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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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this implies you think your claim was the right thing to do

the difference between your play and what Prims did in FAYZ is that the only thing your claim would do is get you killed

##Vote: Helios

Prims vote was bad

asks too many questions without giving enough of his own thoughts

Kay's Shinori vote was fine and she's not rolespeccing at all

I kinda already did though:

It's weird that I was the only person that thought Shinori was town based off his interactions with Mashed Potatoes. Being uncharacteristically aggressive that early is not Shinori's meta, and more importantly scum wouldn't do that so early in the game.

I'm neutral on Meesh right now since I'm not sure if her natural playstyle is the cause of her being a little unnecessarily defensive over Shinori's posts. Otherwise I don't remember her posting anything else other than defenses. Meesh, what's your current thoughts on what's been happening in the thread?

@Manix: All I can ask is why you caused this shitstorm, since you've done nothing but give yourself negative attention. Not smooth broseph.

##Unvote (Prims)

My question to him has become basically pointless now since Manix isn't actually a survivor. Would like to hear from him when he comes back from school or whatever about his current thoughts.

##Vote Kay

I think that your Shinori/Manix scumbuddy idea has no backing to it, your vote for Shinori in general was pretty weak, and discussing role speculation doesn't really seem protown to me. What do you have to say to this?

Is there anything specific you want me to comment on though?

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I'm just afraid to make any major decisions this early on in the game. Especially since my decisions have proven to not be good at all. That's why I'm letting others do the discussions. By getting the rest to discuss about Shinori's claims, I might be able to get more scumtells off of that to solidify my scumtells.

You'll never learn if you let everyone else lead the discussions and barely contribute. Even if your decisions "have proven to not be good at all," this is why you keep at it and practice. We want to know what you think, and you need to contribute your own thoughts, regardless of whether they end up being wrong or not.

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I kinda suspect that Manix and Prims could be scumbuddies, honestly. Also I don't like Shinori's accusation of Meesh or him saying we shouldn't be talking about basically the only thing that had happened at the time.

##Vote: Shinori

But Shinori voted on Meesh acting unnecessarily defensive, not because she talked about the survivor claim shenanigans. So that's why I thought the post was bad.

I'm saying we should talk. Obviously some things are better to talk about than others, but a few hours into D1 does not seem like a time to object to activity, even if it's less than ideal.

This basically says that "as long as there's talking it's okay". But isn't it more important to post QUALITY over QUANTITY? I got the rolespec part wrong (I think I read someone say that and it messed with my thoughts) though so take that part out of my reasons to vote Kay. I don't agree with the quantity>quality logic though.

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Except I already explained why the Shinori vote was bad IMO, and I also explained what I meant about the rolespec talk (which was my own misunderstanding, and I cleared up what I meant by that part). You're defending Kay awfully hard though it must be love

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Wooooo.... I think there's enough downtime now to go back and finish my notes past post #76, but for now.... Hey, look, there's been some meta...oh nooooo.... :o: (okay, I may or may not continue to be obnoxious about this, we'll see XD)

WELP, for major developments.... Kind of thinking aloud here, bear with me.... Honestly I'm not ready to take my vote off of Shinori just yet, though that's mostly because I'm still taking everything in and haven't decided where I stand just yet (and he's not in danger atm as far as I can tell). Um, I'll have to go back and look, but unless I missed something, I only had 4 votes noted for Shinori at the time that there were actually 5 and he was freaking out about people taking votes off? So I guess there's something he can't claim but...heh, so I dunno if the 5th vote was a mistake on my part, a mistake on someone else's, another role affecting the vote, or something to do with Shinori himself.... So helpful, I know, but I figured I'd note it because if I have something wrong in my notes that'd be useful to fix. XD

Actually I made a mental note earlier while flipping through my notes (henceforth I am stealing the title from a friend and calling it the Giant Spreadsheet of Doom, or GSoD) about Scorri; she kind of pops in to comment on some things and comes off trying to be helpful, but she hasn't really contributed anything substantial and referring to my GSoD. she hasn't actually really taken a side on any issue. She's remained neutral in her posts and has yet to place a vote of any sort.

I actually was rethinking whether or not Shinori's vote on Scorri was as weak as I thought, before the whole back-and-forth started, but now that's something I can look into again. For some of the people who checked in right in the middle of the whole Shinori-claims-doc thing, I haven't gotten that far note-wise. But from memory, Boron's come off kind of scummy to me.

Heh, I actually kind of like how organized my thoughts are with my GSoD. I can see the appeal to it. Must catch up now.

OH, one other thing, I have 3 posts noted for Kay, and while I don't think they're shining beacons of townie light, only the first one really stuck out to me at all and I think that was because I had a hard time reading one or two of her sentences and I wasn't sure if it was poor wording or the logic I wasn't getting. At any rate, I pretty much agreed with the things she did weigh in on and I don't think she's as scummy as Scorri. At least she's taken stances on things.

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But from memory, Boron's come off kind of scummy to me.

Meesh, for future reference (and this applies to everyone as well), if you're going to say that I come off as scummy to you, then could you give some reasons as to why? It is a personal pet peeve of mine when people say that I'm scummy but then fail to elaborate or give any reasons as to why.

I do think you (and BBM mentioned this earlier too, I think) bring up a good point about scorri. I think I actually forgot that she was in this game for a moment.

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FoS on Helios. I don't actually find his Prims vote as bad as his Prims unvote. Helios, you were voting for Prims because you thought he might be scum trying to waste a day phase on lynching ITP. Regardless of whether or not this was a good reason to vote for Prims, if you genuinely thought that what Prims was doing was scummy, why back off like that just because it turns out that Manix isn't ITP after all? What matters is that at the time that Prims was attacking Manix, he believed that Manix was ITP. So Manix not being ITP doesn't really change what you thought was scummy about Prims. The unvote doesn't make sense to me at all.

I also have way too many FoSes, which either means that I'm being really paranoid or people are not as good at this game as me. :P:

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I call paranoid

I'm honestly not feeling the Kay wagon because her first post (which is apparently a problem to some???) was actually productive and everything else was reasonable (from memory)

etc I really don't feel like it right now

more thoughts later

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>Saying I was defensive when I pointed out bad logic and false logic because he even admitted himself that his words were wrong.

How am I defensive for pointing out flaws?

Catching up for my GSoD, and I wanted to say, NAW BRAH, don't even. I said the word "dismiss" was a poor word choice but that wasn't the only word I used. Don't even pretend like I ever said I had bad or false logic or messed up my entire post. ONE word that I used poorly, and the rest of it was all either you misunderstanding or whatevs, because I notice no one else was jumping all over my bad/false logic. Also you neglected to quote the rest of things, which was when you really started getting defensive, but oh wells, since it'd be dumb to lynch you.... But this is why I have issues taking my vote off. XD You may be our doc, but you're making it hard to concentrate on actual scumhunting in that case by being pretty stinking scummy yourself.

@Boron--yeah, I know, sorry, did I mention that I was taking notes and that I was just going off of memory? No? Well, I am getting caught up from where I last took notes and I can give more substantial conclusions when I've reached that point, okay? Okay. I wasn't just going to leave it at "Boron's scummy" and never say anything more of it again. >.<

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Okay, just reread the thread again. To elaborate on my stance against Kay:

Manix, do you actually think Prims is scum? I mean, if he is, he'll know you're nonscum, so you don't have that much reason to lie. If he does suspect you of being a town power role, he can kill you and claim vig. If he wants you around, that's not necessarily a scummy position to take.

So, if you're survivor and Prims is mafia, would he really want to push for your lynch?

This is her first post. It's the bolded part that I didn't like, specifically ... I couldn't understand her train of thought. I mean, her ultimate point in that post is the italicized part, but I feel that she was being unnecessarily confusing in her explanation.

Also, the few posts that she did make I feel like she wasn't really contributing to the discussion. She says she suspects Manix and Prims could be scum buddies ... for what reason? Doesn't elaborate on it. Doesn't really say anything that hasn't already been brought up, though.

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Manix, who do you think is scummy? You poked a bit at Shinori, but other than that and everything that went around the Survivor claim, I don't think you've actually done much so far, even though you've had a sizable amount of posts.

Also, I should mention that I changed my name.

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alright survivor claim was dumb, doc claim was dumb but we're not lynching a doc claim D1 even though a lot of shinori's posts are awful. I don't like Mancer's posts. Stuff like 81 and the first bit of 120 put me off a bit and make him read scummy to me a little, would consider lynching potentially

Helios's votes are both terrible. The Prims one is worse because voting survivor on D1 is not bad, and he's also given very little concrete opinions and I don't like how he just pushes off what Mancer is doing as "oh he's trolling". whole lot of questions, not a lot of content.

##Unvote (SEG)

##Vote Helios

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Mafia doesn't mind survivor lynch because it means one of them are not being lynched

Rein, this early post of your's implied that you believed pushing for a survivor lynch to be slightly scummy, or at the very least, not inherently town. Yet your recent post implies that pushing for a survivor lynch is a good thing, or at the very least, not a bad thing. It seems rather contradictory to me.

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Also, most of that post seemed like really obvious stuff to say. "Survivor claim was bad, doc claim was dumb" is a really generic response that wasn't really necessary to make.

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Give me an hour or so to catch up. This many posts to read really messes me up and makes it hard to even get started on the game. I'm at home now, so I have free time to focus and read everything in detail (without skimming).

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>Says lynching survivor claim d1 is antitown since it allows mafia to not get lynched d1

>Now says lynching survivor is a town move

What's it gonna be Rein? You're also probably borrowing Paperblade's reasoning as to why my Kay vote is "terrible", which I already explained as much as I really can so meh. With regards to Mancer...have you ever played a game with him? This is how he has been since he started playing mafia. I don't think he's actually trolling, it was supposed to be a joke, but I'm not going to deem has obvscum just because he's doing what he normally does. I'm not going to dismiss it either, but at least I'll give him a bit to actually do something. Content will come in due time though if you know how I play; I always start posting more and more as the game continues once I start actually focusing more. Your vote in general seems a little opportunistic to me, and I'm gonna keep that in mind. Also it's kinda funny that you would try and grill me for a lack of content when I've posted more ~content~ than you have, technically. I get that you're a miller, but that doesn't just give you a free pass. Also like BBM said, the rest of your post is echoes and common sense. Dat young pseudocontribution son.

In other news:

@BBM: I didn't unvote Prims because Manix wasn't a survivor, I unvoted because I didn't think he was gonna be around and parking my vote on him felt pointless. Not to mention my reasoning for voting him was mainly "why are you trying to lynch someone who isn't mafia right now when we should be trying to lynch mafia" and see if I can get some reactions off that. It wasn't happening, so I switched my vote to Kay because I didn't like some of her posts and I wanted to get some reactions off that (which I did from others) so it's been working out decently so far.

Meesh is still posting a lot of fluff and not a whole lot of content. I know I'm not one to talk, but it's not helping your town case. Maybe it's just because of your style and the mood you're in, but I'd like to see less fluff in the future.

Also Elieson and Scorri need to post more so I can get a read on them.

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On another note, while there might be a lot of posts for this stage in the game, I don't actually think that much, if any of it, is spam, so people shouldn't really be complaining. I mean, the last few games have been filled with people complaining about the lack of activity.

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Manix is wrong about survivors but likely to be confirmed town, okay.


Neither one of Shinori and Meesh look scummy to me. Kay's #31 reads capitalizing on two arguments between non-scum players.

Don't like Paperblade's Shinori vote, at the time of his post there was no reason to believe Manix was scum instead of survivor and associative tells without flips is realllly flimsy justification for a vote at this point. Not actually scumreading Paper but that was bad.

Okay, yeah, Shinori is town. Shinori: Please write "I WILL NOT CLAIM A POWER ROLE UNLESS I HAVE AN INCRIMINATING RESULT ON ANOTHER PLAYER, AM AT L-1 WITH SOMEBODY THREATENING TO HAMMER ME, OR AM AT L-1 WITH DEADLINE APPROACHING RAPIDLY" on the chalkboard like a million times. At the very least you should have kept it at "I'm important and need to claim early for reasons I can't explain, please don't lynch me" but not have mentioned being doc.

##Vote: Elieson

His votes so far are pretty weak, parking on a lurker and switching to the dude who claimed Friendly Neighbor (somebody that will resolve itself by the end of a night phase). Boron and Mancer are also weaksauce for not scumhunting for several posts, but Elieson's passiveness seems more "off". Had I been here earlier my vote'd be on Kay, I'm not currently opposed to wagoning her.

I actually find Boron worse than Mancer since her Kay vote looks like a question. It's like she's really scum!BBM. Also, why do you have time to read Kay and Mancer but not Meesh? Agree with BBM on Helios and Elie and probably just in general right now, haven't done much more than skim page 5 though. Also Helios' reactions read super Okarin instead of Nidoking :meta: so not actually too concrete on that, prefer Elie and Kay lynches.

This post was rushed due to time limits, I'm basically kinda-grounded-but-not-really so my reads are gonna be lackluster for a little while. If you want elaboration on what I'm posting then drop me a question so I can respond when I have the chance.

Yeah BBM I'm just annoyed I have to analyze 4 new pages in 30 minutes.

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