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Teehee Madness 3 - Fire Emblem x Pokemon Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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18 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Can't believe I just lost my Gyarados

Thing is Boucorst might have taken enough from the enemy Excadril that he could have finished things off with no losses. The risk of rolling down the hill could have been prevented and that's what ticks me off about that gym-

Nick also was lost

I think Tentacruel can work, I've used it before.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I think now i pretty much have to Promote Maria now to replace my dead Axe'r - even tho i wanted to wait

Or i could use Matthis



....Wow there's really that few late game axes in SD. Discounting Dracoknights if the Whitewings still promote to that.

Matthis, might as well take out my next catch preemptively.

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Welcome to ch.11!

I decided against promoting maria for now because it's filled with Ballistas.

Otherwise, lessgo!



Before we start, i give Draug Lunge in case i get into some hairy situations...or for some next level plays

I see no mages or Armor slayers, and his Def is sky high so it should be fine


To the right i send Athena and Minerva. They should clean here


I send the rest forward to end my turn






Yh you were useless. Thanks for the Energy drop!


A guy with a Hammer appears...I can rescue staff Draug if needed


Read: I should get Jake and come here....but i don't have Caeda F


Bolt Axe incoming

He learned Seal STR O:


Ouchie Ouch

Please kill so i won't have to rescue you


Should be safe now


A wall made of wind due to speed?


Drinking a vuln


Why not?




No no, you totally are


Some more Maria abuse


I wasn't able to recruit Witch Anna 😞

On 12/1/2023 at 10:25 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Discounting Dracoknights if the Whitewings still promote to that.


FalcoKnight, Dark Falco for Est

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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A pic i took after booting up the game.


Before we start ch12, It's finally time to promote Maria


And here we go, ch12.

To get to 12x, i either have to finish in 14 turns or less, or...


Let any of these die in 14 turns or less

Let's take a look at them


Not bad, but not Draug




A bow user is always welcome. Also Rally skill will help


Oh she's good. Also a magic base yay. Her first skill is basically Nohrian trust (aptly called Paladin's trust here)


Boah Digga


Pair up is disabled for them, so i can't cheese this




Redhead squad reporting


I keep praising Draug, but he misses an 88 and doesn't kill the first thief. Gording with Marth Aura kills the 2nd thief...


To get 5 points


Athena kills the other thief to get the armor slayer


We finish our first turn with Linde eating up the armor knight to get this superb lvlup


I pair up Linde with Minerva to bait the archers attacking the prisoner group, only one takes the bait


Reinforcements spawn behind us on turn 3


Aura good....so good it crashes the game so i have to skip animations (game crashed with me on turn 1 before when i tried to use it lol)


We continue cleaning up the groups while Linde is slowly becoming a Magical nuke


Marthy boi can now use Silver Swords


Time to save some peeps




We continue moving


2 Mag


Turn 6, new reinforcements spawn...so every 3 turns i guess?


Nice...next chest gives us an Arms scroll




Linde takes out the armor guarding the chest for this lvlup!


And Windell the sniper guarding the door, giving me a much needed breathing room for my fliers


Advancing with marth and the redhead squad


Minverva pls


Linde weakens the boss with Aura for Marth to finish him


I now have 5 turns to visit the shop + chest on the bottom right




Another 5 points




Hi Shura


I get myself a killing edge and a hammer


Not bad at all


We seize to finish!


Bow getto


Before we start 12x, i promote Lena


12x Lesssgo



Red sisters continue being awesome. I wanna train up Maria's Axe rank for the one and only DEVIL AXE (and also bolt Axe if it's in the game)


Evade his squad got it


We were talking about the bolt axe before, here it is!




I sneak in the red sisters paired up with Marth and Draug to go snipe the boss




I like her animation...i think it's from Echoes?


Some levelups while doing the sneakining


No, you're dead




good boy


We promote Marth...


and seize to finish the map!

Horace also got some stat bonuses because i kept his Squad alive!

Next Map: Fates DLC!

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On 11/27/2023 at 3:49 PM, Punished Dayni said:

(I get a Reaper Cloth out of it, which it turns out's useless unless I had Dream World available to me),

Getting the Dream World (or at least the Game Sync part of it) to work now a days requires some real janky incomplete software, and to setup some port forwarding on your router.


On 11/27/2023 at 3:49 PM, Punished Dayni said:

Looking at it's moves it only knows Super Fang for damage so there's that,

Sometimes enemy move sets can be funny like that. Kind of reminds me of the Emerald fight with Aqua Admin Matt, where his Mightyena's only way of dealing damage is Swagger.


On 11/27/2023 at 3:49 PM, Punished Dayni said:

then we the sad music as Veardiy recalls the time Plasma robbed his sister's Purrloin and why it's his motive,

I did always find it odd that his motivation is about the capture of his sister's Purrloin, and not his own...


On 11/27/2023 at 3:49 PM, Punished Dayni said:

Which means I still have to face a triple battle with heartbreaker Charles.

At least he doesn't leave any of us heartbroken by killing any of your 'mons. Random side note, but I much prefer triple battles to rotation battles...


On 11/27/2023 at 3:49 PM, Punished Dayni said:

hear someone say Hornswaggled

That really is a great word.


On 11/27/2023 at 3:49 PM, Punished Dayni said:

Then Rood asks us a favour, to take care of a Zorua which I say yes to, but I suppose I can't rename it. Let's refer to N's Zorua as Diamavarre for our purposes.

It would be funny if you managed to luck into any of the other N pokemon...


On 11/28/2023 at 4:47 PM, Punished Dayni said:

It takes..... a while, let's put it like that.

The change to the exp formula in Gen 5 can be a bit of a nuisance at times...


On 11/28/2023 at 4:47 PM, Punished Dayni said:

then I miss that he got Swagger'd, only to learn when he hits himself in confusion, I then take a roll of the dice, only for him to hit himself again and the Sandile proceeds to finish Boucorst off. Fuck.

My Bouchy Boy...

On 11/28/2023 at 4:47 PM, Punished Dayni said:


The strategy is mainly Ogmalfred with the Air Balloon (I've used all my proteins and Muscles Wings on her as well as Swift Wings), but because Clay leads with Intimidate, I have to use something like Hone Claws and hope he doesn't immediately use Crunch and even Torment is problematic for his Sandslash as I don't trust I outspeed his Excadrill.

The safer strat would have been to lead with a pokemon weak to Ground moves (like your Growlithe), that way you bait the AI into using a ground move, so with the Air Balloon it is a free switch into Ogmalfred with the  Intimidate debuff gone.


On 11/28/2023 at 4:47 PM, Punished Dayni said:

I decide Merrine is the least risky loss on balance, so I switch her in. She takes a hit from Metal Claw, I press Jump Kick and he outspeeds her.

Oof, that is another of the units I promoted. Promoting my units really seems to be the kiss of death for them.


On 11/28/2023 at 4:47 PM, Punished Dayni said:


Merrine and Boucorst shouldn't have fallen like that.

Clay can sweep teams with that Excadrill if you aren't careful, so recognizing you needed to sack Merrine was a good play for the position you were in. Although recklessly losing my Bouchy Boy...


On 12/1/2023 at 2:51 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I decided against promoting maria for now because it's filled with Ballistas.

That makes a lot of sense.


On 12/1/2023 at 2:51 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Before we start, i give Draug Lunge in case i get into some hairy situations...or for some next level plays

Lunge is such an interesting skill to have around.


On 12/1/2023 at 2:51 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I see no mages or Armor slayers, and his Def is sky high so it should be fine

Using pairup to skydrop Draug into the deep end like that is kind of funny to see. It also makes me wonder what a Fates style remake of New Mystery would look like (as I find the New Mystery version of this map far more memorable...)


On 12/1/2023 at 2:51 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



A guy with a Hammer appears...I can rescue staff Draug if needed

Its fun to see them anticipate your cheesy play, and at least try to punish it.


On 12/1/2023 at 2:51 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Bolt Axe incoming

Nice to see you went with Matthis in the end...also it looks like they  updated those really janky MSpaint images from before with just FEH art.


On 12/1/2023 at 2:51 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wasn't able to recruit Witch Anna 😞

Ouch. Did she have the classic Witch Warp skill to really break things?


2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


A pic i took after booting up the game.

The model just looks so out of place with the Fates ones. I am surprised they didn't just use one of the Echoes dragon model...


4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Before we start ch12, It's finally time to promote Maria

Finally the Maligknight rises


6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Not bad, but not Draug

That is a nice skill to have on an armored knight.


8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Pair up is disabled for them, so i can't cheese this

Fair enough.


8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Redhead squad reporting

That perfect damage is beautiful to see


9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



To get 5 points

Classic  Gordin.


10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Aura good....so good it crashes the game so i have to skip animations (game crashed with me on turn 1 before when i tried to use it lol)

Lol, Auras destructive power is too much for even the game itself to handle


12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




Nice to see them taking some Thracia inspiration with that weapon


13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


We seize to finish!

Nice Gaiden get.


13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



12x Lesssgo

Oh, a double feature!


17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Red sisters continue being awesome. I wanna train up Maria's Axe rank for the one and only DEVIL AXE (and also bolt Axe if it's in the game)

While my first instinct is oh god not the Devil Axe, I seem to remember this version being rather milquetoast.


24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Horace also got some stat bonuses because i kept his Squad alive!

That is a cool change.


Time for me to...spin my wheels a bit, and do the Lucina paralogue to get more money to feed my fashion addiction, and figure out who to replace my dead with.


We have some new fashion available, and while I can't buy all the drip I want for our new recruits, I can afford something I have been waiting most of the run for


I am putting all the units killed in a linked death, in a skull mask, which also lets me show off their clothes real quick...although Vander here starts in his best outfit from the start.


Now for poor Chloe, never truly given a chance to fly. I rather like how this simple dress goes with her hair.


Little Jean, who wears this little vest with flower and cravat very well.


Eh, it works well enough for Yunaka, but I might change up her outfit latter on.


Now for the first of my promoted units killed off by others...


... 😞

As for the arena, I tried to get Alred another level, but he just missed the levelup even with all three given to him.

Now it is time to grab just a tiny bit of loot before we continue on by taking on the Luncina paralogue, as all the paralogues offer some dropable money for us.


I find it interesting that they both describe this engage energy fueling this place as a magical power, and that TeeHee already recognizes that it is there.


Arena Ferox is a surprisingly good choice for the first/easiest paralogue. It is a stupidly simple map, and small map, but still one with a lot of story, and personal significance to Lucina.


I wonder if they were trying for a kind of Roman Empire feel with this East and West split, on top of the obvious Mongol empire implications of calling them Khans.


Although this is an objectively stupid way to determine who should rule a country.


A surprisingly fitting way to bond with TeeHee given how this game ends.


There is a strange resonance, in how TeeHee never had the opportunity to see another side to the mother that train them, and with Lucina only getting the oppotunity through time shenanigans.


Is TeeHee perhaps sensing the power of that distant Lucina, the true ones from Awakening?


I guess there always has to be an excuse for a map.


Another small deployment limit, but as you can all see, after the linked deaths, and with a resume of a vital crit on the last map, I have decided to let Bunet join the squad.


Did a little fiddling with the initial unit placement


To support the gentle enemy phase gambit


And Bunet opens with a dodge and hit.


While TeeHee fails to dodge a 17...


I can finally give Alfred that level with a kill


Not bad, glad I waited for the promotion a little now.


I then have Ivy intentionally heal TeeHee from a space she could get the thunder counter on one of the


That way she can get some enemy phase chip in, and Framme can Chain Guard her to avoid any uncomfortable cr-


That complicates things slightly, Louis missed an 83, so


Framme has to pickup the kill, so Ivy has to face a crit death...


But she just dodges the whole attack instead.


On the next turn Bunet gets the on shot on one mage


And Alfred doesn't have as embarrassingly bad crit avoid, so he can safely (but painfully) get the kill on the other


And this time when Ivy heals from enemy range, Framme can Chain Guard her


And then I bungled crit rates again, and I didn't realize that said 14 instead of 4, until it was too late...


At least this went better expected, with Ivy dodging so Framme doesn't take any chip


And Louis does dodge the crit, so never punished again.


I was just way too greedy with the enemy phasing this map, and my most dangerous moves were essentially pointless like this.


Although this bit of enemy phasing was a bit better thought out



Far safer, and dealing damage


That at least makes a difference.


Honestly, Bunet has done a good enough job so far.


Framme also gets this nice little level while healing


And for once I wait a turn before enemy phasing the boss


By having TeeHee Engage his way into using a bow


With a chain guard for safety


Poor Lucina's never heard of enemy phasing...


She isn't that dodgy TeeHee.


Don't worry, I will throw everything I have to finish you...come player phase


That was a fair bit of damage to get things started


And while a bunch of reinforcements came when she spawned, I only have 6 actions to finish this, so most will live. But I am getting ahead of myself, time for another battle quote as we break the first health bar.


Why would that be like Fate? What a strange way to describe things, especially given a later quote of Alfed's


I guess this is slightly less stupid than the Khans fighting eachother, but it does seem to defeat the implied purpose of getting the "stronger" khan as leader. Although getting the khan better able to attract stronger allies is theoretically what they are going for. Still a very stupid way to decide a ruler, but we have had plenty of very stupid ways to decides rulers throughout history.


If Alfred knew this arena was fake, why did he think it was fate?


Damn, another great little levelup from Alfred


I do have just enough actions to get away with killing one of the new adds. Poor Bunet here, despite doing a solid job, hasn't gotten his first level yet...


But we will sadly not get to see it yet.


OK maybe I was a bit dismissive of Lucina's avoid from TeeHee's performance


But we get all these shaky hits for the kill, with TeeHee and thus an Astra Storm in reserve.


That is a solid little levelup from Iv-

Level 19...sigh, maybe I should use that promotion items on her first.


Not whom I would name MVP, but he had a good showing none the less.


Honestly, I don't think TeeHee has really grown that much since we got Lucina, they were a bit of a beast already at that point.


Which is why we all build an army and trust nobody (and pretend the Jeigan can't solo like half of these game)


Don't be selling yourself too short now, you are one of the best units in this army.


That is a rather morbid sentiment, but I suppose if any Emblem had gotten used to death already it would be this apocalyptic time traveler.


Sadly true, with the risk of linked death and everything.


But those links make all of us stronger.

Hopefully I get the next chapter out a bit sooner, as it is starting to feel like I am falling a bit behind with all this sudden activity.


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32 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

also it looks like they  updated those really janky MSpaint images from before with just FEH art.

It's a different hack actually that just replaces the art


34 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

While my first instinct is oh god not the Devil Axe, I seem to remember this version being rather milquetoast.

Yeah here it's just 30% HP loss on use.

And tbh, even if it was old Devil Axe, Maria's LCK is sky high

34 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Did she have the classic Witch Warp skill to really break things?

she gets Warp(S), Witch's Brew (7), Profiteer (13), Spendthrift (21) and Toxic Brew (27)

A pretty strong skill set. The Tonics would've been nice to have since they are just spread around the shops

36 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Lucina paralogue

that paralogue can be dangrous. The Thoron mages especially.

The Axe dudes have pretty low hit, and Armors die to magic pretty easily, but the Thoron Mages and their 3 range can one shot half the squad. Doesn't help that deployment is really low.

Lucina with her anti dragon weapons as well.

It's not a hard map, on the easy side even, but man can it be a pain

37 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

am putting all the units killed in a linked death, in a skull mask

smart and cool 😄

39 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

While TeeHee fails to dodge a 17

1RN moment


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@Shrimpy -Limited Edition-

13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Before we start, i give Drag Lunge in case i get into some hairy situations...or for some next level plays

 Okay, so lunge on the armour. I assume there's reason to give it to an armour that I'm too tired to catch on to.

Side note, seeing the half bodies made from stretching the colours from the DS artwork be replaced with feh art is a shame.

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I see no mages or Armor slayers, and his Def is sky high so it should be fine

25 Def there?


15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Draug is assuming the wall always moves.

If he's the wall I believe it

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yh you were useless. Thanks for the Energy drop!

How could he be useless, he had an energy drop.

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Read: I should get Jake and come here....but i don't have Caeda F


16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Bolt Axe incoming

Certified Matthis moment?

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



27 magical damage at level 4.


17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Some more Maria abuse

Promoted Maria will be fun I see.

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


A pic i took after booting up the game.

I feel like I've seen that manakete as an antique statue.

I assume this model was made for this remake?

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Before we start ch12, It's finally time to promote Maria

What fun!

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Not bad, but not Draug




A bow user is always welcome. Also Rally skill will help


Oh she's good. Also a magic base yay. Her first skill is basically Nohrian trust (aptly called Paladin's trust here)


Boah Digga

Of course they made Midia better than IS or Kaga ever did.

Not sure how to feel about the armour bros, but Tomas and Boah at least have rallies.

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


To get 5 points

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Another 5 points

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Aura good....so good it crashes the game so i have to skip animations (game crashed with me on turn 1 before when i tried to use it lol)

I see this game took gamebreaking literally.

Also, yeah Fates triangle helps prevent it being risky on this guy but oh man I worry about her hitting armours later on.

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Kingsword, but in a hack in the 2020's.

IS better being it back

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Minverva pls

Everyone else got at least decent levels, she took the hit.

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Red sisters continue being awesome. I wanna train up Maria's Axe rank for the one and only DEVIL AXE (and also bolt Axe if it's in the game)

Enemy cav: "Maria won't do physical damage, I'm fine"

Maria doing physical damage:

(And hey, least this map confirmed it was real)

21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Evade his squad got it


21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


No, you're dead

 Marth had his line stolen, so he stole Dejarnira's life.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's a different hack actually that just replaces the art


Oh, so the charming edits still exist. 🙂

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

1RN moment

I knew Engage was hybrid RN.

@Eltosian Kadath

22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Getting the Dream World (or at least the Game Sync part of it) to work now a days requires some real janky incomplete software, and to setup some port forwarding on your router.

  Ah well, I didn't know it was a thing at the time either.


22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sometimes enemy move sets can be funny like that. Kind of reminds me of the Emerald fight with Aqua Admin Matt, where his Mightyena's only way of dealing damage is Swagger.

And then there's competitive players who do whole sets of it and piss their opponents off.

I wonder will there be a bunch in the DLC that's out soon.

23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I did always find it odd that his motivation is about the capture of his sister's Purrloin, and not his own...

Does that change the cause of his anger? I don't think so, beyond internalising it as personal for himself. And I don't think he did that, he's vengeful and wants the theft undone regardless.

23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

At least he doesn't leave any of us heartbroken by killing any of your 'mons. Random side note, but I much prefer triple battles to rotation battles...

I agonised on the chances of that fight going wrong, but then it ended shockingly easily.

23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It would be funny if you managed to luck into any of the other N pokemon...

Now, I could set up for it considering I have a cleared copy of White, but I decided against it.

(They also have 30's in their IVs, would have been worth it for that)

24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

My Bouchy Boy...

Boucorst deserved better from me than death.

24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The safer strat would have been to lead with a pokemon weak to Ground moves (like your Growlithe), that way you bait the AI into using a ground move, so with the Air Balloon it is a free switch into Ogmalfred with the  Intimidate debuff gone.

....And that's the exact kind of thing I should have thought of.

Though trouble in my case is that on Neutral Atk Ogmalfred didn't 1-shot the Sandslash with Earthquake. Or at least she got Tormented into using something else, so I can't fairly say that.

Not that that would have been as much of an issue if Boucorst was still around....

25 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oof, that is another of the units I promoted. Promoting my units really seems to be the kiss of death for them.

I have miscalculated.

25 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Clay can sweep teams with that Excadrill if you aren't careful, so recognizing you needed to sack Merrine was a good play for the position you were in. Although recklessly losing my Bouchy Boy...

Reckless, careless, pretty apt for how Clay went.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I am putting all the units killed in a linked death, in a skull mask, which also lets me show off their clothes real quick...although Vander here starts in his best outfit from the start.

Top 'fit from Vander, as is right.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Arena Ferox is a surprisingly good choice for the first/easiest paralogue. It is a stupidly simple map, and small map, but still one with a lot of story, and personal significance to Lucina.

Having a basic map to explain how these go is fine, but the writers seemed to have to make sure any of them could be your first.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Although this is an objectively stupid way to determine who should rule a country.

I mean, you addressed it later on so I don't have to,

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I guess this is slightly less stupid than the Khans fighting eachother, but it does seem to defeat the implied purpose of getting the "stronger" khan as leader. Although getting the khan better able to attract stronger allies is theoretically what they are going for. Still a very stupid way to decide a ruler, but we have had plenty of very stupid ways to decides rulers throughout history.

But fair enough, delegating for combat is not the same as delegating for infrastructure.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Another small deployment limit, but as you can all see, after the linked deaths, and with a resume of a vital crit on the last map, I have decided to let Bunet join the squad.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And Bunet opens with a dodge and hit.


While TeeHee fails to dodge a 17...

....Apparently the monkey has typed hard enough that we get a viable Bunet?

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Framme has to pickup the kill, so Ivy has to face a crit death...


But she just dodges the whole attack instead.

Least she didn't fall to the Thoron. Speking of, Rhoron this early, I clearly forgot that was just here.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Which is why we all build an army and trust nobody (and pretend the Jeigan can't solo like half of these game)

....Or pretend like I'm not causing disproportionate damage this run.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sadly true, with the risk of linked death and everything.


But those links make all of us stronger.

.....I am not sure I can keep saying that about Drauis if I don't evolve him.

I'm leaning to Espeon or Vaporeon.

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On 12/4/2023 at 5:33 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's a different hack actually that just replaces the art


Ah, that makes sense.


On 12/4/2023 at 5:33 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


And tbh, even if it was old Devil Axe, Maria's LCK is sky high

That would just make it funnier when it does finally backfired on her.


On 12/4/2023 at 7:35 AM, Punished Dayni said:

 Okay, so lunge on the armour. I assume there's reason to give it to an armour that I'm too tired to catch on to.

Two benefit come to mind, first if you need to lunge to break up deadly attack stance formations, an armoured knight can better survive the maneuver, secondly if you are lunging through a wall, or some other terrain that might isolate them from the rest of the army, the tankiness could help them survive.


On 12/4/2023 at 7:35 AM, Punished Dayni said:

  Ah well, I didn't know it was a thing at the time either.

I only heard about it recently from the Johnstone video about getting all the Black and White 2 medals, and I looked into it a little more.


On 12/4/2023 at 7:35 AM, Punished Dayni said:


(They also have 30's in their IVs, would have been worth it for that)

Plus I think they get the double exp for having N's trainer number


On 12/4/2023 at 7:35 AM, Punished Dayni said:

....Apparently the monkey has typed hard enough that we get a viable Bunet?

Hard to say yet, but the guy has been lucky.


Time for the chapter where I had my first death on my first ironman of this game. Lets see if I can do better this time...


But first, its time to blow all that cash from the paralogue


By blinging up our troops


I even upgrade TeeHee's divine robes.


I do like the jacket on him, but I might end up changing up the facial accessory, as that ridiculous hair of his is a bit distracting with the glasses.


...Eh, I am not fully satisfied in this outfit choice. Kagetsu is just so hard to dress.


Just added the glasses for now...

And while I haven't been covering supports


For added context, this was said after tasting a Firenese flower...


Bunet seems to be showing some...interest...in Alfred via innuendo.


Lol, Louis gets some speed from the Arena.


And Bunet gets his first levelup, which I am going to call OK

Now onto the map, where we start by meeting


And she has those shining eyes just like her children.


And they are still laying on the lies.




Good work calling that sassy lad out before I had to.


Our little UN army is growing by the day.


Solm really is showing up the other nations with this casual solo success


And now she is just rubbing it in.


They lost track of the magic ring...


This has all the vibes of Tom Bombadil tossing the one ring aside.


That is a bit more respectful place for it to be at least.


With the willful heir that is chasing the wind.


...Fair enough, I guess this is just how things are done in Solm.


I seem to remember @Saint Rubenio suggesting we should be able to recruit her


And this just feels like such a missed opportunity. Thanks for ruining things for us all Fogado


...Is she thirsting for Ike?


On to better news, its time to meet the character with the best design in the game


With those entrancing star filled eyes.



I do appreciate the onomatopoeia joke there


It is very weird that they are bandits


When this is a map full of corrupted. There really should have been a reveal like in Awakening, where them being bandits is a bit of a ruse...


Meanwhile Fogado is being a classic brother and lightly bullying his sister, and her friends.



And Timerra makes a good impression by being the first of these Solmic royals not to lie to our face


...I guess all the Solmic ladies are thirsting after Ike. Now we just need Fogado to do so and round out the squad.

Alright, onto the map


And I start with a ring change up, now that I have the deployment slots for Zelkov.


Honestly, its still fairly tight on deployment slots, but I am satisfied with my decisions here.


I do end up promoting Ivy instead of Alfred, simply because she is likely to hit her level cap if I don't.


It is kind of mean to not show the new crews real deployment location. I did mess with my starting placement, and while I am not confident in how it ended up, we might as well get started on this dangerous Fog of War map.


These guys just keep the bird jokes coming.


Honestly, I like the whole trio, so they will probably be a more permanent part of the team...although it is a little ominous to think that two of them died in my last ironman runs. Actually, I am particularly glad to finally have Timerra, as her personal's ability to debuff enemy crit rates is something I have been wishing for on multiple previous maps.


I open by having Princess Mononoke over here perfect damage kill a flier


While Pannette sets up the kill for her stary eyed princess


And in what proves to be a theme of this map, she gets a pointless crit on the kill.


There are also all these breakable terrain on the map...I wont waste too much time mentioning my breaking of these, unless it is particularly relevant.


Ivy's flight lets her sneak this thunder chip in for free from the sea, but no one is close enough to pick up the kill


But TeeHee manages to one shot one we found hiding in the fog to finish off the turn.


With another pointless critical...


And we get to witness the burning of a village. Sadly I do not have the insane amount of resources need to save it.


The enemy are also prioritizing the dowsing of torches, to further limit our sight.


Panette also takes a heavy hit, with no chance to retaliate thanks to the break.


And Zelkov punishes his hubris


I should have seen the chain attack miss coming, but at least Louis can finish things.


Ivy also makes the sea run red with flier blood while she is still out there.


Framme also gets this nice little levelup lighting things up


And discovers a kind of scary looking Sniper, whom Framme really is one of my best ways of dealing with it,


So I delay in breaking through the that layer rubble. Also, I let Louis lure in the next flier, and he chips it enough


For Zelkov to get an easy kill while claiming some terrain for the avoid buff on the next enemy phase...

and while I missed a good image of it, Zelkov gets another pointless crit on the kill..


I feel really dumb about this, but I missed that there were two different breakable bits of terrain here, and while I could have chipped both last turn, I only chipped the wrong one...sigh, this is probably a mistake, but I am waiting another turn before breaking through here.


So there is  just not much action this turn, but I am leaving Zelkov back to distract the flier coming in across the sea, and


I did a bit of a blind lure of this little bastard.


This Longbow sniper is the enemy I feel is most responsible for Panette's death in my last ironman. I was a bit more blaze about breaking terrain, and late into the turn had Ivy Illume staff to reveal this thing with its promoted move, and long bow range has been hiding close enough to slaughter its choice of which of flier to kill with that thing, and poor Panette was the only one that could do anything about it...and doing so led to her be eviscerated by some wolves in the fog.

I hope I lured this monster far enough away for this to be safe...


With Merrin claiming the kill on this monster...but delaying the assault in the west has made this more dangerous, so it is time


To call in the doubles to distract the enemies here.


I have waited to long with this group, as if they had not been holding back, they could have reduced the pressure my forces in the middle are facing


Framme one rounds the sniper, and with a miss would at least break him so Anna could pick up the spare...but


Alfred is one damage shy of the kill here, and I think I just have to suffer through the consequences of th-




This was me just being unreasonably cautious, as this is just in case the flier can sack villages, and while I am fairly certain they can't, I don't think the fliers can actually threaten Louis either.


My army is rather spread out, but I think we are in a fairly good position


And the doubles are just embarrassing the corrupted with a dodge here


And another dodge here, that leaves the poor fellow at 1 HP


But the one that would have literally died on a miss did get its kill.


Meanwhile the one I left behind to trivialize the fliers do their job.


Onto player phase, Ivy grabs a kill past a wall.


Merrin is the most likely to get the kill on this terrain grabbing mage, and she gets her kill, which lets


Panette grabs the one shot on the one that actually hit


Next I have TeeHee get the kill on this high damage foe, but I miss counted their canter range, so they will face a hit from that wolf you can see there in the corner

...and its another pointless crit on the kill.


Finally Timerra finishes off the one healthe one, and the remaining doubles should distract that flier.


Speaking of fliers, Zelkov


Sets up the kill for Louis here nicely.


The wolf hit isn't all that bad when you outspeed them


But another of the doubles dies to that flier.


Lol, I guess those speed levels are making Louis a dodge tank too 😛


I open player phase by using Astra storm on the last turn I can on the ranged wolf


So Merrin can kill without facing a counter.


Alas, I don't think I can kill the rest down here, but Great Aether should be able to hold them off


Once I deal with this flier behind my lines


And use the obstruct staff to keep them from ignoring Timerra.


And now things are looking fairly good on this front.


While Zelkov and Louis repeat their performance from last turn


Only this time Louis gets a very Louis levelup for the effort.


Timerra's Great Aether is holding strong, and she lives the phase


Even if the enemy wolf gets a  crit...


Or two. I kind of deserved that after all the crits earlier, and at least these ones were just as useless as the ones I got.


RIP double crit wolf.


But some of those flier are sneaking in closer to my main force, so Panette has to double back to clear one


While Alfred finishes the other enemy Timerra's Aether chipped. That clears this area out a bit, so we need to advance for more enemies


So this purely enemy phase move seems like the perfect time to use this Energy Drop I have been saving just for Merrin from TeeHee's convoy.


Things are going well, and we might make it out of this without deaths.


And that is a lovely enemy phase kill for the furry.


And leads to a vicious levelup on her too.

Next I have no action on the next player phase, and forgot to take an image of what things look like before next enemy phase. I hate how they removed the option to turn off smart end.


And Merrin has a worse enemy phase this time around, but after some healing


She can grab a kill a little further ahead


While Timerra picks up the wolf's leftovers.


I also make sure to grab that last bit of loot in the corner with the little loot goblin.


Framme gets another illume staff levelup, and it is very underwhelming.


And while my vanguard have cleared a path ahead, and after a boring enemy phase


I realize I might have moved my reargaurd a bit prematurely, as they have to double back again to deal with more fli-


How did you miss one of those 96s Panette. Oh well, Zelkov couldn't have gotten the kill on the other one alone


As Louis needs to setup the enemy phase kill on this foolish smasher


While cantering back to a position to better help with the fliers next turn.


Merrin opens the vanguard assault with some heavy chip


Which reveals another enemy in the fog for TeeHee to one round


And canter to cutoff the enemy flier.


This is just to squeeze a little of extra exp


As Timerra can finish this guy all on her own.


Really? Strength Ivy? These Illume staff levelups have just run out of steam on this map.


The enemy flier prove rather ineffective at the start of enemy phase


While the delayed attack of the smash weapon made the kill free for Louis


But the last gets a free heavy hit on Panette with the break.


At least her chain attack lets Louis get the kill in vengeance.


Zelkov can then finish the other flier in the rear.


On the other front, we are cleaning up the last fliers with Bunet setting up the kill


For that sweet Firenes Royalty




We are getting close to the end here


But the bosses moving before I baited them is going to make the ending here a bit spicy.


But we can open by finishing that lone goober in the middle of the ma-




Losing sight on the bosses is a little uncomfortable, but I need to pull back


And want to pick up those Engage powers on TeeHee and Timerra for safety, and fittingly enough Ivy can use the last illume staff use I have


To get sight on the bosses, and setup some enemy phase action


As my little army, and their meddlesome dog


Get some very free chip to start things off with


So TeeHee can use those Lyn ring powers to get a free kill on the first health bar.


For a very defensive levelup.


And the break last long enough for Ivy to really cripple the ranged boss


But before I finish it off, I want to know if the one with only a brave weapon will be frozen for the turn


And it does, so I don't have to plan around tanking that beast, and just get this kill with Bunet


And Merrin can secure the tome drop from their generic follower.


...Shrug, might as well get this free damage in.


This silly little bandit thinks he is a lord.


We should be able to finish this safely next turn.


And I open that turn with some Merrin chip and debuffing


And Bunet intentionally breaks


So Framme can safely chip


So Timerra can kill the first health bar.


Now Ivy could have gone for the kill right here


But I wanted Alfred to get the kill...


And the chain attack misses, so I let Zelkov get it instead.


For a fantastic levelup on him.


I wont disagree with this assessment, she hit a lot of great perfect kills, and some very useful chip/debuff as well.


You really took the wind out of our sails with that reveal Timerra.


And she is really throwing her lying kin under the bus as well


As it is time for them to come clean...but this reveal was kind of obvious given what Timerra said before the map.


Such unwarranted paranoia from Solm, especially when our foes have all the subtlety of cartoon villains


The Queendom of "Freedom" sounds like a bit of a surveillance state...


They are rather trapped between a rock and hard place without some divine dragon help. I am almost surprised they didn't go after us, instead of waiting for us to come to them.


But I guess they were tied down in their defense plan, which seemed to have worked, with Seforia effectively holding the capital


And Fogado holding the border, screening any attack on the capital


Solm really anticipated a level of deceit that is simply beyond those goobers.


But I still respect the caution of having Timerra hiding away the rings to cover the defeat of the other royals


That would be the more modern power of friendship way of doing thing in Fire Emblem, but guess Solm took the classic trust nobody part to heart.


With how ineffective the rest of the country have proven in this conflict, that was probably a wise move.


I guess this individuality approach to things does kind of match the freedom claims better than the surveillance and paranoia.


Unless this is all some critique of post 9/11 America with freedoms reduced in the name of protecting the nation, or something.


I guess TeeHee is kind of right, that we just have to work them into our little coalition.


With this being the other country that got the double ring treatment, it makes sense to grab the last unclaimed ring


But we are going to have to go back on the defense, as with Fogado distracted by us instead of holding the border, Seforia got overwhelmed by a surprise Hortensia attack. With how TeeHee feels about parents, this is going to take priority over saving the world...


I am a bit torn on what to do next. Two promotion items just showed up in the shop, but I burned all my money on clothes again...I might go for another paralogue, but the two available are a bit dangerous, and even the story map will get me a fair bit of spending money.


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1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I seem to remember @Saint Rubenio suggesting we should be able to recruit her


And this just feels like such a missed opportunity. Thanks for ruining things for us all Fogado

I hate it. I hate it with a burning passion. Why don't you stay put while we get the cool mom, huh, Foggie?

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@Eltosian Kadath

31 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Two benefit come to mind, first if you need to lunge to break up deadly attack stance formations, an armoured knight can better survive the maneuver, secondly if you are lunging through a wall, or some other terrain that might isolate them from the rest of the army, the tankiness could help them survive.

  Makes sense, like I said, it was late when I was writing then.

18 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


For added context, this was said after tasting a Firenese flower...

Bunet: Boundary Breaker.

If this ain't his Heroes epithet we riot

Him sharing his voice with Berkut really not helping here

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Good work calling that sassy lad out before I had to.

Look, I like Fogado's general vibe.

But fair enough.

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Solm really is showing up the other nations with this casual solo success

Maybe they had less to deal with than Firene, much less Brodia.

So far.

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


This has all the vibes of Tom Bombadil tossing the one ring aside.

Tom Bombadil is a bit of a silly guy when you get down to it.

And yes, he'd do the same with the emblem rings.

21 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...Is she thirsting for Ike?

Apparently she is married and said husband is alive (Great job with offscreen parents again IS), so I'd hope not.

Also what are the chances Ike would care for it? He'd be far from the first emblem to not want that attention.

22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


With those entrancing star filled eyes.

Constantly awed.

23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:



Silly Tetchie, cheep cheeps are fish

23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


When this is a map full of corrupted. There really should have been a reveal like in Awakening, where them being bandits is a bit of a ruse...

Probably, it is an odd thing to reveal bandits are using Corrupted. At this point we'll only see Elusian troops, corrupted and Light corrupted (Fabrications) for the rest of the game. So why these guys are commanding them we don't know. Maybe someone in Elusia contacted them and gave them the corrupted to aid in the distraction they'll be?

24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...I guess all the Solmic ladies are thirsting after Ike. Now we just need Fogado to do so and round out the squad.

Checked the bond support, no luck.

Apparently Emblems have a sense of smell, according to Ike from their A convo..

26 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Honestly, I like the whole trio, so they will probably be a more permanent part of the team...although it is a little ominous to think that two of them died in my last ironman runs. Actually, I am particularly glad to finally have Timerra, as her personal's ability to debuff enemy crit rates is something I have been wishing for on multiple previous maps.

And if they don't....

Well, hopefully they'll contribute.

28 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And we get to witness the burning of a village. Sadly I do not have the insane amount of resources need to save it.

Wait, that one can be saved?

.......It has an elixer.


33 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


This Longbow sniper is the enemy I feel is most responsible for Panette's death in my last ironman. I was a bit more blaze about breaking terrain, and late into the turn had Ivy Illume staff to reveal this thing with its promoted move, and long bow range has been hiding close enough to slaughter its choice of which of flier to kill with that thing, and poor Panette was the only one that could do anything about it...and doing so led to her be eviscerated by some wolves in the fog.

Fog of War, never not a threat.

Especially since this is the closest to Thracia fog we've ever been.

34 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:



That corrupted must be tilted it got eviscerated for good reason.

36 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


RIP double crit wolf.

If this were Fates I'd be sad if you didn't capture it after that display.

But of course if it were like Fates there'd be a block on capturing corrupted, smh

38 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Merrin opens the vanguard assault with some heavy chip

Huh, I haven't managed to get to that part of the map before the duo move, so good on you.

43 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


This silly little bandit thinks he is a lord.

Lords having plundering rights was practically a thing, so I guess he'd just be an ass to everyone he was over.

His name's not Damas, I can't believe this idiot thinks he can pull this rubbish.

41 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


The Queendom of "Freedom" sounds like a bit of a surveillance state...

Kinda yeah, though note the scouts are in other countries, so it's more liable for it to be espionage.

42 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Solm really anticipated a level of deceit that is simply beyond those goobers.

Maybe their scouts were assuming someone had evaded their notice and could be deceptive enough.

44 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I guess this individuality approach to things does kind of match the freedom claims better than the surveillance and paranoia.

I suppose, though the paranoia stemming from the dead just showing up out of nowhere could make sense regardless of ideology.

45 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


But we are going to have to go back on the defense, as with Fogado distracted by us instead of holding the border, Seforia got overwhelmed by a surprise Hortensia attack. With how TeeHee feels about parents, this is going to take priority over saving the world...

Drop the border guard one time and suddenly you risk your mother's life.

Isolationist Solm will be even more total after the war.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hate it. I hate it with a burning passion. Why don't you stay put while we get the cool mom, huh, Foggie?

There is one less unit available from Firene and Solm out of the recruited allies compared to Brodia and Elusia.

This is all the proof I need Eve and Seforia were planned recruits, alongside the cutting room stuff.

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3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

wo benefit come to mind, first if you need to lunge to break up deadly attack stance formations, an armoured knight can better survive the maneuver, secondly if you are lunging through a wall, or some other terrain that might isolate them from the rest of the army, the tankiness could help them survive

Could also be used to escape if things get hairy, or a sudden Mage reinforcement or smth

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sadly I do not have the insane amount of resources need to save it.

not like it has anything important


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I hate these crit wolves so much. The ones that caused me the most resets on this map probably

But all well that ends well!


I will try to post an update later tonight. IF not, then tomorrow

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Fates DLC lessgo

There're quite a few tricky weapons on this map. Ballista shining bow and Armor killers and stuff



we start by baiting in some lanes


We start cleaning up bottom lane


And midlane as well while Roshea learns a cool skill. Top lane we start baiting


Starting Turn 3, Gordin kills thiefy for Swordcarcher


No, it's the FA cup *badum tss*




Top Lane almost cleaned


Bottom lane as well


Well, not bad, especially since his skill ensures he always has enough magic


Welcome to the gang


The lovers start by killing an enemy


*Wind Wall

After cleaning the lanes, we start approaching the boss




He has a Freeze staff dude behind him, too.


Gordin finishes the boss for 4 points


However i have to Rescue him because there's a pesky Radiant Bow Outlaw...that can double him. Rather be safe than sorry



We clean up the rest and seize to finish.

Checkpoint reached from my side!

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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Roshea being a magic tank, lease he has the niche.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Becksploding ballasticians bodaciously

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I assume he doesn't say elephant.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


He has a Freeze staff dude behind him, too.

Makes sense for this to be in there.

I'd be concerned if you had gotten caught out.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


We clean up the rest and seize to finish.

RIP the castle there.

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On 12/6/2023 at 10:24 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Apparently she is married and said husband is alive (Great job with offscreen parents again IS), so I'd hope not.

It is really baffling that we only ever see one parent from each of the kingdoms...


On 12/6/2023 at 10:24 AM, Punished Dayni said:


Also what are the chances Ike would care for it? He'd be far from the first emblem to not want that attention.

No chance at all.


On 12/6/2023 at 10:24 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Checked the bond support, no luck.

Apparently Emblems have a sense of smell, according to Ike from their A convo..

...it worries me that smell came up in a conversation. Are you sure it isn't a bit...


On 12/6/2023 at 10:24 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Fog of War, never not a threat.

Isn't that the truth. Even in easy games like Sacred Stones, the only maps you hear people talk about as difficult are the fog of war ones.


On 12/6/2023 at 10:24 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Huh, I haven't managed to get to that part of the map before the duo move, so good on you.

Funny, last time I baited them before they started moving on their own, so it came as a bit of a surprise to me that they move on their own.


On 12/6/2023 at 12:45 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

not like it has anything important

I was more curious for the impact on the post battle exploration, as there are NPCs that correspond to the villages (I think they even pass off the loot to you if the village survived, but were never visited).


On 12/6/2023 at 12:45 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I hate these crit wolves so much. The ones that caused me the most resets on this map probably

But all well that ends well!

Yeah, I blame the longbow sniper for forcing me into the positions, but it was the crit wolves from the darkness that actually killed Panette on my first ironman.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


There're quite a few tricky weapons on this map. Ballista shining bow and Armor killers and stuff

I guess Draug can't carry you on this map.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


we start by baiting in some lanes

Heh, desrcibing things like a MOBA is way too accurate for this chapter


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Wow, Roshea has very feminine FEH art.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



No, it's the FA cup *badum tss*

I guess I never noticed the old art, which I guess makes sense for those that aren't in FEH yet. Also I don't know enough sportball to get that joke.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Well, not bad, especially since his skill ensures he always has enough magic

Man the old art for Wendell is rather iconic.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



He has a Freeze staff dude behind him, too.

Huh, that is a crafty addition to this map.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


However i have to Rescue him because there's a pesky Radiant Bow Outlaw...that can double him. Rather be safe than sorry

Far better safe than sorry, especially in the case of a linked ironman.


I ended up just doing the next real chapter, and thus I will be reaching the checkpoint at the end of this.


So I missed the image of Alfred leveling up from the Arena. It was somewhat underwhelming, +1 HP, +1 DEX, and +1 DEF.


Timerra gets a somewhat defensive levelup, but still rather disappointing.


And it was a nice three levelup arena session, but not great levelups


I do also start getting some skills on my Backup units, and even spend a skill book to get


The better version of it on Panette.


Time to show off some style with Timerra.


Although Merrin shows a bit of a weakness about the outfits available, there is little there for a tomboy like her. Although even if there was, I doubt I would give up that amazing wolf tail. You just can't keep a little furry like her down.


I almost gave her the Ebon gown, but I just love the multicolored stitch pattern. Also, the only facial accessory that would fit her aesthetics better than her base flowers would be the skull mask, and I am saving that for linked deaths


I end up selling half my elixirs, and enough Vulneraries to afford a Master Seal so I can promote


...Sorry Alfred, but she was already level 19, so it was a bit more vital to keep her from bumping against the level cap.


I also move the Ike ring over to Louis for now. Onto the map, or at least the story to it


Hey, I have been going at an OK pace here Hortensia.


We have a clear hostage situation on our hands with that death threat there, and with how TeeHee respond to parental death, this could get rough.


After last chapter's discussion of their paranoia, this just sounds out of character for the Solmic Queen.


...Sigh. They are trying to blame this on us huh.


Alright, I am not heartless, much as I dislike Hortensia, there is something really heartfelt and tragic about this.


Father sacrificed himself? She was there for that, and so were we, why is she spreading Sombron propaganda here.


Poor girl is heartbroken by this whole experience, and mind a muddled.


Yeah, you definitely did Ivy, for good reason, but lying directly to your sister's face isn't helping things here.




In some ways I am surprised by this backbone about parental death, but I guess TeeHee learned a lesson from the death of Morion


That they can't sacrifice the world to save Seforia...


Or TeeHee wants to have their cake and eat it too.


Timerra is fairly hard core about it though.


And Seforia is so proud of her for it.


Hortensia really is a childish bully.


Oh boy. That is a cruel lie to put in poor Hortensia's head. Sure the rings probably have the power to do it in one form or another, but Sombron would never waste their power on a wish for her.


This does feel oddly reminiscent of how heroes always seem to put in what they feel is the only to save the world, or like is the case here, save the people they care about.


That old conservative fantasy, that we need to magically return things to some superior past, despite all the flaws that past had.


My instinct is to say TeeHee is projecting too much here, but Hortensia is enough of a childish brat that they are probably right about that.


And we are moments away from recruiting her to our side before


Zephia interrupts us


And she is really rubbing in how much she stole from us.


First off, former princess? Is that a joke about you planning to kill her, or did you find some way to get her disinherited. Second there were always two rings missing from the count at that point thanks to Solm.


That sounds like far more of a threat to keep Hortensia in line, especially since Goldmerry is already dead.


I guess we do need an excuse for a map. Also, I wanted to judge her for thinking she would get one of our rings, without bringing some of her own, but they did bring some thieves to steal more mundane souvenirs.


Time to face three of the four hounds in battle, with Hortensia replacing the masochist this time around.


Really...not the time to be lamp shading that game.


Although I do appreciate them letting us see through their argument


The reason why they don't kill Seforia while we are fighting. Also gives us a brief excuse for why they might be going after Firene (and thus the royal blood of Eve) next.


The cynically false kindness towards the girl isn't even subtle about it being pure manipulation.


Just drilling that sickly sweet lie into her head


Until we see that subtle shift from pink, to the soft red of mind control.


Although it sounds like a softer form of it than in most game, as she still needs that deluded reason to drive her actions.


Now I have an extra deployment slot, even including the Racket of Solm, and I am giving it to Fogado. I am actually thinking about class changing hm to sniper, if I get the resources for it.


So I open this map by debuffing one of the armored knights



And I dealt the most two damage I ever had 😛


Needless to say the Dual Assists are getting a fair bit of random chip in here


And made it far easier to kill this knight without taking a hit.


With that dealt with I can clear out the next foe with a bit of safe thunder


And Fogado Long Bow. Now I am going to split my army, with this little force heading east.


The west has less action, with this starting chip


And trade switching him over to the Steel Axe.


So here is my opening split, Alfred joins the east, but the rest go west.


And Bunet gets a nice little miss and kill come enemy phase.


And that is a bit of a scary crit rate there, but the pillar do their work, and give Fogado the dodge. Turn two I will open in the west


And Merrin opens with a kill, and the only real action on this front this turn.


Not these pointless crits again...


In the East, Fogado gets some heavy chip in


And its enough that even little Anna can get the kill here.


This is a little risky, but this thief just spawned here, and I would like to deal with him so I don't have a time contraint on me, but


She missed with that lighting hit, and with Panette unable to get the kill here


Instead I just trade switch Ivy over to the anti-crit tome, and wait to avoid extra damage.


TeeHee is drawing in a flier on their side, but most of the action in west


Is Bunet getting some enemy phase chip in


Sadly TeeHee takes the break, so no chip on the flier.



Meanwhile Ivy dodges, and gets a pointless crit to show off.


In the west, I open by breaking the flier, and more importantly making room


For Louis to Great Aether this little imperfect choke point here.


Although I end up wasting the break with some ranged chip


To make


TeeHee's kill perfectly safe, and I keep everyone behind Louis out of the range of those advancing on us, which is a bit tight, as quite a few cavalry are bearing down on us.


In the east, I open with some Fogado longbow chip


But sadly I don't get any Dual Assits chain attacks to actually hit, so


Ivy has to finish things with Thunder, instead of getting some chip on that blasted thief.


Louis is tanking things rather well, but


The chain attacks build up a little bit.


Fogado drew in some more flier hits, but he can take it.


And the Great Aether manages to kill two enemies, and break the rest in range.


Timerra picks up one of those easy kills


And I have Louis press in to get some chip on the thief that spawned on this side (a turn later than the one on the other side), as he should be able to take a magic crit from the enemy thunder that can't double.


Now I could have uses TeeHee's buff to give this kill to Bunet, but I didn't feel like risking a miss. I do still have to canter TeeHee to give the buff to


Prevent Merrin from missing the kill by 1.


In the east, Zelkov gets this perfect damage kill on that Hammer flier


But the enemy mage ahead proves to be a slight nuisance thanks to the pillar's avoid bonus, but


We manage to hit them both times for an easier kill than I was expecting.


Although my front runners are baiting in the enemy longbow, and Anna is really falling behind the pack.


And the main unit in threat range (ignoring the thief, who is heading towards the chests in the north) is Louis.


See, Louis is fine. I actually forgot to account for Laguz Friend effecting magic, and was thinking he was risking 13 damage thunder instead.


Which was fine even with a 39 damage crit, as the physical hits were doing 0


On the other side Panette is taking the longbow hit


And Alfred manages to dodge a break for some nice free chip.


Things are going very well in the west, with Bunet popping the thunder mage


And Timerra killing the thief, so that side is no longer on a timer


With Louis getting a hammer kill on the lingering armor for a level


Lol, more resistance. Kind of fitting I guess.


I finish by sending Merrin in for some enemy phase action.


On the other front, Ivy kills the long bow before it can deal any effective damage to her


The goth can finish off the one Alfred chipped for free


I then have Zelkov Engage to start Bond shielding


To hopefully prevent something disasterous like a double crit death on enemy phase.


The wolf manages to gobble that pegasi up


And Lucina did her job in the east


I can then chip that crit wolf (well I guess it failed to crit, but that is the build the little bastard has)


And grab the kill safely from range as well.


I try the bonded shield thing again, but from terrain to make Zelkov invincible


And I have Alfred grab a vuln to heal up the hit he took from the wolf


Alfred and Zelkov are holding the front, as I still have to push with the thief having gotten far enough ahead that I am not going to be able to stop it from looting the chests at this point.


In west I open with a healing levelup on Framme. Sadly she has not been getting the crazy offense levels she had been earlier on, but it is still an alright little levelup.


Merrin continues her reign of terror by killing another of these Elusian soldiers


For another brutal little levelup.


None of the rest of my troops are close enough for the other kill though (this is technically from the start of enemy phase).


Oof...I really hope I am right in remembering that you get everything the stole when you kill a thief in this game.


Dual Guard ensures Alfred doesn't break (although it hitting was rather unlikely anyway)


And while that isn't the best enemy phase round from Bunet


He does get a nice little levelup from it. Although he is getting stats reminiscent of an armored knight with that lacking speed.


And that is a nice little way of ending off enemy phase.


Back to player phase in the time constrained east, Panette grabs a kill with a chain attack


And Alfred repeats that performance


But we now have to deal with some reinforcements, first with a little checky Thunder chip here


For a Zelkov kill despite their high speed


And thanks to that random Beacon, he blocks off access to our back liners with move.


The east also has reinforcements to deal with, but first I need TeeHee's buff so this one doesn't survive this hit by 1, and thus sweep away the last foe that started here.


Merrin is slaughtering another. Here performance on this map is really justifying my decision to save an energy drop to feed her on her join map.


That should be enough chip on the other


For Timerra to get the kill on it.


With no thieves on this side of the map, I am going to have to break down some doors instead.


That is less interesting than the boots, but unless some real dangerous reinforcements show up this turn, I should be able to keep him from escaping.


Eh, he lives that unlikely hit just fine


Come player phase, it is time to work on killing that thief, first with this safe chip


I then try for a potential Dual Assist+ kill, but not only did it not proc


She missed the main hit entirely, so Alfred has to pick up this kill, to free up


Zelkov to get even more chi-


What a beautiful time for crit.


And we get all the loot from the kill. Beautiful work. At this point, we have hit a bit of a lull in the action, as people spend a few turns positioning


And Merrin takes that time to loot the other side from our allies.


Until we finally bait the guards of the throne room with the western army.


Ivy gets this fabulous healing levelup from the other side on the same turn.


Despite being doubled that is a fairly passable enemy phase from Bunet


I am intentinoally avoiding the kill here, as the only reason I am making this attack is


So Louis can canter over to fill up his engage gauge


It does also make for an easy kill for Timerra.


TeeHee is luring in the next one, while most of the eastern army is planning something a little sneakier.


And then a bunch of flying reinforcements barge in the back door, advancing on our rear, forcing us to reassess the situation


Eh, it was worth a shot.


Instead Timerra has to break this last foe in our range


Although if Framme were more accurate that wouldn't have been necessary at all. She even does miss the first hit to emphasize the need for Timerra


And she gets a very defensive levelup from the kill.


I also have Zelkov grab a fresh Engage meter, and


Keep both armies out of enemy range, but ready to pounce on them.


But they are trying to be sneaky, and keeping over the waterways, to limit my attack options.


But thanks to Louis's canter he can get out of the way for Timerra to kill the hammer flying at him


Zelkov start in on the chip and debuff of the tankiest one


But we are getting a bit lucky with Dual Assists again, so


We can take it out entire from outside another flier's range.


The last is furthest out, so we have to use Longbow


And my own flier to finish the last of them off. That lets me spend a little time prepareing the sneaky eastern army plan


Of trying to lure Mauvier from across a wall


With a bonded shield for extra safety.


Might as well hit some of the generic while I am at it...but he misses


So I canter back, and trade switch him over to a higher damage enemy phase weapon


Although TeeHee is still in range


So one goes for them, while the further one


Takes a heavy hit from Louis, but alas, Mauvier didn't move


So I try to be more forceful with him. Hopefully he takes the bait this time.


Having an enemy respect us is an oddly different feel from our other foes.


And I prepare a Bonded Shield for his assault


On the other front, Merrin gets the Dual Assist kill here. In a way I am sorry about how less readable that skill makes the gameplay, but it is a really useful skill to have around.


In retrospect, I sent far too many units on the little eastern sneaky attacky, at least after getting the Astra Storm chip on him


And even the bond shield failed us here.


As she can just finish things here all on her own, without any longbow hits, or procing Panette's Dual Assist+ (which as far as I know will work here, as in my experience it ignores the placement of allies for if they can reach a foe).


As tempted as I am to use the classic, "I can't die here" joke, it would get very, very, VERY old, if I kept using it for the undying hounds.


Next I try JUST luring Marni,


But as soon as I wait in her range, Hortensia goes from 0 move to 5. At least that only means she can reach with that Fracture staff


And she just pointlessly breaks Louis, who isn't in range of anyone on this enemy phase.


Naw, Merrin deserves a tomb at least ass beautiful as this


That energy drop from last chapter still paying real dividends here, by allowing Merrin to deal any damage (and thus apply the poison debuff) here.


But with Zephia moving too, we have a bigger threat to deal with this turn, than the tanky Marni


You are saying that to the wrong gal, as she is not one of the ring bearers


And with both Dual Assist and Dodge, this is starting out rather well


Timerra gets the kill on the first health bar, from range to avoid Marni's range


And with the last turn of engage, TeeHee can bow that flier to death


Alright, I love that she calls TeeHee a lizard, it is a cute little dragon joke, the little Llizardface


Sweet Lumera, poor Leif is even dropped from the boss's mocking dialogue. I guess Roy is too (and if Sigurd were absent as well I might think its a localization thing), but with how often Leif gets the short end of the stick, this just feels spiteful.


It is interesting to see her caution with not bringing them here too, but I guess this was a bit more impromptu than the hounds really wanted from a clash of rings.


They did not take the mocking well...


...Not going to do it. Stop tempting me hounds


And TeeHee levels from the kill. The strength is looking a little worrying, but I am loving the look of that speed.


I then entirely canter out of Marni's range, so we can jump here next turn


As if I were unlucky Hoertensia might actually do something useful for the enemy with this staff


It might be too late for this to matter, but I grab an Enageg with Zelkov along the way


Marni has really positioned herself poorly, as she is already in Timerra's chain attack range


And even if some miss, we can start stacking those free from range by adding Anna in the mix


And the range chip just keeps piling up. Marni will die to a 1000 cuts, with most of that damage fixed from chain attacks, and poison boosts.


Add to that the +3 damage from TeeHee, and we can finally get the kill with Alfred here, despite how little damage he should be dealing to this tank of a woman.


Really, the only reason you lost is fixed damage.


And Alfred get another little fabulous levelup from the kill.


That just leaves Hortensia, and a single mage and I am only baiting


Her into breaking her Fracture stick


And the mage into getting closer to us.


So I can chip him from range


For a fantastic levelup on her


And similarly enough Anna can finish him


But both misses the main hit, and still gets a surprisingly good levelup from the chip, which really emphasizes how much of a joke it is to be using her at all.


So Alfred has to finish thing


Eh, why not. Great Aether is a fun way to bait Hortensia in


As she is all about those rings


Honestly, surprisingly good damage considering who she is attacking (is the speed bonus damage on Luin fixed damage or something?)


With the Great Aether even breaking her, even little Anna can do the honors of breaking the first health bar


Is the mind control slipping?


Nope, just an evil buff


And random middle of the turn reinforcements, which can act on this turn...


But I don't plan on getting to enemy phase, with this effective damage burning through a sold chunk of the next health bar


With Ivy going for the convo to break this health bar


If anyone can drag her out of this mind controled state, it would be be her sister...who she thinks betrayed her...OK I might have been a bit hasty in that first assesment.


It would be darkly funny if she could sway Ivy the way Jill's father could her.


That is a sweet sentiment, and thank goodness this is a non-fatal fight.


Now I should reliably be able to finish Hortensia off, so I can squeeze a little bit of exp from the reinforcements here, although I only needed Timerra


For the Chain Attack damage for this kill


With Merrin grabbing a kill on the other


Although Bunet is the last action I can spare


Really I just wanted to confirm at least the chain attack damage


As TeeHee neede 1 damage for the kill.


Because you are a spoiled brat.


Why do I get the funny feeling she is going to get that MVP status A LOT


I guess this is establishing that Zephia's mid control magic leaves holes in people's memories. Makes me wonder a little about TeeHee's memory issues from the first war, where they joined Lumera...


And we are keeping Hortensia in our custody for the protection of her mind.


Ivy did kind of abandon the responsibility of Elusia to Hortensia.


Really she just sees things a bit differently.


No, no, no, your job is always to make other people die for their kingdom. Also this is rather dissonant with what she really has to say


She has abandoned her kingdom to the wolves, assuming she lack the means to stop them.


Perhaps that assumption was accurate, but when we return to Elusia it has been far more thuroughly corrupted. How much the Elusian rulers and their subserviance delayed that is hard to say.


And we have seen how in multuple ways


But as Ivy sees it, the only hope for Elusia is in a rebirth through its retaking. Reforging the sword of a nation is far more comfortable the ruling smiths than it is for the people repeatedly thrust into the fire, and hammered into a desired shape.


...You can never go home again.


As someone that loves drinking tea, and reading books, this simple sadness really got to me...

No, losing a home to fire would always make the sentiment resonant to me.


Still with that sad Conservative fantasy. By the time you get there nothing will be the same. There is sadness in that, but it leaves space for something new, and if properly nurtured, something better to grow.


The ring which usually glues itself to TeeHee's finger, at least until their death. It is a good one.


I will give you credit for yout spiteful honesty though.


At least the queen was OK by the end of that.


You know, I got so used to Engage just forgetting these places are nations, with armies, that I didn't even question where Solm's forces were until now, but learning they were doing a dramatic rescue of their captive queen is a better excuse than most.


Given all the things we see of TeeHee, I believe that really did mean a lot to them.


Time for Hortensia to put herself at the mercy of Seforia to face some justice...Apollo Justice


I guess mind control is a fairly good excuse for commiting cri- OBJECTION


Seforia just evisorated that excuse.


If only...OK I guess some people probably do prefer to recruit her, I just hope I don't get desperate enough to have to use her.


She just talked about how serious these crimes are, and its funny how she returns to it as she starts walking back how vile Hortensia's crimes were.


This is a lot like the trial of Yunaka all things being told. Sadly wer are now Hortensia's jailors.


That...actually makes a lot of sense. If Elusia explodes into a succession crisis, lord only knows what kind of messes might spill over into Seforia


Plus the future rulers of Elusia now owe her a favor...


Again the game taunts us with a prebaked excuse for recruiting Seforia.


Next time, we get our beloved smoke machine 😛


Thank goodness, we have money again. Now I can finally buy a few more promotion items, spend exorbitantly on "donations" for more clothing, maybe a little forging...why do I get the funny feeling I will be broke again soon.

And I think I will stop here before doing any post battle exploration.

Phew, that was a long one, but that is the checkpoint reached.


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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Also I don't know enough sportball to get that joke

In football there're usually 2 club competitions for a nation...or 3 if you are England (and maybe others?)

There's the League, where everyone plays each other twice, once away and once at home, and the one with the most points get's crowned champion, and there's the cup, where it's done in play offs style.

England has 2 cups, the FA cup being one of them

bad attempt at a joke ik



8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Far better safe than sorry, especially in the case of a linked ironman.


Although a turn later i noticed that's Gordin could one shot with a Steel bow (however Iron was equipped so boss can be doubled), however Radiant Bow also dealt much more damage then i calculated (15 x 2 instead of 10 x 2), probably forgot some enemy aura skills here and there - good thing i rescued

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

And that is a bit of a scary crit rate there

I really dislike the fact that steel weapons have +5 crit in this game tbh...

Then again, i've been a bit cross with FE crits in general lately

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

is the speed bonus damage on Luin fixed damage or something?

It's speed/3 Bonus damage iirc, and Hortensia is quite fast.

Byleths weapons can be used well with mixed attackers due to that...especially in enemy hands - i usually prefer Magic/support Byleth

It's especially dangerous in ch10 where Hortensia can most likely one shot Alear.


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Leaving Flannery's Gym we meet Brendan, who offers to take us back to Petalburg. As I don't intend to take the fossils now, I accept the proposal. I evolved René into Machoke and then into Machamp and so I went to face Norman.


The strategy was to take advantage of Truant and switch between Theresa, Ikaros and Rocky to reduce Slaking's attack and set up Spikes/Stealth Rock. When he was at -6, I put René in, used Bulk Up twice and swept the Gym. Norman's second Slaking left René's HP in the yellow with just one attack.


We received Facade when we beat him in Gen 3, yet another reason Emerald is superior.


We got HM03 Surf and now we've unlocked some more routes. Even so, I don't intend to catch these encounters anytime soon, I want to have the benefit of foresight. Imagine if I caught a good Pokémon only to lose it in the same way as Theresa? Speaking of her...


R.I.P. girl, you were essential in these last battles.

Checkpoint reached.

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On 12/10/2023 at 7:48 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's speed/3 Bonus damage iirc, and Hortensia is quite fast.

I more meant that I was wondering if it was like the poison bonus to damage, or the bonus to damage from Alear's personal skill, or from the Eirika/Ephraim skill, where it is added after calculating damage, and thus becomes the minimum damage the unit could deal no matter how high the target's defense/resistance is, or if higher defense would reduce that bonus damage.


On 12/10/2023 at 7:48 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's especially dangerous in ch10 where Hortensia can most likely one shot Alear.

Looks back at this ironman LP where I intentionally tried to bait her in with TeeHee on ch10...*whistle*


On 12/11/2023 at 10:32 AM, Newtype06 said:

Leaving Flannery's Gym we meet Brendan, who offers to take us back to Petalburg. As I don't intend to take the fossils now, I accept the proposal. I evolved René into Machoke and then into Machamp and so I went to face Norman.

Oh wow, this is going to be a really short segment for you isn't it.


On 12/11/2023 at 10:32 AM, Newtype06 said:


The strategy was to take advantage of Truant and switch between Theresa, Ikaros and Rocky to reduce Slaking's attack and set up Spikes/Stealth Rock. When he was at -6, I put René in, used Bulk Up twice and swept the Gym. Norman's second Slaking left René's HP in the yellow with just one attack.

It is a little scary how much an untimely crit would utterly ruin this strat, but in the end it worked out, and good work with the classic intimidation pivoting to stack those debuffs.

On 12/11/2023 at 10:32 AM, Newtype06 said:



R.I.P. girl, you were essential in these last battles.

She got quite a sendoff by playing such a prominent role in that gym fight, thanks to the power of intimidate.


Looks like we are all to the next checkpoint, so I can continue on...

But I ended up doing the Lyn paralogue instead, and almost immediately lost someone due to bungling my battle preps on multiple different levels.


So there was a tiny bit of story after last map


Where we watch Mr. Hyde-Veyle become the Dr. Jekyll-Veyle, with the reveal of this transformation coming with some previously foreshadowed amnesia, all ripe for some soap opera drama, but I have more important things to attend as I burn through all 40K we got at the end of last chapter


on some key seals that ensure I am no longer deploying unpromoted units


As well as a Second Seal for some class change shenanigans. Admittedly I should have waited til after this paralogue to change over to Sniper, as the big reason I am changing it is so I have that 20 range Astra as an tool to save myself in an emergency, but surely that wont bite me in the butt almost immediately...


And some rather overdue, and over priced outfits...


And after some solid levelups from my Arena actions, I even burn through the last of my cash on one last seal


To class change Panette over to Hero, to hopefully unlock some wild double Dual Assist+ Chain Attack action.

Alas that leaves me a measly 100 Gold, and I decide to grab some more money from one of the paralogues


Lyn's in particular. It is interesting how she starts by talking about the wind


Before talking about the Sacae itself. The wind has been long associated with her, but I can't remember how much of that really came from FE7, and how much of it is from FEH...


Cattle huh. I guess it makes sense for nomadic peoples like those of the Sacae to tend herds, but I am a bit surprised by the choice of animal. I guess I just never pegged Lyn as a cow girl.


It does seem odd that it was lowly bandits that committed the effective genocide of the Lorca.


Alas they won due to the power of Vestaria Saga level war crime.


What a relatable sentiment; its the things we love that leave us most vulnerable to pain.


There Lyn is, changing moods like the winds, but she is right, the time for mourning has passed. Its time for a fun battle.


Such optimism from TeeHee. Like a willow in the winds, bending with the hardships, and bouncing back to face the next undaunted.


I think this one works as both an explanation of what is going on with these paralogues, without it necessarily sounding like the first you challenge.


With the Lyn ring unavailable, that makes this ring change even more obvious than it would be normally.


Now this map's deployment locations are split into three groups of 4, as so, and pro points to whoever can recognize from this the error that I made, which may very well kill one of my units. Technically there was a second mistake made here in the preps, but unless I captured images of a bunch of people's inventories, it wouldn't be apparent.


But I definitely jumped into the deep end before thinking everything through, so here we go.


And we have a lot of these huts to wipe out, as if I wait to long to kill their boss like defender, reinforcments will emerge. That is what makes this chapter a bit dangerous, and why I have put it off a bit, if you aren't fast enough in dealing with these, they will overwhelm you, and leads to this awkward position where it can be too trivial (if you actually can wipe them all out in time), or impossibly difficult (if you can't wipe out enough of them), and generally the only difference between these two positions is a handful of levels.


Alas nothing really starts close enough for us to go on the offensive, so I setup some enemy phase action for each group, but here is where I make the last obvious mistake that would leave me in a very awkward position come player phase.


Its a bit of a mixed bad for Merrin's enemy phase, but one enemy dead is a good start.


Alfred is doing fine on the one he is facing


While Zelkov remains perfectly safe with the on he drew in


The enemy AI really doesn't know how to use the Fracture staff


As it is only Louis


And Bunet that are facing foes in her neck of the Sacae.


Now to describe the pickle I have gotten myself in. Fogado dies to two Wyvern hits, and to kill one of the two to the north here, he has to get in range of one of the wyverns further out.


And Timera and Bunet's have to work together the ones in reach of them (too bad the spear one is furthest out...)ABLVV84IGwe8JrJLU1z0e8uxgEqETgSkg4PqmZT-

And Louis is just shy of finishing off the last of them. If I had the common sense to just have him pop Great Aether last turn (and keep Bunet out of range), I would have definitely had the damage to deal with this. I guess I can hope for the Dual Assist here...but it doesn't proc.

Sigh. I need to come back this problem.


So lets deal with the other side, where I open with Framme punching a longbow, and its horse to death


Alfred finishes off his target from enemy phase.


And then Zelkov emphasizes why I want a little more money for forges, but get saved by the Dual Assist + proc...

Now back to me trying to find a way to save Fogado from my own haste, and realize just how many mistakes I had to make to be in this position.


If I had put Anna, with her bow access down in that corner, I would have also had the damage and positioning to save Fogado for sure.


...Before I can get to the next potential out I have already failed with, I figured I would note this kill here, as it is perfectly visible on the next few images


Given how this all plays out, this rescue use was a bit redundant


But I guess it does help out a little in positioning for the next turn, but the next potential out I saw


Was to try and finish things with an Anna longbow hit, but I didn't have a Longbow in the convoy for TeeHee to trade to her (or heck, if I were smarter I could have simply had one on her to begin with...). To think, I almost had another moment where a smash hit was of tactical value.


That gets me to this very awkward play, which does get Fogado out of danger


But does leave her in range of an effective longbow hit. It also could go for Fogado, but as that effective damage is showing, the Longbows deal some embarrassing damage.


And then the damn thing makes all my effort utterly wasted by this damn thing just missing a solid hit anyway...




Louis then tanks the rest of the Wyverns easily, getting me to player phase


Where I kill this little annoyance with overwhelming prejudice and force.


I wont complain too much about both speed, and defense levelup.


Next Bunet breaks the next wyvern


So Timerra can finish off the slow spear one.


And then Fogado can longbow kill the last of them.


...sniff, sniff, I am so proud of her, killing things like a real unit.


And that deals with the east.


Strength again? At least she got some magic along with it.


In the west, we have some bowknights approaching from the south, and they did so in the dumbest way possible


As both die before they can get a hit of any kind in.


Thank goodness, that 1 str makes so many ranges on this chapter much easier.


But I wait before going after any of the mini-bosses here.


And have Merrin draw that last little bowknight


Into a bloody death.


So now its time to wipe out those mini-bosses


Time for my general to make a vital play with reposition here to let Anna kill the next miniboss


I am going to be honest, the main reason I am doing this is for a tiny bit of crit avoid to make


This kill perfectly safe.


Finally our army is close enough together to catch them all in a single image (except Merrin, who is just above the screen), as we are converging on the last of the bosses that are outside Lyn's island.


But the freeze staff does keep Zolkov off his back.


But the sad fellow dies to a few face punches from good ol' Framme.


TeeHee then chips th-


...I should have probably seen the crit kill coming.


Alright, now I just find the general reposition play funny


And like that, all that is left lies on Lyn's island. I will skip to when we are ready to kill the bosses the-


I was hoping to get more than one turn of movement before she forced my hand, but she has given me the warning that I get one more turn


So TeeHee grabs an Engage refill


Now that is the kind of levelup I was missing from Framme, all from some random heals.


I try to advance a little with Alfred and Zolkov, but I decide to pull back after 8 reinforcements, and all the bosses (Lyn included) get their movement unlocked


Plus Lyn opens with a light Astra Storm hit, which I will have to careful of...ever few turns or so.


And that leads to me pulling back to hold a choke point for a bit


Fortunately this is far enough out that I wont face enough foes to risk death, but still kill a few.


Well that is a very sad levelup.


Thank goodness the longbows are so weak...


Now there are a lot more enemies, longbows included advancing on ud, and I still need Zelkov to hold here for another turn, so I get way to complicated with this, using a Bond Shield


An Obstruct staff use to limit how many enemies can attack


And TeeHee buffing Zelkov as much as they can for now.


We are getting close to turning this around...


Although this is another Astra Storm turn, and luckily Lyn tends to pull back when she uses it, so I don't have to worry too much about her ruining things for us.


Enemy phase opens awkwawrdly with the mage hitting this 12%


But we are whittling the enemy forces down


And even if they all could hit, he is buffed enough that they wouldn't kill.


Plus I manged to bait one of the Longbows (with Fogado's squishy body) into taking some chip damage.


And close enough to be killed  from across the river come player phase, all while setting up for a planned Goddess Dance, but I will get back to that in a moment.


This is mostly to get Zelkov out of the way, but the bonded shield could come in handy could potentially come in handy


But the space lets me kill this swordsman very reliably.


Fogado then ranged chips one of the mages, and thanks to Merrn clearing the path, I have the chance of


Getting the kill here with enough Dual Assist procs, but alas


I needed two, and I only got one.


Although that does let me get the most out of this Goddess dance, which  mostly setup fo-


TeeHee, don't interrupt mt thoughts for another speed and defense levelup. Now where was I...


Ah yes, Louis going for a Great Aether in that checkpoint


While Ivy finishes off that chipped mage from 3 range.


This is probably unnecessary, but I don't want to have to worry about a late stage crit here.


And I give Merrin a Chain Guard just in case (while she is covered by the Bond Shield to prevent some weird longbow shenanigans)


I know, choking the point is kind of boring, but I need to be in a controlled setting to really deal with the speed of Lyn.


No 1% crit here


And he takes nothing from physical hits.


In retrospect, she could take the crit just fine, and some Thunder hit might have been nice.


We are getting close the end here, and Louis actually gets this kill here


For even more defense on him.


I then instruct for some extra crit avoid


But this here was a mistake. I misread the map a little, and didn't notice that the instruct


Got Fogado over the doubling threshold for the kill all on his own.


The speed is rather nice on him.


I did accidentally put Ivy in Lyn range, but this is one of her Astra Storm turns, so healing her up means


I will get the most never punished enemy phase


Oh that is right, Lyn was the main Emblem of Hyacinth in his last appearance was he. Oof, that is rough Ivy.


I am glad you decided to spare your skilled friend, because you quick bows would normally shred her.


Was Hyacinth really such a bad father to you Ivy? Even before the return of Sombron? If so, I pity you Ivy. You deserved a father that respected your skills, and didn't feel the need to put you down.


Never punished due to AI stupidity.


But I wait for her to push in


And let the doubles do all the work, despite the effective damage of the Mani Katti. Louis even hit that just to add injury to that insult.


Baiting her into the Mani Katti also let me pile on with some Chain Attackers of my own for the fixed 80 accuracy on this dodgy girl


But I got lucky enough with hits, and Dual Assist hits that Anna can get the kill here


And she gets some magic and speed from finishing the first health bar. The way things are going


I better see the other battle convo now before unexpected damage kills her early.


Again with the wind...Honestly, am I surprised there is no mention of Sky and Earth in all this, but I guess Lyn was never all that religious was she.


You might be one of my strongest, but don't stop improving now, and keep getting stronger TeeHee.


I am glad you decided to hold back on Ivy, as TeeHee can take your full strength Lyn.


That lets me try to finish things with Alfred


For another solid little levelup from the kill.


Yeah Zelkov probably eared it. A bit slow really, especially with all that choke pointing near the end.


It was a little touch and go in the beginning, and near the end, but TeeHee is strong, and our army is as well, once they could support one another.


What a strange thing to say. Why qualify that statement like that?


That is a cute reference to how her supports with those two involve them sparring together.


I am surprised Mark didn't come up in this kind of conversation too, although I suppose they aren't necessarily canon, as you can play without them...


After all this talk of people not having memories after being manipulated by dragon magic, it makes you wonder a little about TeeHee's amnesia too.


It is interesting how TeeHee describe their friends teaching them about themself. None of their friends know anything about them before either meet, both are discovering TeeHee anew. I guess it is in the discovery of seeing themself blossom forth from these interactions...


TeeHee, you are already one of the strongest, heck probably the strongest on the team, you don't need to catch up to anybody.

That was a bit of a costly mistake, but I now have the cash to do some forging before the next chapter.


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40 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I more meant that I was wondering if it was like the poison bonus to damage, or the bonus to damage from Alear's personal skill, or from the Eirika/Ephraim skill, where it is added after calculating damage, and thus becomes the minimum damage the unit could deal no matter how high the target's defense/resistance is, or if higher defense would reduce that bonus damage.

Ah you mean True Damage. I don't think it is, but i will try to test it in my current run!

40 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

ut I ended up doing the Lyn paralogue

AAAAAAAAAA so early.

Ok on hard should be doable early, on Madenning was never able to do it early without Quick Riposte

40 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

but surely that wont bite me in the butt almost immediately


40 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

and pro points to whoever can recognize from this the error that I made, which may very well kill one of my units.


I would've replaced on of the lancers on the bottom right with a healer, while top left feels to weak to deal with what's coming. Also could've waited until Hurricane Axe to sweep the Wyverns🤔

40 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

, I almost had another moment where a smash hit was of tactical value.

Smash does have it's surprising uses. I remember a moment in ch.21 where i needed to arrange enemy formations for an Engage attack. Smash saved my ass

55 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That was a bit of a costly mistake

A crisis was averted at least!

58 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Never punished due to AI stupidity


I like the "stupid" Ai in this case as not knowing when the enemy would use their ult would turn it too much into a guessing game imo

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Welcome to Ch.14!

This map has alot of dangerous and quite a few promoted enemies.

The League of A's is raring to go!



First we start by killing this guy and yoink'ing the Hoistflame from far away

I set up stuff for first turn and...




What a Miscalculation on turn 1.....Ofc a Hero has more Move than an armor what an idiot i am xD


Start of Turn 2


Hi There




She fast


Question to all your Marth games experts out there...Are speed growths in those games higher than other growths? I feel like Spd is the stat i got the most so far


Turn 3, gotta hurry up for the thieves

The paired up ponies come to us


We clean them up


We kill the 2 thieves for a Silver Katana and a Vuln


I bait the enemy Archer squad...and Catria and Palla start appearing...as ambush spawns....

Well, they are far away and can't reach me, but why tho?

...while thinking over wether to rescue Marth or not...


I miscalculate while blindly attacking and most likely left Gordin to die...

But how? How did the Sniper survive? He shouldn't have had enough HP to survive this after last turn and no healers nearby (and hence me blindly attacking)...


Oh. All Map fortify ofc....

Tip: Don't play FE while sick, you miss stuff like this and your units die.


Speed blessings continue


We rescue Marth, and leave Gordin to his fate.


No more five points



Sweet revenge



where speed?


We recruit Palla...Why can't she recruit Catria?


we recruit Catria next turn while Pegasi reinforcements appear


5 Ponits sacrifice give us 5000 thousand gold



we clean up the rest of the map for some level ups, and set up for boss fight (+reinforcements)


Nice, but still not worth Gordin or Seal Def ;_;


we head to Mr. Boss


thanks for the killer bow




I should've waited until i'd gotten better before playing


Anyway i have a killer headache and i need to sleep - I really really shouldn't have played just because i felt slighly better

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On 12/15/2023 at 5:17 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

AAAAAAAAAA so early.

Yeah, I probably did this one just a tiny bit too early...


On 12/15/2023 at 5:17 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I would've replaced on of the lancers on the bottom right with a healer, while top left feels to weak to deal with what's coming. Also could've waited until Hurricane Axe to sweep the Wyverns🤔

Fair enough, having a healer to launch some funky staves would probably work too. Also I think I got the Hurricane Axe last chapter, I just didn't think to bring it, as a smash magic weapon is especially niche.


On 12/15/2023 at 5:17 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I like the "stupid" Ai in this case as not knowing when the enemy would use their ult would turn it too much into a guessing game imo

That is fair. I think simply knowing when they can use it is good enough, but knowing when they HAVE to there did kind of save me.


On 12/19/2023 at 4:39 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I set up stuff for first turn and...




What a Miscalculation on turn 1.....Ofc a Hero has more Move than an armor what an idiot i am xD

Oh boy, seeing a miracle proc save things is scary in any ironman...


On 12/19/2023 at 4:39 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I miscalculate while blindly attacking and most likely left Gordin to die...

But how? How did the Sniper survive? He shouldn't have had enough HP to survive this after last turn and no healers nearby (and hence me blindly attacking)...

If this were regular Fates, I would say the solution is use one unit to transfer the back unit out of the pairup, so you can have the cavalry Hardin shelter Gordin, to open up room for the kill, but I don't think this game gave all the cavs shelter...


On 12/19/2023 at 4:39 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Oh. All Map fortify ofc....

I feel like I could easily overlook this, as I have a bit of a tendency to skip enemy phases unless I am trying to screenshot something from it.


On 12/19/2023 at 4:39 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Tip: Don't play FE while sick, you miss stuff like this and your units die.

This feels like an obvious statement, but I did definitely had a drunken new years eve massacre on my first Thracia 776 ironman, and not ironmanning drunk is a similar level of common sense...


On 12/19/2023 at 4:39 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



No more five points


Poor Gordin. At least this death is linked to a unit I wasn't using this run, although it will probably hurt the two Pokemon players. To be fair, she did a really good job on my last run, being a real standout unit, I just wanted to try out Alcryst this time... speaking of which




On 12/19/2023 at 4:39 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Nice, but still not worth Gordin or Seal Def ;_;

That is a really fun addition to the Fates toolbox...


On 12/19/2023 at 4:39 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



thanks for the killer bow

And so the death of Marth's father is avenged, and the cycle of violence continues, as now Sheema has lost a father too.


Time to go to the club and steal a smoke machine and dancer from chapter 15



But first we have a fashion update, as I get Kagetsu something better from that costly donations from last update.


Alas, this is the only arena levelup we get (Ivy missed her next level by 2 exp...), and it is a mediocre one.


And we get a few new forges in, add to this the Longbow I bought for Anna, and we are rather low on money again.


Time to meet our precious new dancer.


I hope not. I was the goober who lost the dancer last time, and I hope I am not doomed to have that Fate again.


Trying to hide the ring in a haunted castle seems like a terrible idea, considering the popularity of haunted places in our world. It seems like only a matter of time before some teen felt the need to prove their bravery by stealing nick-knacks from the haunted castle, and ends up with a magic ring.


Although having the talking of the Emblem Ring blend with the myths of haunting are a cute touch.


You really should have led with that Timerra.


Although I guess this is a logical reason for your ignorance on the topic.


And that is another cute bit of lampshading.


I guess Corrupted are kind of undead, but haunting usually means more ghosts than zombie equivalents.


It does feel strange to describe two enemies as surrounding you, but it isn't a great position to be in for our greenie.


Oh how naive Corrin is to think that hearing a magical disembodied voice from a magical ring wouldn't draw people in.


Hey, Seadall, Chloe is the one with the fairy tales obsession, not you.


And then you cut her off mid sentence. How rude.


I am deeply disappointed that despite the Fortune Teller feature in this game having a bunch of Emblem based Tarot cards, I can't find this Le Dragon card he speaks of. A sad miss with regard to world building, which could have very easily been a part of the Corrin card for extra irony.


This is kind of an obvious ring change up, if you have been paying attention to my commentary.


After the two sets of perfect sized deployments, being restricted like this again, especially when we are getting only one forced new unit, is rather disappointing, and a bit of a difficult decision overall. In retrospect, I should have found a way to fit Timerra for her personal, but this is what I went with.


Only a tiny bit of fiddling with the starting locations, but the big thing is to have Louis in a position to reposition Zelkov so he can claim some terrain turn one, but first


We get a gentle reminder to save the silly green unit


And it is even a major part of the map objective.


Back to turn one, I get some free player phase chip in, but this is mainly to claim the pillars for enemy phase


As Merrin is the only other unit I am even giving the option for some enemy phasing


The greenie has a fair bit of time, as this is the quality of the enemies that have him "surrounded"


Although one of the foes in this room tries to breaks down a wall to threaten Seadall a little more


And of course the one mytic unit that ignores terrain manages to hit despite the low odds,


And not being able to one round means we have to worry about chain attack damage as well


But one was damaged and dies


And there were never quite enough of them to finish things (perhaps if they attacked in the ideal order, I would have been in more trouble, but instead I am never punished)


But now there are a lot of squishy foes to finish off


And Ivy kills the one uninjured one all on her own.


To get that nice little levelup she just missed from the arena


Half the reason to do this, is to give Louis his canter movement points.


Add to this the healing of Zelkov by Framme, and we have cleared out the opening area


Eh, might as well.


We are pressing in, but we need another turn to get to Seadall


And after another turn of paper cuts, he decides to heal himself on green phase.


And finishing those sad sacks off is very free from range, letting me


Recruit our dancer


They were almost too on the nose with the mysterious Le Dragon card...


You would think the history of the Emblems would be the story that comes to mind, although who knows, maybe ring based curses are more common than I think.


If didn't cut her off before, you might have known already.


Although I do like the flippantness of this line.


Welcome to the team, Zelkov's personal fog machine ring.


Huh, given how awful all the paths she takes in Fates are, that seems an odd thing to say. Is this trying to confirm her as a Revelation Corrin, where she theoretically got the "best" ending.


Yeah, I shouldn't have delayed in getting you.


Is that really how Emblems are remembered? I guess they are on his tarot cards...


Alas, the ring is stuck to Seadall for this map, which is particularly irritating as the terrain changing is kind of critical on this map, and a dancer's action is always in demand.


But as soon as we recruit him, the escape location changes...


Although it is a little dumb that those doors are unmovable, when the next objective is to open some other doors.


I appreciate that they emphasize that the miasma is something the corrupted brought with them, as it makes it feel like slightly less of an ass-pull when it returns later


That +/- 20 defenses is ridiculous, so I do have him clear it away with Seadall's first turn.


A bit of a boring ending to the turn.


Next turn I open with some ranged chip


And then dance her to safety, before preparing an enemy phase from this miasma-less terrain I created


So that Framme could use her high resistance to draw in the massive number of mages ahead


Although she does have to finish off the one Ivy chipped first (which also removes the risk of chain attacks)


Also, Framme is getting more of those monster combat levelups.


But she tanks the magic enemies perfectly.


So she can kill one on her own come player phase.


And make the space for Fogado to use TeeHee's buff for the kill here.


So Panette can slaughter the axe that couldn't reach Framme


And she gets a pointless crit just to show off.


Frustratingly one did manage to get into the blasted miasma, so I have TeeHee shuffle around to give Merrin some extra damage


Thus Alfred can finish the damnable thing off. He even pointlessly crits as well, but I missed the shot of it.


I even have the actions left to break the next door


And get some of my units close to the next set of foes.


Next turn, Zelkov is getting ready to draw in the next set of foes.


Zelkov continues his streak of failing to dodge mages


But at least he has enough avoid that the axe can't hit him.


TeeHee's buff means Fogado doesn't have to rely on the chain attack on the uninjured one


While I feed the other kill to Alfred


Clearing out this bit of miasma was rather pointless, but I did it anyway.


As it mostly just keeps me from pressing in too much this turn.


Next turn I draw in the two with Elsurge


As TeeHee has the crit avoid to keep one from being dangerous


While Framme has the resistance to make the other one from being dangerous. Also both can kill the mages on their own.


That just leaves the swordsman for player phase, with Merrin wiping out the one all in the open


But the other is taking full advantage of the avoid from that pillar he is occupying. At least Louis can use this to canter.


I then have Zelkov open the doors to the south, but that does


Setup the chain attack access Lucina is giving him, while Panette can setup another while missing her main hit


She even gets a nice little levelup from the chain attack chip.


Funnily enough, its only the main Longbow attack that hits, with both the more likely chain attacks missing


Which gets Fogado a bit more speed.


Thank Lumera TeeHee is so accurate.


I even have them canter south to draw in some of the axemen we just opened up, after getting the kill.


They are even polite enough to mere cripple it.


I let Panette break open the next door to open the player phase off with.


TeeHee again is polite enough to merely cripple this one, and even with a dual assist, it lives.


That lets me feed the kills to two sweet little princes


While Ivy is drawing in the next set of enemies.


And she sadly draws one into the miasma, which also


adds a chain attack to the others trying to attack her


But she does kill both of them rather effectively


But we are on a bit of a timer now


As a pair of these rather dangerous foes are now advancing from our rear.


But I start the turn by having Alfred grab some loot, while him, and his horse, are in the area.


Although combatwise, I open by using my Dancer to clear out the Miasma I would otherwise have to deal with, using Corrin's super.


Which makes that nuisance from enemy phase easy to deal with.


I have Fogado out range one mage for a kill


Louis gets some chip in to trigger canter


And means I don't have to risk a 1% crit death.


Merrin than finishes the only poor sap that didn't soak the Corrin special with miasma.


And while rather injured, Ivy finishes the last of them.


Things are going rather well so far.


Framme opens next turn with this nice enough little healing levelup


And the freshly healed Ivy thunder dawn the last door


But I end the turn entirely out of enemy range.


And after clearing some miasma on the opening on next turn, I make a bit of a mistake by breaking out this bit of ice


To try and sneak some enemy action in with Louis


And while the boss chip is kind of nice, the enemy takes a page from my book


And breaks some ice to let this hammer bro try for the crit kill here. If I had Timerra with her crt debuffing personal, this might have been entirely safe. In the end I am entirely unpunished by this little mistake.


And I open the turn by killing him for the brief crit scare.


Merrin wipes out another all on her own. She is really turning out well this run...


Ivy then wipes out another


Before Seadall dancer her in a way to setup my big Goddess Dance for the chapter


And while I could try for the counterless kill here, using the high crit avoid weapon makes it certain she can't be crit killed here, in exchange for more certain damage on her.


And with that Goddess Dance in place, this chapter is basically over.


I really appreciate the strength on that levelup.


I even canter TeeHee to give Panette a bit of extra damage here


But it was a bit unnecessary as Fogado gets the kill.


Zelkov then finishes off another one


Those really aren't the stats you need man.


Merrin than kills off the last enemy in the area


What a killing machine.


We are getting rather close to the end here, but I end up using one more turn to grab the loot


And Seadall gets his first dancing levelup


While grabbing this talisman


And this could be the last turn. I considered taking a bit of time to ambush the high states foes that are acting as our timer, but


I decide to play it safe instead...although I wonder what Seadall means by our paths diverging, as the two of them permanently join us here.


 I don't even think Fogado was in the running for who I would give MVP to this chapter.


Entrance? Did we circle around to see them?


I guess she is in the habit of hunting corrupted in her off time.


Now I feel a little bad that I didn't go through the effort of at least trying to wipe out every last one of them.


Alas, TeeHee hasn't figured out about Dr JekVeyle, and Mr HyVeyle, and has assumed a very Solmic paranoia about her appearance here.


You would think TeeHee the amnesiac would relate to her holey memory, but they are just too wary to try and empathize with her.


Although I guess even Veyle herself hasn't figured it out, despite a fair bit of evidence that these people have interacted with her in the empty space of her memories.


They are laying the blame of a lot of parental death on her, even though she is more tangentially related to both of these Sombron meals, and preparing for a far bit of vengeance against her for it as well.


And you are kind of looking at them...sorta.


It is interesting how willing she is to entertain the notion, but I guess when you have holes in your mind, that seems a bit more reasonable.


That one is definitely on Veyle though... then again there was that whole thing about Lumera running out of power being her cause of death, which was mostly self inflicted.


Oof, with how lonely she is, that is going to hurt her, like threatening to hurt a parent does TeeHee.


I do appreciate this brief bit of lampshading here, as it was kind of needed, and is rather believable given their previous interaction.


She is so close to figuring it out.


But then Griss finds her before she can piece it all together.


And while he knows (and let's be honest, almost let slip the truth of Dr JekVeyle, and Mr. HyVeyle)


Poor girl was so ready to be a family with her monster of a father. She really doesn't remember what he was like in the old war. Was she really that young back then?


Did she really have orders to kill TeeHee when she met them? Or perhaps she meant Lumera with that comment. Either way, it makes her friendship with TeeHee all the funnier.


So many people pretend not to be evil, but when met with the same situation, embrace the evil people believe in them...


It is a funny situation isn't it. Too bad this masochist will try to take the joke too far by outing her evil side to everyone.


But first he wants to tell her a gentle lie


That she is so desperate to believe.


And while this would normally be a good point, with the numerous, massive holes in this girl's memeory, where she can fall asleep in one nation, and wake up in another, this is not a safe assumption to make.


Its odd that her story is so convoluted, that the basic thing that ruins most contrived plot drama, is going to cause some.


You definitely didn't, he just fed you cruelly honeyed lies.


It does seem completely random that they go after Firene again. They should have just dropped a line somewhere about them wanting to feed Eve to Sombron to explain it or something...


Because this is a very literal lie, we chase them into Firenen, not the other way around.


But at least his cruel plan to out her evil side to both her, and TeeHee will blow up in all the hound's faces.

Next I get Rosado, and a corpse, and hopefully I can keep the best of boys alive on this run.


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20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Also I think I got the Hurricane Axe last chapter, I just didn't think to bring it, as a smash magic weapon is especially niche.

Hurricane Axe (+Vantage/Leif) is the best way to deal with fliers because it just eviscerates them. Especially on Maddening Mode where not even Silver Bows can kill them.

It makes the Roy paralogue especially so much easier because the Wyverns there can't touch you

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

If this were regular Fates, I would say the solution is use one unit to transfer the back unit out of the pairup, so you can have the cavalry Hardin shelter Gordin, to open up room for the kill, but I don't think this game gave all the cavs shelter

Yeah i tried to think of something but my shelter cav was on the other side of the map, and idiot me didn't send any staffers with Marth's group - that's the big mistake here

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

but I did definitely had a drunken new years eve massacre on my first Thracia 776 ironman, and not ironmanning drunk is a similar level of common sense...

omg drunk ironman

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Merrin wipes out another all on her own. She is really turning out well this run


Merrin is a Top tier unit.

20 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I don't even think Fogado was in the running for who I would give MVP to this chapter.

Merrin tbh

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Welcome to Hell

Why am i saying that?


>Hex and Freeze Staff enemies that can move

>36 Siege tome boss (although one that gets weaker the more we kill mages, since he has magic resonance, ie. +2 Mag for every allied mage)

Will the League of A's survive this?

Let's find out

...Did the shops from this map get yeeted?

But before we start, have a Gharnef



First things first


We take out Mr. Hex. Staff.


Bad lvlup, but she learns Rally Def O:

We clean up the Mages in the starting area, earning Catria
This level up

and set up for next turn

Turn 2 starts and



I need to kill the Freeze dude. FAST


And ofc there's a Fortify guy there. Of course


We take Mr. Freeze out while Catria tries to flirt with Marth and fails




1% less chance to be eviscerated by Gharnef


I set up while trying to run away from scary guy. On the left side i am setting up a siege tome assassination with Maria, Minerva and bow squad


Sisters strong together seems to be a common theme of this run


Just 2 more turns...


I was able to bait him successfully with Palla. I should be safe now.

On the left side i advance


He has Rend Heaven, so Skl is not bad, i guess?


While Linde get's this on the right


Assassination complete


He should disappear this turn


Who needs Wingspear when you have this?

Also, while Echoes models are used for the Pegasi sisters, why not Echoes Art? - The most important question


Are you chicken, Gharnef?


Anyway, map almost cleared from enemies, let's go pick chests and seize



We seize and finish the map

That was more fun than expected tbh. Maybe because i went in with super low expectations and to have a slow miserable map, but the chase and the sneaking, and fliers/mage pair up made it actually not bad


Let's reach the checkpoint and save Marth's home!



The power of Auras and Rallies!




Using Linde, i bait a Wyvern squad and start taking em out


Can i get 5 Points in the chat?


Thoron gaming



Why did they start moving?


No Problem, now, fite for me


2 Marths


She's becoming a tactical nuke ain't she?

Now to go the left side....Arran should've a Ridersbane, no? That can help me deal with the horsies


...he does not. However, Shelter can save my ass here.


Shelter & AI manipulation by baiting the enemy into a Palla that can't counter attack does save my ass, barely hanging in there in there and reinforcements appear


We do some cleaning up


We finish cleaning up the reinforcements and start heading south while playing movement & shopping simulator



We finally return to playing FE




Surprise Quiz:

Can you guess why Marth is getting doubled despite having 21 more speed?


Ofc, i decide to not attack, just wanted to check y'alls FE knowledge. Answe in spoiler Tag below.




TFW no speed


Str, please?


We arrive at the boss.

I guess he has Lucky Seven to make early fly skipping him harder?


Rend Heaven Lessgo...5 damage lol

You know what


Nuke time


Broke: Wingspear as Bosskiller

Woke: Rapier as Bosskiller

Bespoke: Aura as Bosskiller


We seize and reach the checkpoint


with Catria still trying to flirt with Marth, despite it saying Catria & Marth and not Catria/Marth. SMH.

Next: Marth's Paralogue

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

omg drunk ironman

Managed to lose exactly one unit on each of the three chapters I did then, and all of them were stupid.


21 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Merrin is a Top tier unit.

Fun fact, in my last ironman, Merrin died on the chapter I am doing in this very update. It was bad timing with the water rising to cut off the support she needed, and she was 1 damage shy of getting the kill that would have saved her...


2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


>Hex and Freeze Staff enemies that can move

Yikes, that is a spooky feature to see on a map.


2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


>36 Siege tome boss (although one that gets weaker the more we kill mages, since he has magic resonance, ie. +2 Mag for every allied mage)

Huh, the weakening mechanic is a kind of cool detail to the map.


3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


But before we start, have a Gharnef


Ah yes, the invincible Gharnef's brief assault


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


We take out Mr. Hex. Staff.

Great way to start out a map.


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Bad lvlup, but she learn's Rally Def O:

Oooh, Rally Defense is great to get


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Just 2 more turns...

Wow, the Gharnef chase seems a LOT more intense in this game.


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Let's reach the checkpoint and save Marth's home!

Oh boy, a double header.


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The power of Auras and Rallies!

Now that is how you play Fates.


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Why did they start moving?

That is a scary question to be asking in an ironman...


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Now to go the left side....Arran should've a Ridersbane, no? That can help me deal with the horsies


...he does not. However, Shelter can save my ass here.

Its a little scary how you tried to rely on information you literally didn't have to save you. Thank goodness Cancer man at least had shelter to save the day.


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Shelter & AI manipulation by baiting the enemy into a Palla that can't counter attack does save my ass, barely hanging in there in there and reinforcements appear

That sounds rather intense...Shelter really is one of the most powerful skills in Fates.


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Ofc, i decide to not attack, just wanted to check y'alls FE knowledge. Answe in spoiler Tag below.

Got to be one of the FEH skills. Hopefully just Quick Riposte, but I know there are a lot of dumb armor only skills as well that give arbitrary doubling...


10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



We arrive at the boss.

I guess he has Lucky Seven to make evading early fly skipping him harder?

That is an interesting addition to discourage cheese strats like that.


Time to go get the lovely Rosado, and a walking corpse I am going to have to babysit for the chapter.


And I open by testing out the fortune telling


And that is an ominous start. In fact, I try it out with all my active troops, and less than 1/3 of them have the more positive facing on their cards...


One of those with a positive fortune was little Alfred here, and he gets this down right amazing arena levelup.


And I think I will agree with Ivy on this one, that is about the minimum standard on this arena levelup.


Onto fashion news, I get Seadall that excellent scarf and cool sunglasses combo. I was a bit mixed about it at first, but I think the look is growing on me. The sunglasses really bring it together


Meanwhile in the story, we are at a bit of an impasse. The rings are now all split between the light, and the dark, no more adventuring to scrounge up more


And we really aren't in a good position to attack a fortified front.


Plus they have the magical MacGuffin edge to their side


Although letting our foes set the tempo is a terrible position to be in as well.


Too true Alfred. Can't really afford to play offense or defense. The real answer is a more Fabian tactic, shadow our foe to counter their efforts, but don't take the direct battles they offer, and wait for them to make a mistake we can capitalize on.


But alas, it is already out of our hands, as the hounds are really setting the pace with this move.


I do like the shot of these ships here, with their massive Elusian branding on them.


That makes it sound like a big part of the plan is speed, so delaying this lead element with this distraction will hopeful help a little.


Well that is morbid. Also heroes, really Marni ? You know whose side you are on in this.


They portray Marni as so spoiled, and childish...


After the body count comment, this seems remarkably tame for dealing with deserters.


But they have given us a real opportunity to even the scales a little here.


I do also like this little lamp shady explanation.


How did you try to keep them in line anyway? Threats? Lies? Hostages? Blind Loyalty?


The irony of saying this immediately before a map.


Lucky they get enough of a rest that they will be ready for combat in a few minutes.


Yeah, if you had really lost them, you would have a few minutes. At least you got close enough for us to save your bacon. Well for one of you at least.


That is an odd conclusion to come to. An accurate one, but why search party? Are dragons used like bloodhounds in this world of something?


More like on the Divine Dragon's bench. Although it does seem odd that this needs saying. Why did they make their escape with the ring, if they didn't know Hortensia had joined us? I guess it implies that lies were used to encourage their continued cooperation with Sombron's army.


Lol, that is a funny gag.


Seems she really ate Ivy's explanation before up, and is using it as her own now.


Thank Lumera Rosado gets the Eirika ring now instead of our walking corpse, that way we can use it on this chapter


Now this is an obvious ring change up, but it does free up the Lucina ring, so


I end up giving it to Bunet here. Also I plan on mixing up my deployment a little, so I also


Switch around the Ike ring.


As I am leaving Louis, Alfred, and Panette behind this time. I am juggling almost too many units, and at this rate, I wont have room to add Veyle and Mauvier to my team, which is a bit problematic, as I rather could use another mage, and staff bot, which are niche's both of them can easily fit.


Alas, we have this frustrating gimmick to deal with, which will unexpectedly hamper my grounded unit's movements at the worst possible time. Fortunately we get another flier to help out, along with the dead weight on the screen.


Aawww, thanks for noticing Rosado, I put in a bit of effort to pretty up the troops between missions (also leaving Louis behind definitely reduced our toughness).


And we get introduced to Eirika's true damage capabilities...


But I will try to chip this thing enough that I don't have to have Rosado engage to deal with it


Nice work Bunet! With that crit in


I don't even need to use Rosado for this kill


She even crits to avoid the enemy's counter attack


Although that listed 16 crit ahead of us makes me pause before pressing in too much with the fliers. Although I do setup a little bit of enemy phase action in the south


With Fogado getting an effective damage ranged kill.


And with the water lowered for this turn, I decide to use obstruct here to keep the thunder mage knights from interfering in the middle


Fogado pops the other flier that advanced on us


For a fantastic level...In fact I might even give him a Radiant Bow with how that magic of his is coming along.


I then crush the two axes ahead


With Bunet missing this unlikely hit, although it both sets up a chain attack opportunity from Lucina, and is


In position for my early Goddess Dance. To be fair, there is an Engage spot right there ahead of us to refill it.


And another fantastic levelup there too.


That chain attack from Lucina/Bunet was just enough for this kill here


Merrin presses in to destroy this Radiant Bow Knight ahead of us


While Zelkov prepares to show everyone the power of the fog machine. He will solo this bottom section of the map with its power.


Finally, I have Anna engage here for the Laguz Friend's half damage, with the plan of Great Aethering the cavs we can see a little further ahead there in a turn or two.


We have pressed in enough that we will have a fair bit of enemy phase action.


With Merrin killing an enemy thief


With Anna tanking the swordsman, without breaking thanks to terrain


With Zelkov doing Zelkov things


Lol, the Thunder Mage Knight that didn't get distracted by the fog decided to equip his Silver Sword to break the Obstruction.


Well I can start by fogging things up here.


Although these swordies prove to be a real annoyance, and overall I am in a bit of a pickle in the center. I start by getting a little chip here, and set up more chain attacks, but


Sadly TeeHee is one damage shy of the kill here, even with it


I let Timerra grab a kill after a dance

Thankfully with the effective damage of this Engage weapon, Bunet has the power to pop the thunder mage knight that stuck around to be a thorn in my side


I then have Rosade break the enemy chain guard here with damage


But I need Ivy to use her action to heal up Merrin, so she can get


Enough health to survive the enemy phase after killing the other thief.


And she gets a bit of a sad levelup from it


At least I still have enough action to finish this other swordie off, but that wasn't the best of turns all things considered, and it means I have to put off the Aethering for another turn


The funny thing about it, is if I thought it was appropriate to use Goldmary, even just for the chain attack, I would have had far more of a margin for error in that section.


Our foes first attempts to actually use chain attacks to down Zelkov does sour for our foes with another lucky crit.


But there are still enough of them to rack up a little chip on him.


While Merrin dodges one of these, she still gets broken here. But then the water rises, much to my mild frustration


I guess Ivy can kill the one trying to burn down the village.


I have to be a bit careful with Zelkov, as the fog refuses to rest upon the water...and even if it could, it would be canceled by its avoid debuff anyway.


At least this gives the center some time to heal up, with Framme getting this healing levelup


Rosado finishes off the one who punched Merrin


Although the big thing is the rising water prevents me from Great Aethering those horses sitting in the shoal there.


And with that, Zelkov has killed all of his foes


Except the one that out ranged him.


And with nothing to worry about on enemy phase, he can finish that one off on player phase.


We do get the opportunity to refill TeeHee's engage gauge in this little bit of down time


And while she will have to


Take a dragon hit, Anna also refills her gauge. But next turn thing heat up a bit, as the waters fall


And reinforcements appear to press us. TeeHee even gets a pointless crit here, to offset the more useful crits I was getting earlier.


While Framme followers in her deity's suit


With a pointless crit all of her own


That just leaves the one with terrain to deal with,


And while she missed the kill the first time,


she would have to miss two more 80% to-


Lumera fucking Sombron, this girl is doing everything in her power to die on this chapter again, missing three 80s in a row, while failing to dodge both 59 that targeted her...


At least a 20 range Astra Storm can't miss this asshat.


While I instantly regret the thing I have been planning for a while, as that 16 crit is still rather dangerous even with all the Ike buffs up... so to I try an mitigate it


By position Timerra to debuff anyone that attacks Anna's crit by 5, which at least reduces it to a mere 2%, although that does leave her open to a potential attack or two...


Almost forgot, there is also Zelkov fogging up the place.


Honestly, I made a minor error in positioning, as I should have place Timerra one space diagonally up and to the left of where she is.


Anna takes her first hit here, but


The one that breaks Timerra positions himself out of Great Aether range


AAAAAAHHHHAHAHHAAH....huh ...huh...huh...I guess Timerra saved the day in a way I wasn't quite expecting there, as it gets the 2% crit anyway, but drawing just one away was enough to save Anna.


...Well that complicates things. If he could deal even one damage, the poison debuff would start wracking up to make the kill fairly reliable, but with no damage dealt, we might be stuck in a bit of a standoff.


At least the Backup unit couldn't reach yet


...That point of strength there, literally changes everything.


Lets see if we can fix this disaster in the center, as horses are pushing in from both entrances from the west.


But first, let's make sure Zelkov has some dry ground to fog up, in case that annoying water decides to flow in again.


Back in the center, Fogado pops one of those horsies


Thanks to effective damage, TeeHee crushes the tanky one pushing in from the north-west


And Timerra gets a little bit of chip on the crit-er


Ivy slaughter one of the injured ones in the south-west


While Anna finishes off the horse that crit her with a Radiant Bow hit.


This chip is a bit unnecessary, as


Rosado can kill him alone.


We have cleared out the center again, but Zelkov still has his enemy phase action to deal with.


Alas, the chain attacks will be piling up a little again.


And that one point of strength was enough to turn the tides of this battle.


But he is very slowly bleeding health from the chain attacks.


It is a good thing I ran for the shore, as the water is back...again...


Not much interesting the crew trapped in the center can do, but a few fliers, and a big bad dragon are trying to press in despite the water. I do end up using my last turn of Fogado's Lyn engage to lure them in with some doubles.

Come enemy phase, Zelkov kills the backup unit before


The slow whittling down of this big tanky boy continues.


I should have probably been doing this before, as it lets me use his player phase to continue hacking away at this guy.


I must admit, seeing this guy walk onto the visit space, gave me a bit of a heart attack.


But onto player phase, Fogado pops the flier


And after a bit of waffling, I decide to let Seadall take the further out dragon hit, to spare Fogado.


Here that dragon comes, and it fails to even damage Seadall.


While Zelkov's poison has nearly finished this tanky beast.


Meanwhile, I open the dragon fight by getting Anna in position to chain attack, so Merrin can chip, and debuff, which is enough


That Rosado can get another Dragon kill without burning a super.


Alas, the water gave our foes enough time to muster even more reinforcements, so Fogado gets in position to


enemy phase the Radiant Bow Knight.


Meanwhile Zelkov finally finishes that tanky foe, all while healing up on a fort


Back to player phase, Fogado crushes a flier.


And gets another magic levelup.


Seadall also gets a surprisingly violent dancer levelup,


But I am mostly just preparing for the next assault.


I almost forgot to mention, a pair of thie-


Well, I guess one thief now, is attacking his fort.


This is just the enemy phase of crits it seems.


They even dodge the status staff, just to add insult to our foe's injury.

Onto player phase,


I try for this effective damage kill with Anna, and while she misses, a Dual Assist gives her enough chip exp


For a magic, and defensive levelup on the little girl. Although that move did serve a second purpose,


But first Fogado cleans up her miss.


Before Anna gets danced, to get in some longbow chip on this rather difficult to reach flier (thanks to even more water...)


But its enough for Rosado to get the ranged kill.


For a kind of sad levelup all things considered.


In the next corner, Timerra tries for some free ranged chip on this high crit foe, but after a miss


She not only manages to get a really good levelup from it, but


I send Bunet in, both for a second chain attack on the killer swordie, but also to chip this fool with a smash weapon.


But it is just enough for Merrin to go for the kill here


But one of the chain attacks miss, so Ivy has to finish it, instead of the smasher


And that is a terrible levelup on her.


The fort is still enough to make Zelkov invincible, so he continue to chip this next one


And he gets a fantastic leveup from that chip.


The water is keeping that royal knight from coming up the skirt, while the smasher ahead of us


Kills itself before he can smash, thanks to that chip from Bunet.


Good work Zelkov.


That is a little unfortunate, as with that obnoxious water still around, I need him to deal with that royal knight, but I partially planned for this, as I left TeeHee close enough


That Framme could grab a Restore from the convoy to fix it.


So Fogado can longbow it, and with a dan-


Or he can just crit, and get it over with immediately.


We are finally starting to advance on the bosses, with Ivy making a pit stop


To visit the village.


I have Anna grab another Engage Gauge for another Great Aether, and while I almost dance her to do it this turn


I wait one more turn, that way


Zelkov can distract Mauvier on the same turn.


I also let TeeHee Instruct here, as if things go to plan, I will be using the Goddess dance in the next few turn to transition the main army from Marnie to Mauvier


As Anna is about to open thing with a Hammer Aether to her armored face.


With Mauvier indefinitely distracted by the fog.


She is clearly showing she isn't the brains of this operation, because a part of the plan was to get our army to chase their boats to their destination.


And this time she tanks it just fine


Especially considering Hortensia is sitting on our bench.


The power of the fog machine at work.


Much to my frustration, the water comes in again, to make this even more annoying, but I think I can still kill her here, as with Anna's chain attack, Ivy breaks one health bar here.


And Anna can deal a lot with the Radiant Bow


And Bunet can get the tiniest bit of chip (and add another chain attack here)


To let Rosado finish her off.


Which comes with a fun little battle quote, where she admits she is willing to die for no-good traitors could this be foreshadowing?


See you next chapter.


Alas, this is the only other attacks I can get in with this obnoxious water in the way.


Fortunately, there is just enough land for Zelkov to keep the invincible fog machine up


I really hate the water on this map.


Alas, the healer lucks into the break


...Sigh. I guess I better wipe all these healers out.


There goes one of them.


And this is where I very stubbornly insisted that I would not let the Lumera be damned water deny me my Goddess Dance, so there is a little chip here,


Get some overkill here, use my dance to give TeeHee one more Sombron be bless point of movement


So TeeHee can do this barely useful Goddess Dance here.


At least TeeHee gets a strength levelup from it.


And lets Ivy get a little bit of Thunder chip.


With Rosado trying to bait that healer into punching itself to death. Also Zelkov is still fogging up whatever he can


Which lets him safely get more chip and debuffs onto Mauvier.


I think the enemy healers here are extremely dumb, with their aggressive attitude.


But the water is finally gone, and while I mostly advance, I try to bait Mauvier into Flame Lancing Ivy


And instead he breaks one of his health bars on Zelkov.


And I decide to finish things with a pair of supers


With one final battle quote to ends things off with.


The irony of Mauvier saying that.


See you tomorrow. Maybe the day after.


I appreciate the strength levelup.


Yeah he probably earned the MVP on this one.


Did we even let the generics pull the "can't die here" bit.


Although I doubt you can outrun. Although Marnie's leading element must have been a little delayed by this little excursion.


Huh, that is an interesting little detail. I know, its a long one to be bedazzled by some exploration comments.


...Sorry, Lets finish off the last bit of story here.


That should really be a red flag Veyle.


Oh she is also feeding you the lies you really want to hear as well.


Poor Veyle, probably too used to Fell Dragon discrimination already.


Poor Veyle is just eating up all these easy lies.


Just to hurt her feelings? This comes across as so incredibly petty, and childish.


That is a vow she ends up breaking...hopefully.


With Veyle so willing to admit her father's objective is to destroy the world, why would these people still be working with him? Unless you have a way out like Sombron does, you are dooming yourself, and everything you could possibly care about or love.


Poor Veyle. She has so thoroughly taken with their honeyed lies that she lets slip her true objective.


Only child left. For now at least.


This is part of what I find so strange about Veyle's naivete about Sombron. She clearly remembers her family from the old war


Funny how TeeHee was all about being friends with Veyle, both then, and now.


Think of how morbid it is that having a means of knowing someone is simply alive is such a reassurance. It makes me think about how many of their siblings were falling like flies in the last war...


Poor naive child, why would she think Sombron would be dissuaded by words.


I do wonder just how many children Sombron had in preparation for this war. Many of her comments implies its a lot, this one included.


It does make you wonder a little about the logistics of this. How long does it take for the Fell children to reach fighting age? Did Sombron have to time his war with the maturation of his progeny? Was Veyle a late made accident? The timing of this all seems so strange.


I do think this goes a bit of a ways towards justifying now believing TeeHee is Sombron's child. If you watch someone die, wouldn't it make more sense for someone a thousand years latter simply looking similar.


And you could see from their first meeting she had an odd hunch, now knowing one lived, she is already piecing things together.


That does seem like an odd way to describe their plan to out Veyle's multiple personalities. It sounds like they want to discover something, not disclose something.





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49 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Take a dragon hit, Anna also refills her gauge

Fun fact: On maddening Wyrms reduce Engage meter to 0

A real pain

53 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Oh shit

Man i hate low% crits

56 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

And gets another magic levelup.

Shining bow Niles lessgo

57 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

For a kind of sad levelup all things considered.


Bld is effectively + 1 Spd

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Lumera fucking Sombron

Is that how Alear came to be?


1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

this girl is doing everything in her power to die on this chapter again, missing three 80s in a row, while failing to dodge both 59 that targeted her...

It's all her low luck stat

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yikes, that is a spooky feature to see on a map.

Especially with a super buff mage chasing you


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On 12/23/2023 at 3:55 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fun fact: On maddening Wyrms reduce Engage meter to 0

A real pain

That sounds obnoxious...


On 12/23/2023 at 3:55 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Is that how Alear came to be?

It should have been


I got delayed a bit by Chritmas present games, but I am back, and while I was tempted to do another paralogue to feed my costly addiction to fashion, I ended up reaching the next checkpoint instead...

Time for the battle that has split the emblems down the middle, between the light, and the dark.


Back at the Somniel, I start with some Arenaing this time with


A little extra defense on some already tanky boys.


I also decide to give Rosado a bit of a head start in Ike's bond, as I plan on giving Ike to Rosado at this point. Alas, at the end of the day, we have another problem


There are brand new clothes in the shop, and I am out of money. I was very, very, very tempted to do a paralogue to get the funds, but after a bit of agonizing


I end up selling off a big pile of Vulneraries to buy a dead woman some clothes. In retrospect I probably should have saved some money for healing staff, as I am down to a single heal staff and a bunch of physics, but surely the fashion of dead women is more important than that. Also I wish I could figure out how to sell Master Seals, as they gave me another one last chapter, and I already promoted everyone I am likely going to. 


I also deck out Rosado in this sweet Ebon Gown. I might end up changing this outfit up as I go along.


I do also finally get around to using some of those stat boosters gathering dust in the convoy. Zelkov's repeated refusal to dodge low odds magic encouraged me to give him this Talisman.


This is purely for favoritism.


It made sense to give a bit of extra bulk to my dancer, and this was a nice way of doing so.


These were the two most using their magic stats, so they made sense to snuff that spirit dust. Perhaps I should have given both to Ivy as my only combat mage, but I am fairly certain it impacts Framme's combat as well.

I still have an Energy Drop, and Talisman in reserve, and I will think about how I want to use those. But now, onto the story.


It does seem odd that they are already heading towards the port (instead of the castle), before seeing


The smoke coming from the port


And I appreciate that show the smoke when we get to the port.


I recently rewatched Shaun's classic youtube video on the dropping of the nuclear bombs, and this is making me think a lot about the discussion of "strategic" bombing...


That almost makes it sound like there might be some kind of time limit for this map, but alas there isn't


While here it seems like they were trying to setup side objectives involving green units, or visitable villages or something with this line, but in many ways the mission ahead of us is more straight forward than that. That isn't to say its an easy chapter or anything, but its just a map without any side objectives.


You probably should have thought of that before burning the port down...


There is something really funky going on with the timing here. We will see shortly that Marni and Mauvier arrive late, so who burned the port before this crew got here? Did they just let generic Elusians commit war crimes without any of the Hounds leading them?


Why did she think having Sombron's army with her would make it a good opportunity to talk...


That really is a good question, even for the good Veyle. She really hasn't been paying any attention to them, beyond trying to weed out some corrupted every now and then.


She doesn't have a good grasp on who is in charge here does she. She should be asking Zephia, but I guess she latched onto Griss. Poor girl really knows nothing about Sombron's forces...


Oh the building irony


Calling herself a monster with her own lips.


And now the ones who were supposed to arrive first instead arrive last


And she is finally explicit enough th-


...Sigh I guess she still needs it spelled out to her for all the children in the room.




Now Zephia is just lying to us. She knows how Sombron treated his Fell Children in the last war, and they were always too intentionally expendable to carry on any kind of legacy.


What he really wants is an obedient pawn


Its interesting that this power comes from Sombron, and that he didn't simply use this power himself...


That draconic impulses are so barbaric and monstrous is an interesting detail. Is that what degeneration is, Dragons become more draconic?


He wanted her to be little more than an extension of his will...


This is making me think a little bit of the cherubs of homestuck a little...


There is a strangely circular irony to this.


She must see it as a delicious irony as well, but given their true relation, it seems almost fated.


Its just that you were the one misunderstanding things.


I feel like this is one of the most obvious statements to make. The poor girl was so perpetually lonely that just jumped at the faint possibility that they might be her friends.


This breaking of the good Veyle's spirits is exactly what Zephia was hoping for, but this has done nothing to shake the hope she has for her living sibling, which ensures good Veyle isn't willing to give up (like later...)


But Zephia does manage to bring the dark Veyle out.


I hope so to. This is a tough chapter, and it would be tragic to start losing troops here.


...How did she find out now then? Did the game just skip past Zephia giving her a recap? Was there a pair of swapping on the boat trip for the hounds to fill evil Veyle in on things?


What an odd thing to say in general. There is no truest form of a person.


It is really odd that they waited til this pseudo gameplay section to introduce dead Hyacinth here, was he a late addition or something? Could afford him in the cutscens?


I do find it interesting that Veyle is shown being more gifted than Sombron is at creating corrupted. Especially with weaknesses with other Fell powers we will see later, it gives the sense that Fell dragon have a real range of powers they might, or might not have. If only we got to see more of them...No stop making DLC noises I wont buy it.


It is interesting that personality modification comes up again, in such a wildly different context this time. I wonder if she learned it from Zephia...


That really is a cruel vengeance...which I will gladly facilitate for a battle quote.


I bet Griss really likes this sadist side of her.


This really makes this one of the most iconic chapter of Engage here, with us having to face all the old Emblems we got so used to in the beginning.


Yeah I accidentally hit the post early hotkey while gettint the images in. Hopefully this edit doesn't break the size limit glitch, and keeps the cutoff from being too jarring, as I will continue on with the gameplay...in a while probably.


Edited by Eltosian Kadath
Accidently hit the post early hot key combination
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