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  2. I claimed to have tracked Aster night 1 when Eury was still alive, so the story was that Eury made Aster a ninja (and that's why I didn't see anything). It would have had nothing to do with the Ascetic.
  3. Casual Mode patch for Fire Emblem 3. Apply to a 32 megabit expanded ROM only (consider applying onto a fan translation). Fire Emblem - Monshou no Nazo (Japan) casual_mode.zip
  4. Thanks for sharing.😀 They could have Heinel still hesitant to turn against Boazan? And then have Katherine die in some way that pushes him into burying his Voltes hate and into assisting his half-brothers? -Although having Katherine live, only to kill her later, they'd have to execute it well. If the next thing that happened in the Voltes plot was her sacrifice, it'd be too soon, making her temporary survival feel too ephemeral & meaningless, I'd think. ...And "Divine Doers" is what they name the heroic group in DD?🤨 Well, I get the initials, but "Doer" is such a weird word-that-shouldn't-be-a-word to me. And "Divine", with regards to SRW, titular usage of that word is owned by a certain someone.
  5. And he'll still get millions of votes. That's why he has the confidence to say it.
  6. I don't really want to see any of the Heroes OCs added to the mainline series m, unless it's a crossover cameo like Veronica's Engage DLC, the one exception to that is Fafnir and his brother who I would like to see pop up in a future game with a minor cameo specifically because they are meant to be actual peasants from an ordinary Fire Emblem world that were summoned to the Heroes world. So making that plot point come full circle by showing them as random villagers would be cute. For the point over all, I don't think it's anything new. The Heroes OC (outside of if the first three) have always been reasonably powerful compared to the rest of the cast. And we're still getting busted main series characters. The Emblems are probably the most desired units around now and if I need to kill anything it's one of the two breath Alears (especially male Alear) who can punch through anything.
  7. okay, so some postgame thoughts - @Eurykins Aster revealing hooker to me was the catalyst of me shooting you. People have been roasting me for the decision but I will die on the hill that FMPOV I had to shoot you the moment she claimed hooker to me. Even setting aside the fact that I always lose in a 2v1 shootout, your hook basically guarantees control of the night, and you were (IMO) more townread than me, so I would have had no way to control the day phase either. Basically I thought that I a) needed to introduce some chaos into the game (this was my running strategy in general tbh) and b) had to double-cross you strictly before you chose to double-cross me, so my shooting you was the best way I could think of to accomplish both goals at once. In hindsight I could have lynched Aster D3 and claimed the track on you D4, but idk. - I shot @Bartozio N3 because he was the only person who really thought twice about my awful D1 Marth vote, I should have just pretended to be away. Yes, it was a bad shot, but it didn't actually end up mattering (maybe if I'd shot Jamie, but my next choice was Weapons anyway). By then I was totally lost and the moment Boron posted her rolespec saying that it had to be me I knew I was cooked. I like to think I almost got away with it (I probably would have been lynched D5 no matter what) but them's the breaks. If a different combination of roles had made it to endgame I think I could have won. - @Elieson continuously reaching the correct conclusion through the most batshit conspiracy theories was pissing me off the entire D4 (to this day I think this grammar argument is complete bullshit). If people had believed me on the scum/scum neighbor (this was hilarious with knowledge by the way) it wasn't impossible for people to notice how Aster didn't really know what to do about me (this finger-of-suspicion into immediate backoff when pushed was really sus) Speaking of @Aster and @DefyingFates, I hope that you had a good time and continue to play with us! Some specific things I have to say: - Aster: You kind of got dealt a brutal hand in your first game. IMO rolling scum in your first game is already rough, but rolling scum neighbor in multiball is just really difficult. I felt really bad about the backstab (I would not have felt bad if Eury was partnered with anyone else other than Fates) because I had the thought that, as a new player, I could intimidate you into backing off even if you didn't trust me. - Fates: Well done for reaching endgame and correctly voting me! You mentioned earlier that you think that scum is easier because you know who you "can" case, but IMO this is a backwards way to think about things -- town's job is to Lynch The Bad Guy, not to survive, and this is a crucial distinction. Knowing who you "can" case means that you know who you have to case, and writing a natural-looking case when you already know the answer is harder than it sounds. Looking for this difference is basically what "old fashioned scumhunting" is doing. A few others have said this too, but I think you could improve your play pretty dramatically immediately just by sharing more of your original thoughts and not worrying about what other people will think of you. For reference, I genuinely cannot think of a single opinion you had during the game that was not just "yeah, I basically agree with [Boron]".
  8. Not even the leaders of Europe's far-right parties would be saying shit like this. Firis-shadowing.
  9. So, timeskip day is upon on us. Today marks the five year anniversary of the release of Three Houses. It's weird to think that 2019 was five years ago, but it'I guess that's how time works. Given both the Switch's rapidly approaching end of lifespan and the release of a new mainline game in Engage, I think it's an interesting time to think about Three Houses and what's meant since its release. It's the most commercially successful game in the series, but it also drew a lot of (perfectly valid) criticism related to its level design, social sim elements, and unit homogenization. Nevertheless, it has some of the most popular characters in the entire series (at least judging by CYL results), and I'd be surprised if it ever leaves Fire Emblem fan discussion. What do y'all think of the game now that it's been a half decade since its release?
  10. @Interdimensional Observer Oh, DD has only just reached the assault on Heinel's Castle for Voltes' storyline? Also, interesting. They're doing the "Katherine drugs Heinel unconscious" plot point that SRW A did. Unlike A, however, DD is no doubt going to use the full story. Alphaverse already explored this angle of Heinel being present for it, but it was him alone if I recall. Wonder what they will do here.
  11. Iskra had been staring at the field in front of her, frustration and indecision mounting slightly as her lack of targets became obvious, when a sudden message appeared from the Captain. She's doing... what? That doesn't... No. No that does make sense. She's shown that side of herself. But... why tell me? Looking over the battlefield, that answer soon became obvious. Kazue was fast, faster than any of the others, and there weren't many who were in position to do anything if she decided to make a break for it. Iskra was one of the few. If she pushed her mech now, forgoing any attempt at offense, she would be able to position herself near enough to the Ensign to potentially be able to intercept her before things went terrible wrong. She sighed, frustration replaced with anxiety. She had to try. [Understood Captain. Moving forward, will keep an eye out.] "S-silent Dusk moving to provide back up." She moved forward, hoping that this was all a false alarm and that Kazue was simply pushing ahead like she had last time. Iskra to 29-7
  12. Banned for not owning a PlayStation 5 Console.
  13. Today
  14. Worst case scenarios kept flipping through Cin's mind as he made his way quickly, but cautiously, down the hallway towards the magical explosion had come from. Miria and the others dead, wiped out by some strange magical device or some powerful mage, the same thing only with his companions captured, held hostage to demand the surrender of the rest of the Tigers. He had to keep reminding himself that almost none of their enemies had used magic and that those who had were far too weak to set off a spell of the magnitude that he had felt. But if not that, then who... It felt like something one of the Evokers would do. Not one of us... He rounded the corner and came to a sudden stop, the sight in front of him reassuring but confusing at the same time. From a quick glance, it seemed that most of the group that had headed this way was easy to spot, alive if exhausted, and the one he couldn't see, Koba, was also not obviously among the dead bodies. The rest of the scene was a mess. The hallway showed signs of a terrible magical force, and a swath of dead enemies, clearly from the same explosion. He was so stunned that it took him a second to recognize that the healer they had picked up along the way was trying to carry Roxi by herself. "Oh, uh, here, let me help." He quickly moved to the other side of Roxi, wrapping her arm around his and pulling some of her weight off of their new companion. "I'm Cin, one of the Tigers. I can help carry her, if you want. Pretty sure you have enough on your plate after... whatever happened here. Are these two going to be ok?" He glanced over at Miria, worried about the girl. With how tired she looked, it was almost like the time she had used that fire spell. Were the two related? Even that didn't quite make sense though. It hadn't been a fire spell he'd sensed and it had been more powerful than Miria's spell had been back on the boat all that time ago. Hopefully everything was going to be ok. Koba grinned as he easily popped open the first chest, the lock providing no real challenge. Inside was a curious looking weapon, a scythe. It wasn't something he had seen used very often, but he shrugged, tucking it into the back of his belt, figuring someone in the group should be able to use it. Humming a cheerful tune, he moved on to the next lock, opening it quickly enough as well. Inside was something he hadn't quite expected. A picture of a woman and a child, together, seemingly happy. The child he quickly recognized as the one the Tigers had rescued from the Underground, a small spider girl, whose name he couldn't quite remember. The woman though... He had seen her earlier today, fighting with the group. A gun user, and a deadly one at that. He stared at the picture for a few seconds longer before tucking it away into a belt pouch. It would be safe there while he gave the room one final once over before returning to the group. Once he did, he imagined the woman would be quite happy to have the picture back.
  15. I think you can straight up steal his sword, and with him being unable to use his mounted weapons, can then capture him unopposed. Looking at the stats, he has an iron sword if 6 weight and Lifis has base constitution of 6 too. Is stealing Con > weapon weight or Con >= Weapon Weight? I know I've stolen his iron sword before but maybe I got a lucky con level up with Lifis.
  16. Also, it's alright. For anyone wanting a full united Hispania... I got ya covered.
  17. Indeed. Though I still did it even though I had HF. Thus the Fourth Crusader event never triggered, heh. I did got the Children's Crusade to happen, though. As the first ever Crusader, even. Thanks to my sponsoring and military help (more like I did all the job since for some reason their armies spawn where the character does, despite the event-chain already have the character in the Holy Land, and it was a Prussian kid so...), it was victorious unlike the historical one.
  18. OOF Then I'll get Camilla and Dark Mage Beruka with Gamble and Life and Death Yes, but they're not 19.99 ... they're free
  19. They're certainly the high point of the game for me too, even though I think lategame Conquest is not as good early-midgame Holy Fury was a blessing, certainly the best expansion of the game. A shame we didn't get an Orthodox-centric expansion With "Portugal" I meant the Empire of Portugal that I created instead of de jure Hispania, comprising all Iberia I had Hispania too, but it was titular basically
  20. i was gonna case eury d3 if I lived because my interactions with her on d2 pinged me but I didn't say it in thread because arguing scares me I actually had a post written up questioning her why she was so adamant on df elim (and focused hardcore on his play being anti-town rather than scummy which I think is a scumtell) but gave aster so much slack, I chickened out cuz I was tired and anxious
  21. There is very much a single player mode. I just don't think many people can endure the tedium that switching Links constantly brings. Also pits are overpowered because while the stationary Links turn into stone that can't be damaged by enemy attacks, if they're pushed into a pit you still take the damage. Spoiler, but at least one boss likes to do damage by using wind to push Links into pits. I think I've seen a McDonalds sign with that typo a decade ago. Still, my favorite mistake in advertising was the time Krispy Kreme decided to make the Krispy Kreme Klub in the UK. To this day I can't decide if it was incompetence, or someone made an edgy joke and didn't expect it to be approved. You think he's related to Margaret Lovatt?
  22. What, not using the Shin Getter this time? XD
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