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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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Welcome to Mystery Mafia! Rules below.

[spoiler=Mechanics]1. This game is No Outside Contact (NOC), meaning there will be no talk outside of the thread, unless you are allowed to via your role or faction.

2. The game will start on Night Zero, with no killing actions able to be performed on Night Zero.

3. No hidden players. Because they suck.

4. Vote using the ##Vote: (player) system. Makes it so much easier on everyone.

5. This is a modified hammer game. Half of the remaining votes plus one rounded down ((x/2)+1) will lynch someone instantly. Once someone hammers, there is no talking until I post the flip. Modkills will be dealt out if someone talks after a hammer post, with exceptions at my discretion (use post preview people, it helps).

a) If at the end of a day there is no hammer, if the player with the most votes has one third of the possible votes rounded down, they will be lynched. Any ties between majority lynch targets at the end of a day will have the lynch be decided at random.

i) Not enough votes for a lynch means universal loss the first time. There is no second chance.

ii) No Lynch is an acceptable lynch option, but the vote rules for players still apply.

b) Vote amounts required to lynch/hammer during the game as stated by me will always be accurate. If I say an amount of votes, hammer occurs at that amount no matter what.

i) Modifiers like Hated/Loved will trigger as appropriate based on the number of votes required.

6. Role PM's will be flipped on death.

a) If a player is modkilled for any reason, they will not flip. Their Role PM and alignment will remain hidden. That player also cannot win the game with their faction.

i) Abuse cases like intentionally getting yourself modkilled as you are about to be lynched to hide your own flip, etc, will never end well for you. I will probably just flip you normally in those cases.

7. If three people are modkilled, the game ends in universal loss.

8. I will not confirm in thread if the town has reached LYLO or a variant thereof.

9. Days will be 48 hours, and nights 24 hours. This is not barring extreme personal circumstances. Extensions may be granted if needed. THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO BE LAZY. If you ask for an extension and activity hasn’t been great, I will probably deny the request.

a) Talking is allowed during the night.

10. If you have more than one ability, you may only use one on any given night. No exceptions. If you don’t want to use your role on a given night, reply to your Role PM with Night X – Idle. Need to make sure you’re paying attention. Any players without an action submitted by deadline will be warned and will forceidle. Second warning gets you modkilled.

a) Mafia may no-kill without limit should they desire.

11. Priority list is already generated. There are no roles that mess with the priority list in any way.

12. Night results: Investigation results are not guaranteed to be accurate, redirects will not be revealed, any failed actions will not be provided with a reason why, and successful protection actions will not be disclosed.

13. No items in this game. Items are lame.

14. The town’s wincon is as follows: “You are aligned with The Clueless. You win when all threats have been eliminated.”

[spoiler=Rules]1. No quoting Role PM’s in any way, shape or form. If you want to give results, paraphrase. Any violations might get you modkilled, at my discretion.

a) You can also paraphrase role flavor, give your role name, and your role without repercussion.

2. You can ask any question of me regarding the game. I reserve the right to not always give a straight answer if it pertains to information that you shouldn’t know. Ask questions if you’re not sure about whether something isn’t allowed or not.

3. Double posting in succession is discouraged. Be reasonable with multiposting because it can get quite annoying if you post like three or more times in a row. If you get out of hand with multiposting I will issue a warning. Three warnings and you start getting a ghost vote for every successive post past the second from then on (ie: double posting is okay). Ghost votes do not change hammer numbers.

4. Don’t talk to people that are not playing about the game. You never know what could happen.

5. Dead people are dead. Period. No nonsense like reviver in this game. I will provide a quicktopic for dead people that they can communicate in about the game. Dead players cannot talk about the game outside of that quicktopic. If a dead person has access to any quicktopics, they cannot post in them.

a) Obvious implication; information cannot pass from the dead to the living.

6. No requests for IO’s when you are dead. I’ll also be limiting IO’s to two people.

7. Players that are AWOL for a day and night phase will be modkilled. If you are going to be away, please let me know in advance. I probably won’t modkill you then. I will consider subbing if you are going to be away for an extended period of time.

8. Requests for subs need to either be in the game thread or role PM.

9. Please don’t be lame in general. Seriously, this has to be a rule.

10. Post editing will get you modkilled.

11. And if there is something I’ve missed, it will be placed above and posted in thread.

Take particular note of mechanics 5, 5a, 6a, 7, and 9, at all times.

Phase links (and others):

Background Story

Night Zero

Day One

Night One

Day Two

Night Two

Day Three

Night Three

Day Four

Night Four

Final Day

Game Over


Setup Notes


Votal links:

Day One First

Day One Second

Final Day One

Final Day Two

Day Three First

Day Three Second

Day Three Third

Final Day Three

Alive players (click to ISO!):

9. BBM/Thomas Raith - Travis, The Secretive Knowledgeable (3rd Party Inquisitor) - Won

Dead players:

6. Cap'n Flint/Blitz - Marle, The Clueless Lookout (Town Non-Consecutive Night Watcher) - Lynched Day One

2. scorri - Parla, The Clueless Judger (Town Alignment Cop) - Killed Night One

4. Shinori - Diar, The Manipulators Stalker (Mafia Tracker) - Lynched Day Two

1. Prims/cyborg sammy davis jr. - Elei, The Clueless Student (Town Doctor) - Killed Night Two

12. j00 - Kiset, The Clueless Celestite Villager (Town Vanilla) - Killed Night Two

13. Rapier - Refia, The Clueless Performer (Town Rolecop) - Lynched Day Three

8. Bluedoom - Belir, The Clueless Pariah (Town Miller Jack Of All Trades) - Killed Night Three

10. SB/Serious Bananjas - Nione, The Clueless Envoy (Town Vanilla) - Killed Night Three

11. Psych - Glenn, The Manipulators Stalwart (Mafia 2-shot Redirector) - Lynched Day Four

3. Paperblade/Boron - Denul, The Clueless Soldier (Town Vanilla) - Killed Night Four

14. Kay - Zephyr, The Clueless Denier (Town 2-shot Roleblocker) - Killed Night Four

5. Elieson/eclipse - Laura, The Manipulators Idol (Mafia Tailor/1-shot Masstailor) - Lynched Final Day

7. MancerNecro - Aeria, The Clueless Persistent (Town Safeguard) - Endgamed

Edited by Manix
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due to popular demand, I'm revising rule 3 (ghost votes on double posts and more)

changing it to a kinda warning system/guideline

edit: check it out. there's still possible ghost votes but it's not as harsh.

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so people who have actually sent me PM's, you have questions to answer now

to those still wanting to play but clearly didn't read the OP, send me PM's

edit: also OP will be updated with the people who successfully answer questions correctly and get the slots with priority

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magical times ahead people:

3 playerslots open, and I've got possible new blood into the system

this could be really good

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It has also come to my attention about what happens if votes are tied at the end of a phase and all tied lynch targets have over the requisite one third of the votes. The lynch will be at random between the lynch targets.

Editing that into the appropriate rule now.

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Okay I'm sitting on one playerslot and like three people wanting in

oh boy. excess players will be able to sub, by the way

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Game has filled. Game starts at 11PM GMT 11/20 (ie 10am GMT+11 tomorrow, my time)

I've notified the other players who didn't get in that they can sub should they want to. Anyone else that wants to sub can confirm in thread.

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you don't need to confirm although it would be nice. confirm in thread please.

Game however still does not start until 11PM GMT. Remember that the game starts on Night Zero with no killing actions able to be performed, nighttalk allowed.

Game start in about 8 hours!

(although note that I ~might~ not be awake at that time oops. I'll try though)

edit: all Role PM's should be out! if you didn't get one for some reason, buzz me immediately!

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I forgot one thing. (warning: story is quite long)

[spoiler=Story]This story begins in the city of libraries, Celestia. It was a peaceful place. Its people had some of the most advanced technology and knowledge in this world. People flocked to Celestia in droves because of its reputation.

One day though a messenger was seen rushing toward the Crystal Palace, his face clearly indicating something was wrong. The passerby looked on as he kept running through the town square. Reaching the doors of the palace, he flings them open with all his might. He continues to run through the palace, quickly finding himself before his king, and kneeled before him.

The messenger was quite tired, as evident by his panting. “Your majesty! I bear grave news! An army approaches from the west, and they are advancing directly toward the city!” The king’s face turned sour as he heard the message. He replied, “Very well.” The king turned to his right and directed his next statement towards the well armored knight beside him. “Commander Ritae? You heard the messenger. Rally a small battalion of troops to ride out with you against this threat.”

The man, known as Ritae, looked at the king and nodded. “Understood, your Majesty. I will see to it at once.”

Ritae went outside to the military barracks to round up a force. He stood at the carved stone podium that was present inside the barracks and made a small speech to rally up some troops. The inspired troops prepared themselves, and they rode out of the city, to the west where the army was said to be.

Ritae looked on as his army marched forward. Slowly, a mass of humanoids came into view. Ritae surmised this must have been the army that the messenger spoke of. For all the fuss, the opposing force didn’t seem to be attempting to make any ground toward Celestia. A tall humanoid looked to be leading the opposing force. The humanoids began to move. As the leader became more clear, it looked like he was a warlock of some description. His skin was decaying away like rotten flesh. He barely looked human anymore.

A chanting could be heard. “We are... The Corrupted.” The source has from the entire humanoid army, all of which also shared a similar appearance to their leader. Decaying flesh, grotesque bodies. Ritae looked around as the chanting continued. He saw some of his soldiers fall to the ground, writhing in pain. It didn’t take long for the process to finish; the soldiers affected began to also exhibit similarities to The Corrupted. More and more soldiers were affected, every second.

Over time, all of Ritae’s force had been converted. Ritae himself had been one of the last to succumb to The Corrupted, however no one was spared. The Corrupted began to move toward Celestia, ready to finally conquer it. The soldiers of Celestia now rode out to conquer the city they once loved…

The Corrupted had soldiers already placed inside the city. They were completely robed up from top to bottom to the point where no one could see their rotting flesh. The soldiers in the city prepared themselves, placing themselves in massive libraries and other crowded places. As the army approached, the soldiers inside began rapidly accelerating their biological decomposition process, creating intense amounts of heat as they disintegrated into nothing. The resultant heat began fires in the set locations. Fires burned all over the city, now thrown into chaos. All the libraries began to burn, and many people died instantly of being in close proximity to the exploding soldiers.

Meanwhile at the place, tension mounted. The king couldn’t hide his great concern over what just happened from his face. The king motioned toward the High Guard. The three men of the High Guard immediately set out to amass the remaining troops. All the remaining soldiers attempted to take battle positions. Archers lined the city walls and began to fire into The Corrupted. Arrows flew as the chaos unfolded behind them. The Corrupted began to breach the city walls. The chanting had stopped. The Corrupted were dominant enough without additional converts. Part of The Corrupted fought against the remaining Celestia Army, and many Celestites fell to The Corrupted. The Corrupted marched toward the Crystal Palace, assured of their victory.

The palace doors fell as The Corrupted marched in. The High Guard stood in front of the king to protect him. The warlock slowly walked up to the High Guard and the king and began to speak. “It is futile. You have lost.” The warlock gave a small cackle. All of the High Guard drew their swords as they prepared to strike the warlock down.

All that was heard was the sound of metal slicing through flesh immediately after. The warlock found himself cleft in twain. The warlock wasn’t completely dead though. He began to speak again. “Insolent fools. Now you will know true pain!” An eerie screech began to reverberate throughout the palace, as all three members of the High Guard clutched their heads in pain and fell to the ground. The High Guard began to melt into a liquid state as they pooled on the ground. The onlookers cringed as they saw what happened. Over time, the screech died down. The Corrupted all ceased to move as they were overtaken by gravity and just slumped straight down to the ground. After that, they remained perfectly still.

The king urged everyone still in the palace to leave. They tried to convince the king to leave, but he said to them, “I have lived a long life. I refuse to leave this place after all these years. Now go! That’s an order!” They looked on sorrowfully as the king remained in the burning palace.

The fires still raged. The city was in ruins now. The palace survivors combed the city for traces of life. In nooks and crannies, and hidden doors, there were some other survivors. They all banded together and set out from Celestia, to find a new home.

However tensions were still high between the survivors. Some of them were not as they seemed… slowly, night by night; the band of survivors kept finding dead bodies when they awoke in the morning. They reached the conclusion that someone among them must be responsible for this, and as they travelled, they attempted to figure out who they were…

All the knowledge contained within the libraries of Celestia was lost this day, and most of it was unrecorded elsewhere in the world. The solved mysteries of the world became unsolved mysteries once more.

This is the story of the survivors of the Runic War.

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