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I'm dead.


At least I didn't die in lame ways, like the guys in the 2003 movie "Core"

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I can't let this thread die yet! There are still lots of stories that we haven't started or finished yet!

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Meanwhile Frosty gets a bunch of multi-route endings involving "Forever alone and melting", "Reincarnated" or... "Turning into the Nyan Cat"

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Don't worry, My series of stories will be coming soon, so TRAILER!

Coming to a Serenes Forest near you, In Shadowbreeze64's vain attempt to create stories around a video game:

LIVE-A-LIVE: FOLGORE RANGERS EDITION! Expect Happiness,Tragedy,Death,and Violence.

List of the Rangers and their corresponding stories. (I have reasoning for who gets what Chapter, don't question it.








Medival(Might happen dependent on stuff)-Zm


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PROLOGUE: A Trip Through Time Part One

It was a peaceful day in the town of Serenes Forest, at least it would be had the town's protecters, the Folgore Rangers third party villain, Breezy ShadowPants not absorbed the power of the Demon King of olden times. Not the Demon King From FE8 for the record.

" So, you Rangers have heard of my recent accomlishment I'm sure." Breezy said with a smirk on his face.

"Of course we have, and we've come to stop you from doing whatever your plan was!" Shin said.

"Well, I suppose I will showcase my new powers for you, on maybe the English Major hm."

"I highly disagree with this sudden turn of events containing something to do with the premise of me having a degree in the category of the English Language....." Banzai had dissapeared before he could finish his long-winded sentence.

"You fiend, what have you done with him?!" 13th said

"I simply transported him to a land before English" Breezy said. "As for the rest of you, I will have to rid you from this time era, so adios fools.

This would've been not split into parts had I not been stupid and baxkspace'd out of this. Appoligies for being short, the other parts will be full of said HAppiness,Tragedy,Death and Violence aforementioned in the previous post of mine.

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PROLOGUE: A Trip Through Time Part 2!

Read Part 1 a few posts up before this

"Where in the name of English am I?" Banzai asked himself.


"Oh dear, this is not proper English, this will be tougher than I thought it would be..."

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _

"Hey you, get out of our way or else!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Darros started.

"Enough talk, let this man go."

"And what's an old man like you going to do about it?"

"I suppose I will have to show you then!"

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ________

"Ah, you must be the new recruit, go and help Oboro bring a new dawn to this Land of the Rising Sun."

"Uh, yes sir! Timp said.

"Where on Earth am I supposed to go, and who is this Oboro?"


"Hey you, are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Sharpy said. "Could you tell me who you are and where I am?"

"Of course, I'm the sheriff 'round these parts, and this is Success Town here.


"Ah, you must be my partner for the tournament. Come on, we have to get ready!'

" Ah, of course. Away we go!" Shin said, always ready to help people in need


"Hey, are you okay? You kinda fell out of nowhere."

"Yes I'm okay, thank you." Boron said.

"Okay good, I was worried. Follow me, you look exhausted.


"Ah, he appears to have awakened."

"That's good, but how did he get here in the first place?"

"He jumped on while we grabbed the Alein, he's here to sabatoge us!"

"Stop jumping to conclusions like that, he doesn't look like he'd come here to do that."

Edited by Shadowbreeze64
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Hahaha, Shadow. a Live-A-Live based story, awesome it looks like its off to a very good start too. I'll keep up with this one =P

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Hahaha, Shadow. a Live-A-Live based story, awesome it looks like its off to a very good start too. I'll keep up with this one =P

Thanks man! I tried to keep the dudes talking on part 2 short as to not spoil their idendity (except in Timp's)

wait until I get the Kung-Fu chapter up, that'll be amazing. Lucky it's the second one!

let's see how much justice I'll do this game with the Rangers in it

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Boron is hinting in my general direction! D:

I was actually hinting in my own general direction. :lol:

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[spoiler=Drawing Board takes to long?]

Rain poured down on his golden locks, those drops that then fall on your neck and send shivers down your spine... With a swift stroke of the arm the hoody landed on top of his head, he mumbled.

"I'd li.. ..o t....e a sh....r ri...t ..ow... .t it ca..'t be he..ped." ... "Job to finish." he said, more resolute this time. He kept walking, his dark blue coat seemed to turn black whenever in the shadows. A couple of golden locks still showed from under his hoody, obscuring his eyes. He turned round a corner. The cameraman had trouble keeping up, how could it be so hard to keep up with an assassin that blended in with the night as if he was one of those aliens from "attack the block"! I mean, he could have been dressed as a clown in a circus, that would've sucked! The cameraman turned round the corner, only to find himself staring at the point of the sword. It was aimed at him, as if it would be a point blank gun shot. "No, that's absurd, swords don't fire ammo!" The cameraman had a silly grin on his face from his own stupid line of thought.

Making that grin was the last thing he ever did, because as soon as the corner of his mouth had twisted, Dark Pit shot him in the temple with a Palutena Blade. "That's for trying to catch me painting Pit's wings pink" Dark pit turned to the man with the sword, only to find pit standing there, Wings and tunic, Pink as can be.

The robed person had vanished.

During this intermission, i have nothing to tell, so i hired a new cameraman and he conveniently ran into our guy.

Deftly swinging his sword, the robed man took out all sentries, and slipped quietly inside. The camera guy stumbled and knocked as loudly as he could on the metal door. he had to keep up, otherwise...

Moving right along, the two got to their destination. Behind that wooden door, the target lay, fast asleep. "It's time.." the mysterious man said. and he slit the throat of his tag along chum. The camera fell on the ground, and the last footage showed the door closing, and a the sound of a high pitched girly-ish scream. Next morning, the headlines read "Horrible murder took place, victim was cut dozens of times before death!"

Reading a bit into the article, it seems the victim was cut dozens of times but with only minor injuries, almost papercuts, and in every single on of those cuts, the forensics found an unusual amount of acid. Grapefruit acid. On the windowsill lay one grapefruit, but it was unscathed. "The victim must have felt excrusciating pains before finally being... ended"

Nobody cared about the camera people.

I refuse to let this end.

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