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fwiw I think the 'Shin is voting people who voted him' argument is bad.

That was going from my experience as scum. I tend to make cases on people who are casing me, just because it's easier.

Anyways, if he tends to do that then Shin's null.

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well, yes, if it happens over a prolonged period of time then it's scummy but stuff like that is hard to say at the end of D1 when more than half the players in the game have expressed suspicion on you at one point or the other.

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"Where's your motivation?" Elsewhere, apparently. This game is hard to keep up with because of Real Life Shenanigans cropping up whenever I try to read or get a post out.

Marth's content is better recently and I'm unsure if he would try and shut himself out of the chance to jump basically every viable counterwagon to himself as scum here.

I'm hesitant to go for a Junko lynch because his play here is basically the same as the mafiascum game we both signed up to (it was a horrible mistake btw fuck mafiascum) and I basically thought he was the scummiest player itg and his slot got lynched in LYLO or something because of it. Actually, I think he did even less there than here so yeah.

Shinori's stuff reads like scumnori trying to blend in rather than than townori being loud about his opinions. I get that he's busy and stuff but idk, his posts are sort of lacking energy (and the personality that usually comes across in his town posts).

BBM's Randa case seems good so I should probably actually read the slot again, since I don't feel good about most of the other wagons atm.

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At this point I might as well out that I intend to make Via watch Refa. Any objections to that?

I'm almost cretain that Refa is town due to how contributing he's been and the tone of his posts, and I think he's a likely kill target.

I'll post the command once I go to sleep, which will probably be in less than an hour.

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Bluedoom (5): BBM, MancerNecro, SB, Eclipse, Shinori

Randa (5): Reinfleche, dirge of swans, Paperblade, Mitsuki, Via

Shin (4): Dormio, kirsche, Refa, Junko

Junk (2): Shin, Sunwoo

MancerNecro (1): Marth

Paperblade (1): Randa

Not Voting (4): Da Bear, Polydeuces, #HBC Larsa, Euklyd

If these are actually the votals, I'm going to switch my vote to Randa. How much time do we have left again?

@Boron, why do you think it's weird for Junko to have voted Mancer first instead of Shin? Junko posted logic on why he thought Mancer was scum, why did it matter that it was less recent? He also provided an explanation on why he voteswitched (Mancer's Marth case being better), what do you think about it?

Mitsuki, I don't think it's weird that Junk voted Mancer first instead of Shin. I have not to said that at all. I think it's weird that he sat on his vote and did nothing to push the person he was voting after he voted them, but rather pushed someone else he was not voting while he still had a vote on someone else but not doing anything to push them. Also, Junk's explanations in general feel very lackluster, and that's when I can even find or understand them.

I'm not interested in lynching Shin or Marth today.

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Randa needs a sub. Contact me or Prims if you want to sub.

!Q@W#$E%R^&T*Y*OU(P@#(*$P)$(U$ ()$())(){@I*(!#P) ()( ) ARE YOU SERIOUS :|

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I'm 100% okay with being targeted tonight, but I'm not sure why Mitsuki outed her watch target since mafia is definitely not going to target Refa now lol

also let's save the mods a sub and just lynch Randa y/n

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!Q@W#$E%R^&T*Y*OU(P@#(*$P)$(U$ ()$())(){@I*(!#P) ()( ) ARE YOU SERIOUS :|

exactly how I felt when I saw the announcement too, you are not alone

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I am totally fine with lynching Randa, especially if he's gonna flake out at this time. I dunno if he has real life commitments or if he just doesn't want his ass lynched, but :|


##Vote: Randa

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Well, I did say slowly. You guys post a lot.

I remain unimpressed by Randa's content. Yeah he makes giant wallposts but that's not an alignment indicative thing and his post quality is still low and a lot of his responses are not particularly useful in the listpost. Shit like "that's gonna bite you in the ass" in the future doesn't strike me as a townie attitude. It's just far too much talk, far too little real results for my liking. I think at this point if I go on any further it'll just be me restating stuff I've said every other post.

I feel like Shin keeps making some progress and then backtracking on it. Stuff like saying he

'll use a role that isn't useful to town if he's about to be lynched does not exactly scream like a townie motivation to me, and more trying to get people off his case with threats rather than reasons for him actually being town. Posts like that make me shaky on him and I wouldn't be opposed to a lynch there in all likeliness either.

I was iffy on Marth earlier but I think his interactions with Refa were pretty decent so I don't think I'd want to vote him.

I don't really have any other scumreads, though a lot of people see stuff with Junko so maybe I'll reread him, I dunno we'll see. I have some townreads I don't think are worth outing, and I'm feeling pretty down right now so I'll just stick with what I've got.

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1.5 Votals - Close to Dealine Edition

Randa (6): Reinfleche, dirge of swans, Paperblade, Mitsuki, Quote, Sunwoo

Shin (5): Dormio, kirsche, Refa, Junk, Polydeuces

Bluedoom (4): BBM, MancerNecro, SB, eclipse

Junk (1): Shin

MancerNecro (1): Bluedoom

Paperblade (1): Randa

Not Voting (4): Da Bear, #HBC Larsa, Euklyd, Shinori

There are 8 hours left in the phase. With 21 alive, it takes 7 to deadline lynch.

Randa requies the sub due to illness, btw.

Edited by Curly Brace
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##Vote: Randa

Checked Tyne-Wear and basically while the general posting style is the same, there were more actual opinions and him asking questions to garner reads over saying "I agree with X" posts.

I feel like I'm doing nothing this game and it sucks.

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didn't someone else mention marth's interactions with refa ...

it was poly, wasn't it?


what about his interactions with refa are so townie anyway? they keep being mentioned with nothing else behind them

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I don't see why it matters if Marth's initial vote was a filler vote.

No, Marth voted Paperblade because he felt like Paperblade was making a filler vote, hence there was a reason.

I wouldn't be opposed to consolidating on Mancer if I had too because fuck reading him + a lot of people I'm townreading are making decent enough cases on him, but I feel a lot more strongly about my case on Shin.

Sheeping this sentiment.

I can't be bothered to read Boron/SB/Mancer/Randa someone else do it for me so I can sheep them. Like BBM, good Randa case would now lynch/10. Also happier with BBM now :)

That being said, arguments that contain little analysis aren't very helpful - all it shows is that whoever posted it didn't bother thinking it through.

Is this scummy though, and why? Bad play isn't scummy imo. Considering 100% of Junko's posts have been relevant and generally solid content I'm baffled at how he's on the chopping block.

I'm kinda annoyed at you for this in general too, like I thought the scumhunting effort was there but now I just feel like you're harping on at what you perceive to be bad play (using meta) rather than scummy play. It's so easy for scum to cry wolf about meta because it's something widely acknowledged as poorly used. Your vote seems like it's there for one admittedly scummy thing and using meta which is actually a pretty poor case by itself.

I'd like someone to claim they don't have a night action so that I can command them to perform the action

Ooh Ooh pick me! Pick me!

I dunno man, I'm having a lot of trouble following this game but I still feel like voting Shin so it's all like whatever.

Fantastic contibution.

#408 still tells us that Junko is town.

"By the way, I'm voting Shin for something that happened at the beginning of this phase".

You should revisit my case again then because I've been calling you out on your shit all game and this just adds to it. I feel like you've ignored my points in my previous post.

Whether Dormio's town or scum will probably be clear based on his D2 activity anyways, so not worth focusing on it right now.

Thank you for letting us know you are doing stuff Mitsuki, this amazingly decisive conclusion really helps push the game along.

At this point I might as well out that I intend to make Via watch Refa. Any objections to that?

Oh, you force people to target someone with it? Lame, do not want. Why did you claim so late anyway? Surely you'd have to out this at some point as town or just sit on your role? What made you think that 12 hours before phase end would be a good time to open up discussion on your role? Seems fishy.

I don't think Shin's getting lynched at this point so:


##Vote: Randa

Randa > Shin >> Mancer >>> Mitsuki >> eclipse

Shin is still a scumlord.

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Shinori's stuff reads like scumnori trying to blend in rather than than townori being loud about his opinions. I get that he's busy and stuff but idk, his posts are sort of lacking energy (and the personality that usually comes across in his town posts).

Yeh mainly just been playing vidya game trying to grind level cap for two days straight.

I'm bad.


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also, as I said, I was debating on what to do with my role. I didn't even think of outing it for a while in spite of needing to post my command in thread, and then some things had to be taken into consideration (like claiming I can get someone tracked/watched/roleblocked or just what I intended to use).

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I would not mind a consolidation of votes onto Randa for the reasons I mentioned before: That he waffled a lot and did not have much content posts despite having a lot of posts in the thread. I do not agree with Refa because I've seen Randa actually scum hunting and pushing other players for his reads in School of Hard NOCs when he was town. BBM brought up a really good and (imo) legitimate case on Randa and I am going to sheep him on it since town appears to want to lynch Randa this phase.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Randa

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