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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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Tired of living, Eurykins offed themselves. RIP in pieces

Dear Eurykins, you are a Town Jailkeeper!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Jailing USER". You will prevent any attempts on your target's life that night, as well as preventing them from carrying out their night action. If your target is performing a factional kill, that will not be hooked. This will still count as a successful action.

You aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.

It is now Night 4. You have 24 hours to send in night actions, etc.

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Actions are and 5:30am isn't a reasonable time for me, so the phase is ending now.

After an uneasy night's rest, the survivors reconvened once again. Well, what was left of them did. The nearby corpse makes it clear that Polydeuces won't be joining you.

Dear Polydeuces, you are a Town Tracker!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Tracking USER". You will see who they visited at the end of the night phase.

You aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.

It is now Day 5! You have 72 hours to decide on a lynch! With 4 alive, it takes 3 to hammer.

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And that surprises no one. Ok. First off, mason should claim asap.

Second of all, left we have me, BBM, Baldrick, and eclipse, yes? So it's a 3v1 MYLO or else game would be over. We could no lynch, but eh.... At this point I'm pretty solid on BBM being the last scum but I want to hear other people's thoughts too.

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Here's my thought process.

Poisoner actually makes much more sense as a town role. It's essentially a vig except it allows the person who's killed to make a final report, talk that day, etc. Essentially it's vig+stump grant. It doesn't really make as much sense as scum because of info roles, etc.

Baldrick's claim to have targeted Euklyd doesn't really fit with scum play fmpov. I mean... he might be scum, but I kinda doubt it?

Finally, did someone actually get targeted by Eukyld's role and if so, you should claim.

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Possibly the mason shouldn't claim, if we no lynch and they don't get killed we'll have a better chance. But really, it's up to them.

I still feel scorri is the scum. Eclipse being scum raises too many questions about her role and actions, and I'm confident in my read on BBM.

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I'm... really not sure which of Baldrick and Scorri I find scummier. I was finding Scorri a bit townier yesterday, but now I think I'm leaning Scorri being scum because Baldrick's Voyeur claim really had no point as scum. It was adding another info role to the already high amount of info roles, and wasn't gaining any sort of towncred through bussing a teammate. All it did was clear a townie, and the one against whom it would have been easiest to lead a mislynch too. He's also led wagons against both flipped scum, whereas Scorri has no mention of the Objection/Kirsche slot at all, not even in passing, and no mention of the Shinori slot before the results on D3.

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I don't really have an interest in no lynching because I don't think it'll have a point or lead to anything except the person nobody suspects anyways (Eclipse) dying. So I think the Mason should claim at this point, though I'm pretty sure who it is.

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##Vote: BBM

At this point, I am almost certain that this slot is scum. I'm just going to place my vote here and we'll see what happens I guess.

It would be nice if people explained why I was scum besides vague rolespec from BBM though.

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Especially now that we've had a confirmed jailer flip, doesn't it seem a bit OP to have two jails and a town hook? Wouldn't it make more sense to have jail/hook, two tracks, and voyeur/follower? Our roles are especially weak since if they don't use their role, we see nothing. But with jailkeeper, there are two opportunities to prevent a kill: blocking the killer or jailing the kill target. BBM has been jumping all over the place the last phase or so and hasn't really contributed that much to the town except "blocked Bizz" which was assumed to be the kill target when the kill could have just as easily been targeted at Euklyd or idled.

Then lets look at scum:

Objection only ever mentioned BBM when talking about other people mentioning BBM, kirsche actually fairly solidly defended BBM against eclipse, and Shinori suspected BBM but never actually pushed him D1 and then dropped his second highest scum read (after his first had been mislynched) right away just because of there being no kill. Not looking too great for him tbh.

Then BBM was quick to believe Shinori D3 and then like I said has been all over the place since. Yes he was pressuring Objection from fairly early D2, but bussing is nothing new for BBM and so that alone won't convince me he's town.

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Scorri, the last two paragraphs of that last post involve you giving reasons for why I'm scummy due to interactions with flipped scum and then disregarding the interaction that makes me look town from it, which is pretty scummy. You can't just pick and choose which interactions get counted and which don't. If you get to say "BBM bussing is nothing new", I can say that Kirsche defending townies isn't new either.

Additionally, neither Objection nor Kirsche mention you in more than passing, and Shinori also only has a weak prod involving him "forgetting you were playing" and then nothing else after that on you, so yeah, pretty much anything in that vein you say applies to me can also apply to you.

Also, investigation roles have no real harm to the town other than potentially causing false clears. Hooking roles can block important town actions, and the fact that it can block kills two ways actually makes it slightly worse in MYLO/LYLO conditions than either Hooker or Doctor, which can produce clears in situations with one scum left. Protecting someone also entails hooking them, and hooking someone you think is scum could also protect them from a vigshot (though I guess that's not relevant here). An excess of town hooking roles/jailkeepers is inherently more balanced than an excess of town investigation roles.

And no, my case against you isn't rolespec, it's you being less likely to be town than Baldrick. It's called a PoE argument, and you similarly dismissed it yesterday when I voted Eury due to it yesterday, which I don't remember you ever doing in every other game I've applied it. And yeah, when I have townreads on all alive players, it forces me to evaluate which one of them is smallest and change it to a scumread.

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Yeah, and we see how well your Eury vote worked out...

I didn't completely ignore your townie interactions with scum, which is why I mentioned the fact that you did vote Objection early on I just personally don't think it means much.

Also, you say hooking can block important town actions, but it doesn't use up the shot of said town action apparently so does it really make a huge difference?

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So you're arbitrarily choosing to define what matters and what doesn't, because I don't see why any of the interaction you mentioned do matter can't be handwaved away by similar meta logic.

And yeah, I was wrong about Eury. Your point? Being wrong isn't scummy and nor does it invalidate that method of scumhunting in all other cases. And considering her response to me voting her was giving up and self-hammering instead of trying to actually help the town in any way, I really don't care.

Of course it makes a huge difference. Timing is everything. I could have jailed Eury and prevented her from blocking a kill somewhere else. I could have jailed you, and if you're town, prevented you from seeing that Poly didn't kill anyone on N2. I could have jailed Baldrick and prevented him from seeing that the mafia must have used their Sneak to kill Euklyd, which would have resulted in Poly not being cleared.

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I gave reasons for why all three of you were town yesterday. When I realized that was wrong, I was forced to evaluate which one of my townreads was most likely to be wrong, and change it. I've said this at least once already.

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Screw this, Baldrick needs to be lying. Poly tracked Shinori and saw him going nowhere.

Yep. Shinori claims to have tracked me visiting/NK'ing Euk, but I actually tracked him and it said he visited nobody during the night phase. Therefore, he's BSing to cover his own scummy ass.

Therefore, Baldrick needs to be lying about the fact that he saw no one visit Eukyld because Shinori couldn't have used his sneak.



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BBM is town because his objection case on d2 gave momentum to it and last phase his posts had town feel.

Scorri is scum because poly shinori more likely to be bus since shinori doomed anyway and it gives a lot of town red.

Scorri reads of BBM scum interaction slightly more inconsistent.

I have to go.

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Hmm. Not sure if Scorri purposely pulled that misread of Shinori's role PM or if that was legit. TBF I also didn't catch that his ability made his target into a perma-ninja. However, she realized her "mistake" awfully quickly.

Eclipse, are you Mason?

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Question, because I may have missed something: Did anyone claim getting their shot refilled by Euklyd? If not, did anyone here have their shot refilled by Euklyd?

BBM: I withdrew my accusation because it was 2AM and I didn't check Shinori's role PM when I first came up with this theory. I went to go check to make sure that I wasn't being an idiot and discovered I was in fact being an idiot.

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BBM is town because his objection case on d2 gave momentum to it and last phase his posts had town feel.

Scorri is scum because poly shinori more likely to be bus since shinori doomed anyway and it gives a lot of town red.

Scorri reads of BBM scum interaction slightly more inconsistent.

So I'm allowed to bus people and BBM's not? BBM was one of the main wagons on D1. Yes his jailing of Bizz gave him town cred, but pushing Objection would give him even more town cred. Just as much, if not more, than me theoretically bussing Shinori would. Because, as you say, Shinori was doomed anyways. Objection on the other hand, wasn't. Therefore, BBM getting Objection lynched would give him even more town cred.

I have a question. What have I done that's scummy? Because it's really hard to explain why I'm not scum when all you're saying is "Well, she outed Shinori but clearly that must have been a bus." You're not actually arguing for why I'm scum, you're just saying that I am.

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No, like actually. So far literally the only case for me I've seen is "She clearly was bussing Shinori and oh, the scum people didn't mention her much." I could say the same thing about Baldrick. He claimed that he was waiting to reveal his case, but maybe he was just going to reveal it to get town cred. Scum barely mentioned him except a push by Shinori for "jumping on him really early in the day phase."

However, maybe I'm biased whatever, I heavily dislike how quickly Baldrick seemed to jump on me when the day phase started and especially with the wording in his first post. BUT WHATEVER.

This is literally all Shinori said about Baldrick and then put him at his top priority but then did literally nothing to push him all day.

Or I could say what I've already said about BBM which is one person vaguely pushed on him, and the other hardcore defended him. The point is, me being barely mentioned by scum doesn't mean anything when what's often considered the "correct" play these days is bus hard, and bus early. And honestly it's really pissing me off that it would have apparently been better for me to just let things go and not say anything about my results like Baldrick did than to expose the fact that scum was lying.

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