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Fates 4Koma Kings Translations (COMPLETE)


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Ignatius, I'm not easily scared, but I'd have peed my pants if I were also surprised by those hideous mechanical dolls in the dark.

Have you played Persona Q? I feel like you would enjoy Persona Q.

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Have you played Persona Q? I feel like you would enjoy Persona Q.

Why would you bring that place up again

I'm pretty sure Iggy's supposed to be wearing those pajamas Forrest made for him in that comic, which is pretty cute!

Edited by AzureSen
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Haha, what a dilemma! Maybe Corrin should just... Heart Seal to her talent class, and the problem will be solved!

I chose Nohr Noble 'cause I wanted to use magic, even though I married Ryoma, I hope he's not mad at me XD

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Page 83 is up, concluding the Valla Class Change series, and satisfying some people who suggested an alternative (while taking a stab at calling them indecisive anyway!) Also hormones!

This also ends this chapter!

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>reads comic #3


While I do like this comic, all I have to say to that last panel on comic #3 is "come on, they're her BROTHERS." Don't need little brothers fantasizing about their big sister's underwear, it's stupid and reminds me that they threw away the theme of this story just so you can bang on your siblings.

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>reads comic #3


While I do like this comic, all I have to say to that last panel on comic #3 is "come on, they're her BROTHERS." Don't need little brothers fantasizing about their big sister's underwear, it's stupid and reminds me that they threw away the theme of this story just so you can bang on your siblings.

Literally the first Overwatch related fan art I saw after Blizzard released a short animated movie about two brothers and their bloody past together:

[spoiler=NSFW, maybe?]c05.jpg

I'm just not going to question it at this point.


That deserves the highest of fives! Good job, man!

Also, Azura shouldn't get to question people's choices. Ever.

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I'm not sure what I hate more, the underwear joke or her brothers drooling over her. Dammit Femui -_-

I know that I hate her brothers drooling over her more, because at least she doesn't drag anyone else down with her with the underwear joke.

You know, I've noticed something about how male Kamui and female Kamui are generally treated by fan works. And do keep in mind that I've only seen a small fraction of fan work, so maybe this isn't entirely accurate, but female Kamui seems to exist a hell of a lot more for shipping than the male one. A lot of her most common pairings or teases seem to be with her brothers, while the sisters bickering over male Kamui feel more like sisters arguing over whose brother Kamui is (except for Camilla who already has her own issues). Even with the servants, when they obsess over male Kamui it seems to be portrayed more as a joke and he wants to be more independent. Whereas with female Kamui the servants are just portrayed as being overly loyal and devoted and she tends to just take it all up like the moeblob that she is or something.

This explains a lot to me, because I've always wondered why I disliked female Kamui more despite the two being virtually the same character. It's not the character, but the way they are always portrayed in anything outside of the damn game. I get so very sick of seeing female Kamui in fan works because 90% of the time it's just something shipping related and how she's the damn moon everyone wants to love and protect and have.

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I mean, it's not exactly out of character for Leon all things considered.. But yeah, I wish they would stop trying to make sexualized jokes about this. God, I hope that the next game has no one related to each other at all, Intsys clearly cannot handle the concept of family.

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I mean, it's not exactly out of character for Leon all things considered.. But yeah, I wish they would stop trying to make sexualized jokes about this. God, I hope that the next game has no one related to each other at all, Intsys clearly cannot handle the concept of family.

To be fair to Leon, growing up in the concubine wars from hell means that developing sibling bonds with Camilla would've been complicated, with their mothers fighting and trying to kill each other. But he would've developed feelings for Camilla because she's the motherly figure in his life when his real mother is perceived to have only seen him as a pawn, and Westermarcke didn't kick in. Whether Kamui was around early enough for Westermarcke effect or not, Kamui is not exactly motherly and gentle. Despite being older, Kamui is like the flunky that Leon has to make sure doesn't do something stupid and get themselves killed. I'm not sure that Leon would develop a crush on a female Kamui just because Kamui has such a pathetic personality.

I do agree that IS and people writing these kind of fan works in general need to stop making sexualized jokes about family and siblings, though.

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I know that I hate her brothers drooling over her more, because at least she doesn't drag anyone else down with her with the underwear joke.

You know, I've noticed something about how male Kamui and female Kamui are generally treated by fan works. And do keep in mind that I've only seen a small fraction of fan work, so maybe this isn't entirely accurate, but female Kamui seems to exist a hell of a lot more for shipping than the male one. A lot of her most common pairings or teases seem to be with her brothers, while the sisters bickering over male Kamui feel more like sisters arguing over whose brother Kamui is (except for Camilla who already has her own issues). Even with the servants, when they obsess over male Kamui it seems to be portrayed more as a joke and he wants to be more independent. Whereas with female Kamui the servants are just portrayed as being overly loyal and devoted and she tends to just take it all up like the moeblob that she is or something.

This explains a lot to me, because I've always wondered why I disliked female Kamui more despite the two being virtually the same character. It's not the character, but the way they are always portrayed in anything outside of the damn game. I get so very sick of seeing female Kamui in fan works because 90% of the time it's just something shipping related and how she's the damn moon everyone wants to love and protect and have.

Another interesting about Female Corrin and her relationship with her younger brothers is that if she romances either of them, they become borderline dependent on her. Just look at their My Room quotes! Compared to the younger sisters, if Male Corrin romances them, this dependency doesn't show.

Now that I think about there are other male characters who become dependent on Female Corrin, such as Jakob and Siegbert.

Male Corrin doesn't seem to have anyone become dependent on him.

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