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So What Do You Guys Think About An "SF Cupid Messenger Event" Occuring In Honour of Valentine's Day?


SF Cupid Messenger Event Poll  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Is an SF Cupid Messenger Event a good idea?

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you are all so moe and I would participate like hell if I were feeling not-shit that day (unlikely) because even though I could be super smug guy like "I'll just tell them myself" over here there are these things:

- fuck me can't do it shit


- pretending to be anonymous (it will probably be obvious which ones are from me but still) will make it -exciting- and gay and everyone loves that.

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yeah i could use the self esteem boost (if i don't get any messages it'll because all of my admirers were out to lunch, man i even have the perfect excuse good job refa you r001)

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We've already seen people openly creep on women. Imagine how many creeps would come out of the woodwork if it was anonymous.

Let's not do this. Let's not even think of doing this.

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Well, based on the nos outweighing the yeses rather heavily (and the fact that a few of the yeses were just so you could laugh at the drama that arises from this event), I guess I personally won't be running this. If anyone else wants to run this, feel free to. And, I hope it won't turn out as badly as a lot of you said it would.

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Well, based on the nos outweighing the yeses rather heavily (and the fact that a few of the yeses were just so you could laugh at the drama that arises from this event), I guess I personally won't be running this. If anyone else wants to run this, feel free to. And, I hope it won't turn out as badly as a lot of you said it would.

Aww, c'mon Randoman, you're not going to do it?. Do it anyway! DEFY THE ODDS WHEN THEY STACK AGAINST YOU!

But really, I just want to see what kinds of reactions people will have when they get the most random-as-fuck message like "ur hawt, letz cyber," or something that's...less tame. It'll be funny!

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or things like Integrity brutally murdering anyone that messages Freohr

Why does everybody picture him as the violent/angry, jealous type... like... even some of the people who know him x3

(or even Tangerine for that matter, though I think that's the first time I ever saw something like that about her)

I like the idea of spreading nice messages (although, I do wonder is it "nice" or "nice~~~"? Given the specific day it is meant to take place I'm not quite sure x3) but... I dunno, would it be better off just having people do this not-anonymously or would it be fine either way... I guess mainly I'm not even sure how to take this ^o^

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Why does everybody picture him as the violent/angry, jealous type... like... even some of the people who know him x3

I've noticed that a lot of people assume that boy/girlfriends get angry or jealous when someone "sweet talks" their significant other.
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Naaah, I think everybody should put a random number up to 4 digits long at the end of this URL http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=

and message them with "eh bby u want sum fuck"

You. . .you really don't like Raven, do you. . . :P:

(if this happens, I'll prepare popcorn)

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