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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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BBM: There is exactly *1* situation where no lynching would be useful. If you think real hard about it, you should be able to come up with it and it all depends on you. If you can figure it out and the situation applies, I'd be willing to no lynch today. If you can't, then fine.

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Eurykins was the last scum, and she's a death miller. ;/ The most I get out of that is BBM being confusing as all hell.

Shinori modkilling himself is. . .interesting. It tells me that he thought his scumbuddy could pull the mafia victory off by themselves. . .

Next, did more rereading. I honestly didn't like the timing of the hammer on Eurykins (despite the fact that I have no regrets about her lynch), because I was working on a post when she did that. Someone offered to hammer, despite my post-in-progress, so. . .

##Vote: scorri

Really not cool. . .and next time, be more active in the early phases of the game. ;/

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If Baldrick really was scum gg I guess; I overthought it. If Eclipse was scum, WTF because Bizz crumbed super hard that she Masoned one of me or Eclipse, and she didn't Mason me.

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Were you using the quick post, or checking ISO's at the time? That might mean you don't register as italics. The old forum system stated the last action the person was doing at the time.

Dammit scorri.

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I think I had it as a full post, as I was replying to Eurykins. Regardless, that was my reason for lynching you, scorri, and I still think that offering to hammer that early wasn't good.

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Deciding that scorri was mafia because... she was mafia, you strung her up.

scorri has been lynched! She was...

Dear scorri, you are a Town Follower!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Following USER". You will you will learn what action they carried out at the end of the night phase.

You aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.

And then that was it for the town.

BBM has been endgamed by the Mafia! He was...

Dear BBM, you are a Town Jailkeeper!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Jailing USER". You will prevent any attempts on your target's life that night, as well as preventing them from carrying out their night action. If your target is performing a factional kill, that will not be hooked. This will still count as a successful action.

You aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.

eclipse has been endgamed by the Mafia! She was...

Dear eclipse, you have been recruited as a Town Mason!

At any time during the day or night, you may converse with your Mason buddy Bizz, who you know to be 100% confirmed town in this quicktopic. You have lost access to any powers that you may have possessed before.

You are aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.


[spoiler=old role]Dear eclipse, you are a Town Poisoner!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Poisoning USER". You will slip poison into your target's drink, and they will die during the next night phase. Your target will be well aware of their impending doom.

You aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.

Baldrick has survived and won the game for the Mafia! He was...

Dear Baldrick, you are a Mafia Rolecop!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Analyzing USER". You will receive your target's full role pm at the end of the night phase.

You aligned with the Mafia. You win when all threats are eliminated.

Complaints etc go here.

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I was rooting for eclipse & scorri to carry the game for town and you guys failed me. I want my money back

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