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Hillary has a 3 point lead over Sanders, and over 50% of the vote for the Dem. caucus is in. On the other side, it looks like Ted Cruz is set to to win Iowa. He has a 3 point lead over Trump. My forecast is: Iowa will go to Hillary for the Dem's and Cruz for the GOP.


Yes, people the primary season has officially taken off. The Democrats' plane lands on July 25 in Philadelphia. The GOP's plane lands on July 18 in Cleveland.

Edited by kirby9612
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Using Microsoft apps for vote counting kinda reeks of conflict of interest. Not only donors for Hillary, but in agreement with Rubio on support of increased H1B visas and against Trump due to Common Core.

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So what app WOULDN'T be a conflict of interest? Some sort of open-source app that was run on a purely open-source browser based off of some Linux distribution?

Pretty sure all the big guys have a horse in this race.

EDIT: And getting some grunts in the government to use Linux would be quite interesting.

Edited by eclipse
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Carson is my first choice, but he is not doing so well in the polls. I guess I will have to fall back on Jeb or Rand.

So, you are abandoning a low popularity candidate for the two guys that have literally 0 chances of making it?

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Looks like EU mainstream media - at least in mainland europe - are trying to somehow make it look like Rubio was the big winner of the whole thing.

So now that you know who has the media and the corporations on their side you know what to look forward to. Rubio vs Clinton. Get your popcorn ready folks, this will be an absolutely dreadful election cycle.

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Not sure why Carson and Bush are options for you then. I can kinda see Rand because he's probably better than the other GOP dudes and definitely not worse than Hillary but what do I know.

But he quite frankly was, given what the expectations were. Not everything has to be pinned onto an alleged mainstream media conspiracy.

If media try to paint Rubio as a "moderate alternative" to Trump and Cruz then there's something fishy going on, y/n?

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What, does Europe not want America to be one of the guys with Bernie Sanders? And of the GOP candidates that are still in, Marco Rubio is a definite moderate, unless you count that Trump will say anything to get elected and isn't what the media portrays him to be (personally, I would like for this not to be the case as that makes him both dishonest AND hateful). Also, if Trump gets elected, don't vote for any future Democratic Party candidate named Lisa Simpson ever.

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If media try to paint Rubio as a "moderate alternative" to Trump and Cruz then there's something fishy going on, y/n?

Deeming him as intrinsically a moderate obviously makes it a misnomer (especially from an European viewpoint), but I can see why it's justifiable when compared to someone like Cruz, for instance. But that's not a matter I really want to take a stance in, I'm just saying it was all in all a significant victory for Rubio (as Sanders' strong performance was very reflective of recent polls, afaik).

Edited by Topazd
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The way I see it the main differences between Cruz and Rubio are that Rubio is younger, more handsome and he isn't appealing to religious fanatics as blatantly as Cruz does. As far as their views on just about every matter goes they seem to be mostly on the same page - abortion, same-sex marriage, gun control, foreign policies, migration, economics ... I don't see much of a difference but somebody who symphathizes with the GOP ideals may do.

What, does Europe not want America to be one of the guys with Bernie Sanders? And of the GOP candidates that are still in, Marco Rubio is a definite moderate, unless you count that Trump will say anything to get elected and isn't what the media portrays him to be (personally, I would like for this not to be the case as that makes him both dishonest AND hateful). Also, if Trump gets elected, don't vote for any future Democratic Party candidate named Lisa Simpson ever.

I think the main reason people like Sanders over here is because of his personal integrity. A lot of europeans are just sick of the seemingly neverending influx of spineless opportunists like Merkel, Juncker and Cameron ... especially the young people. People like Clinton and just about every GOP candidate are pretty much of the same breed. Though it's possible that somebody like Rand Paul would do well in a traditionally liberal country like the Netherlands and John Kasich could be seen as moderate enough to do well in some of the more consevative countries like Spain or Italy.

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Lol @ winning delegates via coin toss.

Who knew the RNG God's power reaches quite well beyond fire emblem

You doubt the power of Anna? Ever since I became her follower I've noticed a distinct increase in luck via making the proper sacrifices.

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well, Rand dropped out. I think it's going to be a 3-man race between Rubio, Cruz, and Trump, personally.

for all that Bernie almost won Iowa, the Democratic nomination is still a 1 (wo)man race. Hillary is just fighting against herself.

Edited by BBM
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On the GOP side, it looks like the race has become Donald vs. the Cuban Cousins. Trump is set to win NH, but Rubio could come up from behind and win the nomination.

On the Dem side, New Hampshire is a lock for Bernie. Don't know about his staying power though. Many across the internet are saying Super Tuesday ( which includes the SEC primary ) will be the end of the road for him, as apparently Clinton has most of the minority support.

Santorum, Huckabee, and Paul are out, the former two being religious right candidates that won Iowa in 08 and 12', respectively, the lattermost being the libertarian "odd one out". On the Democrat side, Martin O'Malley is out. Seems he's become the John Edwards of this election cycle.

Also: this for laughs:


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Santorum has endorsed Rubio, which I didn't really see coming. I don't know who I expected him to back; Cruz, maybe?; but then again Rubio is pretty right-wing, he just looks sort of moderate at this point due to Trump and Cruz dominating the conversation.

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Bernie Sanders won't win because he's too Jewish. And by too Jewish, I mean he's a Jew.

Seriously, a Jew in the White House? The conspiracists would have a field day.

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Bernie Sanders won't win because he's too Jewish. And by too Jewish, I mean he's a Jew.

Seriously, a Jew in the White House? The conspiracists would have a field day.

You thought they weren't already?

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Bernie Sanders won't win because he's too Jewish. And by too Jewish, I mean he's a Jew.

Seriously, a Jew in the White House? The conspiracists would have a field day.

We have a dude that's part black as President already.

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