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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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In the right place this time: xD

[spoiler=Glaedyr's Nightmare]

Glaedyr: She thrashes about in her sleep as she is having another one of her nightmares. It is her usual one, where she watches on in horror as her brother is killed right before her eyes as he defends her from an Anna as she simply runs in terror. Though after she witnesses this, the scene occurs again, but with an alteration. This time it is Nathaniel who she sees die in front of her. "No... NO! NOOOO!!!"

Nathaniel: *wakes up suddenly, after falling asleep at his desk* Huh?! Oh... Wait... *listens* Is that... Glaedyr? I heard that she had nightmares and all, but I thought she had medicine for that... May as well check up on her... *leaves his room and taps on Glaedyr's door* ...Hello? She must be asleep still... I guess I'll wake her up? *opens door*G-Glaedyr? *shakes her* Wake up! You're only dreaming...

Glaedyr: She opens her eyes wearily as Nathaniel shakes her awake, her mind felt all foggy. "...Huhhh...What...Where...Nathaniel?...Dreaming...?"

Nathaniel: I'm guessing you had a nightmare... You were thrashing around and screaming. It woke me up.

Glaedyr: At the mention of the word nightmare, her eyes widen in fear. "A...nightmare?" [The herbs must have not worked today...] "I-I woke you up? I'm sorry..."

Nathaniel: It's fine... I've had them myself. If you don't mind me asking, what was this nightmare about?

Glaedyr: [so he's had them too...] "Hmm..." She strains to think, but she can't remember anything. "I can't...remember...Whenever somebody wakes me up from one I don't remember a thing... It's weird... Though I can tell you what it probably was about though. It would have been a flashback to my brother's death. I should have died that day... He defended me, but it cost him his life... I relive it most nights. Though the herbs Yuffie gave me do help, they don't stop the nightmares entirely."

Nathaniel: That's... I'm sorry, Glaedyr. I had no idea... Do you want to talk about it?

Glaedyr: She sighs wistfully before suddenly plastering her usual smile onto her face. "Kind of you to offer, but I'll be fine!~ No point living in the past, after all! Besides...He...wouldn't...have...w-wanted me... to be sad..." Her voice falters over the last part, though she determinedly keeps smiling.

Nathaniel: (Crap! What do I-) *smiles back* Of course! You gotta keep smiling... Well, sleep well, Glaedyr. *kisses her on the cheek and walks out* (OH CRAP WHAT DID I DO ASKUFHASJFKASKJFSKHJKL)

Glaedyr: She sits there in shock. [...What was that for?] She blinks. [Perhaps it's just his way of trying to cheer me up!] "I'll try! Hopefully the herbs will work better this time!" She calls after him as he leaves.

[Hmmm...I get the feeling that something else happened after my usual nightmare...Something else...Something else happened after I watched him die... And whatever it was scared me even more than watching the first bit. But... how can that be? What could possibly be worse than watching your own brother die before your eyes?] She sits there in horror, letting the last part sink in. She couldn't even comprehend how something could be worse than that. The thought that there was even the slightest possibility of something being worse chilled her to the bone. [Hmm...I need to clear my head... I might...go train instead of sleeping..Yeah...That'll do...That always works!] With that she skipped off to do some late-night training, pushing her worries to the back of her mind.

Edited by Glaedyr
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[spoiler=The Massacre Of Behalla: Shadow and Sorin. Beware Of Sadism]


Shadow: They come ever near here. Arvis. You know what you must do?

Arvis: Of course I do. Manfroy has told me enough.

Shadow: Then The Dark God Loptyr will be resurrected..

Arvis: Go get ready to meet them. I will talk to the king and Deirdre.

Shadow: ...Yes your majesty.(I can't believe I just called him that. Pathetic. I serve dragons. Not mortals..)*leaves*


Sigurd: ...

Sorin: Sigurd, everybody is almost ready to sortie. Although... many of us have a bad feeling about this battle...

Sigurd: Thank you Sorin. I feel it also... but we can't run away. I'm gonna clear my families' good name and get rid of Langbart and Reptor for good.

Sorin: You say it like it is that simple. It won't be easy.

Sigurd: Not many of our battles have been easy. Everyone has sacrificed to get us here. I need to honor their sacrifices.

Sorin: ...You are good with speeches. Heh, I feel motivated. I need to check on Tiltyu before the battle begins though. She said she was feeling rather dizzy before I came here.

Sigurd: Right. Give her my regards.

Sorin: Yeah, and Sigurd? We'll find her.

Sigurd: ...Thank you...

Sorin: Tiltyu...
Tiltyu: Nope.
Sorin: But we already discussed this. We will be fighting you family next. I want you to go to Silesse with the kids.
That way you'll all be safe.
Tiltyu: You just want me to leave you here alone? What if something happens? How am I to raise our children without you?
Sorin: I...I'd rather it just be me then you also. I love you Tiltyu. The thought of you being hurt... I just.... what if I can't protect you? Our children shouldn't have to suffer because of my mistakes...
Tiltyu: I love you too. Heh, that's why we got married right? And you don't have to protect me. Let me protect you instead. If we do this together I'm sur-
Sorin: No. Every moment we've spent together, I cherish like no other. That is why you need to get to Silesse. To protect the memories of those moments and... the results of some of those moments.
Tiltyu: But if you aren't there then how can... you must understand Sorin. You speak as if you are going to die! Do you expect me to except that and leave?!
Sorin: ...You can stay... but promise me if things start to look bad, you'll get out of here ok? If not for your sake, then for my sake. Our children's sake.
Tiltyu: Alright. But your coming with me. I won't let anything separate us. I love you Sorin. Remember that.
Sorin: I love you too Tiltyu. Don't ever leave my side.
Shadow: Lady Raquesis.

Raquesis: Yes?

Shadow: This isn't wise going to the field. Fighting Freege is a bad idea. Stay behind.

Raquesis: No.

Shadow: Why Milady? I ask this of you as a friend and advisor. You are some of the only ones left that their descendants can wield Mystletainn.

Raquesis: Why do you care? I know you were around Shagall and my brother a lot. Why does my lineage matter to you?

Shadow: ...I'm sorry. My emotions have gotten the better of me. But may stay here any longer, I will get caught. Please, for my sake, survive this. I may be just an advisor or nothing but dust to you but...*leaves*

Raquesis: .....


Sorin:*Walking down to the castle with the others for the ceremony* One, two, three, four... Tiltyu, that's too many mages for my liking. Do you have your Thoron tome still?

Tiltyu: Mhm. Right here. *Looks ahead* I'm worried about Sigurd though. If something happens...

Sorin: If something happens, your safety is my priority. *Looks around planning an escape route* The security is too tight for a simple ceremony. *Allies start looking at Sorin*

Lewyn: Glad it's not just me. Eyes open everyone.

Everyone: *Quietly* Right.


Arvis: Here they come. Sigurd and Sorin.

Shadow: Indeed....

Arvis: Something wrong?

Shadow: Nothing. Pay me no heed.(Raquesis. I'm sorry...)

Arvis: It's time. Let's go.



Sorin: Has anybody told Arden yet?

Tiltyu: I tried. But he didn't believe me. He said they just wanted to give us a warm welcome.

Sorin: *sigh* I'm trying to ensure they don't give us a warm demise. *Looks back up to Arvis and Sigurd* He is lying. I can see it in his eyes.

Tiltyu: Sorin....

Shadow: Why would we try to kill you? That would be insane....(Insanely Obvious..)

Sorin: ...We are an obstacle. Arvis betrayed Reptor in a snap. He is in the perfect position to do the same to us. He's gonna do it.

Tiltyu: Sorin, who is that woman? *Points to Deidre*

Sorin: Wait... is that Deidre? *Looks at Shadow* What is this?

Shadow: I guess it's time to stop acting like a royal eh? You've been played. Tricked. Danced to our strings. Now the only thing left to do is for you to drop dead. MAGES! Attack!

Sorin: (I can't save everyone...) Everyone, move! Sigurd, get out of there! Stay close.

Tiltyu: *Fires a Thoron at one of the mages casting a meteor spell before Sorin grabs her around the waist* W-what are you doing?

Sorin: I...You are my priority. *A meteor spell goes off* Tch...I'm sorry... *Uses free hand to stab Abysm through another mage creating an escape path*

Tiltyu: *Fires another Thoron spell* Sorin, we can't leave them!

Sorin: ...*Sees Valflame swallow Sigurd* Sigurd!!! ...

Shadow: Don't even. He's dead. But now, so will you.*Fires Fenrir*

Sorin: None of that! *Weakens Fenrir with Abysm* *Sees everyone either dead or running* Tiltyu, we have to go!

Tiltyu: ...Ok...*Runs*

Shadow: You aren't going anywhere..*blocks path* You have to kill me first.

Sorin: We don't have time for this. Move. Go make sure Raquesis is unharmed or something.

Tiltyu: *Hopeless* Please... I don't want to fight anymore...

Sorin: (Her father's death affected her more than I thought... Add in everyone else that has died and...) *Pulls Tiltyu closer protectively*

Shadow: Then lay down your arms. If you do it will be quick and painless for us all.

Sorin: You know I can't do that. I won't let you hurt my wife and unborn child.

Tiltyu: ...

Sorin: Hey, chin up. Trust me. I'll keep you safe.

Tiltyu: It isn't that...Just don't die on me.

Sorin: Never that dear.

Shadow: Then you face death faster then. MAGES! KILL THEM ALL!*Launches Fenrir and multiple Meteors*

Sorin: Just give it a rest already!!! *Nullifies Fenrir and sends a Aura spell into the first Meteor*

Tiltyu: Sorin look left! *Fires a Thoron into another Meteor causing it to explode*

Sorin: Thank y- Get down! *Gets caught in the blast radius of another and cushions Tiltyu's landing with his body.*

Shadow: Stop. Mages retreat. Leave now or I'll have Arvis incinerate you as well. Your lives have been spared for now..

Sorin: ...*Stands* Just like that? What ab-*Sees Tiltyu* ...

Tiltyu: *Starts to stand but is picked up by Sorin* S-Sorin...

Sorin: *Turns to walk into the forest*


Sorin: ....Are you alright?

Tiltyu: ...Mhm... Baby feels good too.

Sorin: ...Good... I'm sorry... For everything I put you through recently. For killing your father... For running away... I'm so sorry...

Tiltyu: *Looks at Sorin and sees the tears he is trying to hide* ...You didn't break your promise... *Hugs him* ...Thank you....


Shadow: Where is she!?

Arvis: I didn't see. YOU were caught up in your hatred.

Shadow: Damn you to hell Arvis. If I didn't work for Manfroy I would kill your sorry ass. Now I will never see her again. Never to see a lineage.

Arvis: We got the plan complete. Go tell Manfroy that Sigurd is dead. You will have a chance in the future. I swear it on Fala.

Shadow: You better. You and Sorin ruined my chances of true happiness. Now when it comes for both of your deaths, I'll laugh. Laugh like the maniac I am....*Leaves*


[spoiler=After: Warning- Contains Sadism In Blatant Amounts Later In The Skit]

Shadow: This would be the place. Come in come out. Simple. Though I might take lives in the process. How it pleases me..

Sorin: *In the distance* Arthur? Where are you? It's dangerous out here alone. *sigh*

Arthur: Here I am daddy!

Sorin: *sigh* You have got to stop doing that. Your mother is worried about you.

Shadow: The door. So simple. Easy. Come in, kill a man grab his children and wife, come out. *sigh* This should be easy. Especially after killing Fury. I'm in a good mood today.

Sorin: *Walking back into his house and hears a voice out front*... Arthur.

Arthur: Hmm?

Sorin: Take this book(Wind Tome) and go back and hide.

Arthur: Umm... Ok daddy. See you in a minute?

Sorin: Of course. Your mommy and sister will be there first though. If we take to long or you get in trouble, read that book I gave you. *Goes inside* Tiltyu.

Tiltyu: Already packed. Tinny is ready also.

Sorin: Thought so. Get going dear. Arthur is already going.

Tiltyu: You let our little boy go alone?! What about you?

Sorin: I'm gonna attempt to buy you some time. Since Arthur is already moving, you can't stay here and argue.

Tiltyu: Mmm...*Kisses Sorin*

Sorin: ....Hey...You'll see me again. *Wipes a forming tear away from Tiltyu's eye* You tw-...three take care until then.*Kisses Tinny on the forehead* I love you all so much.

Tiltyu: I love you too. Don't break your promise...*Leaves*

Sorin: *Smile fades* *Casually opens the door with Abysm at his side* Hello sir. Can I help you?

Shadow: Drop the formalities. You know why I came here. Where are they?

Sorin: *sigh* I fail to see how that concerns you. Although I have a request. Abysm hasn't been used in quite some time and I'm beginning to worry about it's sharpness. Would you test it for me? Or better yet...*Unsheaths* Let me see how many pieces I can sever you into before you die.

Shadow: You don't learn do you? Kill me once I rise from the ashes. No matter what, killing me is impossible.*Unsheathes Shadowblade* Now are you ready to die? Freege called and says they want your wife back.

Sorin: I'm afraid I can't die now that I made that promise to them. And funny, that is the opposite of what Raquesis said about you when she went to Finn in Leonster. What do they want her for?

Shadow: Don't say her name. She has nothing to do with this.

Sorin: I wonder what hurts more. The fact that she rejected you? Perhaps how she still went to Finn. Or maybe the fact that even I was closer to her than you were.

Shadow: Stay out of it. Stay out of my personal. You bastard of a man.

Sorin: Bastard? And yet you are the one that came to kidnap my wife and children. And since you found this place, you must have killed Fury also. Behalla wasn't enough for you? (Tiltyu, hold onto Tinny and don't stop running. Find Arthur and all of you stay safe...)

Shadow: That battle was lost. I'm just here to kill survivors. I'll tell a lie that Fury died from natural causes. Like all the others I'll kill. Right. After. You.

Sorin: And you wait four years? You are a heartless bastard. If Freege cared about Tiltyu, Reptor wouldn't have used her as a pawn. What do they want with her now?

Shadow: I could possibly not give 100 damns at this point. Your wife and children are coming back with me. And not even you, can stop me.

Sorin: So that is how it is? You won't go near them. Over my dead body.

Shadow: I knew I had to coat my blade with blood. Dance friend. Dance until you drop dead.

Sorin: *Pulls his scarf over his mouth and nose* Nobody is making you do this. You just don't think we have suffered enough. There is a difference between thoroughness and cruelty. We both know what Freege is going to do to Tiltyu, Tinny, and Arthur. *Moves in for an overhead strike*

Shadow: *Jumps and slashes* Me? Of course I do. I could give a damn though. It's not on my hands to bring them. More like Freege's. I'm doing this for a dragon I serve. The blood may be different, but we are still the same. Am I right about that? You come from a family blessed with the blood of Loptyr. I have the blood of earth dragons. Doesn't that make us the same....brother?

Sorin: *Parries and launches three consecutive strikes* I. Am. Not. Your. Brother. How did you find out about that? ...Even so, the path you walk is too dark, while the Naga in my blood leads to a path too bright. My blood balances me out. And you call me brother while trying to take my family from me? No brother of mine would succumb to the dark so easily. He would do as he desires.

Shadow: We are Prince Julius and Prince Seliph then. We are nothing but the same. Only Julius and I made the right choice. You and Seliph made the wrong choice. Naga doesn't have the power to rule with an iron fist. She would rather have dragons and humans live together. I want all Dragons to destroy humankind. Loptyr is the right choice. I AM THE RIGHT CHOICE! *Blocks and roundhouse kicks stomach*

Sorin: Argh! *pant, pant* You... misunderstand me. I never said Naga needed complete control. But I never said Loptyr needed complete control either. *Stands* There needs to be a balance between the two. That is why Abysm was made and altered my families' blood. If I backed down, then all those people I killed would have their deaths rendered meaningless. You are just a murderer. *Stabs Abysm into the ground and.drags a vertical line of energy along the ground before releasing it toward Shadow* Who else have you killed so far? Briggid? Ayra?

Shadow: Heheh....*Jumps out of the way and has Shadowblade on Sorin's neck* You might as well know since I'm going to send you to hell anyway. Ayra. Fury. Adean. Sylvia. And now... You're next. But why not wait and savor the moment?

Sorin: *Hits Shadow with the hilt of Abysm* I just got a letter from Adean a few days ago... You liar! *Clashes with Shadowblade repeatedly picking up speed with each strike* They did nothing wrong and you killed them? We won't be done here until you a bowing and groveling begging for their forgiveness. Then, your head will be offered as penance. (Tiltyu, tell me you found Arthur and kept going....)

Shadow: I killed them for sport. They shouldn't have lived when I struck them all with Meteor. Nor should you be standing here. Now I think it's time I discuss what happens when I get back to Freege. I have four options. Which ones would you like to hear?*Stabs Sorin's Knee*

Sorin: *Falls* Y-you... b-bastard...S-stay aw-*cough cough*

Shadow: Before I end your life....You're too late. Grannvale soldiers are all around the area. You lost. Any last words?

Sorin: S-so soon? ...How did I miss them...? Shadow, d-don't let them take her... I'm begging you... Kill me if you want but don't...(Is there nothing I can do? ....My legs... Why did I leave myself so open? ... Tinny.... I'm sorry I didn't get to be much of a father to you. Arthur... I'm breaking my promise to you just this once. Tiltyu... Take care of our pride and joys but don't neglect yourself. All of you made my life worth something. You made mere moments seem like temporary forever's. Thank you so much.) ....Hahaha... You said they had four options...

Shadow: Light and Darkness are chains. But once one is broken, it can easily replace the other. When I break the news to your wife and children and break their minds, look from hell who did so. Me. Not Freege. Tell Sigurd and Deirdre they died for a purpose. A great purpose. To bring back the God known as Loptyr. Farewell Brother. Hopefully you'll learn your mistakes in the depths of hell. Consumed in its ghastly fire....

Sorin: Tsk...

Shadow: Tell me how should I break your Wife and children? Beating the all hell out of your wife? Or how about raping her until death? Even better why don't I have your children watch? And if you live and allowed to keep you, I can let you witness BOTH happen. Or all three. Pick your poison.

Sorin: ...*Stands up through the pain* What did you just say? *Black and White energy surround Sorin* If you touch her, I swear before the gods, I will end you. I don't care how immortal or otherwise you are. You can struggle all you want. *Punches Shadow in the stomach and the face knocking him into a tree* In the end I'll still win. *Dashes toward Shadow leaving an afterimage and impales him through the torso sticking him to the tree as it falls*

Shadow: ...Run...keep running...little man....I may die....here. But I am a Phoenix. I will always return.....Brother....

Sorin: *pant, pant* ...Heheh...*Falls after making some distance between himself and Shadow* D-damnit... I've lost too much blood... *Hears voices and a baby crying in one direction with wind magic being used in the other* And when the snow falls, I've still failed...*Passes out*

Shadow: Pathetic.*Gets up and walks over to Sorin* Did you think I'm that weak?*Takes Abysm and Puts Shadowblade in Right hand.* Tell me how it feels when two blades are in your back.*Pierced his back with both swords.* Hehehehehe....HAHAHAHA! My mission is done*Takes Shadowblade and Abysm.* This will make a fine present for Julius Eh? See you on the other side. *Walks away*

Edited by Sorin
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Maybe. This was just a retelling through our perceptive. IF we did more throughout the ages I wouldn't be surprised.

We still need one for Chapter 7

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We still need one for Chapter 7

Work on it tomorrow with Duck(If he's around) And the one with FE7 since me and him are uncles apparently.

bro kingdom's gotta make a skit. No questions asked

Dude. I support this. When Marth get's back man..

Edited by shadowfrost zenbiniar
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Screw it, I've tried to edit three times and it doesn't work, I'll take the double post charge:

[spoiler=Sorry this is so long]Anon: Pfff...alright, time to get to letter making *dips pen in ink*...*sigh* Sometimes, I tell you, just some times...

Dear Block,

I have an urgent task for you. On the back of this letter are coordinates, encrypted by yours truly. Unless you've been an incredibly stupid hormonal idiot given this red haired plague, no one else should be able to break it, which is very good. These coordinates lead to an abandoned safe house deep in Ferox, located under flat ground. I want you to take our family there. Pack what you will, but make it snappy. It's one of the few safe places existent anymore, maybe the only were fighting isn't a general requirement or constant threat. You have by now likely noticed a second set of differently encrypted coordinates, again that only you should know how to break, and I desire you to report to these coordinates after bringing our family, all of them, to the safe spot. And I want you to report alone. Leave everyone else at the first location, they'll be safe there. And I do mean everyone. Make haste and oblige, I will need your talents quite soon, and though I have great trust in you, I also wish to take every measure to protect as many people as possible, and your presence is necessary for that.

-Anonymous Z. Speed, eldest sibling.

Anon flipped over the letter after the ink had dried. One set of coordinates led to the Shepherd's base, in a mountainous pass near the border of Plegia. In the even his note was intercepted of misplaced, he could not afford to reveal the bases true location directly. The second set, the location of the Dreamer base. was indeed encrypted differently. He and Block had always been fond of spy tricks, and had made five separate methods of encoding numbers, messages, directions and more as children that even then still received quite a bit of use between them. Not a single other person knew how to break it, and they were made to be nigh unbreakable with years of refinement, leading the would be reader to many false ends that would take them to completely incorrect places. Anon had always had trust in Block, and then was no exception. It would likely take him no more than twenty minutes to figure out the coordinates, and hopefully no more than a few days for him to arrive. However, that did depend, as Block likely kept the family moving to avoid detection. He had always been very enthusiastic about situations like these, and would surely be very helpful once he arrived. Anon rolled up the note, tied to the foot of the carrier pigeon he used to communicate, trained to go to the other brother, wherever they were, and set them out into the dusk.

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[spoiler=Arm Guard - Phoibus]He has no idea why he gave it to her.

That arm guard... his most prized, non-living and tangible, possession... he just gave it to her. Klotho, a young girl with an assassin's eyes and an innocent's heart. Stubborn as all hell, who would give anything for her 'family'. He understands that. He admires that, even.

But to give away THAT... what sort of spell was that girl casting?

He need only close his eyes to remember her. Alexandra, his wife. Beautiful blonde curls that bounced with every bright and warm laugh. Sparkling grey eyes that always lit up when she smiled. He had adored her. He still does.

Back then, when he was simply Arthur Zatara and Agrona was simply 'Elspeth', people married young. 14, 15, 16 or thereabouts. There'd been wars going on, after all. Bloody ones that scared everyone into moving faster and faster. Even two assassins weren't immune. It had been secret, of course. The Guild Masters would've killed them, had they'd known. A sympathetic priest had presided. The only witness had been Elspeth. She'd been so happy to see it. Teased him heavily about settling down, raising a family. He'd... he'd wanted it too.

A year later, the two of them had started to get their memories back. Their memories as Phoibus and Agrona, the warriors of Doma and Mila. They hadn't known what they were, though, of course. Just... shadows. Nightmares. He always remembered the many times he died, or should've died. He'd wake up in the middle of the night, choking on screams, until Alexandra cooed and whispered reassurances in his ear, and got him to rest again.

A year after that... two years after they'd been married... Alexandra had died. A Guild Master had died at around the same time. Everyone knew what had happened. The Guild Master had tried to force himself on Alexandra, and she'd killed him for it, only for the other Guild Masters to execute her. The only thing left of her was her arm guard, her pride and joy, handcrafted by her father before he passed away and she was forced into the assassin business. Not even THAT would've been left, except Agrona-Elspeth had managed to snatch it off her corpse before they burned it into fertilizer.

Three months later, Tabitha was dead, he rampaged, and regained all his memories. Returned to the life of Phoibus, letting 'Arthur' die with his wife, Alexandra.

Except not really, because he clung to the arm guard. He cleaned it, replaced the broken, rotting, breaking parts, keeping it as intact as possible, because he remembered just how much she'd loved it. If it was still whole, then he could pretend he hadn't failed to protect her, hadn't failed in saving her.

Yet, when the thought crossed his mind to give it to Klotho, he hadn't even hesitated. Why? Why would he give it away? Especially for some... fascinatingly beautiful girl? Why?

"Phoiby..." He starts as Aimee stirs beside me and twists to see her smiling at him, reaching out for a hug. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he lies with a smile as he bends down to kiss her, wishing for gold or white hair and grey-silver eyes instead of crimson. "Sorry to wake you."

"It's okay. I'm a little cold, though."

"Then let me warm you up."

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[spoiler=Arm Guard - Phoibus]He has no idea why he gave it to her.

That arm guard... his most prized, non-living and tangible, possession... he just gave it to her. Klotho, a young girl with an assassin's eyes and an innocent's heart. Stubborn as all hell, who would give anything for her 'family'. He understands that. He admires that, even.

But to give away THAT... what sort of spell was that girl casting?

He need only close his eyes to remember her. Alexandra, his wife. Beautiful blonde curls that bounced with every bright and warm laugh. Sparkling grey eyes that always lit up when she smiled. He had adored her. He still does.

Back then, when he was simply Arthur Zatara and Agrona was simply 'Elspeth', people married young. 14, 15, 16 or thereabouts. There'd been wars going on, after all. Bloody ones that scared everyone into moving faster and faster. Even two assassins weren't immune. It had been secret, of course. The Guild Masters would've killed them, had they'd known. A sympathetic priest had presided. The only witness had been Elspeth. She'd been so happy to see it. Teased him heavily about settling down, raising a family. He'd... he'd wanted it too.

A year later, the two of them had started to get their memories back. Their memories as Phoibus and Agrona, the warriors of Doma and Mila. They hadn't known what they were, though, of course. Just... shadows. Nightmares. He always remembered the many times he died, or should've died. He'd wake up in the middle of the night, choking on screams, until Alexandra cooed and whispered reassurances in his ear, and got him to rest again.

A year after that... two years after they'd been married... Alexandra had died. A Guild Master had died at around the same time. Everyone knew what had happened. The Guild Master had tried to force himself on Alexandra, and she'd killed him for it, only for the other Guild Masters to execute her. The only thing left of her was her arm guard, her pride and joy, handcrafted by her father before he passed away and she was forced into the assassin business. Not even THAT would've been left, except Agrona-Elspeth had managed to snatch it off her corpse before they burned it into fertilizer.

Three months later, Tabitha was dead, he rampaged, and regained all his memories. Returned to the life of Phoibus, letting 'Arthur' die with his wife, Alexandra.

Except not really, because he clung to the arm guard. He cleaned it, replaced the broken, rotting, breaking parts, keeping it as intact as possible, because he remembered just how much she'd loved it. If it was still whole, then he could pretend he hadn't failed to protect her, hadn't failed in saving her.

Yet, when the thought crossed his mind to give it to Klotho, he hadn't even hesitated. Why? Why would he give it away? Especially for some... fascinatingly beautiful girl? Why?

"Phoiby..." He starts as Aimee stirs beside me and twists to see her smiling at him, reaching out for a hug. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he lies with a smile as he bends down to kiss her, wishing for gold or white hair and grey-silver eyes instead of crimson. "Sorry to wake you."

"It's okay. I'm a little cold, though."

"Then let me warm you up."

You couldn't have done that 3 minutes earlier?

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You couldn't have done that 3 minutes earlier?

Obviously not, since I didn't. I had a lot of editing to do to get all the thoughts coherent.

Edited by Kat
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I have no idea what's happening right now. I kinda rage quit when I saw the number of threads this thing has. But if someone explains stuff to me, I'll gladly work on it. But I can't work until Saturday or Sunday because I'm on vacation and I'd kill myself if I were to post something that long on my phone.

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I have no idea what's happening right now. I kinda rage quit when I saw the number of threads this thing has. But if someone explains stuff to me, I'll gladly work on it. But I can't work until Saturday or Sunday because I'm on vacation and I'd kill myself if I were to post something that long on my phone.

Ok. We were hesitant in doing that Behalla without you, but now we need you for Chapter 7. Basically it's a retelling through our eyes in the headcanon.

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