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I find it weird that the mafia put all the focus on Shinori. I dunno, it feels odd. And if Shinori does in fact flip mafia, I don't know, eclipse could in fact be third party. They after all had a scumcop. However I afree with Bizz on that fact Elieson might have used his power on Balcerzak to make him not looks suspicious. I mean tell me, why would the mafia make Balcerzak keep quiet, huh? What logic is there in that? Not to mention I highly doubt that we have another redirector role, so it seems like it was a deliberate move.

Know what? This lynch is on hold for now.


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Okay Marth, I get it. You suspect me. You suspect me a lot. But I'm not the kind of chucklefuck who just collapses at the slightest bit of pressure and overreacts. I'm in no danger of being lynched, there are ways to prove my role, and I'm not going to do the town a disservice by self-destructing.

Is there anything constructive you want me to do?

I'd admit, a lot of this latest Blitz reappearance whirlwind is leaving me a little bit in the dust, and honestly I'd like to be contributing, but no OC, and I'm not going to ask all cards face up on the table, because that is just helping the mafia.

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Yet another day passed by in which you swiftly met up, agreed on a target, and strung them up from the rafters by their underwear.

However, Shinori had planned for this, and his underwear band snapped, allowing him to crash to the floor and begin his escape after a very impressive display of tumbling, shouting "I'm as clever as can be!" as he quickly ran for the door.

Unfortunately, as he forgot, he only had so many tricks, and the door was locked.

Shinori has been lynched. He was:

Dear Shinori,
Useful posts on this page: None.

You are Lieris, Mafia Kimberlies.

It is also your fault that the brilliant and perfect Kelsey Green died, you monster. You are Cam's twin sister, which makes you 12 years old no matter what you say. You are pretty good for a newbie but since you are stereotypical Asian teenager you tend to go inactive because school. Also, you have a crush on Prims and want to marry him.

Since you are a liar, you will not show up on any tracker or watcher reports and your role name will appear to be Iris. Stop making us lie to the players.

Post Restriction: You should treat the game like you're in school, the other players are just your schoolmates and the hosts are your teachers. Other than that, go nuts.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are removed.

It is now Night 5. Day 5 ends on the 4th of June at 11PM GMT.

Have a nice night~

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And somehow we're still not done with this game? Either we've killed all the mafia and have to deal with a third party, or there's an extra member.

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Dear Blitz,

NO. If you can't even go along with my crazy ideas (and the one on N4 had a point), then there's no way in hell I trust you enough with public information.


Prims, Town Prims

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I don't think I can find many constructive things about outing everything, Blitz.

Then again, my opinion apparently doesn't mean shit.

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I'm obviously disappointed content that I turned out to be mafia, especially since I normally play town. It looks like a culmination of every Skype conversation I've ever had with Mr. Paperblade!. If only he didn't forget my three+ other double lives where I'm cult leader to Lumi's mercenaries, also Soluna's twin (first and foremost, sorry, Cam), have four wives, etc. 8) But I GUESS it's pretty good considering Mr. Paperblade's knowledge of me is limited! Fine, all right, it's pretty hilarious. 8D

Shinori was Ninja, right? So we still have to find that role poisoner. Who got downgraded last time? Rather, does someone have a list on hand? I know Shinori probably faked being downgraded, but still, a list would be helpful.

Anyways, I want to say the last mafia is Balcerzak, due to lack of other scummier people, but eh.

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Shinori was Ninja, right? So we still have to find that role poisoner. Who got downgraded last time? Rather, does someone have a list on hand?

Raymond Night 0

Anouleth Night 1

Night 2 can't remember

Me Night 3

and presumably Nobody N4 to make Shinori faking it more believable.

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Shinori claimed it N2. No one claimed it N4, IIRC. This doesn't mean that Bal can't be the poisoner - with Shinori gone, it means that the mafia probably idled with it on N2. Thus, Blitz's report is useless.

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Good morning Ange-oh god what happened to Reinfleche.

Reinfleche has died, he was:

Dear Reinfleche,
Hmm good point. I guess I'll just go cry myself to sleep all alone in my dorm room tonight. Not that thats any different than a regular night...


You are StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw, Town Bedsmith.

Say that five times fast. You are an above average player considering we still can't remember anything about you. Your main problem is that your self confidence weighs in at around a -6, even though you have a tendency to be right.

Due to your amazing hiding-under-bedsheets talents, you will be able to survive an attempt on your life once per game.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Building a pillow fortress for USER!" You will build a pillow fortress for USER and give him your bedsheets for the night. As a result, if someone comes to kill USER, he will be able to hide under your bedsheets and survive. However, this means your bedsheets will be elsewhere that night, so activating this ability will cause you to lose your bulletproof ability for the night.

Post Restriction: Your confidence levels are in the gutter, so you should act unsure of yourself and sheepish wherever possible.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

It is now Day 6. Day 6 ends on Thursday the 7th of June at 12PM* GMT.


Have a nice day~

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