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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Technically, you could argue there are 5 characters left if you include Idol Tiki as well as Maiko and Barry since they have Mirages in Encore.
  2. Highly doubtful they would make Itsuki a refresher when the others aren't.
  3. For a story-heavy game, I consider it essential. I'm not a big fan of listening to Japanese voice acting. Tsubasa's JPN voice alone sounds like nails on a chalkboard. There's also the fact that the in-battle dialogue is unsubbed so I LITERALLY cannot understand what they're saying.
  4. If they had dubbed it, I would have done so. But they didn't. Not going to shell out 60 bucks for something that doesn't reach my minimum expectations.
  5. The only positive out of this banner for me. Finally getting to hear them in English. Still the No.1 reason I'm not getting TMS.
  6. February would be Valentines first and then New Hero.
  7. The mad men actually did it.Well, I got my wish to hear them in English so I guess it's a net positive.
  8. Ugh, way too hard to pick! 😄 But I'll try. Main: Chris Hackney- Honestly both him and Joe more or less tie for me. If I had to tiebreak, I'd give a little more to Chris based on Dimitri's emotional journey. Supporting: Cherami Leigh- I'm not a fan of Crimson Flower because I like Rhea and didn't want to see her succumb to madness, but boy does Cherami knock it out of the park in that route. Across all 4 routes, there's a lot of different emotions with Rhea so it's amazing how she handled it. I'm not sure if I'd rank her the best female VA in the game but pretty damn close if not. Black Eagles- Erica Mendez- Now I'll admit I'm somewhat biased as she's actually my favorite actress in general, but while Bernadetta gets a little samey in her supports, I think Erica did a great job handling it all. Seriously, that B-support with Byleth as she's explaining her backstory and how emotional she gets at the end really pulls at my heartstrings. Blue Lions- Abby Trott- What can I say, Annette is as wholesome as it gets and she delivers in all areas. Plus, that singing is oh so good. 😄 Golden Deer- Hmm, probably the toughest here because of how all-around solid they are. Guess I'll give to Ratana. But really, it was A+ work from all of them. Granted, I don't quite share everyone's love for Allegra's Dorothea. I like her Shamir a lot more.
  9. That is a legit concern, though probably not one we'll be able to judge until we're further in. I'll be satisfied if I get at least a little development for Sharena. I'm not expecting much development on Peony since the "main girls" of these books haven't been the best. Fjorm really didn't develop much in Book 2, and Book 3 spends more time on Alfonse and Lif while Eir mostly monologues to Kiran.
  10. I'm actually more intrigued by the fact that there's not a clear motive right now. Book 2 and 3 were obviously more straight-forward with their "conquerors" being obvious from the beginning, but the fact that Book 4 currently has us guessing as to just who is doing what right now is intriguing to me.
  11. I wouldn't say it's automatic. It'll depend largely on what our next banner is and if it's Farfetched Heroes or not. Because the unit in question qualified for that as well. Could be either one at this point.
  12. Yeah, the fact that OC's are going to be summonable eventually hasn't really encouraged any less voting. Despite it being obvious Lif and Thrasir would be playable eventually, they still ranked high, enough for Lif to be eligible for Farfetched Heroes if they end up doing that.
  13. I honestly think Lysithea has a very strong chance to get more votes than Edelgard. By far one of the most used characters and seems to be relatively free of controversy. Also, not being in the game yet helps.
  14. I doubt we'll be seeing any of Genealogy's replacement kids. At the very least, not anytime soon.
  15. Arion is the highest NPC character remaining? Huh, I'm actually quite surprised. Didn't think many would vote for him. All for him getting in though since he would SURELY bring Gungnir with him.
  16. Certainly a whole lot of mystery so far. I'm quite intrigued.
  17. So basically we shouldn't get new heroes just because you don't care. What a horribly entitled opinion.
  18. Certainly curious, though apparently the achievement for Chapter 4 is already in Google Play so maybe....
  19. Exactly. We got 2 New Hero banners the January before, so seeing one of those get stripped away for more seasonal alts struck a cord with a lot of people, myself included. I don't hate it beyond all reason, but it didn't need to exist. We could have gotten actual new characters in its place. Not to mention it was just another excuse to make more alts out of the Fates Royalty who have been alted to death by this point.
  20. Oh I'm sure she will. Intelligent Systems would NEVER release a hero without their legendary weapon. Right? Right? 😄 *looks at Travant missing Gungnir* Oh that wound is still fresh....
  21. Introducing Lysithea now would be quite curious given how close we are to CYL. I think she's going to rank extremely high if she doesn't get in before.
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