

My guess is for why Alear is in the top 16 may be because:

  • She became a liked character since Engage released. I actually like Alear in Engage, to a point of maybe voting for them in CYL next year. I would still not vote for her in AHR though.
  • People that skipped the Engage banner? I mean, skipping the entire of January's banner selection is pretty common, when your focus is on saving orbs for the Anniversay's Hero Fest, Valentines (which likes to introduce strong units) or even saving for AHR Banner for months.

For Fallen Edelgard, it could be a mix of people still liking her with she is the most tapped unit in the colorless, so people may vote for her thinking she is the mkost voted one? Similar to Legendary Lyn situation in AHR 2018.

Or, you know... Edelgard knows she always loses in Round 1 of the AHR Voting Gauntlet, so she is going there twice to increase her chances.

 Yeah, and besides  liking Alear as a character, she's a really good unit so who didn't get her until now on her banner or wants more merges of her might've wanted more time so they wanted to be part of the AHR banner. I also agree with how it's common to skip some banners because you know about what's coming (like people who skip the summer banners to save for CYL).

 I only got Fallen Edelgard around half an year ago (maybe more, maybe less) and I remember pulling for her like crazy both on her debut banner and on some random legendary banner she showed up after and never getting her (on this legendary banner I managed to stay up until the there was only 1 or 2 hours remaining for it to end, and where I live that's between 6 and 8 AM depending on the time of the year, farming orbs to try to get her and I just couldn't) so since she's still a very good unit, it's undertandable that lots of people still want her, I just didn't think that she was still THAT popular. I don't want her to win because now I have her, but if I handn't it wouldn't bother me that much (sure, chosing someone that isn't on the regular pool would be better but given how good she still is...)

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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3 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Yeah, and besides  liking Alear as a character, she's a really good unit so who didn't get her until now on her banner or wants more merges of her might've wanted more time so they wanted to be part of the AHR banner. I also agree with how it's common to skip some banners because you know about what's coming (like people who skip the summer banners to save for CYL).

That too. Voting for someone to have a chance to get merges is also a valid reason to give votes for.

Alear's Legendary/Mythic debut should be in 5-6 months from now, so its fine trying to make her appear in a banner between this time.

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By the by, if F!Alear gets into the VG you can officially blame me for that.

I made a little impromptu deal with myself last night that I would toss F!Alear a vote unless if I got her in one pull (with the focus rate at its base 3%). Needless to say, I didn’t get her.

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On 2/4/2023 at 1:11 AM, ARMADS!!! said:

About Leo being that tall, he doesn't have an official height so I guess this was just the artist's interpretation (I for one, never saw him as tall, I tend to picture both him and Takumi as being kinda on the short end, for men, and if I had to draw Leo that's how I'd probably do it, I must have gotten this impression of Leo because on his OG alt art he looks way stumpier and on his official art of Fates he doesn't look tall at all too), I don't think that the artists get any indication about the characters' heights when they're commisioned to do the art (I mean... look at Altina on her summer alt, she's barely taller than Edelgard, who is 158cm/5'2 inches tall, do you think that Altina is really supposed to be that short? Specially if you assume that she isn't much taller than 1,58cm and then compare her height on the christmas alt to Sanaki's, how short would that kid have to be if she only reaches Altina's chest??) so there's lot of room for intepretation and even for inconsistencies (since most characters don't have canon heights in FE + different people draw the same character), other thing that tends to be inconsistent on the characters because of this is for example, if they're right or left handed.

What I really appreciate though is that when the characters DO have canon heights, they seem to be kept in mind on FEH, look at Marianne and Hilda's age gap on their summer alt, it seems to be around what should it be (around 10cm/3 or 4 inches) or Roy and Eliwood's (I was surprisingly delighted that they neither made Roy almost as tall as Eliwood just to avoid making him look short or made their height gap be ridiculously big because "I guess that Roy is a kid and Eliwood is an adult so it's not strange if they have a 50cm height gap", if you keep in mind that Roy is 165cm tall their age gap looks very natural, I don't know if on their case it was intentional but at the very least it looked like they thought "Roy is a teen that doesn't look like an adult yet at all so he probably shouldn't be as tall as his dad, but also he's obviously not a 10 years old so let's think of something that makes sense") or how they seemed to have kept in mind that Alm is canonically left handed on every single one of his alts maybe with the exception of his Legedary (surprisingly, even his resplandescent and the valentines alt respect it, and in every one of the arts for each alt!).

The characters definitely have canon heights in Fates. It’s sort of noticeable in cutscenes, and very noticeable in the Accesories building. Offhand the tallest characters are Benny, Xander, Shura and Ryoma, in that order. Leo and Takumi are relatively short. I like how Fates has subtle height differences; it adds variety to the cast. Same with Three Houses.

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